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ICMag Donor
Nice looking bunch of girls.

I have a Trop Cherry I bought from Green Rush Farms here on IC mag. Will be flowering shortly. I'm interested in seeing how they do outdoors. Any guess on when they will finish?

Even outdoors you trim up the skirt and in veg?

Is the tarp for photographic purposes or to help with bugs in the undergrowth?
Yeah, I groom the heck out of them and I train them stout. The tarp is just a hold them in the wooded area until I can get them into the proper ground flowering spot.


Well-known member
I stuck some C99/Sativa mixes outside in the swamp last week- found them today and they're starting to settle. Seems like fun- no watering!

Just put out 2 females in my main spot an hour ago under the moonlight. My seasons starting, thinking im gonna pop a few more late seeds... I have 10+ unsexed 5weekers in my closet I need to kick out too lol
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St. Phatty

Active member
I stuck some C99/Sativa mixes outside in the marshes last week- found them today and they're starting to settle. Seems like fun- no watering!
View attachment 18848543 View attachment 18848544

Just put out 2 females in my main spot an hour ago under the moonlight. My seasons starting, thinking im gonna pop a few more late seeds... I have 10+ unsexed 5weekers in my closet I need to kick out too lol

I tried growing next to the marshes in San Diego. In some state parks.

Most of the seedlings were eaten by slugs snails etc.

The PO-lice visited and claimed they had found "over hundred plants", but they only took about 5, 2 foot tall Indica's.

Ended up with about 3 ounces of decent bud - and 6 ticks.


Well-known member
CZech working breed He has to have a job

View attachment 18848364 View attachment 18848365

-"¿Has oido, "pisha"?: <<"...tienen que tener un trabajo>>. Y tú, ¿de que trabajas: de alfombra con dientes, todo el día tumbado?... Despega el culo del suelo y ponte a hacer algo, aunque sea podar a mordiscos los chaparros..."-
-"Me cago en todas las bodegas de Jerez de La Frontera: ya está aquí el puñetero Bodeguero Andaluz dando por culo y jodiéndome la siesta..."-

-"Have you heard, "pisha"?: <<"...they have to have a job>>. And how about you, what is your job: to be a carpet with teeth, lying down all day?... Get your ass off the ground and start doing something, even if it's biting the shorties..."-
-"I shit on all the bodegas in Jerez de La Frontera: the damn Andalusian Bodeguero is already here fucking up my ass and screwing up my nap..."-

-"¡Vamos, "pisha"! Mueve los huevazos y ponte a morder troncos o lo que se suponga que hagais...
-"Como te enganche con el cepo te voy a partir en dos, rata porculera de bodega..."-

-"Come on, "pisha"! Move your big eggs and start biting logs or whatever you're supposed to do..."-
-If I hook you with the stocks I'll split you in two, "porculera" rat of cellar..."-

-"¿A mí me vas a morder tu, "pisha"?... No tienes cojones: mira, meto mi patita en tu cepo, y haber si tienes arrestos de cerrarlo... ¿Alemán linea de trabajo oriental? ¿Quién?; ¿tú?... Pero si ni para intentar morderme te incorporas del piso..."-
-"Yo lo mato... O se calla o lo mato..."-

-"Are you going to bite me, "pisha"?... You have no balls: look, I put my little paw in your stocks, and see if you have arrests to close it... German oriental line of work Who? You?... But if you don't even get up from the floor to try to bite me..."-
-"...I'll kill him... Either he shuts up or I'll kill him..."-


"-Menos lobos conmigo, Caperucito... Además, que voy a volver a recordarte al oido, que un primo mío es el perrillo preferido de un sobrino de un yerno de uno del Clan de los Bellota, el mayor Cártel del Estrecho, y como me toques mucho los cojones y me tenga que quejar de tí, cualquier día te encuentras coon la explosiva sorpresa de una bomba lapa adosada al fondo de tu caseta o de tu comedero..."-

"-Less wolves with me, Little Red Riding Hood... Also, I'm going to remind you again in your ear, that a cousin of mine is the favorite dog of a nephew of a son-in-law of one of the Acorn Clan, the largest Cartel in the Straitt, and since you touch my balls a lot and I have to complain about you, any day you find yourself with the explosive surprise of a sticky bomb attached to the bottom of your booth or your feeder..."-


-"!! Eltitoguay !! ¡La rata bodeguera camorrista esta, está volviendo a amenazarme con echarme a la Mafia Sureña Encima!..."-

-"!! Eltitoguay !! The rowdy winery rat is coming back to threaten me with putting the Southern Mafia on top of me!...-

...Venga, chicos...; que haya paz...
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Active member
Hello guys, I go to show the progress of my grow.😉
Look a good year hehe.

