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Listen my username is from 07 lol
While it's not an auto flower, do some regular plants try to flower once they reach a certain age/size unless they are under 18-20+hr of light?

This is the first time I've ever had a plant do this. An if it was going to "early flower" why did it take 2 months? Shouldn't it have happened within the first month being outside? It has to be 120+ days old from seed


ICMag Donor
I was thinking about it, its interesting it flowered now as we are approaching the summer solstace. I don't think thats the case generally that cannabis plants flower at a certain date. On the Potcast recently with Kagyu of Costal Seeds he talked about growing landraces in partiular, they want to be grown on a certain timeframe in the traditional way, and don't like too much manipulation like light dep, and they can turn hermaphrodite.

Its kind of the situation with your plant, it was on a long photoperiod then brought outside to much shorter but increasing photoperiod and it must have confused it so it started flowering.


Listen my username is from 07 lol
I was thinking about it, its interesting it flowered now as we are approaching the summer solstace. I don't think thats the case generally that cannabis plants flower at a certain date. On the Potcast recently with Kagyu of Costal Seeds he talked about growing landraces in partiular, they want to be grown on a certain timeframe in the traditional way, and don't like too much manipulation like light dep, and they can turn hermaphrodite.

Its kind of the situation with your plant, it was on a long photoperiod then brought outside to much shorter but increasing photoperiod and it must have confused it so it started flowering.
It's been outside sense March 24th? Ish so way in the last 2 weeks is it doing it. It's approaching 3 months outside. An the last month has been 15+ hrs

Quick edit, it may have became root bound? It's been getting rhizo and cannazym. The stalk is massive, 3"+ in diameter it's starting to turn into bark. It seemed to happen right after it hit 4ft. It had no signs of flowering before that. Just the normal pistols where they show sex. No abnormal growth
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ICMag Donor
Ok, I'm back again.

And with a warning to anyone who might be thinking of cobbing Golden Tiger.

Don't do it if you want to sleep during siesta!. I had a lovely hour and a half space out, but no sleep.🙂 it really is some strong dope!.

Back to plants.
Zamal X JMB/Thai A5
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Such a bushy little plant.

Destroyer x DC/TTH
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As you can see, she's already being trained to grow outwards and low to the ground.

And the last of the girls for now.
Killer A5
View attachment 18852355
I decided against replacing her (for now at least). She lost two sets of leaves at the bottom of the plant but otherwise is good. I'll give her a few more days and see how she does once the roots get going.


ICMag Donor
Thats a decent volume and can support 6-8 ft deciduous trees, but cannabis grows roots aggressively. I think the plant is asking for a transplant. Have anything bigger? Could build a raised bed box for it.


ICMag Donor

issued by
8 June 2023​

ENSO Alert System Status: El Niño Advisory

Synopsis: El Niño conditions are present and are expected to gradually strengthen into the Northern Hemisphere winter 2023-24.

In May, weak El Niño conditions emerged as above-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) strengthened across the equatorial Pacific Ocean [Fig. 1]. All of the latest weekly Niño indices were more than +0.5°C: Niño-3.4 was +0.8°C, Niño-3 was +1.1°C, and Niño1+2 was +2.3°C [Fig. 2]. Area-averaged subsurface temperatures anomalies remained positive [Fig. 3], reflecting the continuation of widespread anomalous warmth below the surface of the equatorial Pacific Ocean [Fig. 4]. For the May average, low-level wind anomalies were westerly over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean, while upper-level wind anomalies were westerly over the eastern Pacific Ocean. Convection was enhanced along the equator and was suppressed over Indonesia [Fig. 5]. Both the equatorial SOI and traditional SOI were significantly negative. Collectively, the coupled ocean-atmosphere system reflected the emergence of El Niño conditions.
The most recent IRI plume indicates the continuation of El Niño through the Northern Hemisphere winter 2023-24 [Fig. 6]. Confidence in the occurrence of El Niño increases into the fall, reflecting the expectation that seasonally averaged Niño-3.4 index values will continue to increase. Another downwelling Kelvin wave is emerging in the western Pacific Ocean, and westerly wind anomalies are forecasted to recur over the western Pacific. At its peak, the chance of a strong El Niño is nearly the same as it was last month (56% chance of November-January Niño-3.4 ≥ 1.5°C), with an 84% chance of exceeding moderate strength (Niño-3.4 ≥ 1.0°C). In summary, El Niño conditions are present and are expected to gradually strengthen into the Northern Hemisphere winter 2023-24 [Fig. 7].

