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Not ICMag Donor
It's always good to get the last one safely in, but I always feel sad to not have anything growing and match seems so far off.

Congratulations brother!
Thank you my friend :D I know I'm actually gonna feel a little sad and lonely this winter as I've decided to not grow indoors for the first time in several years (11 I think). I'm changing jobs and I will be meeting clients at home so having stinky plants indoors is out of the question. And it's a long way til March as you say. Oh well.


Well-known member
What's it feel like now?
she has stored well maybe milder flavour, super smooth berry mild fruit euphoric and calming weird as that sounds but clear headed no crash or couchlock great workweed enjoyable smoke for me only homemade comfrey feed was used and these are small buds off a plant that did not fully mature but we have fun trying anyway here in uk


Well-known member
a bit beat up. 2 weeks to go.



Active member
haze love ... ❤️
some strong winds and rain... but all still fine...
Iranian Auto x OHzS1
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they all needed more support... the bud's are going heavy
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ahhh do i'll love those sativa tree's ... no mold no issues... and superb' yield... just little too late... but next season :)
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the smell is citrus/piney ... very nice... not too strong... problem is now ... they harvested the corn field... and you can see them from far away... but fading well with the nature... because they are giant's.. nobody thinks this is a hemp plant haha ...
we have this year a fantastic outdoor season here in germany.... weather is still good and we have 20°C over day...
happy growin'

Holy shit, when did you put them outside and at what size?


ICMag Donor
I guess maybe they need staked, at least starting mid flower. They're supposed to get heavy and fall over at the end. :smoke:

What an amazing year, glad I chopped this week because the next night after harvest it got down to near freezing 33F and the last night was 34F! The smells have really taken off though with the cold weather hitting here and there and warming up then cooling off, i think it helps to mature a more complete resin profile, or at least bring out the terpenes. Watering regularly helps promote healthier resin I think too.

Got some good shots to take home. Smoke has been super potent. Best year ever. Working through the pics. Had to take a day or 2 to rest and recover. I have burnt a couple meals falling asleep, but I'm getting caught up now. Its a passion! Cannabis growing in the woods has its challenges, but it also has its rewards. Very little pest pressure this year, we have tons of wasps, lady bugs, spiders, etc and I owe it all to them and the good Lord's design making this a good year. Found a few budworms but most of them were stunted by the cold and immature thankfully. Not too much mold, been thankful the weather has been pretty cooperative, and except for some of the really high density flower, most of the plants are pretty much mold-free! Yeah buddy!

Lets get down to the plants' level, see if we can understand what they're doing. Puff... Puff...... :smoke:

Where did they all go? They were weathering the storm laying over after the wind. Left them for a day after the rain without checking on them, and they were fine. Weather was sunny and windy so was good for drying them out.



Deep Chunk x Blueberry



Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush


Deep Chunk x Las Vegas Purple Kush x Hindu Kush--medicinal indica pine




DC x LVPK x HK--light fresh aeromatic kush--Champion plant with very high density flowers with high calyx to leaf ratio and strong woody stems up to the flowers. It didn't even lean. :smoke:




Soaking up the sun


Deep Chunk x Blueberry



Drying tents. Always a bit of a puzzle. Got it done!


Dogs like the shelter. It was warmer under the tarps. They take care not to disturb the harvest.



Early Skunk x Lebanese


Early Skunk x Lebanese


ES x L


ES x L


ES x L


ES x L


Well-known member
Got a window of good weather, lots of sun to finish stuff out. Waited until a day before the rains came, spent 32 hours hacking all I could, crammed it into the drying room. It was a miracle stuff that seemed like it had a week or more until it was done suddenly finished. Then I had to stop for a couple days while things sogged back up. Rain stopped again last night, now there's a window of sun for a couple days. Rain comes back Saturday night, going to start hacking again tomorrow after stuff dries out.

That's the pattern. Rain, then wait a couple days until the terpenes and resin fills in again. Then hack all I can until the rain returns. Meanwhile the dew point is way too high, the mold is spreading in everything that isn't resistant. At least it's cooled down, below the mold's sweet spot.

The sun is a mixed blessing. Dries the flower out but also warms up and dries out the mold. So it can change to it's 'active' stage. When you touch a moldy bud it goes 'Poof!' Out comes a cloud of foul mold spores that seek out other healthy colas to infect. I'm careful when I cut the moldy shit to make sure it hits the ground and the spores don't get to spread into the wind.

Everything is hit by the botrytis on some level. Nothing is 100% resistant. The closest is the hybrid I made of the Himalayan hand rubbed hashplant strain I hybridized last year. The 'Nirang Asphalt #2 2021' I got from Trident Seeds/Indian Landrace Exchange. Awesome narrow leaf types that finish in temperate climates. This far north in mid to late October. The stuff I've been wishing for the last 20 years.

Last year I hybridized it by a Pot of gold hashplant x apricot helix male. I had 3 females this year. One took after the POG HP x Apricot Helix side of things. Got 8 feet tall or so. Wonderful frosty flowers, (I'll post a pic next time) but the stalk was too weak for the large nugs it produced. Got totally slammed by the wind and rain. It needed some sort of trellis, more support than I gave it tying off on stakes. Got beat to hell and slammed to the ground. Got a nasty case of botrytis. What I've salvaged is wonderful. The cross is a success but the weather didn't cooperate.

The other 2 took after the Himalayan thin leaved hashplant. Has the uniquely lovely spicy aromatic terpenes of the mother sativa along with the tall stature and long branches. The flowers are thin and 'sativa-like' except they're 25-35% more dense. Quite frosty. No real mold damage so far. Here's a look.

