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Not ICMag Donor
Si le hablo así a alguien de Valencia que sepa que mi lengua nativa es el castellano, y que en mi Comunidad Autónoma es la única oficial que hablamos, espero que valore mi esfuerzo como un gesto de cortesía (Y más sí en mi comarca, es mucho más facil encontrar hablantes de árabe, rumano, portugués, inglés, e incluso bubi ecuatoguineano o ibo nigeriano, que de valenciano y/o catalán, con los que poder practicar)
Eso al menos creo ocurre en este foro, con los que intentamos comunicarnos (sin saber) en el idioma de los demás, o en una lengua más común acá: no creo que los angloparlantes del foro se molesten por no expresarme en mi lengua nativa, y intentar hacerlo en su inglés, aunque sea con traducción electrónica; y desde luego, a mi no me importa en absoluto que un alaskino o un sudafricano, le "peguen patadas via traducción electrónica" a "la lengua del Imperio", por intentar comunicarse conmigo en el idioma de Cervantes...
He dicho.
Solo era un comentario gracioso, no te lo tomes tan en serio hombre. Seguro que a los angloparlantes del foro no les importa que haga un chiste, ni a nadie de tu imperio

Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
I harvested a bit today :)

Selfmade -UEL F7 x Nepali IBL-

This one needs a bit more time.. her sister (right plant) is up site down as well.

SBR x UEL F6 (from friend)


Reunion Weed


Well-known member
Solo era un comentario gracioso, no te lo tomes tan en serio hombre. Seguro que a los angloparlantes del foro no les importa que haga un chiste, ni a nadie de tu imperio
¡¡¿¿Qué no te tome en serio, y me escribes "Imperio" con minúscula, maldito "agermanat" levantino??!!...

...Nah..., ahora de veras, claro que no te tomo en serio: solo que me has respondido antes de yo poder poner mi postdata-traca fallera final...
Por cierto, yo no tengo imperio ni Imperio alguno, o al menos no en mayor o menor medida que tú.


Not ICMag Donor
¡¡¿¿Qué no te tome en serio, y me escribes "Imperio" con minúscula, maldito "agermanat" levantino??!!...
...Nah..., ahora de veras, claro que no te tomo en serio: solo que me has respondido antes de yo poder poner mi postdata-traca fallera final...
Por cierto, yo no tengo imperio ni Imperio alguno, o al menos no en mayor o menor medida que tú.

Esa me ha gustado (y)
Ahora que leo tu edición, realmente solo es la palabra "cabdell" que me ha dejado loco jaja, si hubieras puesto cogollets no habría dicho nada :ROFLMAO:
Lo de "tu" Imperio era de nuevo de broma, para diferenciar entre "vosotros" los castellanos y "nosotros" los levantinos/catalanes. Tengo un sentido del humor un poco áspero supongo.


Well-known member
This year has gone fucking brutal. I have a shitty year in my life, why does my grow have to turn equally shitty? I've gotten used to pulling rabbits out of hats year after year I forgot what happens when the rabbit dies and starts to rot. Fuck.


The weather's been absolutely brutal. 6 day storm blew in off the Pacific. Knocked everything over, broke off a bunch of branches, seeded mold all over. Not just little branches, big ones that are 2/3 of the way done. But not done enough to salvage and make hashish. This is the worst year in at least the last 10, probably the last 20. The storm ended on Thursday, had a couple of cold sunny days.

Now it's raining again. It should stop tonight, then 6 warm sunny days. Then the rain moves in again, likely for good. It's very likely that everything that's not done by next weekend is going to be compost. The only good part is that it should be a hell of a mushroom season.

It's not all bad, pulled down my Super Ape the day before the rain started. It's great smoke but if I could have let it gone another week it would have been fantastic. Here's a look at a nug I left on, that I cut yesterday.


I hate these choices. My tendency is to let them ride, I'd rather watch it mold than chop it early. This year is testing that. I'm waiting until the day before it starts raining again and chopping like crazy.

