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Well-known member
The Irish weather has been great recently, plenty of blue skys and warm days.
Hit the gym this morning at 6am, was manic in there yesterday at 8am mostly young ones working on there beach body looks at this time of year, which is great to see.

Not as hectic this morning so plenty of machines/equipment lying idle.
Started with some stretching and moved on to push ups followed by chin ups... lateral rows consisting of (2x 20kg plates) bench work was a mix of shoulder raises and chest preses , my back and shoulders are covered in sun burn 🔥 from the weekend. Shoulders especially, burnt to a crisp. Had a good scrambled egg breakfast afterwards before work started, hopefully I can get to the pool after work.

Enjoy your day everyone and have a safe one...


Well-known member
The Irish weather has been great recently, plenty of blue skys and warm days.
Hit the gym this morning at 6am, was manic in there yesterday at 8am mostly young ones working on there beach body looks at this time of year, which is great to see.

Not as hectic this morning so plenty of machines/equipment lying idle.
Started with some stretching and moved on to push ups followed by chin ups... lateral rows consisting of (2x 20kg plates) bench work was a mix of shoulder raises and chest preses , my back and shoulders are covered in sun burn 🔥 from the weekend. Shoulders especially, burnt to a crisp. Had a good scrambled egg breakfast afterwards before work started, hopefully I can get to the pool after work.

Enjoy your day everyone and have a safe one...
Very nice.

Did kettlebell swings yesterday evening and today I will do some resistance tube workout.
I have some equipment at home for fast 15 minute sessions. Three kettlebells, dumbbells and a exercise mat.


In my empire of dirt
The Irish weather has been great recently, plenty of blue skys and warm days.
Hit the gym this morning at 6am, was manic in there yesterday at 8am mostly young ones working on there beach body looks at this time of year, which is great to see.

Not as hectic this morning so plenty of machines/equipment lying idle.
Started with some stretching and moved on to push ups followed by chin ups... lateral rows consisting of (2x 20kg plates) bench work was a mix of shoulder raises and chest preses , my back and shoulders are covered in sun burn 🔥 from the weekend. Shoulders especially, burnt to a crisp. Had a good scrambled egg breakfast afterwards before work started, hopefully I can get to the pool after work.

Enjoy your day everyone and have a safe one...
gotta work those glamour muscles! and chicks do dig a nice set of shoulders


Well-known member
gotta work those glamour muscles! and chicks do dig a nice set of shoulders
Hey bro, those chick's know a real man when they see one, unfortunately they are to busy walking the treadmills browsing there phones to notice a old fucker like me...

The swimming pool didnt materialise, was jam packed and resembled a proper cesspit, was impossible to jump in without landing on somebody, was tempted though... Good to see you pops 🙏
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Well-known member
Very nice.

Did kettlebell swings yesterday evening and today I will do some resistance tube workout.
I have some equipment at home for fast 15 minute sessions. Three kettlebells, dumbbells and a exercise mat.
Kettlebells are great for swings, I have used them in the past for squats and forward lunges instead of dumbells and barbells, They have many uses for a full body work out. The ones I have date back to lock down times when cardio took over my workouts and I was cracking up..

Keep up the good work.


In my empire of dirt
nah its just I like trains

sorry for old reference, but I had too seeing the tread title in the las updated : p

hahhah, you always manage to make me laugh my good friend!
trains are cool
i like turtles

Hey bro, those chick's know a real man when they see one, unfortunately they are to busy walking the treadmills browsing there phones to notice a old fucker like me...

The swimming pool didnt materialise, was jam packed and resembled a proper cesspit, was impossible to jump in without landing on somebody, was tempted though... Good to see you pops 🙏
my man @superx
how is the weather going? is it still nice where you are at?
/in sd its freaking hot but it cools down nicely at night so i cant complain
you just have to be careful, they just recovered a hiker off one of the local trails here
i guess she got separated from her group and dident have enough water
kettle bells are good for swings and farmers walk exercise
stop by the other thread when you get a chance brother! and stay cool


Well-known member
Fkn leg day...I'm angry at you guys for motivating me...(walks awkwardly away)
Yea buddy had that feeling last week after a quad attack..

I'm fucking happy man these few pages have given you the motivation needed 💪

Ease your way back into it, form will come with consistency..

Fair fucks to ya...

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