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ICMag Donor
Decided to grade the first round, and I ended up scrapping everything but about 30 plants. They may end up growing, but they won't have the momentum a young seedling does to get up into the light. Will be an experiment for my woods plot.

The backup round flats had a few seedlings showing some nitrogen burn, so graded those and transplanted to stage 2 media lightly fertilized at 25% rate.

Planted 2 more backup flats of seed with the light 25% rate which is 3 cups composted chicken manure per 2 cubic ft media.

Just planted whatever I had left essentially but I'm excited, added some strains to the mix. Large group of Sativa Candy Chunk both keeper types (SCC and Medical Indica/pine phenos).

Going to be nice later this week when the start to emerge and hopefully these will catch the wave. Have a pretty good group of plants with the backup flats that were graded and transplanted. Going to hopefully be a smooth season. :smoke:

Early Skunk x Lebanese V2
Deep Chunk X Blueberry
Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush
Going to be warm toward the weekend onward! Going to catch the wave! :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Worked on those marijuana muscles today grading flats, mixing media, filling flats, doing transplants, and planting seed. Getting more workout this spring than usual.

If you use your brain more, you use your feet less.

Thought about it long and hard before I scrapped most of the round 1 seedlings. Learing a thing or 2 this year. Just counting it as training. May not use the chicken manure in seedling mix in the future. Probably should just use some cow manure, leaf, or mushroom compost, in the potting soil. Needs to be light and fluffy. Elected for more smaller containers on this recent transplant to help them dry faster and help overwatering issues. . :smoke:

St. Phatty

Active member
I used the trudge through the woods carrying 5 gallon buckets of water in each hand..That’ll slow you down after a while..And I’m slight of frame and build

If there's 4 gallons in each bucket that's about 32 pounds per bucket.

Do you use covered buckets so you don't spill any ?

This is related to my feelings about firearms. Guys who think they're TOUGH LIBERAL-HATING CONSERVATIVES ... and they complain about a rifle with a 20 or 24 inch barrel, just because it might weigh 10 pounds.

Obviously those "tough conservatives" need to do some Guerilla Growing.


ICMag Donor
Use the square cat litter buckets they come with a lid, but it doesn't seal so it spills a little bit.

I use a single Reliance 6 gal water jug to walk up from the creek but it has a hole in it I have to stop up with my hand as I walk. Need to get some new ones.

If I use the truck I fill the bed with 2.5 gal jugs and 5 gal cat litter buckets with water. Then we're talking. Doing watering from the creek works better because its slow application allows it to all soak in. May be a little fish emulsion and minerals in there too. :smoke:


Not ICMag Donor
Maple Leaf x Lebanese



ICMag Donor
Plants are looking great guys! Got a round of buds to harvest at the beginning of the season and the end of the season in those warmer climates!

Maple Leaf Lebanese is bushing out great! Looks like a great mix of indica and sativa! How many weeks flower do you expect those to finish? I guess those are about 30 days into flowering cycle?

Its planting time, temps have stabilized to 50 F nights or better. Just waiting a few days for seedlings to mature a little. Planted seed 3 times this year trying to develop the best protocol, the 2nd batch has a little bit of nitrogen burn on a few of them even though they were moved out of the hot seedling mix into a lighter fertilized mix. Most of them should make it though for planting I think.

Let the native foliage grow out a little this week to camoflage the herb plot. Will be good to give the seedlings some time to mature on the porch in the sun, so they can hit the ground running when they get planted in the woods.

Got a new super thick, nearly indestructible pipe a friend of mine gave me! I love it, smokes really good and has some weight to it. I love the fat 3/8 inch carb! Will be a great lifetime piece to have! Set him up with a bag of choice flower as a thank you. He's running a marathon today. He'll probably do well since he has a secret weapon, the Sativa Candy Chunk. :smoke:




Not ICMag Donor
Maple Leaf Lebanese is bushing out great! Looks like a great mix of indica and sativa! How many weeks flower do you expect those to finish? I guess those are about 30 days into flowering cycle?
Yes around 30 days. Not sure what to expect, one is flowering very fast and the other looks like it will take longer. Its flowers are more elongated and wispy. So I guess I got one leaning towards the mom and the other towards the dad. Very cool pipe by the way 👍👍


ICMag Donor
Cool, lebanese aren't the fastest flowering plants, but if it lends some cerebral qualities and finishes on time it will be some great medicine! Looking forward to seeing the results! I guess you are doing a light deprivation for flowering cycle?

Love this new pipe, it clears out really well and draws good tokes. I think it medicates a little better than my last pipe! Had some really good tastes showing up! This year is making up for all the years with poor harvest! Great having such therapeutic medicine to be able to share! :smoke:

Seedlings on this 3rd round are doing great, getting things dialed in! I will get a shot in a few!


ICMag Donor
Feeling good! Looks like we're on track for a heavy harvest! Never quit! :smoke:


Second round seedlings, some have tip burn.


Excellent germination success! Watch your temperatures (70-78F optimal), lightly water with a watering can instead of a hose, light fertilization, good light early on, starting to get the picture! Training this year! Next year will hopefully be successful early start, but without good lights, I don't know if it will work very well.

Better to start mid to late April with backups early May, and it is much easier to time it to be able to set them out on the porch. You want them to have good momentum when they go out to the garden.