The damage from the wind beating on the wet plants has been crazy. I let the big ones lie on the ground for a few days instead of tying them back up. Less damage that way. One of the most beaten was the Moroccan Kush.



The flowers are coming out decent, hopefully they make it through today and mature over the next week. She has a nice hashy flavor. It's not all doom and destruction, I'll post some of the more successful stuff soon.


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Well-known member
Esa me ha gustado (y)
Ahora que leo tu edición, realmente solo es la palabra "cabdell" que me ha dejado loco jaja, si hubieras puesto cogollets no habría dicho nada :ROFLMAO:
Lo de "tu" Imperio era de nuevo de broma, para diferenciar entre "vosotros" los castellanos y "nosotros" los levantinos/catalanes. Tengo un sentido del humor un poco áspero supongo.
...Ves como exagerabas, y el Tito no iba tan desencaminado, e incluso te veía venir... Dudé entre "cogolles" o "cogollets" originalmente, pero me sonaban un poco a castellanismo, me acorde "del caloret de la Rita", y por si me estaba equivocando, usé un traductor electrónico al catalán (según norma catalana, claro). Como ves, he sido también cuidadoso con la pólemica "¿valenciano o catalán?", en no decantarme por ninguna denominación, pues conozco bien "el percal levantino" y sus susceptibilidades...

(A simple article for others to orient themselves on the matter):

Origin of Valencian:​

Valencian is a language derived from Latin, which comes, to a lesser extent, from the different Romance languages that the Christian settlers brought during the time of reconquest, and mostly from Mozarabic, a language made up of different Romance dialects, derived from Vulgar Latin and with the influence of Arabic, which was spoken in the ancient Kingdom of Valencia, as stated by Jaume I when he peacefully conquered the city of Valencia in the drafting of the charters ("So that the Valencians of the entire kingdom understand them and can comply with them" ordered that they be translated into the language that the people spoke: Romance.
However, there are various theories about the origin and evolution of Valencian, such as the repopulation (or dialectal) theory, the Mozarabist theory and the Occitanist theory.

Theories about the origin and evolution of Valencian​

  1. The Mozarabist (Valencianist) theory. It explains the existence of Valencian through the population and linguistic continuity in Valencia during Muslim rule. There is evidence that suggests that during the Muslim domination the romance spoken in Valencia was not lost but rather survived and evolved in the Romance language that would develop into the Valencian Romance.. For example, the testimony of toponymy testifies that at the time when James I conquered Valencia, the native Romance speech had vitality; Likewise, the verdict of Arabists is unanimous when they speak of diglossia (Arabic and Romance) and even triglossia (classical Arabic, dialectal Arabic and Romance) practiced in Muslim Spain. Those responsible for maintaining the language during Muslim domination in Valencia were none other than the Mozarabs residing there as well as the Muladíes, converted to Islam but who practiced a diglossic bilingualism: Arabic for administration and culture and Valencian Romance .in their homes. One of the evidence presented by defenders of the antiquity of Valencian is the proximity of the roots of its words to Latin, from which it would be deduced that the Valencian language is derived from the Latin spoken in the Iberian Peninsula until the Muslim invasion (8th century). , which provides Arabisms until after the Conquest (13th century) and from that moment on it receives loans from Provencal (currently called Catalan), Aragonese, Limousin and Castilian, fruits of a minority repopulation.
  2. The theory of repopulation(pan-Catalanist). He postulates that the Kingdom of Valencia was colonized entirely by Catalans, in coastal regions, and Aragonese, in interior regions. According to this idea, the Islamic invasion of the 7th century in the Iberian Peninsula produced a political and cultural cut of such magnitude that the Valencian population, among others, was completely assimilated, losing its roots and its language, (which contrasts with the Mozarabic jarchas), in the Valencian language and the Romance speaking of these people. Subsequently, with the conquest of Valencia by James I, a kind of void would have been produced that was filled with the arrival of settlers of Aragonese, Catalan and Castilian origin, there being therefore a before and after, without a break in continuity, to the Reconquest. Therefore,
    This theory presupposes that in the Taifa (muslim kingdom) of Valencia, there were no inhabitants left after the conquest, despite it being a completely peaceful conquest, and despite there being abundant evidence about the permanence of these converted and non-converted Mozarabs during the Middle Ages and their descendants. in later centuries.
    Under this idea, there are groups that are responsible for discrediting Valencian, causing many people to stop speaking it in public because they think it is an incorrect language.