Og Kush sfv:
"Sativa" phenotype

Classic phenotype:

Diet Durban thcv:
Look very good,

Look at this leaf, it's bigger than a 1L bottle 😍

Himalaya gold :

Jamaican dream: (I have forgot take pics of one but you can see her in the left)


  • IMG_20230601_193503.jpg
    2.2 MB · Views: 38
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Well-known member

Otra matita de marihuanaaaaa jajajajja

Mia que le dije los primoh, "amoh, primoh, curriendo pal maizal del Melquiadeh, qui li acabo di ver llendo pa'lla in la cosichadora isa que tié, que paheze un carrocombate cruzaho con un autocar londinenshe di dosh pisosh ..."
...Piro son mah lentoh quil caballo dil malo, loh primoh...
Mala sangre tié tambié el payo Melquiah; qui li costaba ehquivah lah maticah dun volantasho, como ashe con los nidoh di avutarda..."

¿CLM que significa?; ¿Cosechando La Mota?...
View attachment 18845083
Ayer por la noche, celebrando el día de la autonomía de Cultivando La Marialandia, en la plaza de una pequeña aldea de un remoto valle:

Last night, celebrating the day of the autonomy of CLM (Cultivando La Marialandia), in the square of a little village in a remote valley:
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Well-known member
I tried growing next to the marshes in San Diego. In some state parks.

Most of the seedlings were eaten by slugs snails etc.

The PO-lice visited and claimed they had found "over hundred plants", but they only took about 5, 2 foot tall Indica's.

Ended up with about 3 ounces of decent bud - and 6 ticks.
Found out its actually a swamp idk what the difference is either way haha-

Yeah they all survived so i gave em feed for the season... dumped some cheap lime for calcium on the top-dress and to keep the slugs away- I definitely saw one was getting attacked. All told with fertilizer + 1$ per seed im under 10$ total cost for this small patch- just a fun little project.

Fuck ticks though, already caught lyme last year messing around growing. Cant ever let your guard down for a second here in northeast. Cops may be parasites but ticks will give em a run for their money any day.


Well-known member
The weather shifted from slightly cooler and wetter than normal to the hottest sunniest May ever literally overnight. Coincided with making a run to load up on alfalfa meal, langbeinite, rock phosphate, bat guano, and crab meal. Went from having a yellow fading slightly scraggy bunch of mutts to one of the finest gardens I've ever seen on June 1.

Oils are already running, the smells are insane. Glistening diamonds on stalks and newer fan leaves. I never have bug issues despite their constant presence, never have had to spray, but despite the fine weather I've only seen 2 leafhoppers so far and no other pests. Investing in high quality organic fertilizers is the best insect control system I know of. Cannabinoids and terpenes are a hell of a lot more effective than neem.

Also helped to have a green garden spider deposit an egg sack on one of my containers last autumn. Suddenly I had a thousand little yellow spider babies spreading baby webs everywhere. Those tykes get hungry. Bug identification is an important part of outdoor gardening. Besides birds culling a couple seedlings and damaging a couple others I haven't had any losses to disease or pests.

Last year blew my mind, this year could be better. Already got at least a dozen sexed female, two males culled. Going to reach my quota quickly this year, it's going to make for some hard choices. They're sexing by strain, it's obvious that some strains sex much earlier than others. Also seems like many of the tallest plants aren't sexing which in the language of ganja translates as 'male'.

I planted maybe 5 or 6 old Shishkeberry #3 F2s from Satiros Seeds. I ended up with two, they're both female. I started them in one of my later runs, by a week or two. They aren't my biggest most vigorous plants but when I gently rub the stalk the smell is incredible. This is the best way to test smell in males and veg plants. Often you can see the resin visibly, on the stalks, branches and fan leaves. They have that fancy Indica look. I've run this strain before so I recognize the slightly lanky long stalk structure.

