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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
I found another fungus gnat flying around the kitchen.
It's the first one I've seen in around two weeks.

I'm not going to worry about it.
I figure that if I have healthy living soil, and a healthy living plant, they won't get out of control.


Well-known member
I went to pull out one of Reiko's plants to put her on the counter for some pictures, and it was REALLY wobbly, and looked like it was ready to keel over, so I just left it.

They are really top heavy, and had no wind to toughen up their stocks.

So here they are unposed...



Well-known member
There's not much action going on with my sprout, but she is probably drilling herself a 15" tap root.

I'm not going to dig her up to find out though...
But I do want to... lol

You can see her first set of leaves...



Well-known member
Well hello sunshine :wave:

I've been trying to take a clear picture of my sprout with my new camera/cellphone.

I was thinking about clipping my jewelers loupe to my phone, but it's got four cameras on the back and I don't know which one to clip it to?

And I don't want to scratch up my lenses.

Macro is good enough.
I don't need microscopic magnification even with the trichs.

I don't want to bother with checking trichs anymore.
I'll just learn to read my plant with my naked eyes.

(Well, reading glasses maybe. My eyes are old. Lol)


Well-known member
I'm only running the ceiling lights now and they're turned down below test current.

I don't want to broil or sunburn my plant again.

As much as I like seeing purple, tanned stems, I want to avoid them with this plant.

No stressers.

I'm going to keep her warm and happy,...
At least for the veg, then I'm going to crank her up to broil. Lol



Well-known member
My cat just took off into the dark night, where she can get into trouble !!!

I'm not too worried...

They can be hard to get rid of... lol


She came back.
She's where she wants to be...

Just look at her snub me.
Damn cat !!! Lol


Well-known member
I'm going to go for a gram per Watt with these girls.

There are no rules as far as I know of that limit time.

These girls will do well with 12, 16 or even 30 weeks of gestation.

Grams per watt... ??
Does it matter if it takes 2-3 times longer to get there?

I don't know, and I don't care...

2-3 times the energy cost.
So what...

It's all about the grams and Watts.

I might grow these girls till summer time. Lol

30 weeks it is...


Well-known member
I'm pretty wasted,..
I might cut them tomorrow.

Who knows ,??

Either way, I'm going to end up with some pretty good weed. Lol ??


Active member
Nearly there dude - and grams per watt or per watt/hour, they are fine looking girls grown with love under low wattage lights. * GRATZ * :D


Well-known member
It's warm and dry in the closet.

I keep spraying the top of the soil to keep it damp.

Just a few drops of water for the sprout.



Well-known member
The one cotyledon is turning pale yellow.

Should I be concerned about that?
She is kind of purple too, and I'm wondering if she's stressed or something?

Maybe she is using up her energy reserves to grow a big tap root??