  3. The Occitanist theory. According to which Valencian would be part of a group of languages closely linked to each other and among which there is a degree of intelligibility that allows them to be classified under the category of Occitan-Romanesque. This group includes Gascon, Provençal, Valencian, Catalan, Mallorcan, Limousin and Languedocian. This theory is groundbreaking, in the sense that the language that is going to be imposed in Valencia is not that of the inhabitants but that of the Court of James I, which spoke the Limousin Provençal language. Therefore, according to this position, it is not the Mozarabs or the Catalans or the Jews or the Aragonese who impose their culture but rather the one that prevailed at that time, that is, that of the troubadours of the Middle Ages, thus defending that the Provençal troubadours and the floral games ofProvença were a great influence and that is why, during the 19th century, in cultured circles, this group of languages was sometimes called Limousin.
Probably, the origin of Valencian is a mixture of these three theories, since it is false that there were no Mozarabs left after the reconquest, the Romance languages of the eastern peninsula and southern France had a great similarity between them, being in continuous coexistence due to the influence of the troubadours. and to the Kingdom of Valencia were settlers from the north of the Crown of Aragon and France, who despite being a minority, left numerous linguistic loans. It should be noted that these settlers did not speak Catalan, but rather Provençal and Occitan, so the statement that Valencian is a dialect of Mozarabic influenced by the Provençal dialect and Occitan, a dialect of Romance languages, which in turn are dialects of Latin, would be closer to reality.
Despite studying the origin of languages, it cannot be determined with this study whether or not a language is a language or should have normative autonomy, since all languages are dialects of others, as is the case with all languages. Romance and Latin. To do this, it is necessary to do a sociolinguistic study .

Mozarabic jarchas in Valencian​

The first signs of Valencian romance are evident in the Jarchas of the 9th century, for example those of the Lord of Murviedro dated 1085, those of Ibn Al-Dani of Denia or those dated 1121 of Ibn Rudaym of Bocairente. The Mozarabs used Latin in their books and writings; but in daily use they spoke a Romance language that was not written but was in general use in the 9th and 10th centuries, not only among Mozarabs and Jews, but among Muslims of all social classes. One of the most clarifying testimonies was that of Ibn Sida, who died in Denia in 1066, who left us the linguistic situation of his time, the 11th century, with a couple of phrases "Com no he de fer-les – si I wrote in times so alluntats de quan l'arap es parlava en purea – i tenint que conviure familiarment en personas que parlen romanç?"

Example text:​

Mio sîdî ïbrâhîm
yâ tú, uemme dolge!
Fente mib
de nohte.
In non, si non keris,
irey-me tib,
gari-me a ob
Mi señor Ibrahim,
¡oh tú, hombre dulce!
Vente a mí
de noche.
Si no, si no quieres,
iréme a ti,
dime a dónde
El meu senyor Ibrahim,
oh tu, home dolç!
Vine't a mi
de nit.
Si no, si no vols,
aniré'm a tu,
digues-me a on
Meu senhor Ibrahim,
ó tu, homem doce!
Vem a mim
de noite.
Se não, se não quiseres,
ir-me-ei a ti,
diz-me onde
te encontro.
O domine mi Ibrahim,
o tu, homo dulcis!
Veni mihi
Si non, si non vis,
ibo tibi,
dic mihi ubi
te inveniam.
My lord Ibrahim,
oh you, sweet man!
Come to me
at night.
If not, if you don't want to,
I will go to you,
tell me where
to find you
Buen rollo, primo/nano/nen.

