I am a patient and a caregiver, a activist for marijuana as a medicine and for recreational use. I grow because I both love the meds and helping people and second for the $$. I don't charge patients but overages go to a dispencery witch pays for my grow and energies invested. And gardening is important to me as a challenge and pass time as I am disabled and a homebody. Brings me purpose.
the constant evolution of "why". it used to be "because", then it became "because they said not to", these days it is "because of the pain". I've been growing/smoking/making my own oil/hash for over 40 years now, and it seems like just yesterday that the first seed popped open and a little green leaf unfolded. these days, I am not smoking at all (while looking for work) but I still love the plant & growing it. now, I am looking for pain relief & sleep aid as I inevitably slide into the abyss of age. I will NEVER stop...
I have been growing for 16 years now and there is one or two reasons i do it' number 1 is get rid of the dealer in my life and number 2 is that i can produce good mary j and not that crappy dealer weed that is usually for sale' No thank you.
Been smoking since early 80's personal growing since the mid 90's, really ratcheted it up 06. Too much of my life spent with corporate hacks realized I better diversify economy freaked me out, world freaked me out. I love the freedom it brings, the opportunity, being in harmony with Mother Nature, developing a better understanding of the sciences, I just love growing.
Because f**k you, that's why!
You refers to the government, the oinks, the terrorists smuggling hash into out country, the criminals growing weed inside the country, pharmaceutic companies delaying the inevitable legalization, the goddamn dealers dealing shit weed claiming it to be good and all the people who, for some reason, add tobacco to their weed! Probably missed some more motherf**kers...
Some of the people here have been growing more than I live... But I have been smoking and growing for more than 1/2 of my life. Started growing indoors only last year, though.
Now that I'm hooked on growing I cannot stop =)
Due to my profession, I maintain a straight-laced appearance that, combined with my size/athletic appearance, makes dealers think that I'm a cop. Much easier to just do my own thing.
Pretty much this, as a mid 30's accountant that has moved around a bunch, it gets pretty hard to find connections.
Grown off and on since I was around 12, when I started it was to get a supply for free rather than have to buy a large chunk and flip it. Now I moved to a legal state and grow as an excellent hobby to help relax after a long day, both the actual growing and smoking. I think what I produce is at least on par with most disp. weed around here and total cost to run my grow is about what I would spend in a week at the shops.
Anger. I need weed so i dont loose it one day, get into a arguement and beat someone to death and end up a lifer in the can. I have problems with anger, im good most of the time but theres that one percent of the time im too close to teaching someone a lesson.
I hate the garbage people sell out there. I need specific stuff to help keep me happy and laughing instead of ready to bust someone up. I need top quality to last me more than a hour. I really need to grow it to have what i need. The stuff on the street is just enough to keep me out of trouble. My stuff keeps me happy.
Also i take pride in what i grow. Have yet to meet another grower i consider their herb on par with mine (in life, on forums, well ive met some fucking phds that laugh at all us hobbiests)
I got into growing for money though. Over time, focus changed to keeping myself in check.
I planted my first seed in 1989 for fun, 26 years later I still get that same feeling of pure enjoyment. I often sit with the plants just doing nothing!!!
I get into just about every aspect of growing. I love learning about the plant, lighting, soil etc. I love trying new strains. I've been growing for 13 years the last 8 full time. When I don't smoke I only pick up the guitar once in a while, when I smoke I play every night 30 to 40 minutes. I look at it this way, we don't have cable so instead of watching some swill on tv for 3 hours every night we just get high. Plus it helps both of us with sleep. I'm still searching for a strain to help with general body inflammation (lower back, sinuses). I'll will be growing out some high CBD strains very soon to see if those may help.
37 years, but not every year. Let's say, most years. Even during 2 careers where I could not smoke, I still grew a few cannabis plants as they are wondrous plants watching grow. Each strain presents a different characteristic in growing.
Growing a vegetable garden, flowers, herbs- seeds are reaped and dried/stored in late summer/Autumn for the following year. Seeds are traded, then later purchased (auction sites and big seed companies).
Now we grow for a purpose- those in need of meds, primarily or those wishing to try different strain.
I don't really care what the reason that someone grows, as long as they grow...
My reason is a secret, I have promised not to tell on pain of death, and I will keep it that way until I die. LOL
50 years this year, but don't tell anyone, it is secret....