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Well-known member
I was stuck on 225# in squats...so instead of linear progression i just stayed at 225 for a full 30 days..every other day i was under that bar...fkn worked wonders, blasted past plateau after that...Romanian Deadlifts are critical to advancing squats for anyone going ham


Well-known member
I'm back at again for health and comfort reasons.
Pumped iron all my life I'm 63 now blew my shoulder out benching 300# fifth time up there she went sounded like a rifle going off in there. Never healed right it's coughing and a sputtering.
I'm back now cuz backs worn out.
Stenosis back and neck
5 herniated lumbars 1 thru 5, which goes from hip to hip at times.
Head grinds and I can hear it, spurs and arthritis from head to toes.

Now it's turned into a lifestyle


Well-known member
I'm back at again for health and comfort reasons.
Pumped iron all my life I'm 63 now blew my shoulder out benching 300# fifth time up there she went sounded like a rifle going off in there. Never healed right it's coughing and a sputtering.
I'm back now cuz backs worn out.
Stenosis back and neck
5 herniated lumbars 1 thru 5, which goes from hip to hip at times.
Head grinds and I can hear it, spurs and arthritis from head to toes.

Now it's turned into a lifestyle
I saw a video of a bicep going...will never look at another muscle tear vid...ever


Well-known member
I'm not in great shape. Not in bad shape either. I pay for a gym membership that I don't use. I even pay a few bucks extra so I can bring someone with me. I ride my bike almost every day. Always try for a 100 miles a week. Usually succeed at at least 50. Occasionally hitting 100. Approximately 2/3 pavement and 1/3 mountain biking. I'd love to live somewhere I didn't need to roadtrip to mountain bike.


Well-known member
Oh luvverly views of the Irish coast superx - makes me want to go hangout by the seaside once again - but no - I have to stay home here close by the Thames river (just at the bottom of my road) - and be a responsible Dad since my son and daughter are still both at school atm - and I've just started my summer grow too - up here on my apartment balcony -

Yes - yesterday was a big day physically for me 7 weeks after my surgical evisceration - to fix me dodgy ticker - and I did several sets of upper body work - using my own weight - and managed to get a great pump 💪 - but I mustn't over do it - so today I'll rest my upper body and just do 100 standing bodyweight squats - 3 sets of stomach crunches - for upper abs - 3 sets of leg lifts while horizontal - for lower abs - and 4 miles of fast walking -

Ahh - a couple of months ago my wife brought home a large Asian marrow that weighs about 9 kilos - and I worked my biceps and shoulders with it - doing 4 sets of 20 reps yesterday - then did 4 sets of inclined presses against the kitchen counter top - and 4 sets of pull ups using the top of the kitchen door frame - then outside my door in the stairwell is a strong metal banister that I use to row with my bodyweight against -

If you look around you at home - or even walking down the street - you can find all sorts of ways to use your own bodyweight to pump just about every muscle in your body up with - so I'm always looking for unusual ways to workout - and often find them - lol
View attachment 19012879
My 9kg Asian marrow - next to a size 10 sandal (for size)
It's sounds like you have everything you need around you man, brilliant 👏 (it's good your all together)
9kg marrow holy fuck, wouldn't like that to come crashing down on my dome lol
My kids are the same man, exams at the moment so getting plenty of brain exercise then bring them down for some classes once there holiday's set in.

It's inspiring man that your still motivated even when facing health issues, your know yourself that prevention is better than cure, hopefully it can help others who pop into the thread and break the stereotype that stoners are lazy bastards lmao.
As an aside, my missus used to cut the marrow running a potato peller down the side as a low carb alternative for spaghetti.


Well-known member
Started the morning with barbell squats (front) 40kg + 25kg olympic bar, 3 sets of 9 reps.

Forward lunges with 20 kg dumbeĺls...

Leg extension and leg curls..

Finished up on the leg press starting with 80kg for the first 2 sets (15 reps) and finishing the last set at 110...

Calfs are still felling pretty tight as I type this up, going to give leg day a miss tomorrow, I thought I would be able to see the week out solely focusing on legs..

Upper body work out tomorrow 💪 my butcher out in the stix rang me earlier to say he had some venison in the shop (wild) will hook up with him afterwards, he's a mad bastard.


Started the morning with barbell squats (front) 40kg + 25kg olympic bar, 3 sets of 9 reps.

Forward lunges with 20 kg dumbeĺls...

Leg extension and leg curls..

Finished up on the leg press starting with 80kg for the first 2 sets (15 reps) and finishing the last set at 110...

Calfs are still felling pretty tight as I type this up, going to give leg day a miss tomorrow, I thought I would be able to see the week out solely focusing on legs..

Upper body work out tomorrow 💪 my butcher out in the stix rang me earlier to say he had some venison in the shop (wild) will hook up with him afterwards, he's a mad bastard.
Sounds like a decent leg day 👍


Well-known member
How’s tricks everyone, hope your all fine and dandy. (Been a while since I posted in here but still slogging away)

With the weekend due upon us which brings with it plenty of r&r, (for me anyway) I squeezed a nice full body work out before work.

Work out consisted of dead lifts 80kg plus 25kg Olympic bar (3 sets of 10) bench work consisting of shoulder raises starting with 22kg and finishing the set with 27.5s (3 sets of 12 reps) frontal raises and lateral raises 3 sets each of 10 reps with 12kg for frontal and 15s for sides.

