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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
did you buy them.. this sounds so alien to me
I had mites last summer.. in a very poorly ventilated "tent" ...
I took some outdoor autos inside and ventilation and heat was shit tier.. Just wanted to make some seeds, no luck.. all fems .. maybe a joint each ..
// had them in a 4l bucket tho

I didn't buy them.
I'm pretty sure that they came in the sheep manure compost I bought years ago.
I've reused, or at least threw a few handfuls of my old soil in with every grow since then.

Something like 85%-95% of soil mites are beneficial but some do eat living roots, and there are thousands of species of soil mites.

Spider mites are different.
They are evil !!, they spin webs and eat your plants above ground.
They can float around on air currents and infect your whole house.

If they ever do get to the point of burrowing into the soil for winter, the damage is already done to your plants.

But I would only need to toss the plant. They won't survive in my soil.

They do need something to eat, so I reuse my soil with quite a bit of tiny roots left in it for them to eat.

I'm sure they would love some protein along with their vegetable diet.
Mmmmm. Lol

I've got a few worms in there, as well as springtails, and if I find a ladybug, I put it on my plant too.

You can buy ladybugs too, in case you have a spider mite infestation.
They each eat thousands of spider mites.


New member
I didn't buy them.
I'm pretty sure that they came in the sheep manure compost I bought years ago.
I've reused, or at least threw a few handfuls of my old soil in with every grow since then.

Something like 85%-95% of soil mites are beneficial but some do eat living roots, and there are thousands of species of soil mites.

Spider mites are different.
They are evil !!, they spin webs and eat your plants above ground.
They can float around on air currents and infect your whole house.

If they ever do get to the point of burrowing into the soil for winter, the damage is already done to your plants.

But I would only need to toss the plant. They won't survive in my soil.

[URL=https://i.postimg.cc/ZK0CdhBP/20210103-190628.jpg]View Image[/url]

They do need something to eat, so I reuse my soil with quite a bit of tiny roots left in it for them to eat.

I'm sure they would love some protein along with their vegetable diet.
Mmmmm. Lol

I've got a few worms in there, as well as springtails, and if I find a ladybug, I put it on my plant too.

You can buy ladybugs too, in case you have a spider mite infestation.
They each eat thousands of spider mites.

Yes, I had springtails in just one "pot" - the biggest plant, they` re gone now after a dry period.. I still don`t trust bugs around my grow, especially during summer...

Man.. can`t wait for the outdoor season.. i`m so plugged..
I ordered some regular autos and wanna make seeds, hopefully

Back to topic.. very beautiful girls... and only 55 watts .. :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
Yes, I had springtails in just one "pot" - the biggest plant, they` re gone now after a dry period.. I still don`t trust bugs around my grow, especially during summer...

I get that, but I like bugs as long as they are beneficial.
They can be beneficial to the plant by converting nutrients into something the plant can absorb, and from what I've found, springtails are good for the soil and plant.

I've had them for years too.
I only see them now when I'm watering the plant and they float to the surface.
It's too hard to pour the water in and take a picture at the same time.

I remember watching them years ago and they would curl up and then uncurl with a flick and launch themselves.
It was kinda cool !

Chances are, that you've still got them, but they are below the surface, unless you threw out the soil.

What I don't like about a "sterile" soil (or grow media, if you prefer that term), is that it is just waiting for a bad invader to drop in and take over, and your grow can turn to shit in no time.

It's like a fresh petri dish, just waiting for an infection.

Then your in for a huge battle with chemicals or Bennies after the fact.

Plants can survive outdoors, dealing with all kinds of crap and still be fine.

Back to topic.. very beautiful girls... and only 55 watts .. :blowbubbles:

Thanks, :thank you:

Those plants were started October 18th.

ReikoX was kind enough to gift me some seeds and those are two of his girls on the window sill, and I've just started one in my closet.

I'm hoping for a 200 gram plant again, and Reiko's seeds seem to want to grow tall and skinny, which is perfect.

Let's see how a Reiko plant does with 38,000 lumens.
(That's equivalent to 48 of my 10 Watt 800 lumen bulbs)

I'm starting off slow though, I'll crank it up when she starts to flower.


New member
I get that, but I like bugs as long as they are beneficial.
They can be beneficial to the plant by converting nutrients into something the plant can absorb, and from what I've found, springtails are good for the soil and plant.

I've had them for years too.
I only see them now when I'm watering the plant and they float to the surface.
It's too hard to pour the water in and take a picture at the same time.

I remember watching them years ago and they would curl up and then uncurl with a flick and launch themselves.
It was kinda cool !

Chances are, that you've still got them, but they are below the surface, unless you threw out the soil.

What I don't like about a "sterile" soil (or grow media, if you prefer that term), is that it is just waiting for a bad invader to drop in and take over, and your grow can turn to shit in no time.

