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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
That's right on schedule. Nice healthy seedling :D

I've heard that the plant starts to really take off once the roots hit the bottom of the pot, but she'll have to drill down 15" before that will happen.

And I heard that a bigger taller pot, grows a bigger taller plant and that's what I want, so we'll see what happens.

I had the lights on 24/7 at lower power and today I turned them up to test current and set the timer to 16 1/2 on and 7 1/2 off.
I figure she may benefit from some dark time.

My lux meter phone app is reading 6800 LUX right above the plant.
I'm trying not to go overkill with lighting this time.
I want to try to get her to grow tall.

I'll turn on the side lights when she starts to flower.

I also aimed my circulation fan right at the seedling to try and toughen up her stalk.
She's bouncing around in the breeze now.


Well-known member
I removed more fan leaves from the window plants.
Mostly because I wanted to take a better picture.
And partly because I got into the sauce again. Lol



Knight of the BlackSvn
Getting closer. Another week or two tops would be my guess. Where are they at now about 9 weeks from germination?


Well-known member
I started three of your seeds on October 18th.

This is a lower branch from each plant.

I didn't knock over the plants while taking pictures, but I did drop my phone.

Luckily, it landed on the counter with only a foot of drop and the phone is in an Otter Box.

I'm considering doing a half harvest then lowering the lights to beam up the unfinished bottom branches..?



Well-known member
... Another week or two tops would be my guess...

In your opinion, what would happen if I went 3-4 weeks, or even wait for her to completely die?

Would the weed go bad? Or turn into CBN?

Is there such a thing as too long?

(I'm not waiting 2-3 months to see. I'm just curious.)

I remember listening to that podcast of that French guy that sounds like Inspector Clouseau, and he says 80%-90% of people harvest too early.

But is there such a thing as too late??

(I remember listening to the podcast and couldn't stop laughing. I had to keep rewinding because I kept laughing and missed what he said.
He sounds just like this guy. Lol)

Here's a link to Inspector Clouseau talking about growing weed, and when to harvest...


At 20 minutes in, he talks about the trichomes...


Well-known member
I propose an experiment... :biggrin:


I feel that. (specially since I be drunken. Lol)

I will chop the top half of my plants when they are oranger and riper,
Then grow the bottom half with the lights lowered...

They're pretty top heavy anyway.
They're ready to keel over. Lol


Well-known member
My seedling was looking pretty tall and spindly.
It looked like it was going to keel over, so I put soil up around the stalk.

It's warm enough in the closet, but it's really dry.
I keep spraying the surface of the soil.


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