And another reason I grow
I'm an old fart. Been dealing with Miss Mary for almost 40 years. All of my PIC's(partners in crime) faded out, quit for job reasons, etc. That left me with dealing with the younguns'. Oh HELL to the NO. Plus, you're always on someone elses' time. You got to wait for the dealer to do whatever the fuck they're doing and then MAYBE you can see them - OR wait on that call. Fuck that action. I bit the bullet back on 03', saved some cash, stole one of my bedrooms(with wooden floors, mind you) and turned it into a grow room. Never looked back.
For me, the tipping point was seeing a very close friend of mine in hospital with holes in their lungs. Seen them with a collapsed lung 3 times up to this point and killed me watching them go through that pain and not being able to do anything about it. The last time had them in hospital for months and getting surgery to try and seal up the holes. Most people are going to think I started growing to help him manage his pain. This isn't why. Both me and my friend had been smoking questionable contaminated and adulterated weed for a few years up to this point(sprayed with Lord knows what, powdered glass was always my bet). This I believe caused their condition as I had started getting chest problems as well. Not as bad, but still more than I ever had before. If all the weed we were getting hadn't been sprayed I think we both wouldn't have had any health implications.