It's like a fresh petri dish, just waiting for an infection.

Then your in for a huge battle with chemicals or Bennies after the fact.

Plants can survive outdoors, dealing with all kinds of crap and still be fine.

Thanks, :thank you:

Those plants were started October 18th.

ReikoX was kind enough to gift me some seeds and those are two of his girls on the window sill, and I've just started one in my closet.

I'm hoping for a 200 gram plant again, and Reiko's seeds seem to want to grow tall and skinny, which is perfect.

Let's see how a Reiko plant does with 38,000 lumens.
(That's equivalent to 48 of my 10 Watt 800 lumen bulbs)

I'm starting off slow though, I'll crank it up when she starts to flower.

this sounds very interesting.. I luv experiments

one q: do the window plants get enough sunlight to matter ? Or the LEDs do everything..?
They look very chunky for a win grow.. I only vegged in the window, then threw them outside.. |


Well-known member
I just noticed this...

These soil mites are supposed to kill springtails, but I've still got springtails.

Maybe my version of soil mites don't eat springtails, or maybe there is enough food for everyone to eat ??


Well-known member
this sounds very interesting.. I luv experiments

one q: do the window plants get enough sunlight to matter ? Or the LEDs do everything..?
They look very chunky for a win grow.. I only vegged in the window, then threw them outside.. |

They were responding to the sunlight at the beginning and would follow the sun during the day, then aim up to lights at night.

Kinda 24 hour lighting.

They don't seem to be affected by daylight anymore.
And I've increased the lights on time to 17 1/2 hours as well as adding the 16 Watt center bulb. (there is a lot less direct sunlight in the window now too. Its winter and pretty cloudy)

I remember that they would still aim into the sunshine coming through the window, even when the lights were on.


Active member
I just noticed this...

https://postimg.cc/ykgLZrqhView Image

These soil mites are supposed to kill springtails, but I've still got springtails.

Maybe my version of soil mites don't eat springtails, or maybe there is enough food for everyone to eat ??

those soil mites can stay around for quite a long time, but they probably wont be able to completely eradicate most infestations unless you apply at least semi regularly. so the mites are probably eating the springtails, but there arent enough mites to eat them all.


Well-known member
this sounds very interesting.. I luv experiments. |

I've found that the most beneficial part of my experimentation has been the SIP type container/pot/planter.

I completely suck at watering.
I would either flood them or things would be powder dry.

My containers water themselves.
I just have to keep an eye on the water/nutrient level and add more when she needs it.

Coco coir and perlite allow the plants to get enough air/oxygen to not drown my plants, and they never run dry.

My closet plant will drink up to 3 liters a day, but I just have to keep an eye on the float level.

It takes care of itself.


Well-known member
those soil mites can stay around for quite a long time, but they probably wont be able to completely eradicate most infestations unless you apply at least semi regularly. so the mites are probably eating the springtails, but there arent enough mites to eat them all.

I don't mind the springtails. It's the fungus gnats and their larvae that concern me.

I figure the mites and springtails are in balance and any random gnat laying eggs will be taken care of for me.

I've only noticed the gnats around the window plants, but I'm not seeing any in the closet.
I figure that they can't establish themselves in the closet, but the window plants were just treated with about 1/4 cup of soil from the closet plant after I noticed the gnats.

The window plants are well established and don't seem to be suffering at all.

I might throw out the window planters after they are done, or maybe nuke them in the microwave after I harvest the plants.

I've only seen maybe 4 dozen gnats since I first noticed them, so I don't think I've got a full infestation.

I noticed my first fungus gnat on December 8th (there were a few before that, but I thought they were fruit flies.)



Well-known member
She looks like she weights 30 pounds, but she only weighs 10.
It's all fricken furr. She's a big fuzz ball. Lol

She's afraid of wind.
It pulls on her pretty hard, she might blow away. Lol


Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would hold off on the nutes for your closet plant, they only need nutes when the second set of leaves is fully developed, I held off on nutes (just ph'ed water) until my plant was 10cm (4") tall.


Well-known member
I would hold off on the nutes for your closet plant, they only need nutes when the second set of leaves is fully developed, I held off on nutes (just ph'ed water) until my plant was 10cm (4") tall.

Yeah, that's what I intend to do.
I may be expecting too much to think that she will have 2 fully formed sets of leaves in a few days though. Lol

I will wait until the second set is as big as the first.


Well-known member
I got pretty wasted and decided to do some LST to my plants, ...

Unfortunately, it wasn't as limited a stress as I had hoped, and a bunch of leaves broke off.
Oops... Lol

I readjusted my light's too...
They are beaming up the main colas now.

I think I'm good now.
I'll see if I can leave them alone till morning. Lol