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personal Reason for growing


New member
Growing Cannabis got me off pills for A destroyed back & Ambien for terrible Insomnia. It has made me a better father, friend, partner, & overall a happier person. It's a wonderful plant for sure.


I was finding it hard to cope with the death of our six month old baby.
Growing herb really helped me with it, growing beautiful plants is therapeutic
and I spent more time in the grow in those days, watching and learning.

Won't be stopping till they unplug me.

Anger. I need weed so i dont loose it one day, get into a arguement and beat someone to death and end up a lifer in the can. I have problems with anger, im good most of the time but theres that one percent of the time im too close to teaching someone a lesson.

I hate the garbage people sell out there. I need specific stuff to help keep me happy and laughing instead of ready to bust someone up. I need top quality to last me more than a hour. I really need to grow it to have what i need. The stuff on the street is just enough to keep me out of trouble. My stuff keeps me happy.

Also i take pride in what i grow. Have yet to meet another grower i consider their herb on par with mine (in life, on forums, well ive met some fucking phds that laugh at all us hobbiests)

I got into growing for money though. Over time, focus changed to keeping myself in check.

OMG....reading through this old thread was a treat. I started laughing outloud on this one. Great stuff! Ya got to appreciate the honesty:)

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