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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
She's looking good now...

The stem is kinda dark, but I don't think that means anything at this point.

I'll wait for her to have two sets of leaves before I start looking at the stem color.

I don't want to see purple stems with this plant.

I found one more fungus gnat flying around the window plants.
Not a big deal.
I've got some sticky traps coming from China.


Well-known member
My CandyCane Autoflower had been drying for 8 days now.
It was crumbly dry, and the stems were kinda snapping, it's really dry in the house, so I decided to trim and jar it.

My fingers got all stuck together.

I got a bunch of trichs all over the little table.
The buds were really dry and the sugar leaves just sorta crumbled off of the buds, and a lot of trichs fell off.

I had just enough room in my big jar for the whole plant.

I got 203.9 grams of bud and 34.0 grams of sugar leaves.

I threw out all the fan leaves because I've got lots of better stuff to make fudge.

I had a jar of buds that I tried to decarboxylate in the oven.
I put the buds in a roasting pan at 240°F for an hour.

I use a slow cooker on low with butter, water and the weed and simmer it for 8 hours.

Does anyone know if that by itself decarboxylates the weed??

I don't want to bother with the oven if I don't need to.


Well-known member
She looks good...

The yellowing has seemed to reverse itself ..??

That's kinda weird.,!?

I think she's happy ??

I'm going to ignore her purplish stem...


Well-known member
That cotyledon looks like it's healing itself...

That's weird...
Now it's just a bit of rim damage. Lol



Well-known member
My seedling is looking good...

I've got something else growing in the planter...
I don't know what it is or where it came from?

I'm going to let it grow, I'm curious.

It's tiny.



Well-known member
Reiko's window plants are looking good.

They still have some white pistils especially on the lower buds, so I'm going to keep waiting.

(I'm still having issues with taking clear pictures of the window plants.)

I caught three fungus gnats flying around the window plants today.


Well-known member
My closet plant is doing OK.

Here's a picture with the flash on.
The stem looks quite different with the flash on.

She's got her second set of leaves starting.
I can probably start with some nutes in a few days.



Well-known member
I had my camera resting on the soil when I took the pictures, and a soil mite climbed onto my camera.
I put it on a piece of paper for a picture.

It's really tiny, but bigger than a spider mite.

I used my jewelers loupe for a closeup.
I had to find the right camera on the back of my phone to clip the loupe on.

A dime on the paper for scale.



Well-known member
very chunky girls m8..
// soil mites
wtf are those

They are bugs in the soil, but they are beneficial. (Bennies)

They only eat dead roots and convert it into something that the plant can absorb.
And, they eat fungus gnat larvae too.

The gnat larvae eat living roots and can kill your plant if they get out of control.

Even spider mites, which are above ground, finish their life cycle, stop eating, turn red, then burrow into the soil, where the soil mites will eat them.

You can buy soil mites to "treat" your soil as well as nematodes to eat fungus gnat larvae, but the soil mites will eat nematodes too.

I don't need to worry about using or paying for pesticides with my living soil.
(At least not yet. Fingers crossed...)


New member
They are bugs in the soil, but they are beneficial. (Bennies)

They only eat dead roots and convert it into something that the plant can absorb.
And, they eat fungus gnat larvae too.

The gnat larvae eat living roots and can kill your plant if they get out of control.

Even spider mites, which are above ground, finish their life cycle, stop eating, turn red, then burrow into the soil, where the soil mites will eat them.

You can buy soil mites to "treat" your soil as well as nematodes to eat fungus gnat larvae, but the soil mites will eat nematodes too.

I don't need to worry about using or paying for pesticides with my living soil.
(At least not yet. Fingers crossed...)

did you buy them.. this sounds so alien to me
I had mites last summer.. in a very poorly ventilated "tent" ...
I took some outdoor autos inside and ventilation and heat was shit tier.. Just wanted to make some seeds, no luck.. all fems .. maybe a joint each ..
// had them in a 4l bucket tho