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Well-known member

(Reunion Island's Zamal X Golden Tiger; Golden Tiger being: Koh Chang Thai/Hmong Thai X Malawi Killer), (A.C.E.).
Born during the second half of April, she measures 1.65 meters:
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POSTSCRIPT: She has the 3 lower nodes (6 lower branches) pruned. Increasingly sweeter and more delicate smell: orangeade/mandarin, and a finish with a mixture of sweet carrot and fruity melon.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Got a window of good weather, lots of sun to finish stuff out. Waited until a day before the rains came, spent 32 hours hacking all I could, crammed it into the drying room. It was a miracle stuff that seemed like it had a week or more until it was done suddenly finished. Then I had to stop for a couple days while things sogged back up. Rain stopped again last night, now there's a window of sun for a couple days. Rain comes back Saturday night, going to start hacking again tomorrow after stuff dries out.

That's the pattern. Rain, then wait a couple days until the terpenes and resin fills in again. Then hack all I can until the rain returns. Meanwhile the dew point is way too high, the mold is spreading in everything that isn't resistant. At least it's cooled down, below the mold's sweet spot.

The sun is a mixed blessing. Dries the flower out but also warms up and dries out the mold. So it can change to it's 'active' stage. When you touch a moldy bud it goes 'Poof!' Out comes a cloud of foul mold spores that seek out other healthy colas to infect. I'm careful when I cut the moldy shit to make sure it hits the ground and the spores don't get to spread into the wind.

Everything is hit by the botrytis on some level. Nothing is 100% resistant. The closest is the hybrid I made of the Himalayan hand rubbed hashplant strain I hybridized last year. The 'Nirang Asphalt #2 2021' I got from Trident Seeds/Indian Landrace Exchange. Awesome narrow leaf types that finish in temperate climates. This far north in mid to late October. The stuff I've been wishing for the last 20 years.

Last year I hybridized it by a Pot of gold hashplant x apricot helix male. I had 3 females this year. One took after the POG HP x Apricot Helix side of things. Got 8 feet tall or so. Wonderful frosty flowers, (I'll post a pic next time) but the stalk was too weak for the large nugs it produced. Got totally slammed by the wind and rain. It needed some sort of trellis, more support than I gave it tying off on stakes. Got beat to hell and slammed to the ground. Got a nasty case of botrytis. What I've salvaged is wonderful. The cross is a success but the weather didn't cooperate.

The other 2 took after the Himalayan thin leaved hashplant. Has the uniquely lovely spicy aromatic terpenes of the mother sativa along with the tall stature and long branches. The flowers are thin and 'sativa-like' except they're 25-35% more dense. Quite frosty. No real mold damage so far. Here's a look.

View attachment 18903274 View attachment 18903275 There's just a touch of the apricot/golden hashplant smell. She's over 12 feet tall although she's been thrashed around and beaten by the wind. The stalk and branches are just rubbery enough not to break. You can see her sister behind her and to the right. The sister is very similar but a bit later and not as purple.

I crossed her with the Kushkak variety from Afghan Selection. A hashplant strain from a village 25 kilometers north of Balk in northern Afghanistan. I'll post some current pics of the Kushkak females soon. The male was outstanding, smelled better than the girls. He had a wonderful rose incense smell. Very unique. Glad I got to use his pollen.

The females are quite late which isn't surprising. There's a little dwarf one, I had hopes but she's molding like crazy. Still a long way from finishing. And a big beautiful one. Wonderful purple color and throwing lots of resin. Probably 2-4 weeks until finish but showing strong mold resistance despite growing underneath clusters of rotting blackberries.

Another landrace I grew out this year was a Tirah Valley variety collected by @Landrace Warden . It had trouble adjusting to my long summer days. It seemed like it wanted to flower but went into a weird funk from late August to mid September. Wanted to flower but couldn't, stopped stretching, I've seen landrace varieties do this before. I think it's a sort of shock to an alien environment. Different soil, different daylight hours, the sun is in a different angle in the sky.

Despite the late start she's in full flower now. The heart of the flowers is turning purple. She has the most fantastic purple aroma, I can tell she's extremely high quality. Here's a look, I'll post close ups of her flowers soon. I'm worried because she's short and planted in a spot that's shaded by now. Gets plenty of light in August-early October but the sun dips below the trees this time of year. Hopefully she can finish without molding, so far so good.

