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Outdoors 2015.... Hick back in the sticks


ICMag Donor
Plants are looking good! most are looking pretty close. Love your little station. Everyone has one... Does that contain the smell? Who makes kay's kush? Sounds good. :smoke:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
looking great bro! i love the chop shop lol thats sorta how my work shop is at the moment! i like that Minon sity diesel. is that a cross u did ya self? great resin production on that lady


Still at large...
Plants are looking good! most are looking pretty close. Love your little station. Everyone has one... Does that contain the smell? Who makes kay's kush? Sounds good. :smoke:

Ya it's my flower room, so I kicked on the exhaust, leave the door open a bit and it sucks out the smell and circulates the air.
Kay's kush is a "chuck" I threw between b.s.kush I had and Khalisi male...( pics of both are in my albums). I did like how fast she was..... finished nicely. Has a nice stone to it.
Plan on doing a selection run with them and pick out the female and male I like and breed them into f2s.


Still at large...
looking great bro! i love the chop shop lol thats sorta how my work shop is at the moment! i like that Minon sity diesel. is that a cross u did ya self? great resin production on that lady

Hey Kyg thanks:tiphat: the Minion City Diesel is the work of SG1 of Sanctuary Gardens, check out the "minions in the dark" thread, some really good folks there as well as nice strains... most of the gear I been running is Sanctuary Gardens.


Pushing 6 varieties here, was going out but an early morning rain changed my mind, I expect closure by the weekend :)

Your plants did well...is your Minion pollinated or just plump on the pistil?


Still at large...
Pushing 6 varieties here, was going out but an early morning rain changed my mind, I expect closure by the weekend :)

Your plants did well...is your Minion pollinated or just plump on the pistil?

Nice... gotta love variety lol.
Rain can change plans quickly that's for sure. I have the plan on taking down everything this coming weekend as well..... but if the weather stays good I wouldn't mind pushing the New York Cookies a bit further, they seem to be very hearty so far.

The Minion City Diesel is just plump lol... I did how ever get some pollinated in another patch...... (on purpose lol:laughing: )
Khalisi x Purple Dream, McD x PD, Kay's kush x PD, strawberry diesel f4s.... couple others I'm forgetting.
Gotta have some stock for next season lol.


I have BC Blueberry X Snowryder (Blue Gene Cross), BC Blueberry X Michigan Mulberry (Strait's Berry) and BC Blueberry X Short Stuff #1 (Blueberry Muffin)....

Never to many beans :) or varieties


Still at large...
I have BC Blueberry X Snowryder (Blue Gene Cross), BC Blueberry X Michigan Mulberry (Strait's Berry) and BC Blueberry X Short Stuff #1 (Blueberry Muffin)....

Never to many beans :) or varieties

Nice :tiphat: I'm on a blueberry kick right now lol.... how's the bc Blueberry?? And those auto crosses sound interesting, how do they do? Looking for nice producing auto with flavor atm


Still at large...
Did a little more harvesting this last weekend.

Pineapple haze, looks like she filled in nicely. Has a real nice noise on her as well.

Minion City Diesel

Also harvested a couple Gorilla Glue #4's..... I will have to get some dried bud shots of her. But she did really well definitely will try and keep her to run again outdoors.

Still have a few out finishing up. The weather seems to be holding alright.. Had a light rain yesterday followed by a nice sunny 70f day... hopefully it will help finish out the New York Cookies, p. Haze, and a gorilla glue I left out.

Here's the New York Cookies going strong.


Still at large...
New York Cookies continued.....
She's starting to get her frost on

Here's another pheno of New York Cookies, a little smaller but it filling in well and frosting up great.

So the season is drawing to a close, it's has lasted longer than expected..... hind sight being 20 20 some could have gone a little while longer but I have no regrets, I took them down as they needed, kept an eye on the up start of mold which was a deciding factor for most..... didn't want mold claiming most my crop lol.

Thanks to all that are following along, I should have some dried bud shots up in a few days and some more pics of the ones still going in a week.


Active member
Same boat here...

I managed to get some plastic hoops of poly over half my outdoor plants which was great till the wind kicked up and started beating the plants with poly. Then the weather cleared some and I've been watching the weather channel almost non-stop. Found mold on one of my NevSis', but all the others seem to be able to fight it off so far. I'm hoping for an extra week of good weather, then I'll start choppin' 'em down... Got to give those seeded buds time to finish making viable seed.

Cheers! and I hope the weather holds back for both of us! NY Cookies sounds and looks delicious!


The Dude

I found your spot! :biggrin:

Just joined the outdoor life 5 weeks ago out here in Hawaii. Gotta love the power bill on outdoors. You got some gorgeous ladies up in here, especially the Kalisi #2 an Minion City Diesel. How's the MCD smell now? Were those testers or available to public? Got me wanting to peep Sanctuary Gardens gear now.


Still at large...
Hey shooters thanks, I would like to be able to run a hoop house... maybe next year. Got to make a more secure spot in my yard... probably gonna make a 20 x 20 fenced in area, full sun and big pots lol.
Guerrilla growing is fun and all but being able to give the plants everything they need all the time would be better for yields and me:biggrin:

Aloha Art:tiphat: glad you found it, man what I would do to be in your shoes lol.
I'd love to grow some herbs under the Hawaiian sun.... one day maybe!!
Ill trade you some cold weather and frost for some of that sunny weather haha...... no deal? I don't blame ya a bit.


Still at large...

I found your spot! :biggrin:

Just joined the outdoor life 5 weeks ago out here in Hawaii. Gotta love the power bill on outdoors. You got some gorgeous ladies up in here, especially the Kalisi #2 an Minion City Diesel. How's the MCD smell now? Were those testers or available to public? Got me wanting to peep Sanctuary Gardens gear now.

The mcd is curing up nicely..... kind of a dank fruit covered in fuel.
Come check out the minions in the dark thread sometime, it's where we all get together (minions) and share our experiences with Sanctuary Gardens genetics.... among others. Most are just testers but as word spreads and interest builds SG1 is working on genetics to release to the public from what I gather.
Always looking for new minions, all you need is love of the cultivation of this wonderful plant and be a stand by your word kinda guy/gal, report your findings and enjoy the great strains... all which you fit.


Still at large...
Showed these over in the minions thread....... figured I would share here as well.
All are from this year outdoor guerrilla grow.

Purple Nocturnal #1
Minion City Diesel
Khalisi #2

All are from Sanctuary Gardens.

Thanks all for following along, hope you enjoyed I know I do when following along some of yours.
When I get my butt in gear I will update with some smoke report as well.


The Dude
The mcd is curing up nicely..... kind of a dank fruit covered in fuel.
Come check out the minions in the dark thread sometime, it's where we all get together (minions) and share our experiences with Sanctuary Gardens genetics.... among others. Most are just testers but as word spreads and interest builds SG1 is working on genetics to release to the public from what I gather.
Always looking for new minions, all you need is love of the cultivation of this wonderful plant and be a stand by your word kinda guy/gal, report your findings and enjoy the great strains... all which you fit.

That MCD sounds mouth watering, gonna have to go check out the Minions In The Dark thread then :tiphat:

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