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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Active member
This is getting close here..



  • #1 w6 in flo; 1
    #1 w6 in flo; 1
    71.7 KB · Views: 40


Well-known member
Haha, that's the problem with checking trichomes. Here they are amber, there they are white, elsewhere they are clear... People want to look at trichomes. Having done that I say dont bother. Do you need a microscope to determine when other plants are ripe?


listen from 25:25 until 28:30

I listened to that again and I caught most of it.
So I'll try to just watch the plant and her calyx's and try to harvest when the hairs are orange but before they turn brown.

I'll still take a few looks with the microscope just for reference because I don't really know what perfect looks like. Indagroove's picture will help.

I'll keep in mind how he said 90% of people harvest too early.


Active member
Sounds good. Yea I agree with that, most people harvest too early. But I dont want to give you a one sided argument. Bud can be fantastic even if most/many of the pistils are white. It just makes me laugh a bit... you see a grow journal of someone with plants in week 5, they put their little microscope on it, and as they notice a singular amber trichome their heart beat doubles. They'll run to the tap and start "flushing" cause they're "seeing amber brah!". It's like a strange religious ritual.

It's not bad to look at trichomes. For example when my plant has developed "the smell" & I scope it out (I don't) I might notice it has mostly cloudy trichomes. Both are cues that the harvest window is there or close. But that only works if you know the plant/cut. Like I said if you grew some old cuts I had and harvested them based on online info (trichomes), you would end up with shit bud.

That said, just experiment!

Week 5, 6? WEek 7? Cut off a nug, lay it on your grow light or in the grow room... it'll be dry enough to sample in a couple days... then smoke that shit... good chance you will enjoy it. Repeat

Heres another one. People on forums talk like religious extremists about their slow dry, 62% wet 3 month cure, blah blah. Here's a fact. There is bud being sold now at a very high price which was dried in 3 days and the smoker doesnt know, they dont give a fuck, and they wouldn't give a fuck if you told them. Because it's just good. And if you as a grower smoked it you might be asking for the cut, not how long it was dried and cured. Cognitive biases... all roads lead to rome.


Well-known member
I'm not going to bother with flushing, mostly because that means that I have to look at the plant and say "it will be done in two weeks", and I just don't know when it will be done.
I've heard conflicting views on flushing as well.

I've also heard that a plant will double its amount of resin in the last two weeks, so I want to run it as long as possible to maximize my total yield.
My only concern with that is taking it too long because I don't know what that will look like?

The pictures of the trichomes that I posted were mostly of the sugar leaves and apparently, you can get a false reading from the trichomes on the sugar leaves and you should be checking the calyx's for trich color.
It's just easier for me to get a picture of the sugar leaves.

I'll try to pull off a few calyx's to check.
I assume if I only see amber then I may have gone too far?

I'm also very much a beginner, both in growing and in smoking.
I still can't tell the difference between a head buzz and a body buzz.
Stoned is stoned to me, with the only difference being how stoned.

I do notice the taste and flavor though so I'll see what my Candy Cane ends up tasting like.

As far as curing goes, I take short cuts with that too.
I put my dried buds in a big pickle jar along with a hygrometer and some desiccant.
When the RH hits 62%, I swap out the desiccant for my Boveda packs and just let it sit out for about a month.
Then I remove the Boveda packs and put the jar in the freezer.

Burping the jar endlessly is just a PITA for me, along with trimming the buds. They both feel like chores and my cat will pounce on the weed and spread it all over the house, so I lock her in the bedroom where she meows constantly and scratches at the door. Lol


Active member
Sounds good. Yea I agree with that, most people harvest too early. But I dont want to give you a one sided argument. Bud can be fantastic even if most/many of the pistils are white. It just makes me laugh a bit... you see a grow journal of someone with plants in week 5, they put their little microscope on it, and as they notice a singular amber trichome their heart beat doubles. They'll run to the tap and start "flushing" cause they're "seeing amber brah!". It's like a strange religious ritual.

It's not bad to look at trichomes. For example when my plant has developed "the smell" & I scope it out (I don't) I might notice it has mostly cloudy trichomes. Both are cues that the harvest window is there or close. But that only works if you know the plant/cut. Like I said if you grew some old cuts I had and harvested them based on online info (trichomes), you would end up with shit bud.

That said, just experiment!

Week 5, 6? WEek 7? Cut off a nug, lay it on your grow light or in the grow room... it'll be dry enough to sample in a couple days... then smoke that shit... good chance you will enjoy it. Repeat

Heres another one. People on forums talk like religious extremists about their slow dry, 62% wet 3 month cure, blah blah. Here's a fact. There is bud being sold now at a very high price which was dried in 3 days and the smoker doesnt know, they dont give a fuck, and they wouldn't give a fuck if you told them. Because it's just good. And if you as a grower smoked it you might be asking for the cut, not how long it was dried and cured. Cognitive biases... all roads lead to rome.

Yep, totally agree.


Well-known member
My window plant.

I'm quite happy with it, but she is a little short.
I wanted to keep her short so she wouldn't outgrow the window SIL so that's why the small pot and the roots showing, but she appears to be doing really good otherwise.

I might use a Folger's coffee tub next grow to get a bit more volume without being as tall as the kitty litter container, saving some headroom.
Just a normal pot with drainage.


Well-known member
And my closet plant...

I'm really happy with this plant too.
Especially with everything it went through.

Maybe it got hardened off really good so now it can pump out resin like a real trooper? Lol


Well-known member
I've been adding the anaerobic bacteria to both my window and closet plants and I've noticed that after just a few hours, there is no smell at all.

I figure that either the nute solution is killing it or it is happily eating the available organic material and is eliminating the smell.

My window plant doesn't have that algae smell (the reservoir was turning green so I added some) and the closet plant hasn't developed that sewage smell.
There is just no smell at all.
It just smells fresh. (although I'm not going to drink any to test it. Lol)

... all roads lead to Rome.

I guess I've been finding my own way to Rome by hacking a path through the forest.

I want to find an easier road to travel but I still want to take my time and enjoy the scenic route. Lol

I want the trip to be as rewarding as the destination.


Well-known member
My window plant.

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/NFL27jDN/20200801-132329.jpg]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/wMPyWYb9/20200801-132339.jpg]View Image[/url]

I'm quite happy with it, but she is a little short.
I wanted to keep her short so she wouldn't outgrow the window SIL so that's why the small pot and the roots showing, but she appears to be doing really good otherwise.

I might use a Folger's coffee tub next grow to get a bit more volume without being as tall as the kitty litter container, saving some headroom.
Just a normal pot with drainage.

I only recently realized that I had unplugged my window plant light for a picture then forgot to plug it back in.
It was off for four hours.
Luckily, I remembered to reset my timer.

I like Autoflowers...
It just doesn't matter. Lol


Well-known member
I'm going to grow out my closet plant a LOT longer.

I intend to wait until I see fall colors on the leaves, ... orange, brown, red, purple...

And I'm expecting to not see any white hairs.



Well-known member
I want to wait until I see something like this...
(I don't know if my strain will do this? Either way, I want to see Autumn in the remaining fan leaves.)



Well-known member
I had to split the buds into two bowls.

They tasted like fresh cut grass or hay,...
But I think I got more stoned!!?

(I don't really know?? I was drunk and stoned before I did the taste test.)

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