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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
Generally the seeds will crack in that time, but if not, i plant them anyway. My last seeds popped while still floating on the surface. This is 48 hours in a dark cupboard.

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That certainly is the simplest and easiest way to do it, which is good for me because there are a lot fewer things that can go wrong.

I did manage to put a dimmer on my hot plate so now I can turn it down.
It's running at 17.5 V right now and I'm going to keep an eye on the temperature.

I might just go with the glass of water method.
I'm going to throw a few seeds in a glass of water and put it in a cupboard.
I don't want to be over complicated.

I'll keep in mind that my seeds may not be very good and they were in the freezer too.


Well-known member
I would argue that darkness isn't a requirement to get them going. I've literally thrown seeds on top of soil in direct sunlight and they've taken off. Cannabis is also a plant that drops its seeds directly on top of the soil, where they typically would go through their embryonic dormancy phase (in cooler regions) then start growing the following spring. All the time being exposed to light. It may be beneficial to keep the seeds in the dark if the intent is to keep them fresh, and from deteriating prior to germination.

That makes sense to me, so I decided to remove the mug covering up my shot glass and half fill it with warm water (85°F).
Then I put a bunch of seeds in and set it on my hot plate.

Not having to worry about "light pollution" makes everything easier with less chance of some sort of accident.


Active member
now for the next step, not having to worry about damn hotplates, just get a cup of water to room temp and drop the seed in. 85 f is unnecessarily warm


Well-known member
now for the next step, not having to worry about damn hotplates, just get a cup of water to room temp and drop the seed in. 85 f is unnecessarily warm

Yeah, you're right.

I'm going to remove the mug from the hot plate and put it in the cupboard.

I was kind of excited to try out my re-engineered hot plate. Lol

Maybe I can set my cooler on it in the winter when the closet gets colder and I don't want to heat up the whole house to accommodate a plant.


Active member
Or do a comparison, side by side it!
I think the only reason I put them in a glass of water before planting is so they "get the message". It's probably unnecessary but it's low-effort enough that I still do it.


Well-known member
OK, So I put the mug back over top of the shot glass because that's how I've always done it, and I can sort of use that as a control for comparison.

Then I put the plate on the hot plate and covered it with a bowl.
I put a wedge of paper towel between them to let it breathe a bit.
I had to switch plates to fit the hot plate.

And the third is the mug with water and seeds in the cupboard.



Well-known member
Does this sprout look like it's dying?

The top looks like it's drying out. It used to look healthier with a lighter green color but the "stem" still looks healthy.

If I did snap the top, can it still survive?
It may be growing it's roots right now? But I'm not digging it up again to find out. Lol

Either way, I'm just going to wait to see what happens.
If my new seeds arrive and it still looks like crap, I'll start over.

I guess I've got an unintentional experiment going on. Lol

I've really got to learn to stop messing with things.
My mom used to say "It won't heal if you keep picking at it."
My scabs took months to heal. Lol


Well-known member
I found this on the Google...

" The temperature for germinating cannabis seeds is best at 78° F (25° C) because both low and high temperature impairs germination and growth. The best conditions are native conditions so if you know what type of cannabis that you are growing, you will be able to better match the optimal growing conditions for that variety.

When your seed has sprouted and is growing then your plant is ready for their vegetative growing environment. They will be better able to handle cooler temperature, more intense light, and lower humidity levels.

Be sure to avoid high temperatures and lower intensity of light levels since this will stunt growth and cause very ‘lanky’ formation of the plant.

Necessary Air (Oxygen) for Germination
The last basic necessity for seed germination is air so if a seed is allowed to be in a very moist, soggy growing medium, it will cut off all oxygen supply to the seed.

Another common way seeds get deprived of oxygen is planting them too deep in the medium, this is because the moisture and depth of the seed will cause a lack of oxygen and your seed will not thrive.

Cannabis seeds come provided with enough food within their shell for them to be able to germinate and break through the soil. But, if seeds are planted too deep in the ground, they will not have enough energy for them to be able to break through soil that is too deep.

A good rule of thumb for planting cannabis seeds is to plant them about a quarter of an inch (0.25 inches or 6 mm) deep. "

I turned my hot plate down to 5.5 Watts.

I'm liking my new, variable temperature hot plate!! Lol

I had just lowered my light in the closet but then raised it way up.


Well-known member
I've got no action on any of my seeds yet, but my sprout is looking a little bit better.

I'm going to just leave it alone now and not touch it anymore.



Knight of the BlackSvn
You could give it a little spritz of RO or distilled water to help it shed the shell membrane stuck to cotyledon. Looks like it may pull through after all.


Well-known member
I still haven't hooked up my RO filter yet but I've got some distilled water.

Should I PH the water? And to what number?

Yeah, I'm surprised.
That sprout sure looked dead. Lol

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