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She has smallish flowers but they already have plenty of frost.

Years like this one are the reason I plant a diversity of strains that finish at different times. Most of the stuff that would have finished Sept 27-Oct 5 are total losses. The later stuff that's done now is faring better. Cold rain is always better than warm rain.

I had bad luck with my (Critical 47 x Shishkaberry) X (GG#4 x C99). One plant was a total loss. The other was girdled by mold early. The parts above the girdle finished in a hurry. Plenty of losses but I still managed to salvage quite a bit of small to medium small flower. Here's what they looked like.

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As you can see it's kill bud but I think about what cold have been and it makes me sick. One of my best successes was my Maui X (sour diesel x Island sweet skunk) from Mister D's Farmhouse. It seemed like it was going to finish late, maybe last week of October, but all of a sudden it was finished. Took the big mold-prone tops before the last rain. Left the rest, I'll be taking most of it over the next couple days. Finished up wonderful.

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It has a wonderful vanilla white hash smell, hardly a spot of mold. Very impressed and it came out of left field. Very lucky to have her.

I've been having volunteers on a regular basis. They're well worth keeping, they always prove to be resistant to pests. This one is late but it's turning out great. It could have some huckleberry punch, could have some Afghan landrace. It has a wonderful purple smell. Still a week or 2 from finish but hardly any mold.

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And last I'll post a pick of my Huckleberry punch X (Buddha's sister x super silver haze). Her and her sister are season saver's. Good mold resistance, big frosty colas. Wonderful purple haze and berry smells. It's going to be interesting to sample the smoke, I expect them to be great. Mold resistance is a great quality.

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Monsignor's superlative cannabis cultivation prowess is only exceeded by his literary talent as an erudite and dispassionate chronicler of this exacting horticultural discipline we all love.


Well-known member
Had four plants outside this year but I had to cut three of them early due to powdery mildew. My Durban hung in there the longest and made it pretty far. Could have gone longer but since I had to leave for some days she was harvested a bit early to.


Well-known member
Colombian Gold/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze
, (MadMac); Born on May-16, she has, now, the 4 and half lower nodes of the stem (9 twigs) pruned.
Indeed, MadMac, after months in vegetation growing as slowly as a turtle, has now begun to grow like the Alien... 1.55 meters, measured with a flexometer. And it is already blooming:




ICMag Donor
Drying outdoors under the right conditions could help bring out potency and terpenes I think because it begins the cure. There are some of them that were chopped Sept. 23 that I jarred today and they are were golden and sweet already! Humidity has been low, but it was a little higher today with the rain coming in this evening, and they were perfect moisture content.

They just need a few days to dry before wet conditions. And also the large flowers should be cut up to dry faster. I have had major losses trying to dry outdoors, but it works. Seems like there's always a window i the weather to get it done, just have to be paying attention. This weekend would not have worked, long light rain and high humidity followed by cold temperatures. Made the right decision!

Deep Chunk x Blueberry










Deep Chunk x Blueberry


Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush


DC x LVPK x HK--high density






DC x LVPK x HK --High density


Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
talk a bit about that

It all begun few seasons ago.. I saw some pretty nice outdoorplants. They were called Ultra early love or King of the North. Fortunately I asked the right person and got gifted of 12 beans F6. With my first season I was like addicted to it. It’s Resistence and lime smell at the end is pretty pleasant. I also contacted one of the most important guys for the UEL and it’s survive in Europe. (Btw. He is so honest and kind! Shoutout to Arnold!) He gifted me some S1 he made of his F5 Cut he hold since few years. I crossed F6 with these S1‘s and with F7 and vise versa :) This is the story of my UEL. So the mother was the most Sativa lean phenotype I found in the F5 S1 seeds.

The father is a random P1 Komuani Landrace guy. His story is short. I popped two of it last season and after 1 week veg I put them into a box after 10 hours. Both turned male I took the better one and pollinated the UEL.

