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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
I'm may have just FIM'Ed my first set of leaves at a really early stage.
(They look dead.)

I didn't really miss though.
I caught it and squeezed. Lol

Now I might get two, four, or a dozen branches. Lol


Well-known member
I'm not touchin it no more.

I don't even want to touch it with my camera.

I'll wait till she's older, then I'll beat her up again. Lol


Well-known member
I had 10 seeds in the cup in the cupboard for 48 hours and one of them popped.

So I planted all of them, taking note of the placement of the cracked seed.

The 12 seeds on the hot plate and in the shot glass have not cracked.

I will leave them as they are because they shouldn't drown.
I'll give it a week or so and see what happens.

It appears that my plants' head&shoulders have rotted off. Lol

But I think she's still going to make it !!

Her rootstalk still looks great.

Does anyone know if a sprout can live after it's head rots off? Lol

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
As much as I approve of your enthusiasm and undying loyalty to this little plant, I think it's time to let go my friend...
It's the circle of life, holding on will only hurt both of you.
She's gone, and that's ok, you should move on




Well-known member
Well, I think I'm going to leave it be while I wait for my new seeds to arrive.
I'm curious to see what it does.

I don't really care too much. I didn't waste too much time or money on it.

I've just got to be more careful with my next seed. Hopefully, I've learned to just leave things alone.


Active member
The only time I've seen a discolored thing (black) coming from seeds was when I killed them with heat/drought. The thing inside that seed was straight up green. You didn't kill it by fucking with it, it was D.O.A. (which I assumed to be cell damage from frost/thaw)


Well-known member
The seeds I'm trying to germinate aren't doing well at all. Out of 26 seeds only one has cracked. They were all in the freezer too.

I'm not freezing my seeds anymore.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I always wondered about freezing seeds... I would have thought that freezing basically turns the remaining water in the seeds to ice, which means it will expand in the process and that means damage to cells.
Probably heavily depending on how much water there is left in the seeds.
I keep mine in the fridge just be safe, but they probably won't last as long as properly dried and frozen seeds?


Well-known member
I remember reading that seeds can last 5-10 years when frozen and it can be beneficial because it simulates a winter freeze-thaw cycle that stimulates germination but I don't need to keep seeds that long and my 170 hermed seeds weren't fully ripe when they went into the freezer.

They weren't the best seeds to use to try to test the different germination methods.
It probably would have turned out better if I hadn't frozen them.

I think I'm going to use my original shot glass method because it's what I'm used to and it had worked great until these last two seeds, where the first one didn't germinate and the second one was slow and just didn't seem right.

The sprout is still hanging on. Lol

I'm just going to leave it until my new seeds arrive and see if it finally dies.

If it's still alive I might put it in a small pot and put it on the window sill.

I'm just curious to see what happens


Well-known member
I've got this happening on two of the four seeds in the shot glass.

I don't know if they are trying to crack or if that's some kind of mold growing on the seeds?

I'm thinking maybe the seeds are having a hard time cracking their shells open?

If they are alive and trying to crack open, then I'm definitely a fan of the shot glass method of germination.
I tipped the shot glass around to flood each seed then made sure there was an air bubble up to the top of the shot glass so it can breathe better.


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
I don't to be a smart ass but I think you're whole environment from shotglass with paper towel or cotton wool and soil is too wet!
I put my seeds in water for 24h then between moist paper towels but no real water or drops of it anywhere.
Not sure if that's it, you are certainly not doing this for the first time...


Well-known member
I take no offense to different opinions or ideas so keep them all coming.

I think you might be right at least about the soil I planted the seed in.
I was spritzing the sprout quite often and the soil did get pretty wet and kinda sealed up and it looked like it couldn't breathe very well.

I've managed to pop every seed I've done in the shot glass (1-2 dozen seeds) except for the latest one that didn't germinate and the one that took forever and had a green tap root.

The best looking seed out of my latest test was the one that cracked in the glass of water but only one out of ten cracked.

I checked my shot glass seeds and the white stuff was some kind of mush and definitely not a tap root.
I guess they were starting to rot? So I just flushed it out and put them back in.

I'm pretty sure that my hermed seeds are all crap and they aren't really viable.

So, I decided to dump all of them into a glass of water (about 60 seeds) and put them in the cupboard.
I'll leave them in the water for two days then only use the cracked seeds to put on a plate or in the shot glass.

I have no intention of growing out any of them. They're all hermed seeds and even if I get a female, it will certainly herm because it's a photo seed, and I don't have a light sealed environment to grow them in.
I'd end up with pollen in the house that would pollinate my Autoflower plant in the closet.

I assume that you can't leave the seeds in water for more than two days or they will drown ?


Well-known member
It's been about 3 1/2 hours and four or my seeds have sunk.
(the rest are probably still floating because they are still full of ice. Lol )



Well-known member
The only time I've seen a discolored thing (black) coming from seeds was when I killed them with heat/drought. The thing inside that seed was straight up green. You didn't kill it by fucking with it, it was D.O.A. (which I assumed to be cell damage from frost/thaw)

Actually, I did kill it by fucking with it.

I snapped her neck when I tried to pull the shell off.

But, I'm glad I did.
As you said the seed was DOA right from the start.
Even if it wasn't dead it was tardid. Lol

I'm glad I didn't waste 3-4 months on it.

So I decided to dig it up and inspect it.

She's got some happy roots so I transplanted it to the window sill.


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