This discussion is a consolidated effort of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA's National Weather Service, and their funded institutions. Oceanic and atmospheric conditions are updated weekly on the Climate Prediction Center web site (El Niño/La Niña Current Conditions and Expert Discussions). Additional perspectives and analysis are also available in an ENSO blog. A probabilistic strength forecast is available here. The next ENSO Diagnostics Discussion is scheduled for 13 July 2023.

To receive an e-mail notification when the monthly ENSO Diagnostic Discussions are released, please send an e-mail message to: [email protected].​
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740​


Well-known member
It wasnt intended to go out side it was actually for my last indoor grow. So it's pretty old actually. It was 20/4 for most of it's life. Then 18/6 for a few weeks then went outside. At the very beginning when it went outside we were close to 12hr of light but it makes no sense for it to do this now. For almoat 2 months we've be well over 14+ hr. We're around 17hr now

This is the part of the puzzle I was missing; it makes sense now. Basically you 'tricked' it into thinking it's a clone. By allowing it to build up a 'dam' of flowering hormone from the time it was under 20/4. When you have an older bigger seedling inside under a long 'on' light cycle it'll be much more photo-sensitive than a normal seedling and behave more like a clone. What you have to do is acclimate it to shorter day length indoors before you move it outside.

If you'd gone from 20/4 to 18/6 for a week, than down to 16/8 for a week, then 14/10 for a couple weeks it wouldn't have freaked out. What makes it seem so weird is that the days get long so fast this time of year. But the plant isn't reacting to the day length now, it's reacting to the day length a month ago and more.

Back to the 'flood' analogy. After 3 weeks of short days in late March/early April the 'dam' burst. The flowering hormone 'flooded' the plant. Picture the farmers' fields below the dam covered in a huge lake of hormones. It takes time, a month and a half, for the flood waters to recede and be replaced by 'veg' hormones. Right now it's got a mix of both, there's veg hormone telling it to re-veg while the bracts are still producing flowering hormone telling it to mature the seeds it doesn't have as quickly as possible.

This is why I'm suggesting removing as many bracts as you can. It will change the hormone balance towards veg and stop it from spending resources on continuing to flower. You confused the fuck out of that poor plant. I've done it myself and seen other people do it quite a few times. There's times it can work to your advantage, for instance if you have a known hermie you want to get rid of but don't want to cull the whole plant. You can stick it outside in the spring when there's no receptive females to pollinate and at least get a plant's worth of resin to make into hashish or roll joints with.

The other thing you could have done, instead of the countdown from 20/4 down to 14/10 is to wait until late April/early May. If you'd waited a month to stick it outdoors it would have probably been fine. Once the day length is longer than 14 or 14.5 hours there's no way it's going to revert to flowering.

I've had success starting seedlings in December/January, early sexing, then making mothers of the best females and taking clones. Than sticking the mothers and the clones out in early May. I've even done it with 24 hours on but the day length outside was over 14.5 hours. When you're moving plants between indoor and outdoor lighting there's a lot of stress involved. Anything less than 14 hours of daylight and you're taking a big risk and you're better off synching your day length.


ICMag Donor
Great advice, I figured I was right saying to cut off the flowers. Glad you were able to help. I remember it being really early when it went out.

Trying to learn how to put plants out started early, so that was very helpful. Thanks! :smoke:


Well-known member
I figure I should have adequate phosphorous with the Chicken manure used at planting and this round. P is immobile unlike N and K, so it stays around. Chicken manure has 4% P. The cottonseed meal is all slow release N, but its at 6% so I don't want it to be releasing N too late, but I think it will be forgiving.

The Healthy Grow All Purpose Fertilzer which I use is chicken manure/feather meal/sulfate of magnesia has 0.3% quick release instead if 0.38% in the Composted Chicken Manure itself, so its less risk of burn. I thought about using it one more time in July, I have before. I will see how the plants respond this time, and using the low rate of the Healthy Grow, it may be good to give them a boost so they don't run out again. Cottonseed meal has no quick release N.

