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personal Reason for growing


ICMag Donor
I don't really care what the reason that someone grows, as long as they grow...
My reason is a secret, I have promised not to tell on pain of death, and I will keep it that way until I die. LOL
50 years this year, but don't tell anyone, it is secret....

Secret or no, you're the man, Sam.

Even though I've hybridized squashes, several pollenated morning glories cosmos and other flowers, veggies for my own veggies (a feat in itself!) using the ol' Q-tip method, nothing comes remotely close to growing and hybridizing cannabis.

Here's to and several decades of doing what you do, Sam. (clink!)


if it smells like fish
.personally,, I was tired of overpaying, limited choices,waiting,being disappointed , and watching all my money go to some chump...haven't looked back...yeehaw..been growing quite a while now ...how times have changed since I started..no internet back then.... I like growing a lot of stuff.....if ya cant eat it or smoke it then fuck it... with todays prices I couldn't afford to smoke the amount and quality I do otherwise..and I aint paying 20 and up a gram for weed...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


cause of the toxic shit some other growers apply to their plants. Just look through the grow diaries was some depressing reading. I've never lost more that 20% of my grow in any year. On the thought that some disease like powdery mildew or some other malady would attack the crop guys are spraying some scary stuff. Uh I'll continue to grow my own thanks........


Having to pay over the top prices for very small deals from teenage gangster wannabes got to me. Having to wait around for hours for them to arrive. The weed being sold not being very good like full of stalks or wet still. My Mrs smokes it for pain relief,so I thought stuff this and brought myself a tent and never looked back.


Active member
Hello all,
Independence....so that I can give the middle finger salute to all of the growers out there taking vacations, buying cars, ...planning their retirement off the un-taxed profits they made from prohibition.



Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I started growing after an accident which made me a chronic pain sufferer. Ironically I don't smoke anymore. (job) I dream of the day I produce the highest quality meds available. I read everything DJ Short and a couple other people have written. Study,study,study, practice,practice,practice. 7 years later I'm getting a real good grasp on it. I only have two hybrids it is very difficult to refine a hybrid 15 plants at a time. I did do over 40 this year but it was to much for my schedule. I will go back to smaller grows. A little bit of it gets gifted. The vast majority goes into the burn barrel. Not in a Med State


Take your pick

Take your pick

I started because i was gettin pissed off with the local dealer telling me he would be "10mins" and still not arriving two or three hours later

Prices were a big part of my decision aswel

And drought just after the summer months


I grow because:

Dealing with drug dealers suck, they have no concept of customer service.
Here I have my choice of cheap shitty mystery mexican brickweed (the mystery being how shitty and seedy it will be this time) or $20 a gram for crap that is clearly not worth it. So basically poor service and inconsistant quality or consistantly bad in most cases.

Alice B Toklas

New member
I started growing because my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
I keep growing because I am completely addicted to watching it grow.



Too spread vibes. 8yrs ago I began cultivating to provide myself and others with clean quality medicine. It is the most rewarding hobby, job and passion I have experienced thus far. It has taught me endless amounts about myself and continues to open my eyes everyday. It is a miracle plant. Grateful.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
im growing for pain for myself and to be able to help others whos lives are devastated by it.
I can't afford to pay for the medicine that keeps me on my feet and moving around. Massive amounts of sour bubble keeps me able to walk and move around and live life a little without spasms.
I couldnt grow enough at first to keep me in meds at a level that I need so I started breeding her out originally to see what I could do about growth speed.
Also to show love and appreciation and respect to the people who have made monumental differences in my life and my families.
There is a couple guys that made huge changes in my life, they know who they are, I hope on some small level I can be the same for someone else.

Plus not too many breeders to choose from that I respect the science of their work.
Too many don't progeny test, too many don't actually do any sort of selecting!

Really cant say enough about pureknowledge who blessed me with my first sour bubble that was a milestone in my life. Love to bog for makin it... Dansbuds, jm420 and others, guys that became family to me!

as marrdog would say



I'm curious as to what your reason is for growing, is it for enjoyment of knowing you can smoke something at the end of the hard work, or for the pain and to help others

for me its the enjoyment i get from growing a plant which is beautiful and the achivment for me is massive.

I think we all feel like that. But for me watching those trees grow everyday and watching the magic that is created by those trees and giving myself the pain relief that I grew those trees for.
Off and on for twelve years. Originally it was a mission like Going To The Moon where I was obsessed with beating the problem and being able to produce something no one else I knew could. I tried and failed in soil for a good year and a half before I discovered hydro which has been a passion ever since. Also there was a lot of youthful fuck the government and anyone telling me what I can and can't do.

Now it's a beautiful hobby that's all math, science and love. The absolute best marijuana in the world is the marijuana you grew yourself. When I was young, I spent insane amounts of money and had to deal with the most annoying people every week to get weed. Now I haven't bought weed in almost two years. :biggrin: :laughing: :dance013:


Active member
It's a calm relaxing hobby for me.
I like to get up and close with any sort of plant I grow. Cactus tomato or what ever strikes my fancy.


When My health is involved it's hard to trust someone to do the right thing for a stranger.
Especially when money is involved. (People plan to Retire off the sick and dying)

Plus its good to have a hobby or many..


I grow for the meds.
Before mmj I was taking 13.5 pills a day.
I also find growing is almost as therapeutic as smoking it.

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