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Cabana’s bitch
My sympathies for the tragedy. That saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is bullshiite...it makes you eligible for disability lol
That’s saying about what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger it’s complete bullshit as you said I am pretty sure I’ve had more damage to my body than any three people on this site between major surgeries and broken bones. I should be dead along time ago… I destroyed my shoulder while I was on disability…🤣


Well-known member
Maybe these unstable leaders of the world will get around a table and blitz a bowl

being at the mercy of senile imbeciles with nuke buttons, is scary^^
and they are already preparing us in the news here, like during covid times...

I still enjoy working out and have never considered it a chore.

mindset about training is very individual, depends on were you come from.
I've competed professionally before and only now started civilian life, with everything being reduced to a past time.
Like others here, I'm also on some form of disability after having my neck snapped up^^
my left side remaining at 30% capacity, constant numbness

I'm currently on a health quest, just to be normal again.

thought I show some receipts before posting any routines, as there had been instances on here with people accusing me of bullshitting. So just always gonna show receipts now, before engaging in any dialogue. Be it fitness, growing, whatever.

would be cool finding some young lads around, to connect with
just for relateability, which is always a bummer with the demographics on here.

At times, as I get older (50s) I tell myself I'm going to have a complete change of lifestyle and ease back with the training in 6mths time or 12mths time, I've told myself this countless times and maybe find a new hobby to take up or something else meaningful to do instead.

just good that you never committed to a change.
that's the age when it's gonna go downhill fast, once you just stop.
respect for still chugging along, Sir !

now at 76 i am learning more about recovery days

same here!
you folks are some amazing gentlemen to look up to (y)
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Well-known member
pretty sure I’ve had more damage to my body than any three people on this site between major surgeries and broken bones. I should be dead along time ago… I destroyed my shoulder while I was on disability…🤣

that's the spirit! 😂

any major face damage?
I'm always taking that challenge ;)

So Hai

Well-known member
Let's hope we don't see another war and meaningful dialogue will win the day. To many people disregard life and have no respect for others..Maybe these unstable leaders of the world will get around a table and blitz a bowl. (In a perfect utopia) of course.
The question is not if we will see another war or not but how the current war will escalate. As for the so called leaders, these are democracies we are talking about. The leaders are elected, the majority of people do not want peace. They want war.


Well-known member
Each day when I get home I do a small routine of 40 push ups, 50 sit ups on an inclined bench, 40 curls with 12kg each hand and 40 shoulder presses with the same weights. Followed by speed punching a bag for 1min for a bit of cardio.


Well-known member
Each day when I get home I do a small routine of 40 push ups, 50 sit ups on an inclined bench, 40 curls with 12kg each hand and 40 shoulder presses with the same weights. Followed by speed punching a bag for 1min for a bit of cardio.


Active member
As the title states does anybody enjoy a good work out and how often would you train?
I find with age (ticking of a clock) some days can be a bit of a drag for self motivation, or my body just aches and I don't have the appetite for it, these are the best days to get in there I find.

For me getting through the doors is half the battle won, I like a bit of bench work with free weights or if I am not up for that I might hit the machines really depends on how I feel, I don't limit myself to certain routines or focus on any particular muscle group. (Like I would of in my younger days) like I said above I'm just happy to make it through the door and come out in one piece.

I try fitting in at least 4 days a week for a upper body work out then on Sat or sunday I would solely focus on leg work, ( wise China man once told me think of your legs like the roots on a tree) stability and all that.

The morning times suit me best, get in and out and you have the whole day to yourself. I tend to get a better session done in the morning times and these times suit me the best ( plus there is less people in there) can't be dealing with ass holes taking selfies and hugging the machines or benches for dear life.

My local Gym is 25 minutes away by foot so I treat this as part of my warm up with some stretching thrown in for good measure on arrival. ( there's such a great felling coming out of the gym after your workout) ya can't beat it..

Would be nice to hear other people's routines and thoughts, maybe you like a bit of cardio so might hit the treadmills/cross trainers or rowers, or your just there to check out the local talent 😆

I use to vape sativas before going in as indicas just floored me out, now adays I just wait until I come out before getting wasted..(this works for me) I listen to all types of music apart from classical when working out.
Regarding supplements I will have a protein shake with a scoop of cretine thrown in.
The most important thing is you enjoy doing it, or to a degree any way, Its good to be in the rite state of mind from a mental perspective or it can affect your physical side.

Have a good day every one and thanks for reading ☯️

I’ve been a serious bodybuilder for 20+ yrs.

Cannabis absolutely has a place in fitness.
We are just starting to see people acknowledging publicly what they’ve known forever about this.

I utilize a lot of CBD in my routine also.
Something I don’t see a lot doing, but for me it’s invaluable.


