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~PIFF~ A.K.A. Uptown Haze/Frankies/Church. Preserving a Heritage...


Active member
I second everything that Ottoman said. When I was smoking as a teenager...I thought all weed was either "Haze" or "arizona" or "Mexi-brick" and then there was the elusive "Mango Pina" in the Bronx before all the skunky strains hit after 2001.

I still smell the original "Uptown Puray" whenever i'm in the Dyckman area. Dyckman and 175th in the heights always had the highest grade Haze us Dominicans sell/smoke.

And yes, around 2002 we started calling Haze "Block Work" because they used to sell it alongside the coke.

I haven't read the whole thread....so this has probably been said 50,000 times....but figured I'd back up Otto's claims.
I second everything that Ottoman said. When I was smoking as a teenager...I thought all weed was either "Haze" or "arizona" or "Mexi-brick" and then there was the elusive "Mango Pina" in the Bronx before all the skunky strains hit after 2001.

I still smell the original "Uptown Puray" whenever i'm in the Dyckman area. Dyckman and 175th in the heights always had the highest grade Haze us Dominicans sell/smoke.

And yes, around 2002 we started calling Haze "Block Work" because they used to sell it alongside the coke.

I haven't read the whole thread....so this has probably been said 50,000 times....but figured I'd back up Otto's claims.
The mango piña from Creston Ave. goodtimes


I love the blueberry flavor. The dj shorts blueberry is my most favorite of all. I aquired that from THE KIND ONE back in Omaha about 7 years ago!! Gotta love the blue berry


Active member
Just smoked some real deal puray last night....fuckin pissed because I lost the second baggie which I was going to post pics of. I'm glad it's still around....smells like that little car deodorizer pine/wintergreen tree thingy that hangs from a car's mirror. The smoke leaves a sort of "Metallic" taste on your tongue....and then the classic incense on the exhale.

It hit me in 10 minutes, lasted hours....second blunt got me silly as fuck. Copped in the heights, from dudes who grew up selling it since the 90's so I gladly paid for it. Feels like 1997 Uptown all over again, as if time never went by. I told them, "Glad you guys still rocking this haze". They smiled and reassured me, "This isn't called Home of The Haze for nothing manin"



Active member
Barletta claims to not have found the pheno in his beans yet

But the OP swears it's in there.

If I find any beans in the piff bags I'll def save em; I doubt it though.

Frank's incense haze is cunning wording to be misleading.

Let's break it down, a guy named frank gave chi mystery seeds from a bag that "smelled like incense" which he bred to some northern lights mystery plant . Now never was this FIH ever referred to as piff, Frankie etc.or ever been said to smell lIke frankinscence..
It is just weed from a guy named frank that might have smelled incensey meant to trick the seed buyer into thinking it is frankincense smelling haze.

Not once have I even seen anyone report getting an incense smelling plant much less frankinscense.

Conincidentally puday the guy that made all of these bold claims about FIH has not posted since posting his original shill thread.

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
No piffy phenols for me, I still have another pack to run thru.
All very herer Dom, which isn't a bad hing IMO.
Jack herer is a very underrated strain, not too many folks run this line anymore.
The smoke was good, but nothing like I was searching for.

Still to this day, the closest thing I've ever had is still Roasted O's mango haze.


Active member
did anyone ever find a piffy plant out of the chimera frankie's beans?

That was some low down dirty BS misleading thievery from Chimera. Because Chimera has a lot of credibility & respect over the years ( well deserved) , he was able to pull that one off on trusting good folks.
As the hype regarding "Frankie's" had been going on for many months, Chimera just suddenly claiming that he did not mean to "mislead" anyone is total bullshit. It was only after multiple selling out of seed supplies for months did the actual "story" get revealed.
It was deliberate misleading deception, Chimera should be ashamed but won't be....
Looks like some Dr GT bs with shills also...

Carpe diem.... even Reeferman is back from disgrace, pimping new "genetics" blah, blah, blah.... no shame among some of these clowns. Taking advantage of the good will of their fellow Canadians to pull their scams is disgusting imho.

circadian clock

Active member
r u guys kiddin me? pine wintergreen metallic taste, wtf r u smoking? not haze with those descriptions. yea the metallic part was skunk
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Genetic Resource Management
Low down thievery BS? Wow.... wow.

It amazes me that this is your perspective, truly.

We released maybe 30 packs which depleted from resellers very quickly, but not due to any hype from our team. Puday posted a positive review, and that seemed to spurn some interest, but saying we lied or thieved from anyone is a stretch... seriously. As has been accused, we didn't pay Puday to write his review, we don;t know him or work with him, nor have we given him anything to report how he did.

Its important to me that our clients feel respected and valued, always, no matter what, so it really bums me out to read this kind of nastiness calling us thieves and liars, because it is so far from how we operate or what we strive to achieve in this industry. It saddens me greatly to even be accused of such by anyone - anyone who knows us or how we operate, knows that it simply isn't our style.

As always we offer a full satisfaction guarantee on all of our products, so if anyone feels like we duped them or scammed them into buying these seeds (which again I see as a huge leap from reality), please contact either myself or Lady Chi and we will replace your seeds with anything equivalent in price in the catalog, without exception.


Active member
Low down thievery BS? Wow.... wow.

Its important to me that our clients feel respected and valued, always, no matter what, so it really bums me out to read this kind of nastiness calling us thieves and liars, because it is so far from how we operate or what we strive to achieve in this industry. It saddens me greatly to even be accused of such by anyone - anyone who knows us or how we operate, knows that it simply isn't our style.

Maybe wasn't your style. But calling a strain you bred "Frankie's Incense Haze" was absolutely a very bad decision and absolutely intentionally misleading - no matter what you say. The name absolutely implies a frankincense haze , no "grey area" there in the least.
We are all human, we all make mistakes. You made one with that misleading nonsense. That does not make any of your earlier work look bad - it was just very wrong for you to do this by any standard of ethics.


Well-known member

After years of many Nyers talking about the legend of Frankies / NYC Haze did you not exspect some negativity after several reports of the seed line not resembling NYC Haze . Aswell as its been SOO long with no description / background info or proper thread .You posted several threads on other released lines with not as much hype/ demand .

You deleted my recent post (surprised again ) in your forum which I spoke 100% Truth with 100% Respect . I have it saved if you don't recall

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