This year I popped 3 beans of it and decide to keep both lady’s. The green one is more the UEL type (Lime) and the red one will hopefully turn complete purple like you can find Komuani Purple type :) It has more resin and smells pretty fruity.

Anything else ?

Purple in front and in the right upper corner is the green one!


Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Colombian Gold/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze
, (MadMac); Born on May-16, she has, now, the 4 and half lower nodes of the stem (9 twigs) pruned.
Indeed, MadMac, after months in vegetation growing as slowly as a turtle, has now begun to grow like the Alien... 1.55 meters, measured with a flexometer. And it is already blooming:

Looking good. Very Sativa!

I hope the weather holds long enough for her to finish.

el mani

Well-known member
Hey cousin, the second Destroyer is more thai, first is more Colombia/mex, the aroma is similar on two...
Has your Destroyer x dc/TH beginning to flower? And could you make some seeds?...
I haven't luck with the Ohz polen


Well-known member
Dogs & fruits


Tomate valenciano


Chickens & garrofón

Some porn buds


Sour peach ringz

@Eltitoguay, aquí mis aceitunas, ya madurando
A ver si tenéis suerte y os cae bien el agua... Qué falta os hace.



Que bonito todo, primo; cuanto me alegro...
Menuda diferencia entre tu "tierra de las flores, de la luz y del color", y la mía del "hierro, polvo y sudor", que dicen los dichos... Este año, mis dos granados perdieron pronto toda la flor con el calor, y no tengo una triste granada... Las aceitunas ya las has visto: raquíticas y arrugadas como pasas...; cierto es que nuestras variedades son de secano, menos productivas, más rústicas y más tardías que las tuyas (aquí se coge aceituna desde Noviembre a Febrero), pero ni con eso.
Y huerto de hortalizas, llevamos 2 años sin poner, ante la falta de agua...

...Lo único que se está dando "de puta madre" este año son los kakis, y medio regular, los membrillos... Y resulta que los cabrones de los rabilargos, que tienen este año los pobres más hambre que la que pasaron nuestr@s abuel@s en la Postguerra, no van a dejar ni medio madurar un kaki...y cuando arrasen con ellos, se van a pasar a por los membrillos, je, je... Habrá que tomarselo con resignación y humor...

"Cuando tu venias..., cuando tu venias...era por sequía, epidemia y plaga, cuando tu veníiiiaaass..."
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Well-known member
It all begun few seasons ago.. I saw some pretty nice outdoorplants. They were called Ultra early love or King of the North. Fortunately I asked the right person and got gifted of 12 beans F6. With my first season I was like addicted to it. It’s Resistence and lime smell at the end is pretty pleasant. I also contacted one of the most important guys for the UEL and it’s survive in Europe. (Btw. He is so honest and kind! Shoutout to Arnold!) He gifted me some S1 he made of his F5 Cut he hold since few years. I crossed F6 with these S1‘s and with F7 and vise versa :) This is the story of my UEL. So the mother was the most Sativa lean phenotype I found in the F5 S1 seeds.

The father is a random P1 Komuani Landrace guy. His story is short. I popped two of it last season and after 1 week veg I put them into a box after 10 hours. Both turned male I took the better one and pollinated the UEL.

This year I popped 3 beans of it and decide to keep both lady’s. The green one is more the UEL type (Lime) and the red one will hopefully turn complete purple like you can find Komuani Purple type :) It has more resin and smells pretty fruity.

Anything else ?

Purple in front and in the right upper corner is the green one!

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Thank you very much. They look awesome! If you ever make a smokereport about these: please tag me :)

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hey cousin, the second Destroyer is more thai, first is more Colombia/mex, the aroma is similar on two...
Has your Destroyer x dc/TH beginning to flower? And could you make some seeds?...
I haven't luck with the Ohz polen

Initially I thought mine was stacking up like your 2nd plant, the more Thai one, but now when I've just been out to photograph it, it seems more like your first photo, the Columbian/Mexican.


The flowers have started to full out in just the last few days. Only a week ago, it looked much more Thai in the way the colas were building.
The smell is mango with perhaps a bit of pineapple.

I did try and pollinate it with the miniscule bit of pollen I collected, but sadly it didn't take. 😕

The D23 x DC/TTH is now flowering!


She's very slow though.
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