El Mozárabe tambíen era la lengua romance autóctona de mi zona.
Mozarabic was also the native Romance language of my area.

For the rest, greetings again, from this fearful mountain range of the Empire Where the Sun Never Set, formerly the Caliphate of Air Conditioning.

Sun, of course, is not missing these days... October-3 :
Another walk to my humble ganjanal; Walking by the way:

Palmetto (clumping palm), (specifically the only native variety of palmetto, Chamaerops humilis) that grows right next to the wall and on the roof of my house:

Yucca (Yucca aloifolia). This plant is wild, and grows wild in my area, although like the local agaves and nopales, it arrived from America after the conquest and absorption of the Mexica Empire of the Triple Alliance by the Spanish Empire of Charles I of Spain and V of Germany (del tal Carlos ese, era el Imperio, revegetta). From here, it later spread to Africa and the warmer areas of the Mediterranean basin:

This apple tree is planted. I planted it years ago, but either you water it a lot, or it suffers a lot from the heat and dryness of my climate:

Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), also planted; post-floral pineapple. (This species was widely imported starting in the 16th century here, from Spanish Florida and Texas):

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Well-known member
My earliest God Bud only got about 7 feet tall but the top was turning into a huge 2 foot cola. Unfortunately it was super dense and started to mold after the first rain. You know it's a bad year when you have a plant that looks like this.


My pine tar Kush x purple Indica is turning dark purple from the cold weather. She has that fantastic pine tar smell. She's one of my favorites.



ICMag Donor
Trying to put a name on these 2 plants in the front corner, I originally called them DC x Blueberry, but I thought they may not be since the other 4 have such uniform morphology with purple petioles. So it had the look of the DC x LVPK x HK, however with the smell of the flowers I think they may be what I originally called them DC x Blueberry. Smoke test confirms it, that's your plant tag. :smoke:

Deep Chunk x Blueberry-- large 3-4 inch flower on small side branch. Plant in front corner of garden.


Sativa Candy Chunk


Deep Chunk x Blueberry--for certain this is that hybrid. Testers from root rot plant show excellent potency, but not much terpene expression, it was a sick plant though. The healthy ones have some good hues blueberry type hues showing.


Sativa Candy Chunk




Sativa Candy Chunk 'Spicy'--This was the original phenotype before the exceptionally potent SCC plant was found in 2017. Smoking a similar tester, its potent and therapeutic after 1 toke--keeper!


Sativa Candy Chunk 'Spicy'


Sativa Candy Chunk


DC x Blueberry or Sativa Candy Chunk

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Well-known member
Sorry to hear revverend, same here shitty - on all fronts this year... hoping things turn around for you in the future.

For you guys who've been growing way longer than I have, does trichome size differ between males and females? I moved this male to brush in a pot and it gets only a tiny bit light, but it seems the trichomes on this guy got fatter heads than my girls this year... I've been picking apart the seeds from this male and other plants and none of em got the size this one gets.

Does this trait pass on to offspring pretty conventionally/easily? I picked this male for the year cuz structure and a fem from the same batch killed it last year. Debating saving this dude but my air layer failed so not as straight forward.

el mani

Well-known member
Good morning outsiders


Don't worry, all the cousins, here the one who is the most and the least is a translator, the effort is valued and it is difficult to measure the level of joke without looking at each other's faces...
Some fat girls and a paella for the cousin to help me peel melochi.

Tranquils tots els cosins, açí el que més i el que menys tira de traductor, es valora l'esforç i és difícil mesurar el nivell de broma sense mirar-se a la cara...
Unes grosses i una paella al cosí que'm faça el favor de pelar la melochi .

Tranquilos todos los primos , aquí el que más y el que menos tira de traductor , se valora el esfuerzo y es dificil medir el nivel de broma sin mirarse a la cara ...
Unas gordas y una paella al primo que me ayude a pelar
melochi .