View media item 18710543
View media item 18710548
A few plants started out purple and have stayed the course. One of these is my Jah Gooey Fruitys (Jah Goo x Apples and Bananas) bred by NuggyNic. His plants caught my eye on Instagram a couple years back, growing impressively large California plants. Mine are standouts already. The parents tested insanely high for terpenes, potency and produced huge colas. Relatively early finish, late September to early October. Already seeing resin and the smell is amazing. If you look close at the last pic you can see the silver resin flecks on the fan leaf.

View media item 18710542
View media item 18710541
View media item 18710540
Haven't sexed yet, either way she's a breeder. As soon as I see a hair she gets a deep hole full of the best stuff. The only downer is we've already had smoke, blowing in high from Alberta. Blows my mind isn't there still snow on the ground in the forests that far north? How can they be burning in late May? Must be a vast region under fire to blow all the way from Edmonton to the states. At least it was up in the jet stream, 10,000 feet instead of smoking us out at ground level. Times they is a changin'.


Well-known member
The weather shifted from slightly cooler and wetter than normal to the hottest sunniest May ever literally overnight. Coincided with making a run to load up on alfalfa meal, langbeinite, rock phosphate, bat guano, and crab meal. Went from having a yellow fading slightly scraggy bunch of mutts to one of the finest gardens I've ever seen on June 1.

Oils are already running, the smells are insane. Glistening diamonds on stalks and newer fan leaves. I never have bug issues despite their constant presence, never have had to spray, but despite the fine weather I've only seen 2 leafhoppers so far and no other pests. Investing in high quality organic fertilizers is the best insect control system I know of. Cannabinoids and terpenes are a hell of a lot more effective than neem.

Also helped to have a green garden spider deposit an egg sack on one of my containers last autumn. Suddenly I had a thousand little yellow spider babies spreading baby webs everywhere. Those tykes get hungry. Bug identification is an important part of outdoor gardening. Besides birds culling a couple seedlings and damaging a couple others I haven't had any losses to disease or pests.

Last year blew my mind, this year could be better. Already got at least a dozen sexed female, two males culled. Going to reach my quota quickly this year, it's going to make for some hard choices. They're sexing by strain, it's obvious that some strains sex much earlier than others. Also seems like many of the tallest plants aren't sexing which in the language of ganja translates as 'male'.

I planted maybe 5 or 6 old Shishkeberry #3 F2s from Satiros Seeds. I ended up with two, they're both female. I started them in one of my later runs, by a week or two. They aren't my biggest most vigorous plants but when I gently rub the stalk the smell is incredible. This is the best way to test smell in males and veg plants. Often you can see the resin visibly, on the stalks, branches and fan leaves. They have that fancy Indica look. I've run this strain before so I recognize the slightly lanky long stalk structure.

View media item 18710543
View media item 18710548
A few plants started out purple and have stayed the course. One of these is my Jah Gooey Fruitys (Jah Goo x Apples and Bananas) bred by NuggyNic. His plants caught my eye on Instagram a couple years back, growing impressively large California plants. Mine are standouts already. The parents tested insanely high for terpenes, potency and produced huge colas. Relatively early finish, late September to early October. Already seeing resin and the smell is amazing. If you look close at the last pic you can see the silver resin flecks on the fan leaf.

View media item 18710542
View media item 18710541
View media item 18710540
Haven't sexed yet, either way she's a breeder. As soon as I see a hair she gets a deep hole full of the best stuff. The only downer is we've already had smoke, blowing in high from Alberta. Blows my mind isn't there still snow on the ground in the forests that far north? How can they be burning in late May? Must be a vast region under fire to blow all the way from Edmonton to the states. At least it was up in the jet stream, 10,000 feet instead of smoking us out at ground level. Times they is a changin'.
The number of small breeder has grown exponentialy recently, it became impossible to know the works of all of them. I wonder how someone can establish himself in the seeds business today, the competition is just insane.
Your Jah Gooey Fruity souns and looks interesting, I hope she'll make a lot of harvestable buds for you. I know you are growing in very humid climate at harvest time so your worst enemy is mold, you have a lot of courage to keep doing so much work every year knowing you gonna have a certain % of loss. I guess you could grow indoor if you want so it's your choice to keep growing outdoor, is it because you prefer the result of outdoor buds or you have other motivations?


