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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...


Naw homie your an asshole.... strait up.
I posted just to try to help the hunt an you jumped on me an ran your mouth not even really reading what i posted.
Now you wanna sit like a 6 year old sayin nananananana i got it you dont nananananana i know where to find it you dont.
Evidently you dont either. Wheres your cut? Lets see some pics.
I think the mistake ALL of us are making is giving you the time of day.
This a forum MADE to share info your here the same as anyone else to get more info,
But you gotta be a bitch about it an act like we need you but you dont need anyone.
I dont even care about frankies but i tried to help.
You just wanna be a prick apparently.
If you dont wanna help progress the thread in a positive way just get the fuck out. It really is that easy to stop acting like an asshole....lol


Active member
Meh... who the fuck are you?

You think resorting to petty insults gets people to do the things you want? You are a lazy fool. I owe you nothing nor do I care one iota about your opinion.

It is kind of fun watching g you guys act like a bunch of little girls.wah wah wah mommy mommy mommy.

I also have pics of the plant but only in veg I could show u but you'd never believe me anyways and really why do I even care if you believe me, I know what I know is legit
It is a very rare pheno I have spent 8 years for again this is why I don't currently have it.


Bla bla bla.... still dont seem to know how to read ya fuckin tool.
Again i dont want frankies ASSHOLE i was just tryin to help....
I know, its a foriegn concept to you.
Good luck on your hunt im sure you made plenty of friends with the way you act to help you in your search.
Perhaps its karma that you have looked for 8 years an found nothing troll boy.


Sometime you just gotta call em like you see em man.
But you do have a point, i originally posted just tryin to be helpful.
Weve heard all we need to hear from you hiding in the haze if your not gonna help then step out, please.
I am happy to do the same so that hopefully these guys can get some real relevant info.

Jericho Mile

All is right with the world, my troll is here.

Lmfao you guys are too much.

Did you just expend another of your valuable minutes on me (a troll)?

Do you find yourself not being that positive/knowledgable influence the voices in your head say you are?

Is spending all that time alone online really helping you achieve your high standards of excellence and social standing?

When you find yourself laughing your ass off....does it sound uneasy, questioning, and lacking both judgement and comfort?

When will you grow something and show us a thread on your genetic collection and gardening talent?...or is just jumping other people's shit going to be all you are? Don't answer...these are rhetorical questions


Active member
You guys are ruining a good thread. I say one comment, you guys jump all over me and drag it out 10 pages.

Its the fucking Internet guys I know it is hard to understand because this is probably all there is in your fragile little worlds but you need to ligthen up.

If someone doesn't give you what you demand so be it. Not everything under the sun has to be yours.

If fait was meant for you to have something it will come to you.

To me finding that plant in 2008 was a sign, it was a fleeting moment which has been my muse to carry on since then

I think you all are missing th e big picture, I have put years into growing plants hours upon hours into chasing leads and goi ng where I know it is, I still have not found it again.

I could tell you what strain I found it in and it wouldn't do you any good it could be a 1 in a thousand pheno.


Lol, and now the lines are even more blurred, lets try a somewhat logical approach to this. Say you do tell us what you found it in years ago.

If its a 1 in 1000 pheno, figure you pop 150 seeds a year searching for it (assuming your putting in some kind of serious effort) now the hobbyist and average growers are out of the picture. Sure a few hardcores on here and collectives might go after it after seeing this, but how many of them have either grown up or lived in NYC or surrounding areas and smoked lots of haze to know for sure what they are looking for? How many of those people could pick out the piff from hundreds of plants? And of all those remaining, how many have the patience to hunt through 1000s of seeds and potentially not find anything or give up after the first 100? Forget flowering out let alone keeping around a 100+ day strain for now. My guess is that number is pretty small, feel free to disprove me if you can.

So in 8 years you could have potentially gone through 1,200+ seeds by now.. Odds are, if what your saying holds any merit, one would have a high probability of having already found it, or something better..

