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Some Commercial Kushes got me really drooling over the CF blessed Kushes; the Commercial Killer brain numb kush smells the exact same as my lovely ladies: Talk about opening up a christmas present

at least these nugs completely numbed my mind for the Eagles debacle, got some more pics up on my grow diary. and to Steal Bears line once again Keep it Green



Hey Benny, I'm really sorry man, a really close friend of the family just died last week, and i had to go out of town unexpectedly. Don't worry, I still got ya covered. The next couple days I have some free time for a change, and I'll get it taken care of.

BTW I just found out last night that my SD x OG and my Querkles are all female. I have two of each and never got around to sexing them. They will be included in my next run. Got a clone of each in the flower room I'm gonna let finish to get a taste since I'm done sexing them.

For some reason I havn't been getting emails when a new post goes up on this thread. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't . Anyone have any ideas?

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
sorry to hear that nine, hope things are well otherwise.

some pics of the ape, now that we can upload again, finally!

vinter, if your out there, i finally took some pics on how to supercrop.
gonna put em in the hut.


spadedNfaded said:
I think bubba kush and strawberry diesel will be my first grow when i get back.
Frank - is that Bubba crossed with anything or is it just another generation?

Also - to anyone who knows - which pheno of strawberry diesel is your favorite? the more strawberry one or the one with more Sour in it? Which one is more potent??

ALSO - anyone sure how long herb will stay in your system?? I met with my Probation officer and he said he'll give me my one test (yep, one test if i test negative!!) next time i see him in February. I'm still blazing right now, i was thinking about stopping after the new year and cruise on idle for a month or so until i test clean. Is that ok? Is 30 days enough to clean myself out for this test?? Thanks!

Welcome new members, good to see the garden state triving!!

- SubN

PS _ We're up to 100 pages! 100 pages of Tri-State glory!! Here's to the next 100 pages!!! :rasta: :joint:

brother you do not want to fail that test. the only way to pass for CERTAIN is to not use for at least 30 days. Depending upon your metabolism, and the makeup of your body (read as, how fat you are) you would be wise to increase your water intake and excercise as others have said. Do not rely on masking agents. I would be very leary of using a prosthetic device when pissing for a PO as well.

good luck



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
:kewlpics: It's nice to see some pix around here again. Great job everyone! Stay safe.
Philly: I hope you got the good cat, cause it's evil twin lives at my house. LOL Is your a stoner?


Active member
Hey fellas, I just updated my grow log with pictures from a good camera... I'd like you all to check it out and see what you think of this Garden Stater's garden... the link is in my sig... enjoy!


stoned teacher

threeeleven said:
Hey fellas, I just updated my grow log with pictures from a good camera... I'd like you all to check it out and see what you think of this Garden Stater's garden... the link is in my sig... enjoy!



Ok I'm fine now. Congrats on an awesome first grow. Looks stupendous!

Nice pics as always CF Philly and Amish (sorry if I'm forgetting someone).

Started a new run in 12/12....having f-ing problems already.:cuss:..yellowing of new growth, inside of leaf out. Trying to drop ph and make sure ladies are getting enough micronutes.....but i also read somewhere that it may be because of temperature change? At least I haven't burned em....

CF I am still working on getting you that info :( I'm finding it hard to come by .

Keep it green (not yellow) East Coast!!!!
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stoned teacher

I'll PM it to ya. I'm done corrupting this thread with poop pics. I have a few little plants getting close that are nice though... The ones with problems are still growing rapidly....my inexperienced self is telling me it's not magnesium, but I could very well be wrong....I think the cal mag I added when the problem started (late in veg) that I thought would fix it, combined with high ph (been putting 5.8 into coco but just learned i'm getting out 6.5), to cause other deficiencies, like either zinc or iron. Besides lowering ph, not sure what else to do about this, as I don't have any chelated zinc or iron handy now....I'll shoot ya a pic later...

This is so much fun...yay


Hey Stoned, not up to date on your grow, but maybe I can help.Are you doing hydro with coco? Also, have you checked out the coco threads? I'm sure you have, but I tend to stick to this thread so much I tend to forget to look around here sometimes. Anyway, I was having alot of these troubles when I started hydro, and had some help with things, so always looking to repay the favor to others.

If you can, let me know what your water is before you add anything. PH and ppm. I have found that with my setup, in ebb and flow, despite what everyone has told me, the bubba particularly likes a high ph. between 6 and 6.5. When I was running between 5.5 and 6 I kept having problems with nute uptake.