Well-known member
The number of small breeder has grown exponentialy recently, it became impossible to know the works of all of them. I wonder how someone can establish himself in the seeds business today, the competition is just insane.
Your Jah Gooey Fruity souns and looks interesting, I hope she'll make a lot of harvestable buds for you. I know you are growing in very humid climate at harvest time so your worst enemy is mold, you have a lot of courage to keep doing so much work every year knowing you gonna have a certain % of loss. I guess you could grow indoor if you want so it's your choice to keep growing outdoor, is it because you prefer the result of outdoor buds or you have other motivations?

It's not just that the number of breeders has increased, the quality of the seed has improved as well. Also the variety. Seeds that were impossible to find a few years back, for instance landrace Afghans or SE Asian sativas, are now accessible. Finding something as high quality as the Jah gooey fruity would be difficult if not impossible 20 years ago because everything went through Europe indoor grows. Now you can buy seeds directly from California big plant growers. You can see the plants involved in the breeding, know exactly when they finish which is big for me because I like early strains.

I grew indoors for a long time. I'd grow outdoors then as well but it was a side thing. The weather here has changed, it's considerably drier and warmer in late September and early October then when I started growing in the 90s. We've always had beautiful Mediterranean summers but I'd have all my plants in before October 1, usually before September 25, in the old days. Now it's more like October 20th. Less damaging storms, longer breaks for the garden to dry out between them. It's not a huge difference but this far north plants trigger to flower later than to the south so an extra week of sun is critical.

Outdoors I can grow stuff that's every bit as good as what I was growing indoors and I can grow a lot more. Even if I lose a % to mold it's less than 20% and I often have plants that are completely mold free. I've gotten better at choosing mold resistant strains, knowing the right time to harvest, and waiting out the rain. I plan on growing enough plants so even if it's a bad year I'll have plenty of smoke to last a year. It works out so that last year's flower noticeably starts losing potency by September just in time for harvest.

I've reached a point where I rarely harvest immature flower. My motto has become I'd rather watch it rot than harvest early. Last year the October weather was so warm and dry I was able to let most of my stuff go fully mature, right up to fully changed hair color and fully ripe crystals. One of the main reasons that people think outdoor is inferior to indoor is that many outdoor growers don't wait until the plants are fully mature. It's much harder to be patient outside because there's so many variables. Fully mature flowers contract botrytis and rot much quicker than unripe flowers.

The other reason outdoor flower can be inferior is that there's so much ganja the grower isn't aren't able to transport and cure it correctly. It's a short walk from the garden to my hanging room so my flowers are rarely manhandled and I'm able to keep them at the perfect temperature. Having high quality garden soil is also critically important, mine is on the sandy side so it drains well and I've built it up over the years. I can honestly say at this point I'd rather smoke my stuff than any other cannabis in the world.

St. Phatty

Active member
Found out its actually a swamp idk what the difference is either way haha-

Yeah they all survived so i gave em feed for the season... dumped some cheap lime for calcium on the top-dress and to keep the slugs away- I definitely saw one was getting attacked. All told with fertilizer + 1$ per seed im under 10$ total cost for this small patch- just a fun little project.

Fuck ticks though, already caught lyme last year messing around growing. Cant ever let your guard down for a second here in northeast. Cops may be parasites but ticks will give em a run for their money any day.

Where I was growing was lagoons on the edge of the ocean.

Maybe 10 feet above sea level.

A bad place to be after a big rain. Flash floods etc.

As far as growing, if you get TOO close to the ocean water, then you have Salt to deal with.

Once I got -6- ticks there. Went to the clinic & the nurses said, "what were you doing ?"

I was growing in 2 different lagoon areas, both of them parks/ reserves.

Once I was coming out of the other one, with a backpack, and this guy runs up and shouts,

"Camping, Bro."

That was pretty cool though. Saw a large owl in a low tree branch.