Cottonseed meal is nice, I like slow release organic fertilizers when I'm planting out. Like you mention their forgiving nature means they'll do minimal harm even if the plant doesn't use it all up. The important part with the chicken more is that it's composted. Cannabis is such a big feeder, and my plants grow vigorously, I usually don't worry about it getting used up even if I add it in July. I've become more and more of a big feeder, I guess as my plants get bigger over the years.

This year I'm using hardly any chicken fertilizer, just a bit extra left over from my veggie garden. The last few years I've used composted cow manure that's loaded with mycorrhizae. Comes from a local nursery that gets it organic from the dairy farm that's next door to it. It's beautifully composted, you can watch the plants turn a shade greener in a couple of days. But I have to add the alfalfa meal, langbeinite, crab meal, and rock phosphate to get a balanced diet.

My plants are loving it, growing like crazy and smell amazing. Maybe the best smelling are the purple louie x royal Kush. The Louie isn't legend ultimate Indica, Louis16th or any of the other similar strains. It's a wonderful purple strain from Humboldt/Mendocino. Has an incredible sweet fruity bubblegum smell and a ridiculous amount of vigor. Here's a look at my best one, it's been purple since the day it sprouted. Up above my belly button now. I'm afraid it's male, probably going to dig it up and move it to the boy's club soon.

View media item 18710907
I really want it to be female but if it's not that's okay. I have a couple of others that are showing female. Here's a look at another one, note the vigor and bushiness.

View media item 18710910
At first I was happy to stick any plant that showed female in a hole. Now I have a real dilemma, more females than holes and I really don't know what to do. I don't want to give any away they're all so lovely. Wish I could plug in a light and flower them inside. Going to be some hard choices.

The purple volunteers x 88g13hp are finally sexing out. I have one big one in the ground unsexed, 3 females in containers. What to do? I don't think I have room for all 3. Here's a look.

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Female to the right, unsexed in the ground on the left.

My Huckleberry Punch X (Buddha's sister x SSH) is growing up and out. Smells amazing. Guessed and stuck her in the ground early, rewarded with a large vigorous female in a premium locale. As long as her neighbor plants don't get too big and block out all the light.

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Last year my (grape ape x bubblegum) X Apricot Helix were wonderful. Big yielders, open structure, extremely frosty flowers. This one sexed early, I got her in the ground, she's going to be a winner.

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Got one of my female God Buds in the ground. They don't seem to be big plants. I might find a way to cram the other one in nearby if it stays a manageable size.

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I love the purple color. My Afghan landraces are slow to sex. Frustrating because I want to get them in the ground ASAP before I run out of space. I'm fairly certain this one is a girl. Comes from the village of Kushkak in Balkh Province in northern Afghanistan. I think it's something special.

View media item 18710909


ICMag Donor
Sounds like some amazing strains and hybrids, great lineup! You know you can plant them pretty close spacing and let them grow up together like in my garden. Yield may be reduced but its nice to get an assortment of all the flavors. :smoke:

Cool so thats a pure afghan!, Keep an eye on it if its female for male pollen sacks. Some landraces have some hermaphrodite tendency for one reason or another.

I'm beginning to realize the chicken manure is great, but the cow manure/compost has more organic matter and soil life to help loosen the soil. The chicken manure is cheap and lightweight so its easier to fertilize when there is distance to travel. You can get quick release N from other sources like the alfalfa 0.7 N quick release, and prevent the risk of burn.

I add the cow manure compost every year but its not at planting, its as mulch mid summer. It gets tilled in the following year in the spring! As long as you get it put down. Thats just the way I do it for stealth reasons really. :smoke:

el mani

Well-known member
Friend @pipeline, here I put the plants between the fruit trees and the vegetables, more for the camouflage than for the shade...

These destroyer are from cannabiogen, a Meao Thai line (with some from Mexico/Colombia) some old ones came out of the closet and there was luck. They were in the fridge since 2005

Those of the friend @Hombredelmont are the best female that came out in that crop (I think we put about thirty plants) and a beautiful and resinous male of Dc/THH (monkey haze) from tito @Raco seeds, these are a little younger jjj

The sour peach ringz and GSC/white widow90 are from the friend @Oldmangreen


el mani

Well-known member
The only photo I found of the male...


