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personal Reason for growing


i grow for sport, hobby, therapy, income, to help if possible...and pretty much its the only thing i know lol

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Don't know if anyone mas mentioned this, but commercially grown weed does often contain a smorgasborg of dangerous chemicals, added to increase profit margins, making self sufficiency a potentially life saving practice.

In the UK right now, ground GLASS is added to weed, by some truly cruel dealers, so as to make the product appear more "frosty" than it really is. That glass can and does ravage the lungs of users to devastating effect.

Worldwide, it would be very rare to find a commercial grower who does not resort to the use of chemical pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers, ALL of which leave debilitating or lethal chemical residue in the weed thus produced.

In some countries, weed crops are destroyed with nasty chemicals, but some growers who get to the site before the destruction is complete will go ahead and salvage whatever amount of the crop they can, for sale to the unsuspecting public.

Commercial weed harvests are often improperly stored, creating ideal conditions for potentially lethal molds to grow, which are then "dusted off", so as to hide the danger lurking in such buds.

Add all the above significant health risks to the widespread disregard of proper curing of harvests by commercial growers, coupled with the serious risk of getting arrested while out buying on the street, and I prefer to grow my own, thank you very much.

This bud's for ME.


Keyboard Warrior
Started growing at 17, found OG, grew more, people got ill...it became less about my own smoke and more about feeding other peoples endo's, people died still...you can save everyone, so now its about being ready for the next bump in the road, keeping a good stock of resin and genetic resource is the key, lest we forget.


Well-known member
Premium user
like illuminati I found OG and it was just the beginning. I have never been in it for the money. I found that paying $400 for a wet under done zip was lousy and decided it was better to spend $400 on my first set up and try to stop paying for something that could be had for next to nothing. Now I find it pretty hard to find any weed other than my own that will suit me. Guess thats a good problem to have unless its been a while since a run.


Meatball in Residence
like illuminati I found OG and it was just the beginning. I have never been in it for the money. I found that paying $400 for a wet under done zip was lousy and decided it was better to spend $400 on my first set up and try to stop paying.


...and my gal needs it for medicine and I am too old for the goose chase and unreliable connections. Plus I enjoy it.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I don't smoke but I have been growing for 8 years now. I like to work more with sativas now. I enjoy the longer grow and I'm patient with them since I don't smoke. Doing my first indoor winter grow and loving it. I enjoy making hybrids and running them out to f3 or f4's. I keep the seeds then start another hybrid cross. I burn 95% of dried and cured bud in the burn barrel. A small amount is given to friends for smoke reports to help select phenotypes. When it's legal I will hit the ground running for medical patients with great knowledge and some very fine herb. Peace

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Started growing in the late 70's in college just to see if I could do it. Fast forward 20 years and I'm really sick of my buddy getting ripped off buying the shit we smoke on Friday nights when we're having a beer. I say " I grew better shit than this when I wasn't even a man yet" and he says "Prove it."

I've grown everything from orchids to bamboo to roses to vegetables so it's not like this a huge challenge for me so he gives me his bag seed collection and I proceed to grow some beautiful plants that were complete shit!


It was the early days of the internet and I found OG and gained so much of my knowledge and when that went down I found ICMag and continued to learn.

I grow because this plant is fascinating to me and while I continue to grow everything under the sun it is the most rewarding experience I've ever had.

I am in a non legal state but have helped a handful of "patients" whose lives are better because I can gift them medicine. I'm not a cropper and this fascination has cost me 100x what I've actually smoked but I wouldn't change anything.


I like this thread. Here's my short story.

For 20 years, I was a pretty heavy smoker. I loved it, couldn't get enough. 3 foot graphics pulls first thing out of bed then one hitters all day. Prolly around 35 years old I started letting pot anxiety get the best of me. My smoking slowly declined. Now Im 45 and I actually only take a small puff or a low temp vape hit once or twice a month.

As some of you know as we get older our bodies get all fucked up and show the wear and tear from years of abuse. I was a ski instructor for 10 years, a marathoner, and a very competetive mountain biker and cyclist for 20+ years. Well as of now I have 2 new hips and a bunch of bulging discs. I started looking into weed for pain management. It seemed viable enough so I started growing wanting to learn about all the different strains/hybrids/ etc. and really control my buzz and get some relief. Well, by now Im a really good grower. I grow 4 plants at a time to keep it from being a felony where I live if I get caught and still hardly smoke at all. I freaking LOVE growing this plant. I really grow just because I love growing and its a great hobby. I do sell some of the weed to good friends (im not a dealer) who have all been smokers for 30+ years, just to recover costs... I give edibles to folks I know or discover need it friends and family I know who deal with cancer. That is a very satisfying thing because it really does help them

I still seem to get too high when I smoke (even a little) of what I grow. Its usually in the 20-23% THC range. So I finally invested in medical CBD seeds. I got them from CBD Crew and the ratio of THC to CBD is about 50/50... 12% CBD and 14% THC according to the Crew. I am very excited to start my next grow with these so maybe I can enjoy a smoke that gives me a less intense high and actually works to help my back and hip pain.

The bottom line though is I grow because I love growing. Marijuana is really an awesome plant and the growing possibilities are endless. I am hoping and waiting for it to be legal here. I would love to be a master grower for anyone who wants to make a big investment in the industry. I'd love to grow a warehouse full of various strains at someone elses expense....

Grow on....

Heres a nug of Liberty Haze from my last grow

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Because growing your own cannabis is probably the most enjoyable thing a stoner can do.. And it saves me a fortune, £10 gets you 0.7g here, ridiculous

I also now believe I will be needed to help friends and family with medicine in the future, I certainly need it as an anti depressant.


I don't smoke but I have been growing for 8 years now. I like to work more with sativas now. I enjoy the longer grow and I'm patient with them since I don't smoke. Doing my first indoor winter grow and loving it. I enjoy making hybrids and running them out to f3 or f4's. I keep the seeds then start another hybrid cross. I burn 95% of dried and cured bud in the burn barrel. A small amount is given to friends for smoke reports to help select phenotypes. When it's legal I will hit the ground running for medical patients with great knowledge and some very fine herb. Peace

You burn it in barrels? I don't really smoke either but that seems kind of crazy. You do all that hard "enjoyable WORK" just to burn it up. Why? You should at least store it or give it to cancer patients or people with pain or seizures. Hell if youre burning it up just give it away to anyone who might enjoy a nice buzz... Just sayin...
It's my passion, plain and simple. I've been around these plants my whole life. The past few years, my reasons have been more medicinal with the crohns diagnosis and my bad back but it's the only thing I can picture myself doing. There's just too much of a love and respect for the plant for me to stop


Active member
I grow (started up again) because Buying from a dealer or a store sucks. Self reliance is good and if you have a bunch of it , it's no longer precious, it's just an herb. Throwing away roaches and giving away buds is a good feeling for me.


Active member
started growing in 74 Huntington Beach CA

Growing was always been my big


now it's legal...


sorta legal...
I have grown for many years
I am anxious and tend to overthink things
Pot has always helped

Now I have other medical issues and they and the news meds Im on can cause appetite and nausea issues
And we all know about the munchies!


$$$ Not to make money, but to save money. Not to mention black market dealers can be shady schmucks..

"U good ?"

Yea gimme an hour...

2 days later you're still trying to score...


New member
It's the economy s----d!!

It's the economy s----d!!

Letting my line of credit max out just from buying unprocessed plant matter, after blowing how many thousands over a couple decades.

Time to pop some of those old bagseeds lying around at the bottom of an old box.

Time to build a flowering room.


Holy Shit!!!!

Never going back.

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