Leg work was a mix between the curl and the extension also dumbbell squats (20kg) 3 sets of 10. (Squats are my weak point) always trying to improve on this.
I finished up with the leg press starting with 80kg and progressing to 140 kg with each set consisting of 10 and 12. I feel great and looking forward to a weekend of sport, ( though that might go pear shape) happy training everyone and stay safe out there..


Well-known member
I just hang around
... gym situation after 2 years in apartheid unvaxed lockdown
and now forced to get ready for WW3 ...
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Well-known member
Let's hope we don't see another war and meaningful dialogue will win the day. To many people disregard life and have no respect for others..Maybe these unstable leaders of the world will get around a table and blitz a bowl. (In a perfect utopia) of course.

At times, as I get older (50s) I tell myself I'm going to have a complete change of lifestyle and ease back with the training in 6mths time or 12mths time, I've told myself this countless times and maybe find a new hobby to take up or something else meaningful to do instead. I would of lived by the motto 'it's all are nothing' when younger, I didn't do half measures, it does help me from a mental perspective and also physical the older I get and have learned to addopt to doing things differently,(slowing down and taking a step back would be one of them) I still enjoy working out and have never considered it a chore. When the day comes that I cease to in enjoy it that will be the day I throw the towel in, and I'm hoping that won't be for at least a few years yet (unless my body tells me otherwise). Training and exercise comes in many different shapes and forms, (not just the gym)there is always something to suit everybody and to find the connection helps to inbrace it, this is what makes me happy and find it's the perfect tonic/medicine for my wellbeing.

Lots of people suffer from lack of confidence and have little self belief in themselves for numerous reasons let's hope they find that happiness there heart desires and this thread can be of some sort of help to them,(whatever their background) they will find that with in themselves eventually, they don't need to take photos of themselves or videos...(but are most certainly free to do so) I little bit of happiness 😊 goes a long way...

Enjoy your weekend and i hope it's a safe one.



Well-known member
now at 76 i am learning more about recovery days. for 42 years, after birth of child, i started serious aerobics. i had started jogging my last year in college since a guy in the house was training for the boston marathon that year - so 22 then. but 5 days a week for 41 years since age 34. now, it is more like every other day. i use the nordic track pro skier - this is my 5th one, they only last me 7 years. 30 minute sessions. maintaining max heart rate for 25 minutes of that time. full body sweat.

i believe in aerobics!

when i turned 65 i began to freak out about sarcopenia and started using my Bowflex xtreme2 for resistance training several times a week. i currently do 1x10 of 8 complimentary exercise - pull for one, then push for next. mostly upper body. takes about 18 minutes. i use the leg extension for resolving occasional right calf pain, and simple leg work.

most mornings i at least do a bit of one-punch-man workout - only 35 reps instead of 100 reps: pushups, situps, squats, plus 3 stretch moves: hip bridge, spine twist, child pose. takes about 15 minutes.

so far, my motto is use it or lose it.

low carb, healthy fat has been my nutrition for last 6 years. all physical systems improved. just a little bit of sugar to kill the occasional anxiety/cortisol from burning ketones. i lost 4 pants sizes in 6 months and maintain my weight eating what i want - always real food, cooking from scratch. i feel like i have a healthy balance between metabolism / activity. minimal systemic inflammation - heal quickly. no meds.

well, weed and shrooms, for sure. finally have enough cannabis for rick simpson oil should a cancer arise.


Cabana’s bitch
Glad your op went well for you Gypsy ( it’s hard to keep a good thing down man) best wishes going forward.

Gym was manic today with it been a bank holiday Monday.

Managed to get some bench work in with dumbbells working shoulders and chest and some lateral raises, finished up doing some cross overs on the cable machine. Was a decent workout for a Monday.

Nipped over to Co Kerry while the weather is still fine, the water was nice.
While you were at Kerry did you run across any ring forts and figure out how they escape in them…


Cabana’s bitch
I saw a video of a bicep going...will never look at another muscle tear vid...ever
Back in 2019 I blew out my shoulder, tore the hell out of my bicep muscle, where it detached from my shoulder, and broke a bone. I felt a very loud snap on the bicep tour loose burn like hell. Looking at it hanging under my arm was a bit traumatic… because of my “age“ the doctor took the liberty of reattaching the bicep to the inside of my arm by the armpit. My right arm has a huge tennis ball muscle, and then the other head of it is on the side of my arm. It’s quite freak to look at it but it works… no more pull-ups for me, I dislocate my shoulder when I get my chin to the bar


Well-known member
Back in 2019 I blew out my shoulder, tore the hell out of my bicep muscle, where it detached from my shoulder, and broke a bone. I felt a very loud snap on the bicep tour loose burn like hell. Looking at it hanging under my arm was a bit traumatic… because of my “age“ the doctor took the liberty of reattaching the bicep to the inside of my arm by the armpit. My right arm has a huge tennis ball muscle, and then the other head of it is on the side of my arm. It’s quite freak to look at it but it works… no more pull-ups for me, I dislocate my shoulder when I get my chin to the bar
My sympathies for the tragedy. That saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is bullshiite...it makes you eligible for disability lol

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