Active member
Each day when I get home I do a small routine of 40 push ups, 50 sit ups on an inclined bench, 40 curls with 12kg each hand and 40 shoulder presses with the same weights. Followed by speed punching a bag for 1min for a bit of cardio.
F.ck me Porky you should have massive hands 🤲 with that work out. My work out usually involves riding the pushy to the pub in the arvo for a couple of cold ones.👍


Well-known member
The question is not if we will see another war or not but how the current war will escalate. As for the so called leaders, these are democracies we are talking about. The leaders are elected, the majority of people do not want peace. They want war.
Your probably correct, but I have zero interest in politics and would greatly appreciate if you could refrain from discussion the matter in here as this was certainly not my intention for starting the thread, there's plenty of threads discussion the subject matter and they usually go to the shit heap one way or the other. I hope you respect my view point as I respect yours. Not having a pop at you So Hai, so please don't think that iam.

Hope you have wonderful day buddy ☯️


Well-known member
Each day when I get home I do a small routine of 40 push ups, 50 sit ups on an inclined bench, 40 curls with 12kg each hand and 40 shoulder presses with the same weights. Followed by speed punching a bag for 1min for a bit of cardio.
That's a great routine to be in porky, cardio will help with your endurance levels and also stamina and the burning of calories if this is what you seek, would you train the 5 days or take one day of for leg work? Keep up the good work buddy. 👏

So Hai

Well-known member
Your probably correct, but I have zero interest in politics and would greatly appreciate if you could refrain from discussion the matter in here as this was certainly not my intention for starting the thread, there's plenty of threads discussion the subject matter and they usually go to the shit heap one way or the other. I hope you respect my view point as I respect yours. Not having a pop at you So Hai, so please don't think that iam.

Hope you have wonderful day buddy ☯️
No worries, it is me who should apologize for going off topic so sorry for that. It is easy enough to go back to discussing workout and excercise though. Yesterday I did one hour cardio in the morning and had a nice walk in the evening, and the evening before I put in maybe two and a half or so hours. Been working out some issues with the lower back/schiatic nerve, not getting younger.


Well-known member
I’ve been a serious bodybuilder for 20+ yrs.

Cannabis absolutely has a place in fitness.
We are just starting to see people acknowledging publicly what they’ve known forever about this.

I utilize a lot of CBD in my routine also.
Something I don’t see a lot doing, but for me it’s invaluable.
Thanks my friend, cannabis without doubt has a place in all aspects of life. Very interesting about the CBD and I am very happy it fits in with your routines, I might actually look into that now that you have mentioned it. 20 plus years is dedication. Feel free to post your workout programs , recovery process, and your nutrition/supplements intake, and what keeps you motivated 💪 it will be of great benefit to others and myself included.

Take care ☯️


Well-known member
No worries, it is me who should apologize for going off topic so sorry for that. It is easy enough to go back to discussing workout and excercise though. Yesterday I did one hour cardio in the morning and had a nice walk in the evening, and the evening before I put in maybe two and a half or so hours. Been working out some issues with the lower back/schiatic nerve, not getting younger.
Thanks man, you have no need to apologise at all. These topics unfortunately have a habit of popping up at the wrong time or the wrong place, it's just the way it is sometimes. So no need for the apology and it was very kind of you to do so 🙏

Walking is fantastic and a great way to bond with the great outdoors and works wonders with your thoughts process, I find the older I get the more I want to get outthere and clock up several miles on foot especially on rest days. One hour of cardio will have you repping the benefits from a full body work out. (What does your cardio consist of?)You must feel amazing by the end of it. I hope your back pain eases for you, back pain issues are no joke but it sounds like your finding some sort of comfort from the cardio..

Yes, unfortunately none of us are getting any younger and the clock stops for nobody. But neither is it a race against time, keep enjoying what you are doing and mind your back, hopefully we will chat again...

Take care ☯️


Active member
Thanks my friend, cannabis without doubt has a place in all aspects of life. Very interesting about the CBD and I am very happy it fits in with your routines, I might actually look into that now that you have mentioned it. 20 plus years is dedication. Feel free to post your workout programs , recovery process, and your nutrition/supplements intake, and what keeps you motivated 💪 it will be of great benefit to others and myself included.

Take care ☯️

Thanks friend.

Routines really need to be customized to individuals and goals.
I’m happy to answer specific questions anyone has.
PT for 10+ years as well.

Cannabis has always had a place in the fitness community.
But I’ve seen it really start blowing up with legalization.


Well-known member
I’ve been a serious bodybuilder for 20+ yrs.


how serious? ^^



Well-known member
Anadrol – 5 – 9 hours
Dianabol a.k.a. D ball– 4.5 – 6 hours

A 30d cycle of one of those plus a preload and ur on cycle like a kentucky derby horse


Well-known member
You can get massive, shredded, and incredibly strong on just test. No reason to be throwing in orals unless you are at least 2-3 years into juicing and actually competing. Even if we overlook the much, much more toxic nature of orals compared to oils, nobody keeps the vast majority of Dbol gains for more than a week or two off of it. It's good for competing in strongman or powerlifting, not so much body composition based goals.
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Well-known member
You can get massive, shredded, and incredibly strong on just test. No reason to be throwing in orals unless you are at least 2-3 years into juicing and actually competing. Even if we overlook the much, much more toxic nature of orals compared to oils, nobody keeps the vast majority of Dbol gains for more than a week or two off of it
Used to go anabolic as fast as possible...ur not thinking about waterweight at the point of knowing why we use dbol...you just want cell growth and increased loads in my experience..but yes, orals are not all that friendly

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