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Outdoors 2015.... Hick back in the sticks


Still at large...
Went out for the first time in two wks, everything is doing good... it looks like I got to start watering/feeding tho.

GG4 @ roughly 2wks

Goblin God @ 4wks
She is completely covered in frost...... every where!

Purple Nocturnal @ 4wks

Minion City Diesel @ roughly 3wks


Still at large...
Kay's kush @ 3wks..
Took a whiff of her and she is dank, a hint of sweet/fruit with a chemmy/fuel kick.

Sour bubble @ 3wks
Sour bubble @ 3wks
I went out and hit a couple of them with some male pollen, ill find out if it's viable in a couple wks.

Double Glock x Crazy Cookies aka.. Golden Gun~ Hillbilly genetics
@3 wks


Active member
Looking great Hicksticky! Glad things are rocking and rolling in your neck of the woods! Keep up the great work and thanks for the updates!


Still at large...
Thanks Hatch, ya the weather has been good..... a bit dry but I'm not complaining just have to lug a little more water lol.

Got a little update from this wknd....

Kays kush
She is bulking up nicely..... looking like a great producer, and the frost she is putting on is outstanding.

Khalisi #1
Doing awesome..... expect a great yield from her with some delicious flowers, been a little while since I have had some in the jars..... can't wait.
A top of one of her colas........... frosty!

Purple Nocturnal #1..... again a nice producing strain with terps out the waszoo.... first started with a nice dank melon scent in the first wks.... but has a more berry smell to her.
I have two pheno's of her, this one I would say leans more on the mother's side (nocturnal) where #2 has more of the purps showing in her flowers both have identical structures and for me to tell them apart is difficult until flower.

MCD...(minion city diesel)
Starting to stack and bulk, out of all the Sanctuary Gardens gear she was the later of the bunch to flower but is catching up nicely and I think will finish with plenty of time.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Everything is looking great hick. Always nice to see flowers stacking up fast.
best wishes for a great finish.
Peace GG


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hell of a nice grow. Hope the cops and rippers leave it alone, you worked hard for these buds.


Still at large...
Thanks GG, always a nice thing to see at this time........ especially for us northern folk lol.

Hey yesum, thanks...... ya them f@cker are always on ones mind when guerrilla growing, I keep it to myself and low key.
I think it's happen to most that have grown for sometime....... Got play the odds, and learn for it.


, The Ghost of
For sure. The bigger the plant, the greater the worry. Every time I hear a small plane overhead, Im watching to see if theyre flying over my patch.

Got any plans for protecting those ladies from the cold rain that we're sure to start getting?


Still at large...
For sure. The bigger the plant, the greater the worry. Every time I hear a small plane overhead, Im watching to see if theyre flying over my patch.

Got any plans for protecting those ladies from the cold rain that we're sure to start getting?

Ya.... hopefully most will be harvested by that time.lol.. but I am not giving in to false hope.

Maybe some dark weed cloth set up to make a slanted canopy over the top of them, I would love to set a semi permanent Polly tent over em kinda like a green house but..... I have those planes flying around too...
Plus it highlights them for rippers and Leo...

Gonna do what I usually do..... maybe the weed cloth and the tried and true.... drag my ass out there early morning and givem a shake.

How about you?? Definitely open to some ideas...


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
YO hicky they are coming along nicely! i always love this time of year it makes each visit more exciting as the days/weeks go by,bc u can see a huge difference from them. this year i havent had a spot of mold on mine yet! idk if its from me using chitosan,salicylic acid,B1 and Regalia to activate the plants defense system to fight mold or if its just the hardy strains i choose,or a combo of all things..i agree with u about the rippers. if u have grown long enuff guerilla style its gonna happen no doubt about that its just a matter of when. thats why i do so many single plant plots to keep the loses to a minimum. i put out 21 plants this year and just hope to end up with 10 so far ive got 3 in the barn already only 7 more to go lol i got 11 plants still out so we shall see how she goes. gl on the rest of the season look into getting some regalia,chitosan and actinovate for prevention if u havent already


