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Well-known member
We are just passing the last expected frost date at 53 in the UK. I'm running a week late, but a cold start is poorer plants for life, so it's early days as yet. Some are rooted, ready for the trek into Sherwood. I just hope the rain keeps coming until I get to the clearing. As last year it was so dry, I didn't even plant them when I got there.

Some of you obviously have better weather, but I'm not out the race yet :)


ICMag Donor
May be having to water the next couple weeks. Rapid onset drought is predicted, with excessive heat! Going to get the plants moving with the warm temps though! :smoke:

Thankfully the field hasn't been planted and I can get the truck back to the garden. I knew this season was going to be a tricky one with the temperature swings we've been having.

Have to be ready to get planting done on years like this! Sometimes its too wet though and you have to wait weeks for it to dry out. Anything goes here! :smoke:



Well-known member
How do you inspect a 15' plant? Risky business growing tall plants in my opinion, but Schrews says the potency is great. May have to start foliar feeding! :smoke:

View attachment 18844802

(Jooking): ...Tell him that he doesn't have to get on, that I can see from my threshing floor, that he doesn't have any olives...

Postscript: I want to give my opinion, very positive, about this stupendous staircase, which is great for jumping into the neighbor's yard, @pipeline ...
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Well-known member
(Only a joke to revegeta666):

Otra matita de marihuanaaaaa jajajajja

...Pués se nos jodió lo de plantar en medio del maizal del Melquiades, primo...
Mia que le dije los primoh, "amoh, primoh, curriendo pal maizal del Melquiadeh, qui li acabo di ver llendo pa'lla in la cosichadora isa que tié, que paheze un carrocombate cruzaho con un autocar londinenshe di dosh pisosh ..."
...Piro son mah lentoh quil caballo dil malo, loh primoh...
Mala sangre tié tambié el payo Melquiah; qui li costaba ehquivah lah maticah dun volantasho, como ashe con los nidoh di avutarda..."

¿CLM que significa?; ¿Cosechando La Mota?...
View attachment 18845083
...Y ahora, ¿dónde plantámos nosotros, su primo?
...A ver: una idéa, es...; porque no creo yo que vaya ir el Melquiades en la cosechadora a visitar la tumba de su abuela, ¿verdad?...
...Aunque, teniendo en cuenta que las noches de fin de semana, el cementerio de mi aldea parece más una "rave ilegal" de esas que un camposanto, que l@s jovenzuel@s que no se saltan la tapia para relacionarse sexualmente se la saltan para hacer botellones grupales...o empiezan con el botellón grupal y acaban en sexo grupal, como quiera que lo haga la juventud... Vamos, que te llevas a esos que y que hacen investigaciones paranormales en los cementerios, una noche de sábado al de mi aldea, y a un kilometro de distancia ya te preguntan que si los estas llevando a un cementerio o a un concierto de los Prodigy en los 90's...
Nah, que habrá que seguir buscando un sitio mejor...


Well-known member
...Bueno, primo @revegeta666; al final, lo que he hecho, es saltarme por la tapia del patio de casa al patio de mi vecino, el Abundio, que es más miope que Rompetechos, el de los tebeos... Con lo cegato que es y un poco de suerte, solo pensará que este año los ajos se le están dando de puta-madre...
Hace unas horas, solo:

...Well cousin @revegeta666; In the end, what I've done is jump over the wall from the patio of my house into the patio of my neighbor, Abundio, who is more myopic than Rompetechos, the one from the comics... With how blind he is and a bit of luck , he will only think that this year the garlic is giving him a bitch... A few hours ago, just:
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ICMag Donor
Thanks for the budshots, 40! I'm sure you do fine without the tripod just have to lean the right way. That would be tedious, but the buds are high and dry up there, great airflow!

Nice garden, Eltitoguay! The plants are kicking into gear, and your neighbor will never know. When do they start to flower where you are? Looks like some branchy indicas! What strains did you plant?