I systematically tore apart your argument last time and I will say it again, Argumentum ad ignorantiam Do yourself a favor either post up proof, drop the name of the strain found it in or retract yourself from this PUBLIC conversation with PUBLIC information before you embarrass yourself further. If you really do know and aren't willing to share, well then good for you, you've won this thread. Keep it to yourself.



I think you all are missing th e big picture, I have put years into growing plants hours upon hours into chasing leads and goi ng where I know it is, I still have not found it again.

I could tell you what strain I found it in and it wouldn't do you any good it could be a 1 in a thousand pheno.

The part of the big picture that you are missing is that if you told other people what you were looking at/for then you'd actually have a much better chance of finding her. Every other single person working that plant would potentially double your odds of finding the grail you say you've been searching for. Bringing up the subject, and then being all opaque about it, is less-than-worthless for everybody involved, including yourself.


Active member
I systematically tore apart your argument last time and I will say it again, Argumentum ad ignorantiam Do yourself a favor either post up proof, drop the name of the strain found it in or retract yourself from this PUBLIC conversation with PUBLIC information before you embarrass yourself further. If you really do know and aren't willing to share, well then good for you, you've won this thread. Keep it to yourself.


You people are relentless. You honestly think by insulting and threatening you will ever get what you want?

I tell you after some posts in this thread it makes me want to tell anyone anything even less. Many of you that have come at me for the information I wouldn't piss on if you were on fire.

And embarass myself? Not at all, I know I have credible information, it's not some fairy tale i've had it. You must think you are dealing with some noobtard here, I've been around long enough to know the people I would tell anything to and I can count them on one hand.

I'm pretty much done with this thread there is nothing here I haven't read 10 times. You guys can keep on circle jerking and competing to see who can be the biggest tough guy, I'm out.


Your first post in this thread was immediately combative and collectively questioning folks' knowledge and work ethic, followed by stating that you have the definitive answer to this 60+ page thread, but you are going to keep it to yourself. On the one hand you say you're chasing a pheno you haven't seen/grown again for close to a decade, but you also desperately want to criticize everybody else for doing exactly the same thing, then whine and get bent out of shape when people question your (lack of a) point. If you came seeking constructive conversation then the first (and second, and third) failing was absolutely yours. To try and exit while painting it as if you've been persecuted or insulted, when you immediately walked into this thread and smacked your dick on every face you could see, certainly does nothing positive for your credibility.
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Active member
This thread is hilarious. I love'd the piff in my day. .8's for 20 all day... payed for the gas and food i consumed while peddling the stuff lol.

I don't see why it should be a big secret.. it's already a guarded secret it sounds like.. so why bring it to a public forum just to keep it guarded.. do your thing.. make some paper and move on.. don't go around teasing. Or just document it like it should be.

On the genetics note.. if it's such a rare genetic representation who cares who knows what the cross is... good luck to the man trying to find the right representation.

Piff to me is not 1 cut.. It was just a fairly specific category of nug.. but I'd bet there were several pheno's/strains that made it into production.


New member


WOW ottoman got it right on the money back in 2011. 5 years haze was everywhere and I was getting pounds for up to 5500 and as low as 3k when it was flooded in the summers but now it's a very rare and nice occasion when I get that old school haze. Someone brought me some GSC that was some of best I've GSC I've ever seen but I was happier to see that slice of haze he had


Well-known member
2011 is not that long ago , back in the day she was even more expensive then that

I wish I could go back to 99 Frank n silvers all day

Recently seen what my uptown Fam called purple Haze , there is still some ill Haze if you know where to find it



Active member
I've never had real NYC piff, but we grow an old sensi silver haze 12 week cut that is great. I crop her at 10 weeks mostly and still very very good...12 week watch out, very strong creeper.

The high is clear and strong in the head with smooth comedown...spice, floral, pine. the smoke is pure i-shence. She gave me a seed that produced a stellar plant and the s1 just gave me 4 mature seeds...ganja blessings


That PUDAY.. Was the official tissue up in NY. EARLY 99 thru 05 then Poof gone. Haze is still around in NY Jus not that old school piffery. My Dominican brothers had it all day. The search will forever go on.

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