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St. Phatty

Active member
Yes. Most flowering plants attract them but in my garden the ladybugs like to hang around the geraniums the most it seems. Also aromatic plants such as lavender, rosemary, mint, oregano, etc. But the best way to attract ladybugs is to have plants infested by aphids lol, as aphids are ladybug larvae's favourite meal. My oleanders and elder tree (in spanish adelfa and sauco, so not sure if google translated them well) are prone to aphids infestations. When the spring begins these usually get infested pretty early because the ants breed aphids on these plants to harvest the "honey" that comes out their asshole lol.

Don't knock it.

You could probably sell that Aphid Poop to Yuppies as "Green Perfume" for $100 a Gram.


Well-known member
Hey everyone,
I’m pretty sure “Eau de Toilette” has already been coined but maybe something like “Shit Face” might catch on, “for that special mother in law In your life, at Christmas🤪
Anyway, here’s a photo of a couple of Wam Wam’s taken on the 20th March, or September in the Northern hemisphere 👍 One was actually ready and the other was a week off. In hindsight l should of taken these during the harvest window because l lost a bit to caterpillar damage by the time l got back into them.


ICMag Donor
Looks like a great Indica sativa hybrid going on there. Whats the wam wam like? Whats the flavor on that one? Sounds potent!


Well-known member
Hottest driest late May/early June in my memory. Ganja doesn't mind. Things are moving fast. Plants are sexing, digging holes and getting the garden layed out. The plants are sexing by strain, some sex early. Others late. One of the later ones is the (sensi star x puck bx) x (pot of gold hashplant x apricot helix) crosses I made last year. Haven't found a female yet. They all have a stocky classical hashplant look. Here's an example.

View media item 18710753
My Shishkaberry #3 F2s look more interesting day by day. Wonderful strawberry smells. Notice how the tip leaves look, at the top and the nodes. They're a bit wispy.

View media item 18710754
Stuck my biggest female Strange Brew in the ground. Bodhi's breeding, Island Sweet Skunk x snow lotus. This one has minimal branching, wide spacing between nodes at this point. Could get tall.

View media item 18710750
Last year I had a few amazing purple volunteers. I hit one of my favorites with 88g13hp pollen. The result is a super hybrid hashplant, very vigorous with big fat leaves. Either they're slow to sex or most of them are male. Only one is showing hairs so far. Unfortunately it's not the big one I stuck in the ground. I'm hoping it shows me something soon because I hate to waste space on an unsexed plant.

View media item 18710752
View media item 18710751


Well-known member
Looks like you’ve got a great start Thereverend. That Strange Brew is an interesting one, I’ve noticed some of the phenos of Schrews AoG’s, do exactly the same thing, grow tall, without lateral branching and then take off with mad, vigorous branching. I’ll be waiting for some updates on this one.
I’ve also grown Bodhi’s More Cowbell which is the Girl Scout Cookie (forum cut) crossed with the 88 hp. Some of these were really tough and others, not so much. I think the 88 hp leaners were the fungal resistant ones 👍👍
I’ve also been wondering if any of the Goji crosses made the full term this year 🤔🤔
Looking forward to your updates as always,🥃


Well-known member
when do you like to get 1 gallon plants in the ground?

As soon as they sex in late May/early June. Preferably before they go completely rootbound. I'm at my deadline, been putting a couple in the ground every day this week. As big and healthy as those plants are the roots are still barely hitting the bottom, doing their first loop around it. I used a very rich but well-draining soil mix this time along with a bottled solution, Agrothrive that's 3-2-2. A fast uptake organic fertilizer made of fish emulsion and corn liquor. The 1 gallons are the smallest, there's a range of sizes between 1 and 5 gallons.

When I plant them in a add a couple gallons of composted cow manure, a cup or two of alfalfa meal, crab meal, high N bat guano, langbeinite, and rock phosphate. The same stuff was in my container mix too. I change my formula year to year, my choice has more to do with price and availability than anything else. I haven't used much bat guano in the past, I'm impressed by how high powered it is.

It's likely all my future fertilizing will be through the watering can. Except maybe some top dressing with the compost and alfalfa meal. Agrothrive and bat guano in Veg and rock phosphate and langbeinite in flower. Might get some high phosphorous seabird guano for flowering because it worked so well last year.


Well-known member
-"Pssssshh... Is the annoying Andalusian winery rat out there? Is he not in sight?...well, then I'll go out and tell you..."-
View attachment 18849823

-"...Who says that I don't work? I work and I earn my food; here the one who doesn't work is that dwarf, unless he is constantly making noise and nuisance, and being the lapdog of the Titoguay's niece, be a remunerable job... Surely his feed is financed with aid from the European Union Cohesion Fund..."-
View attachment 18849824

-"...I work in the agricultural sector: I dedicate myself to agriculture, not just taking naps..."-
View attachment 18849825

-"...And to silence mouths and erase insulting accusations, here I leave you this graphic proof of May 14 where I am walking around and inspecting some small young bushes of wild asparagus that I am growing... Let's see, be careful not to step on none..."-
View attachment 18849826
View attachment 18849827

-"...Snifff, sniffff... Olfactorily checking the conditions of the crop and the substrate... Humidity, good; NPK level, correct; pH, within range; without detecting the presence of pests of 6 or 4 paws...-"
View attachment 18849832

-"...Checking, also, that the warning sign to warn and ward off pests with 2 legs and 2 arms, is still correctly hung and visible on the garden fence..."
View attachment 18849844

-"...And this has been another hard day's work in my life as a farmer and gardener... come on, I'm going back inside to take a nap in the shade that the sun is stinging..."-
View attachment 18849833
GSD , I love the breed. I'm guessing its a "he" from the nose. Is he a East-German DDR ? The coloring looks more along the show line but I love them all. I have a Czech Working Line.