K, here is one more thing. When you switch from veg. to flower cycle, do you switch your nute formula? I used to do this at the same time, but now continue my veg nutes for about a week to 10 days or so because during the stretch they use alot of nitrogen. Again, this may be strain dependent. After this, I no longer have yellowing plants right after the 12/12 switch.

Keep feeding me info and we'll see what we can do. The best advice I can give anyone is keep it simple. The more you start messing with things and adding this and that the harder it is to keep track of what works and what doesn't.

When I have a major problem I start over with plain ph balanced water. Take notes on everything I do. I also use a quality brand of nutes. When it's time to add nutes, I cut their reccomendation in about half, and slowly go up from there. Then if I develope a new problem, I check my notes to see where the problem developed, then go back to wherever I was in nute strength and ph before the problem started. Hope that makes sense.

Are you growing more than one strain? The fewer the better till the strain is dialed in. All of this info assumes you havn't heard it before, so please don't take offense if you already know all of this.

stoned teacher

Eh ok...as long as we have a few experts playing.....I didn't want to make a post in the infirmary anyway....

Here's how this has gone down...by the way...this is in coco. (I have read coco forum and water every other or third day as new roots get filled, and every day after that....)

1. Saw this problem you see in some plants more than others in veg

2. Watched ph...around 6.0, and added calmag to the usual canna a +b

3. after a week, didn't notice improvement, or even thought it got worse, so I flushed it with my tap water (see note later...)

4. went back to just canna a + b , lowered ph...gave plants A LOT of water w/ fert and ph balanced to try to rid the effects of high ph tap water

5. now on 5th day of flower. Last couple of days I've been foilar feeding as well and i think they look a little better....some leaves used to be more twisted and yellower (mostly towards center)...been watering with ph 6.5 but finding puddle to be higher...

K here's the pics of the ones that show it the most...not toooo bad and growing rapidly....

Red unfortunately I bought a ppm meter and it broke right away...my tap water is high 7's ph-wise...like 7.8 or 7.9. I go through some ph down, and am learning that after I balance water, the next day it's gone up about 3/10 or maybe a little more....I am growing more than one strain, and I know it's not best. ...I'm taking detailed notes on each so I can use the experience to try to dial in the different new ladies I have eventually....Since I'm using Canna A and B, you use those same basic nutes the whole time, and just add pk 13-14 a little when the time comes....Most people have no def. problems with canna nutes :(

On with the pics..I'm sure this'll help the most!

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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
I know that a lot of yalls teams aren't doing so well this year, so I appologize up front for this, but I really couldn't help myself. An amazing accomplishment by a truely exceptional individual, and a very well written article if you get the chance to read it.

11-2 BABY!!!
Sorry, I'm done gloating now LOL.
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Stoned Teacher-you will manage just fine just read read read

Vin- Yeah he is the good cat for sure, but he is terrified of ganja smoke, my other cat wants to smoke like he wants to eat lol


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Been a while since I stopped by and said "High" to my fellow tri-state growers.

While I'm here, I'll drop a pic from my current crop.




Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
HEY PD! I didn't know you were a tri-stater. That's so cool! I love your DYI ideas and your set up man. I've read that whole thread end to end.


Stoned Teacher... you seem to be on the right track. I've never grown in coco, I've heard too many problems similar to yours, so I stick with soil or if going the hydro route, I use rockwool cube to start clones, then transplant into straight hydroton rocks. Maybe you should try a different medium and see what happens.

Also I notices some of your stems seem pretty purple/blue. This may be the strain, not sure what you're running, but cold temps will turn stems blue/purple and can cause other problems. Just curious what your nightime temps are getting down too when the lights off.

Just grasping at straws, you seem to have your bases covered.

PipeDream...Nice plant man. Keep those pics coming.
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OK boys, long time no pics. Here's a few I just took. Not very good pics, blah blah, shitty camera, blah blah you know the drill. I am getting one soon I swear,lol. Anyway, I only had 5 clones ready to go, so I am trying to SCROG it to get the most out of it. I've got 3 Bubbas, two SD x OG from JLP(Different cuts, from seed, hoping to find 2 keepers), and one Querkle. The Querkle is just in there to get sexed, so it's not gonna yield anything, but I'm gonna leave it in there as long as it gets light, just to see what happens. Gonna run it next time.

Front row, left to right...
Bubba, Querkle, SD x OG
Middle row...
Back row, left to right...
Bubba, Bubba

Querkle, ha ha

SD x OG(Notice the scrog in effect)


Getting ready for the next run...
Rooted on the Left, Unrooted on the Right...

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