Well-known member
Nice garden, Eltitoguay! The plants are kicking into gear, and your neighbor will never know. When do they start to flower where you are? Looks like some branchy indicas! What strains did you plant?

¿Índicas? Pero que índicas ni sativas... No haga usted ni caso, don Abundio, que yo solo veo 6 matillas de tomate, y 10 matas de ajo...
Que sabran esos payos forasteros de la huerta y el campo, don Abundio: ¿Pues no vió usted como me tenian los payos el olivo de la foto, que ni tronco se le veía al pobre?... Lo que pasa, Don Abundio, es que tiene usted una mano y una gracia para el huerto, que es gloria bendita verlo, pero que despierta envidia... ¿Pues no se acuerda ya usted como se le puso aquella mata de tomate el año pasado, que para mediados de agosto pasado tenian más tronco que el olivo ese de la foto, y ni aún añadiendole toda la madera de la escalera?...; sí, ya se que fué una pena que se le saltaran usted al patio y le robaran todos los tomates, justo ante de poder cosecharlos...con los tomates tan hermosos que tenia...

Indicas? But what indicas or sativas... Don't pay any attention, Mr. Abbondio, I only see 6 tomato matillas, and 10 garlic plants... What do those foreign payos about the orchard & agriculture know, Don Abbondio: Well, you didn't see how the foreign payos held the olive tree in the photo, that not even a trunk was visible to the poor tree?... What's happening, Don Abbondio, it's that you have a hand and a grace for the orchad, which is a blessed glory to see it, but it arouses envy... Well, don't you remember how that your tomato plant was put on last year, that by mid August, that it had more trunk than the olive tree in the photo, and not even adding all the wood for the stairs?...; yes, I know it was a shame that somebody jumped into your yard and stole all your tomatoes, just before you could harvest them... with the beautiful tomatoes you had...



...Pues ya verá este año, don Abundio, lo bien que se le van a dar los ajos... Se lo digo yo que tengo buen ojo para estas cosas y tiene usted ya al menos tres matas que van a dar ajos como sandías, por la pinta que tienen...

...Well, you'll see this year, Don Abbondio, how well garlic is going to give you... I'm telling you that I have a good eye for these things and you already have at least three bushes that are going to give garlic like watermelons, by the look of them...
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ICMag Donor
Looks like tomatoes to me! He'll never know the difference! :smoke:

Getting some cool weather for a minute before it swings hot later next week. Its a cool breezy morning in the lower 50's and tonight will be in the mid 40's!

Will be good to get them a chance to load up on moisture and shoot out some roots before the heat wave hits. So glad I got them in when I did. Weather worked out perfect to get some rain after planting both rounds of transplants, amazing grace!

Have to pay attention and catch the wave! Gods ways are always better, have to ask and listen. :smoke:

Isaiah 55: 8-10 NKJV

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me [c]void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.



Listen my username is from 07 lol
Well she's over 4ft😎 an almost ready for some more trimming. She's really starting to stretch out. It's just setting in on how big she is. I compared photos from last season an she's almost 2 months ahead in size an is growing over an inch a day... Even without flowering stretch, that's another 5-6ft of growth by the beginning of August 👀


Not ICMag Donor
Looks like tomatoes to me! He'll never know the difference! :smoke:

Getting some cool weather for a minute before it swings hot later next week. Its a cool breezy morning in the lower 50's and tonight will be in the mid 40's!

Will be good to get them a chance to load up on moisture and shoot out some roots before the heat wave hits. So glad I got them in when I did. Weather worked out perfect to get some rain after planting both rounds of transplants, amazing grace!

Have to pay attention and catch the wave! Gods ways are always better, have to ask and listen. :smoke:

Isaiah 55: 8-10 NKJV

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me [c]void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Can we see more of your doggo? :love:

St. Phatty

Active member
My trifoliate male is now outdoors.

First time I've ever seen a 1 inch stalk in a 5 gallon bucket.


That might mean it's trifoliate but not triploidal ?

I read that some triploidal males have the wrong genes and can't make viable seeds.