ICMag Donor
My police officer friend has a police work dog that looks like that, more friendly and playful with less aggression. He listens really well! The officer is cool with herb as many officers are, and he doesn't enforce the cannabis laws.

Sounds like a great mix Reverend, thank you for sharing! Is the langbenite an organic (OMRI approved) product?

How late would you top dress into the late summer? Its good to let the fertilizer get used up by the end of flower for good quality, but you want them to be well fed and not go yellow and start dropping too many leaves. I try to get it all in place by the month of August, maybe mid August. Watering regularly at the end flushes the nitrates and sweetens them up. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
Tricky business growing big plants, where is Schrews to help us out?

So whats going to happen with that plant? Will it reveg and then try to flower slowed down?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hottest driest late May/early June in my memory. Ganja doesn't mind. Things are moving fast. Plants are sexing, digging holes and getting the garden layed out. The plants are sexing by strain, some sex early. Others late. One of the later ones is the (sensi star x puck bx) x (pot of gold hashplant x apricot helix) crosses I made last year. Haven't found a female yet. They all have a stocky classical hashplant look. Here's an example.

View media item 18710753
My Shishkaberry #3 F2s look more interesting day by day. Wonderful strawberry smells. Notice how the tip leaves look, at the top and the nodes. They're a bit wispy.

View media item 18710754
Stuck my biggest female Strange Brew in the ground. Bodhi's breeding, Island Sweet Skunk x snow lotus. This one has minimal branching, wide spacing between nodes at this point. Could get tall.

View media item 18710750
Last year I had a few amazing purple volunteers. I hit one of my favorites with 88g13hp pollen. The result is a super hybrid hashplant, very vigorous with big fat leaves. Either they're slow to sex or most of them are male. Only one is showing hairs so far. Unfortunately it's not the big one I stuck in the ground. I'm hoping it shows me something soon because I hate to waste space on an unsexed plant.

View media item 18710752
View media item 18710751
Holy cow Monsignor, those plants are off to the races very early in the game for sure. Pulling up a chair to observe the show and take notes. Love the dark green hue of those leaves. Them plants are on steroids. I see monster colas in your future, without question.

Wish I'd started off my grow a lot earlier. My indoor seedlings are only just developing the first node. Better late than never. I'll veg them under 16/8 lighting until mid-August then take 'em down to the swamp to start the flower cycle. Haven't toked for 3 months, so I'm in for a low-tolerance treat come September when my Purple Paralysis plants are ready to harvest.


Well-known member
Welp fuck me, made it to 5ft tall but for some reason it's decided to start budding early even tho we've been getting 16hr of light a day

That's the bitch of clones sometimes. It'll re-veg and snap out of it over the coming weeks. Just in time to go back into flowering again. It's actually not too far gone. I think you'll still get a decent yield but not as much as you'd get if it never freaked.

Tricky business growing big plants, where is Schrews to help us out?

He's on instagram now mostly, still doing what he does. He's started a few seed lines, I've tried it, good stuff.

Sounds like a great mix Reverend, thank you for sharing! Is the langbenite an organic (OMRI approved) product?

How late would you top dress into the late summer? Its good to let the fertilizer get used up by the end of flower for good quality, but you want them to be well fed and not go yellow and start dropping too many leaves. I try to get it all in place by the month of August, maybe mid August. Watering regularly at the end flushes the nitrates and sweetens them up. :smoke:

Yep OMRI approved. I get the Diamond K gypsum brand, 0-0-21.5 potassium magnesium sulfate 50 lbs for around $20. I mix it in the dirt as I plant right now and through the watering can during flower. Has the greatest effect on resin production and terpene and sweetness I've found. There's a grow warehouse near Portland OR that's stocked in several types of this super gypsum.

Here's the 0-0-50 high calcium type for $10.99! But if you can't drive there and pick it up you're looking at a monstrous shipping cost. Come to think of it I should use both kinds.

I usually stop with the N by the 1st week of August, depending on how they look. Just water from the first or 2nd week of September on. The organic stuff I use has a delay, it keeps working for a week or two after I stop using it. Being sensitive to your plants, seeing when they need to be fertilized and when they don't is something you need to learn through experience. I have a friend who stops all N on Aug 1, all bloom on Sept 1. I never use these kind of 'absolutes' because every plant is different. But if you're new to growing it's useful because it's easy to remember. Can't ever get stuck in your ways, always need to keep trying new stuff and expanding your knowledge.

St. Phatty

Active member
What I think is a Pistil forming near the Red Dot.

Sometimes it's real hard to tell. This seedling is about 3 feet tall.

I'm hoping that moving it from a 1 gallon to a 32 gallon will help it express its gender.

Sorting seedlings can be challenging. I have 2 other plants from the same batch that have tiny grape cluster-ish things that look like male parts. I'm letting them continue growing, AND letting the birds eat them.


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