Listen my username is from 07 lol
@therevverend I really had no choice but to put it outside when I did because it was getting to tall for my veg tent. The real question is what to do now. Let it do it's thing an hope for the best? It's way to big to move inside an I wouldn't do that anyways due to risk of bugs being brought in on it. I could start more seeds I have plenty lol but then I'm so far behind I'll end up with a tiny plant. Because of the indoor op I don't want more than one outdoor plant.


Well-known member
I really had no choice but to put it outside when I did because it was getting to tall for my veg tent. The real question is what to do now. Let it do it's thing an hope for the best? It's way to big to move inside an I wouldn't do that anyways due to risk of bugs being brought in on it. I could start more seeds I have plenty lol but then I'm so far behind I'll end up with a tiny plant. Because of the indoor op I don't want more than one outdoor plant.

I'd let her rip there's plenty of time for her to re-veg. I'd either stick her in the ground or into a larger pot, give her a boost of N along with micros, P and K because false flowering uses a lot of nutrients. She'll start shooting new veg growth all over the place than naturally go into flowering again in August.


Listen my username is from 07 lol
I'd let her rip there's plenty of time for her to re-veg. I'd either stick her in the ground or into a larger pot, give her a boost of N along with micros, P and K because false flowering uses a lot of nutrients. She'll start shooting new veg growth all over the place than naturally go into flowering again in August.
been giving her 15ml canna a&b with 5ml calmag per gallon. You suggest adding some pk 13/14 for a week or so?

I usually grow 7ft plants in 5 gal buckets outdoor, I went 5x larger this year with the 25gal bag.


Well-known member
I agree, nice straight back and thick bone structure. After seeing more pics he's probably not a show line and he's beautiful. I would take a look at East German blood line pics. I really think thats what you have.

Didn't look too closely but the pic you had looked like american show line there are European show lines also.
Ufff, no... The North American and British beauty lines are even more degenerated than the European beauty lines, I think I have heard, because the problems caused by the great curvature of its back ("frog back") and the bent shape of their hind legs and its weak bone structure, they are engraved with the extra weight that comes from being the largest and heaviest German Shepherds of all the lines...
Like an example: in 2016, a German shepherd with obvious difficulties walking and staying stable, won the first prize for the best dog (Best In Show) at the Crufts International Dog Show, the most famous in the United Kingdom and which has been held annually since 1891. The images of the ring caused a popular outcry among cinophiles, and both their guardians and the canine organization were accused of animal abuse. The Kennel Club, in response, issued a new rule under which only German shepherds "showing a balanced appearance and capable of standing upright without being ceded by the hindquarters may participate" (it is not a joke), in addition to initiating a health and conservation plan for the breed that, at least, was very late...

As for mine, he is larger than the average for the West German and Czech working lines, but smaller than the average for the North American beauty line (and like the other working lines, more slender in appearance although more strog&solid built) which coincides with the fact that the DDR line is the largest of the 3 work lines; likewise, I think that its coloration occurs in greater numbers in the DDR line of work, than in any other...

But there exists (at least in Europe; I don't know if it was also) a mixed line between work and beauty with its own breeders (this line has its own name that differentiates it from the work and beauty lines, but I can't remember it now... ; I know it starts with "Se..." or "Si..."...); they take specimens of the "easiest to handle" among the working ones, and mix them with "the best in physical health and greater mental strength" among the beauty ones: these "intermediate" dogs, unlike those of the beauty line, if they are worth working and even most pass a "defensive aptitude test" or could compete in the first degree of IPO / IGP, even if they never had a chance of winning (They talk about this middle line, in the first video I link, min 8 sec 32); I'm sorry it's not in more languages; I don't know if it allows the "English subtitles" option).
I don't know if my dog

could be one of the good ones in this intermediate line (?)...
But I do know that just because of his appearance, he would be the first to be kicked out of any current "beauty contest ring"... even if he was the only (or the best) capable of outrunning a human sprinter, or the only one or the best one capable of jumping and climbing fences and palisades... And then there is the fact that due to his level of reactivity, I no longer believe that he will allow himself to be freely touched/manipulated, by a stranger/beauty judge, as happens with the Mali right at the end of the following video, who impulsively reacts by turning around with the idea of biting (or at least, "catching") the hand of the beauty judge that touches him from behind:


A pleasure to talk about dogs with you all. Greetings cinophiles!
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