what is it with you old farts and your fucking roaches all the time?
Just roll a new one you fucking cheaps!
back then, you bought houses for just a month's salary
The roach is lot stronger than the preceeding smoke .
It has the oil and residue from the burnt weed in it .
That`s another thing that has changed . The old school weed would turn the paper black after a cpl of tokes and it had a different smell to modern weed .
I remember going to score some leaf off a guy in Brisbane like 40 years ago . Fcker made me wait at the Pub while he got pissed . Then we go back to his place to do the deal . He rolled up a giant leaf joint and we smoked it together . When we got to the roach , he offered it to me . The taste of the leaf was disgusting so I said no thanks .
This guy starts giving me a lecture about how the roach is the best bit and bla bla bla . Then he tried to take a giant toke to re enforce his message and sucked the roach down his throat . I went into hysterics . Old mate did not appreciate my sense of humour . Yeah , but fck him . Power trippin on some fcking leaf . LOL .