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Pipedream"s 150w Tiny Bubbler System



hey pipe baby,
hope you and the family are having a great holiday


New member
Finally able to post on here, and just wanted to say your setup is very clean. This thread is very informative. Keep it up.


New member
Nice Cabinet!

Nice Cabinet!

Pipedream, for what its's worth - That is one fine piece of furniture! Nice thread!


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Thanks to all for the kind words. They are greatly appreciated.

One Love - PD


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Blessed love Pipedream, Great post and very informative thread! I just got done reading the entire thing and now am considering trying out a 8 bucket system under a 600w hps. One question I had is what type of Tds meter would u recommend? I seen a bunch on ebay and dont wanna get one that is not gona give accurate readings. Thanks again


Lowryder grow suggestions please?

Lowryder grow suggestions please?

Hi I am new to growing but have been researching for 5 years, my first grow failed failed failed because I was over zealous.... acquiring as much knowledge as possible I have chosen to try again and I love the looks of pipe dreams 150 set up.. I am almost ready to start growing, I have a 150 hps florolux (mini), a 70 watt security light which im going to remote ballast, 4 13watt LED grow panels red+blue spectrum, and and a comercial ozone generator to hook to the ventilation output. I have Lowryder and Mango strains. I would love some advice from the pros on what dimensions to make my grow box I want to be able to grow 10 lowryders and utilize all of the light I have available in as small a space as possible any suggestions on set up would be greatly appreciated :joint:. Im not sure how big of a bucket I would have to use for each plant anyone grown lowryders with this method? I will keep it down to these questions for now but have many more ^^ I will suceed this time lol.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Irie Lion - As far as the TDS meter goes, I've been using a cheap Hanna I picked up on ebay years ago and it still works great. I don't think I paid more than 12 bucks for it and you can still get them new for about 15. Just make sure you test it from time-to-time with a "known standards solution".

LowGrow - 10 plants, even small ones are really pushing it with a 150, especially if you are growing from seed. Now if you were to grow a "mom", take clones, and do a Single-Cola SOG in small containers it could surely be done. In any case, if you make the footprint of your growing space any larger than I've done, the outside plants will be starved for good light as it quickly drops off around the perimiter.


:badday:I also have a 70 watt hps security light and 52 watts worth of led grow lights for vegging I want to build a box that can hold a few clone mothers with the led lights and 2 100 watt cfls and a flowering with the 150 and the 70 the problem is I am not sure exactly how high i should put the lights. I am going to grow 5 lowryders the first time around and 5 mango to get a stabil mother. How tall does the mother box and flowering box need to be? I have never really finished a grow and i don't want to screw up this time. I am going to make my cabnet just like yours only a little bigger. I need to provide medication for sevaral people with health problems including pain from arthritis.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
In your veg/mom chamber "ideally" you want the ceiling to be about 24 inches above the platform. That will give you 6 inches each for you growing container and lighting and 1 foot of actual growing space.

In the flower section you must allow for three things, additional growth, stretching, and a cooling barrier between the tops of your plants and the botton of your lamps. Now, depending on the style of growing you choose, this can be anywhere from another 12 to 14 inches up to another couple of feet or even more.


thanks alot for your help i have decided I am going to grow single cola and make my box hieght 4 feet since I won't have to cut the plywood down that way.My flowering section is going to be 3' by 2.5' My vegging section will be under my utility section that will contain the balasts and ventilation fans which will go into a cardboard box on top that has an ozone generator in it. The veg room will be 2.5' by 2.5' by 3' tall and the utility box will be the same only 1' tall thank you again your grow has been an inspiration for me. I have not been willing to try because I thought it was beyond my means but i had everything i needed all along.

guest 77721

Hey Pipedream,

It's been a while since I perused your thread.

Simply Genius!!!


Are your buckets see thru? I thought that would cause problems. I would also like to see your filter if you have time. Great thread!!


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
No, the buckets are not "see-thru", but they are translucent and do allow a very small amount of light to filter in. Add that to the fact that once the plants start to grow they are heavily shaded and it has never been a problem. I still keep my eyes out for black containers of a similar shape and size, but have not found them. And even if I did, I don't really know if I'd be willing to invest the money and work to swap them out as these have worked fine for years.

Which filter are you referring to?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Ahhhhh, that filter. Here's what I was using.....


I just dumped the plastic grill, cut it into 5" x 5" squares, and stacked them 5 layers high. Then hung them right over the exhaust port with a thin four sided wood sleeve around them to hold them in place. It worked pretty good, was cheap, easy, and available right at Home DePot.

The filter was used because my wife kept complaining about the whole house smelling like skunk. A few years ago I moved my cabinet out to the garage and now don't bother with the filter cause she never goes out there and doesn't care if it smells to high heaven.