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Panama at 15 weeks from the flip. Organic soil, 5 gallon geopot, 600w HPS. Great yield of very dense buds.



Well-known member
Panama at 15 weeks from the flip. Organic soil, 5 gallon geopot, 600w HPS. Great yield of very dense buds.

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Wow great looking girls! 15 weeks is a bit long no?? What kind of light were you using? What percentage amber at chop?? I’m sure I cut mine to early.
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15 weeks since flip? If you take the 2 week transitional period into consideration, works out approx. 12-13 weeks depending on how ripe you like them? Just curious how many times you topped to get that structure and how long you vegged for after topping? I really like the shape. Nice job!!!! Thanks


Definitely answer the other people's questions but I just wanted to say that you got an amazing fade going on them and they look so good. I wanted to pick up panama because it's such a classic. I got panama malawi crosses instead.


I am using some Panama seeds that are 5 years old, they germinated perfectly. I soaked them in a solution of humic acid and water for 12 hours and then planted them directly into soil, they sprouted in 4 days. I really like the way that Ace lists the packaging/batch dates on the containers. The seeds were packaged on 3/19/15 and I am curious what types of phenos to expect from that batch.


Dubi, if you are still following this thread, would you be able to give me a little info on which phenos that I may encounter from this batch from 3/19/15? It was a 5 pack and I did grow out one of them 5 years ago and it was the red pistil pheno . Thank you


I just finished a panama grow in my micro cabinet, topped once then LSTd her down continuously throughout stretch. She responded great and I only have 30” of height. 2 gallon pot, organic soil, LEDs. Pulled 2.5 OZ

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You did a great job with the LST, I just have one more question. How many times did you top her? It looks like you topped once, then pulled down and tied the bottoms of the branches to the container? Did you use any type of canopy ring or tomato cage type of ring to support the colas? Also did you have to do any defoliation in the center of the plant or between the colas? Did it bush out on you at all? Thanks


Well-known member
You did a great job with the LST, I just have one more question. How many times did you top her? It looks like you topped once, then pulled down and tied the bottoms of the branches to the container? Did you use any type of canopy ring or tomato cage type of ring to support the colas? Also did you have to do any defoliation in the center of the plant or between the colas? Did it bush out on you at all? Thanks

Hi mcoocoo,

I topped her once at the fourth node. Then tied her down and spread her out as she grew to fit the shape of my growing chamber. Then eyeballed her height and *tried to* anticipate her stretch as best as possible. I did a good job because she literally stopped stretching at the exact spot I needed her too, not sure I’ll nail it again like that in this small space but we will see.

I simply screwed some screws in appropriate places into her container and used twine to tie her down. As she stretched out I moved the loop of twine around her branches further and further out to continue to reduce her height, over time.... as she stretched.

Same technique I’m using in my grow now I just started here:


With ACEs Killer A5 Haze


Thanks you for the help OZZ, I appreciate it very much. I am really looking forward to growing this girl out. I will definitely be using some LST. I may do the manifolding procedure, but I am concerned about the longer veg time associated with that. I am going to top at least once and see how quickly the mains grow out. Thanks again

Mr D

Thanks you for the help OZZ, I appreciate it very much. I am really looking forward to growing this girl out. I will definitely be using some LST. I may do the manifolding procedure, but I am concerned about the longer veg time associated with that. I am going to top at least once and see how quickly the mains grow out. Thanks again

You are going love it. One of my favorites along with Panama Haze.


Well-known member
Thanks you for the help OZZ, I appreciate it very much. I am really looking forward to growing this girl out. I will definitely be using some LST. I may do the manifolding procedure, but I am concerned about the longer veg time associated with that. I am going to top at least once and see how quickly the mains grow out. Thanks again

Your very welcome. I’ve received lots of help over the years and glad to be able to give back. Good luck! I personally wouldn’t deal with manifolding. The extra veg time it takes that plant to recover just isn’t worth it in my opinion. Just too her and tie down the shoots as the stretch and you’ll be fine. I can’t imagine you have less height to work with than I do (30”) so you should be better off.


Wow great looking girls! 15 weeks is a bit long no?? What kind of light were you using? What percentage amber at chop?? I’m sure I cut mine to early.

15 weeks since flip? If you take the 2 week transitional period into consideration, works out approx. 12-13 weeks depending on how ripe you like them? Just curious how many times you topped to get that structure and how long you vegged for after topping? I really like the shape. Nice job!!!! Thanks

I used a 600w HPS Gavita for flower. And yep 15 weeks since the flip. I second mcoocoo's opinion that in reality it works out to about 12 or 13 weeks, as it's not like the lights were flipped and they started flowering straight away. Also, the plant was grown from a feminised seed, not from a mature clone, so that's something to take into account as although I've never flowered from clones, from what I understand they will finish sooner.

As far as the trichomes go, most were cloudy, some were 3/4 cloudy 1/4 clear, and there were also a few amber here and there although not very many.

They were topped twice,and vegged about 12 weeks from when the seed was first planted. I think I vegged them for at least two weeks after the final topping. If you'd like more comprehensive info, I have documented the Panama grow, along with several other Ace strains I ran at the same time (with pics and info on how I grew them) here:


It gives a good idea of what I did to achieve the final finished plant at harvest time, if you're interested in the structure etc.

Definitely answer the other people's questions but I just wanted to say that you got an amazing fade going on them and they look so good. I wanted to pick up panama because it's such a classic. I got panama malawi crosses instead.

Thanks, I'm happy with the way she finished considering it's the first time I've ever grown out a sativa. No mould whatsover either. The panama malawi sounds excellent, good luck with the grow. I have some purple haze malawi I'm interested in running next season, along with a few other panama crosses like panama bangi haze and panama haze. Too many choices!
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Also, beauties Range. I’ve got a pack of old Panama seeds. Maybe 6-7 years old. Get to them at some point. A bunch of new Panama crosses to play with as well.

Thanks, the Panama was certainly a pleasure to grow. Such a sturdy plant, not fussy at all, and I simply cannot wait to try her! I'm really interested to see which pheno I got, considering the red pistils are said not to show up very well indoors. I guess I'll have to roll up a tester and find out. Good luck with your Panama and her crosses.


Well-known member
Damn Ozz...you did a hella great job on that. K+

Thanks Ur Humbl.... it was a fun grow and my first sativa grow ever so I was happy with it. Good smoke too, nice and strong and a bit psychedelic. Although it does give me a bit of a “weed over” the next day if I smoke too much, which is easy to do. 5-6 pulls of a vap and I’m ripped. A bit too ripped even. Took 3 the other night and it was about right. Admittedly though my tolerance is on the low side.

Had some problems mid grow because my RO filter took a dump so I had to rely on water filtered with a Britta pitcher. The plants didn’t like it at all and I had issues with lockout.

Waiting on a replacement RO filter as we speak and hoping to avoid those problems on my next grow as Ive got a Killer A5 haze seedling that just broke ground and is already yellowing from the shitty water.

Hopefully I can get her straightened right out when the new filter arrives. I think I’m going to go buy some bottled water until then.

Thanks again!


Well-known member
Thanks, the Panama was certainly a pleasure to grow. Such a sturdy plant, not fussy at all, and I simply cannot wait to try her! I'm really interested to see which pheno I got, considering the red pistils are said not to show up very well indoors. I guess I'll have to roll up a tester and find out. Good luck with your Panama and her crosses.

Thanks for the info Range. Great job!