Still at large...
YO hicky they are coming along nicely! i always love this time of year it makes each visit more exciting as the days/weeks go by,bc u can see a huge difference from them. this year i havent had a spot of mold on mine yet! idk if its from me using chitosan,salicylic acid,B1 and Regalia to activate the plants defense system to fight mold or if its just the hardy strains i choose,or a combo of all things..i agree with u about the rippers. if u have grown long enuff guerilla style its gonna happen no doubt about that its just a matter of when. thats why i do so many single plant plots to keep the loses to a minimum. i put out 21 plants this year and just hope to end up with 10 so far ive got 3 in the barn already only 7 more to go lol i got 11 plants still out so we shall see how she goes. gl on the rest of the season look into getting some regalia,chitosan and actinovate for prevention if u havent already
Thanks Kyg, ya it's always about playing the odds..... one can get better odds in their favor by, who they let know (ideally no one), where, how many, and how flashy they set up their grow.
I have always tried to find an area that will allow the plant to blend in from spring to fall with surroundings and have optimal sun and water... sometimes it's tuff and you have to make do with only some.... I usually won't settle with out the surroundings being optimal at the least.

I am no stranger to being ripped in the past.... it's a rarity in my area I grow and it was family related.. so I just let the area cool down and the rippers move away.
I try now to make it so in order to get close to my spot, one would have to have an idea it's there bc it is a fucking hike with obstacles like thorn patches, swamps, and over grown pucka brush.
Nothing stops rippers 100%, but no one knowing what's going on greatly helps your odds.

I am for one all about the guerrilla code of ethics.... if I stumbled acrossed someone's garden... I back out and carry on.. don't need bad karma heading my way. And I would hope that others would do the same if they came across my garden.

As far as mold goes..... none yet, but yes I think strain selection is big but your regime is as big of a part.
Definitely something I am going to improve upon is seasons to come.


, The Ghost of
Im goin to do what I did last year. Hang some cheap plastic painters poly over them pop tent style. Had it set so I could untie the corners on 1 side and slide it over to the other and bunch it up. Might camo the poly this year. Tans/golds/drab greens - not enough to block the light though. probably toss a few leaves and bits of dead grass on top to add dimension.

Lots of small planes in the air today around my spot.


Still at large...
Went out Sunday to check in on the ladies. Things are progressing nicely, gonna be harvesting a couple with in the next week or so... weather permitting. Hopefully the frost and shifty weather holds off in order for the other strains to fully finish.

Took down a Purple Nocturnal#2, she was ready enough... plus I saw a spot of mold on a lo branch so I cut her down.
She smells amazing.... dank as hell blueberry muffins, greasy and frost covered.
Purple Nocturnal#1

Kay's kush
Turning out to be a great producer solid fat buds and very hearty.
Smell is a sweet chem fuel scent.

Khalisi #2
One of my favorites for the passed year or so... this pheno leans towards the purps side and is very dank.... very hard to mask her smell, not that I want to. She gets frosty as hell so I dubbed her the "Dragon's frost" pheno. (Khalisi is the name of the Dragon queen on the show Game of Thrones)


ICMag Donor
Wow, nice flowers, hicky! Looks like they're getting close... I think I can smell them from here... That Kay's Kush looks similar to my plants. Colas swell up quick. Little monsters... :smoke:


Still at large...
Thanks pipe and gg:tiphat:
Yeah I am pleased so far on how much they are putting on, fingers crossed for some good weather and no mold.. I 'll be harvesting the one's that started flower earlier (Indica doms), this weekend.
Others like the gg4, tw, pineapple haze, New York Cookies, exc.. Will take a couple more wks.

GG, the Khalisi is Jihad (pnw affy cut) x the purps ~ Sanctuary Gardens.... a really nice and well rounded strain. I have three pheno's of her going #2 shows the most purps.. all delicious stuff:biggrin:


Still at large...
Got a lil harvest pic of the Purple Nocturnal 2..
Usually I would just trim off all the large fans and hang dry the plant whole. But if I suspect mold I trim down the larger bud into smaller ones in order to inspect and allow them to dry evenly.
Mmmmm yum blueberries..lol.
Absolutely love what organics do for flavors, would not trade it for a little more yield with chems and thats still debatable.

Another purple nocturnal 2
Khalisi #6
I gave her a pinch just before flower set in at the end of July, so her top cola kinda forks.... but oh well she still is producing great. One of my favorites she kinda in the middle of the road when it comes to her parents.. kinda hashy/spice with a beautiful fruity berry taste and potent haven't really found a ceiling with her.. nor do I ever get bored with this strain.

I Like her the more I grow her. I do see a lot of similarities between her and the b.s. kush i have/bred with... growth, frost, taste, and bud structures are very similar.
I have a couple GG4's going in different spots outdoors atm so I should have a decent stash of her to get me through. That and I am also working with her in a couple breeding projects indoors over the winter.