There's just a touch of the apricot/golden hashplant smell. She's over 12 feet tall although she's been thrashed around and beaten by the wind. The stalk and branches are just rubbery enough not to break. You can see her sister behind her and to the right. The sister is very similar but a bit later and not as purple.

I crossed her with the Kushkak variety from Afghan Selection. A hashplant strain from a village 25 kilometers north of Balk in northern Afghanistan. I'll post some current pics of the Kushkak females soon. The male was outstanding, smelled better than the girls. He had a wonderful rose incense smell. Very unique. Glad I got to use his pollen.

The females are quite late which isn't surprising. There's a little dwarf one, I had hopes but she's molding like crazy. Still a long way from finishing. And a big beautiful one. Wonderful purple color and throwing lots of resin. Probably 2-4 weeks until finish but showing strong mold resistance despite growing underneath clusters of rotting blackberries.

Another landrace I grew out this year was a Tirah Valley variety collected by @Landrace Warden . It had trouble adjusting to my long summer days. It seemed like it wanted to flower but went into a weird funk from late August to mid September. Wanted to flower but couldn't, stopped stretching, I've seen landrace varieties do this before. I think it's a sort of shock to an alien environment. Different soil, different daylight hours, the sun is in a different angle in the sky.

Despite the late start she's in full flower now. The heart of the flowers is turning purple. She has the most fantastic purple aroma, I can tell she's extremely high quality. Here's a look, I'll post close ups of her flowers soon. I'm worried because she's short and planted in a spot that's shaded by now. Gets plenty of light in August-early October but the sun dips below the trees this time of year. Hopefully she can finish without molding, so far so good.


She has smallish flowers but they already have plenty of frost.

Years like this one are the reason I plant a diversity of strains that finish at different times. Most of the stuff that would have finished Sept 27-Oct 5 are total losses. The later stuff that's done now is faring better. Cold rain is always better than warm rain.

I had bad luck with my (Critical 47 x Shishkaberry) X (GG#4 x C99). One plant was a total loss. The other was girdled by mold early. The parts above the girdle finished in a hurry. Plenty of losses but I still managed to salvage quite a bit of small to medium small flower. Here's what they looked like.


As you can see it's kill bud but I think about what cold have been and it makes me sick. One of my best successes was my Maui X (sour diesel x Island sweet skunk) from Mister D's Farmhouse. It seemed like it was going to finish late, maybe last week of October, but all of a sudden it was finished. Took the big mold-prone tops before the last rain. Left the rest, I'll be taking most of it over the next couple days. Finished up wonderful.


It has a wonderful vanilla white hash smell, hardly a spot of mold. Very impressed and it came out of left field. Very lucky to have her.

I've been having volunteers on a regular basis. They're well worth keeping, they always prove to be resistant to pests. This one is late but it's turning out great. It could have some huckleberry punch, could have some Afghan landrace. It has a wonderful purple smell. Still a week or 2 from finish but hardly any mold.



And last I'll post a pick of my Huckleberry punch X (Buddha's sister x super silver haze). Her and her sister are season saver's. Good mold resistance, big frosty colas. Wonderful purple haze and berry smells. It's going to be interesting to sample the smoke, I expect them to be great. Mold resistance is a great quality.



far beyond driven...
Holy shit, when did you put them outside and at what size?
Was wondering that myself:
how tall were they?
sprouted 1 may ...

pic is from may 20

may 28 planted outdoors...

june 20

july 2


july 20

july 30 some start to flower...


this girl is ready now :)
but full haze dom 10 weeks flower time
i'll only need the trigger 2 weeks earlier ... had one ... harvested mid sep.
next season ...


Well-known member

Good morning everyone, again from (approx) 39°N and 800 meters above sea level, in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. Today is another sunny day in my mountain range, my hill, and my valley: 31°C/88°F daytime maximum in the shade and 16°C/61°F nighttime minimum.
Fortunately, AEMet predicts that it will rain again tomorrow in my area (the last time was on September 15):

As always, a short walk up the hill until you reach "La Perrera" and the bushes...
Just leaving the house, do you remember my persimmons (kakis, in my tongue)?...
...Well, I don't think I'm going to try any at this rate...






The culprits are mainly these, who after such a long drought in the countryside, are very hungry...: Cyanopica cooki; (Iberian magpie, in English; rabilargo aka mojino, in my language). They act in groups, but even alone they are very brave and intelligent: they even attack my dogs with flying attacks near the nests, while some perch on the ground pretending to be injured, to divert the dogs' attention...



Let's leave the birds to their own devices, and continue on our way... (...)
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Well-known member
Up the hill, we enter the pasture/savannah...


Yako, wallowing...

This quince tree has not withstood the drought...


Loquat tree:

Going up further, the pasture/savanna becomes increasingly purer: Mediterranean pines, holm oaks and olive trees:



Primo @el mani , mira en que estado más lamentable están las aceitunas con la sequía...



Well-known member
Nice Dogs :) love your JRT


-"...I get up from my nap just to clarify: I am not a JRT, but a Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz or Andalusian wine-cellar rat-hunting dog. But in fact, I remember the JRT and other terriers, since originally my breed was born from a cross between smooth-haired Fox Terriers, and various local rat -hunting dogs type Ratonero Valenciano or Valencian Terrier "-

Well, Chico, it's okay. ...And since we're with the dogs, let's finally enter "the kennel" to see the bushes...
 Zamaldélica (A.C.E.), Santa Marta Gold/Colombian Gold * O. Haze (@MadMac ), & Thai A5 Haze (A.C.E.):


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