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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
My digital PH meter is screwed up so I used my test strips.

The strips are hard to read.
The two color tabs don't line up with the color code on the box.

The PH is around 6.5.

I'm going to order a new PH meter.


Well-known member
I'm flushing out the cooler and will refill it with water and Maxigrow. (It's higher in N than the Maxibloom)

No bacteria or molasses.

The runoff kinda smells like sewage. Not like the cheese smell of the bacteria.


Well-known member
looks like a successful transplant so far! hope customs doesn't ding you for much.

you'll likely need calibration solution. both 4 and 7 for that pen


Well-known member
It ships from Ontario so there's no duty and I should have it in a week or so.
It comes with the two packets and a little screwdriver to calibrate it.

I usually wait 1-3 months for things to ship from China and who knows how long now with the pandemic.

I can drag the tote into my shed to keep it from being stolen and keep it out of any frost.

Or inside my house but there's light leaks all over inside and I'm sure it will be too big to fit in the closet.

My closet plant is not looking too happy but I'm hopeful that she'll bounce back.


Well-known member
I had the same PH meter before but I dropped the stupid thing in the water and killed it. Lol

Then I bought a new one that had automatic calibration but I just couldn't get it to work.
Perhaps I didn't "program" it properly.
I put it in distilled water and it would read about 6.5 then it would slowly climb to 9.0??

So I bought another new one that I know how to work.
I've just got to be careful not to drop it in the water. Lol


Knight of the BlackSvn
If you're going to bother with pH, I highly suggest spending extra on the Bluelab pen. They will last longer, notify you when they need calibration, and wont die if you accidentally drop it in the res real quick. Keep it in the storage solution too, this is vital to how they work.


Well-known member
Actually, I haven't bothered with PH for over a year now and I don't really want to, but my plant is sick so I thought it would be a good idea to know what it is at the moment.

I'm thinking maybe the molasses along with the bacteria was too much for my reservoir and it went sour? Like the reservoir of my window plant where the roots got slimy.

I still think I want to use the bacteria but maybe not the molasses, or just less of it?

Is the bottom of the cooler supposed to smell rotten?

I could see that being the case with what is kind of an organic SIL grow.

They do that the grass is always greener over the septic tank. Lol

Should I be draining and refilling the reservoir in the cooler?

The plant has been getting nutes so it shouldn't be deficient so PH lockout makes more sense.

Something is outa wack.


Active member


Well-known member
can definatly vouch for the bluelab pens, bestfriend uses one, its pretty slick. can't use strips.. colorblind in those spectrums.

i'm still on the old screw tech from years ago(kinda looks liek the one you had ordered), my hanna gave up the ghost now just working through my spare before I buy a Bluelab..

as for PH issues.. tapwater in our area comes out 7.79-7.82, with HIGH HIGH HIGH chlorine. No cloramine.. and about 30-40ppm of phosphorus from farm run off. and not much sodium

so need bubbling, hence my suggestion of a bubbler LOL


Well-known member
I prefer the paper strips.
It reminds me of my old school hydrometer.

I've had it since 1982 when we learned about stihls in chemistry class.

I never fails, becomes inaccurate, or needs batteries.

The electronic ones are really expensive and you never really know if you can trust them.



Well-known member
as for PH issues.. tapwater in our area comes out 7.79-7.82, with HIGH HIGH HIGH chlorine. No cloramine.. and about 30-40ppm of phosphorus from farm run off. and not much sodium

so need bubbling, hence my suggestion of a bubbler LOL

Ahh OK.
I didn't know that.

I have managed to grow with my tap water but I degas it first.

Does that change the PH?

Could I bubble the water before I put it in the cooler?

I've got the stones, pump and tubing.



Active member
can definatly vouch for the bluelab pens, bestfriend uses one, its pretty slick. can't use strips.. colorblind in those spectrums.
I have color deficiency in green-red myself, which is why I got those specific strips, as I can still discern the color range at least to the .5. I ask my daughter to confirm for me if I'm not sure, but I'm usually still pretty accurate.


Well-known member
I found that I have to go outside in the daylight so see the colors properly.

My LED house lighting just doesn't cut it.


Well-known member
Aww, Crap...

My outdoor SIP container has a big ole crack in it...

Maybe I'll just let it drain out and learn to just water it like a normal grower. Lol

It's got drainage so I can just keep watering it.

It would be lighter to drag in and out of the shed anyway.