Well-known member
Some "fat girls" and a paella for the cousin to help me peel melochi.
Tranquils tots els cosins, açí el que més i el que menys tira de traductor, es valora l'esforç i és difícil mesurar el nivell de broma sense mirar-se a la cara...
Unes grosses i una paella al cosí que'm faça el favor de pelar la melochi .
Tranquilos todos los primos , aquí el que más y el que menos tira de traductor , se valora el esfuerzo y es dificil medir el nivel de broma sin mirarse a la cara ...
Unas gordas y una paella al primo que me ayude a pelar la melochi.
I mapoint, brother-in-law, me!!
¡Yee, cachondo!: How well you master the La Mancha dialect, my cousin... "Have some fat ones": From La Mancha Castillian : "Invite rounds of beers of 1/3 of a liter each"...

Of course yes, my cousin: We are already leaving there...; we are already crossing the hard Castilian savanna...; here we go...
"El ciego sol se estrella
en las duras aristas de las armas,
llaga de luz los petos y espaldares
y flamea en las puntas de las lanzas.
El ciego sol, la sed y la fatiga...
Por la terrible estepa castellana,
al destierro, con doce de los suyos
-polvo, sudor y acero-, hacia Valencia
el Tito cabalga..."

"The burning blind sun crashes
on the hard edges of weapons,
light wound on the breastplates and backrests,
and flames on the tips of the spears.
The blind sun, thirst and fatigue...
Through the terrible Castilian steppe,
to exile, with twelve of his cousins,
(dust, sweat and steel),
towards Valencia, El Tito rides..."

Venga esas gordas y esa paellica, cuñao... Que si hace falta y no me tirais al Turia con un bloque de piedra de las Torres de Quart atado al pescuezo, la hago yo mismo al estilo manchego/"arroz con cosas", con carne de gato montés y berenjenas de Almadén, primo @el mani....
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el mani

Well-known member
We are all citizens of a place called the world...
I have a Castilian mother and a Valencian father, of La Mancha, Andalusian ancestry, just a couple of generations older and I have a Russian family...
Well, a polyhybrid in every sense

Niño... notifies and commands location


Well-known member
View of the interior of "La Perrera", from East to West; Zamaldélica (born April-15; close-up) and Thai A5 Haze (born May-1; in the background) by A.C.E. The smallest (Santa Marta-Colombian Gold * O. Haze) (born May-16) by @MadMac, between the two:



Reverse view, from West to East; Thai A5 Haze (close-up) and Zamaldélica (in the background). The smallest (Santa Marta-Colombian Gold * O. Haze), between them:

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ICMag Donor
Good morning! Awesome fruits guys! Love this time of year! Interesting to see the diversity of all the plants, and the trichomes are making them shine nice and pretty.

My Pine Tar Kush kind of surprised me, it seemed very sweet and almost fruity. I was taken back and thought it should have been more of a spicy indica type pine smell. Then i picked up some White pine cones and smelled the pine sap and it seemed to match. Should be fruity to smell like real pine tar! :smoke:

Looks like a good male there Lavoslovacs. Every plant is unique, looks like a good male, but doesn't necessarily mean it will make better females. I would use it, but there is no guarantee passing on more trichomes. I prefer to use a pollen mix so no traits are missed from the line, and creating more stable seedlines.

What strain is that , smirnoff 420? Looks well camoflaged there at the garden! Happy harvest!

Tropicana cherry looks amazing, glad they made it trough alright! Vibrant color, curious how it will taste. What is the smell like?

I thought the Melochi was Sour Peach rings. That one is trichome covered too! Good fluffy indica as big as your leg! Looks very tastey!

I'm trying to let them go as long as possible to ripen up since they are in the shade. After the rain later this week, will dry out and go back to around 70F looks like next week, so will work out for final ripening and drying outdoors! :smoke: