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Well-known member
@mudballs that's the spirit 😂(y)

I have no need for gear, but I love watching others on it^^
also a big bodybuilding fan here
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Well-known member
to be fair, just a liiiittle Tren once is something I keep fantasizing about :love:

I adore that look, knowing what it takes^^




Well-known member
Sleep is worst side effect...even 20mg will destroy your sleep, it is crazy powerful...rest of side effects is what ur already used to


Well-known member
yeah that's a bummer in here

so, what's your current fitness goal? @mudballs
There was a word I heard a long time ago called healthspan. I'm just trying to keep my health span up I'm still kind of a lazy bum water my plants and smoking bowls instead of running or doing an hour in the morning cause I am still pretty fit I can hold off for a little while longer and enjoy a vacation type lifestyle


Well-known member
@mudballs the growing becomes more convenient once you are in better shape, you know that.
just being able to move more supple in there, is worth some effort twice a week.

if being lazy was pain free, I wouldn't workout anymore


Well-known member
Im going dad bod

such a disgusting thought

but I fully understand not having drive.
my own maintenance was just doing something, at least once a month.
been growing perpetually indoors for 2 years straight, now chilling on that.

me finding drive for fitness again, started with reducing plant numbers 6 months prior.

preparation is key, just set yourself up for success
baby steps!

all the best, good luck


Well-known member
everything should be a treat to yourself, easiest start is with nutrition.

my post workout shake from today:

1kg carrots + 6 apples slow juiced
5g salt
5g creatine
teaspoon of black cumin oil
prepared pre workout, then fridge, always fitting the same bottle,
drink on request, easy.
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Well-known member
such a disgusting thought
Ur right and that's not very motivational of me is it. It's true most growth comes from rest and in the kitchen. Check ur macros if ur going hardcore. Macro ratios helped me get dialed in.


Well-known member
I don't go to a gym but I have weights at home. I lift 3-4 times a week. Nothing hardcore but It keeps me in shape. I also walk 1-2 miles every morning when I take the dogs for a walk and sometimes again in the evening.

Diet is as important as exercising in my opinion. I don't eat any processed food. I cook everything from scratch even making my own bread. I am a firm believer that all the additives and chemicals they use to increase shelf life are detrimental to a persons health. Then there is all the sodium, fats, sugar, etc... in amounts well exceeding what should be consumed.


In my empire of dirt
im an old man now and as ive aged i changed my work out plan
i just dont need the muscle mass like i used carry, so i dont lift heavy anymore, but still get my walks in
i enjoy hiking and doing stuff outdoors so that keep me active, but nothing like i used to
diet is a huge part of health and i try eating healthy but thats something you can always improve on.
/and let not forget the booze
im just trying to age gracefully
pops unfiltered.jpg
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Active member
You can get massive, shredded, and incredibly strong on just test. No reason to be throwing in orals unless you are at least 2-3 years into juicing and actually competing. Even if we overlook the much, much more toxic nature of orals compared to oils, nobody keeps the vast majority of Dbol gains for more than a week or two off of it. It's good for competing in strongman or powerlifting, not so much body composition based goals.
Agreed, but I take it further.
Unless you need a VERY specific look for high level, any goal can be met without orals.
Not just met, but sides drastically reduced.
Many orals such as Dbol/Adrol the pathway of aromitization isn’t clear.
Tradition AIs have no direct effect on treating ‘estrogen like symptoms’ when they are caused from say progestin and prolactin in the cases of any nor test derivative (nandrolone, tren ect