Well-known member
-"¿Has oido, "pisha"?: <<"...tienen que tener un trabajo>>. Y tú, ¿de que trabajas: de alfombra con dientes, todo el día tumbado?... Despega el culo del suelo y ponte a hacer algo, aunque sea podar a mordiscos los chaparros..."-
-"Me cago en todas las bodegas de Jerez de La Frontera: ya está aquí el puñetero Bodeguero Andaluz dando por culo y jodiéndome la siesta..."-

-"Have you heard, "pisha"?: <<"...they have to have a job>>. And how about you, what is your job: to be a carpet with teeth, lying down all day?... Get your ass off the ground and start doing something, even if it's biting the shorties..."-
-"I shit on all the bodegas in Jerez de La Frontera: the damn Andalusian Bodeguero is already here fucking up my ass and screwing up my nap..."-
View attachment 18848701

-"¡Vamos, "pisha"! Mueve los huevazos y ponte a morder troncos o lo que se suponga que hagais...
-"Como te enganche con el cepo te voy a partir en dos, rata porculera de bodega..."-

-"Come on, "pisha"! Move your big eggs and start biting logs or whatever you're supposed to do..."-
-If I hook you with the stocks I'll split you in two, "porculera" rat of cellar..."-
View attachment 18848702

-"¿A mí me vas a morder tu, "pisha"?... No tienes cojones: mira, meto mi patita en tu cepo, y haber si tienes arrestos de cerrarlo... ¿Alemán linea de trabajo oriental? ¿Quién?; ¿tú?... Pero si ni para intentar morderme te incorporas del piso..."-
-"Yo lo mato... O se calla o lo mato..."-

-"Are you going to bite me, "pisha"?... You have no balls: look, I put my little paw in your stocks, and see if you have arrests to close it... German oriental line of work Who? You?... But if you don't even get up from the floor to try to bite me..."-
-"...I'll kill him... Either he shuts up or I'll kill him..."-
View attachment 18848724
View attachment 18848740

"-Menos lobos conmigo, Caperucito... Además, que voy a volver a recordarte al oido, que un primo mío es el perrillo preferido de un sobrino de un yerno de uno del Clan de los Bellota, el mayor Cártel del Estrecho, y como me toques mucho los cojones y me tenga que quejar de tí, cualquier día te encuentras coon la explosiva sorpresa de una bomba lapa adosada al fondo de tu caseta o de tu comedero..."-

"-Less wolves with me, Little Red Riding Hood... Also, I'm going to remind you again in your ear, that a cousin of mine is the favorite dog of a nephew of a son-in-law of one of the Acorn Clan, the largest Cartel in the Straitt, and since you touch my balls a lot and I have to complain about you, any day you find yourself with the explosive surprise of a sticky bomb attached to the bottom of your booth or your feeder..."-

View attachment 18848739

-"!! Eltitoguay !! ¡La rata bodeguera camorrista esta, está volviendo a amenazarme con echarme a la Mafia Sureña Encima!..."-

-"!! Eltitoguay !! The rowdy winery rat is coming back to threaten me with putting the Southern Mafia on top of me!...-
View attachment 18848742
...Venga, chicos...; que haya paz...
-"Pssssshh... Is the annoying Andalusian winery rat out there? Is he not in sight?...well, then I'll go out and tell you..."-

-"...Who says that I don't work? I work and I earn my food; here the one who doesn't work is that dwarf, unless he is constantly making noise and nuisance, and being the lapdog of the Titoguay's niece, be a remunerable job... Surely his feed is financed with aid from the European Union Cohesion Fund..."-

-"...I work in the agricultural sector: I dedicate myself to agriculture, not just taking naps..."-

-"...And to silence mouths and erase insulting accusations, here I leave you this graphic proof of May 14 where I am walking around and inspecting some small young bushes of wild asparagus that I am growing... Let's see, be careful not to step on none..."-


-"...Snifff, sniffff... Olfactorily checking the conditions of the crop and the substrate... Humidity, good; NPK level, correct; pH, within range; without detecting the presence of pests of 6 or 4 paws...-"

-"...Checking, also, that the warning sign to warn and ward off pests with 2 legs and 2 arms, is still correctly hung and visible on the garden fence..."
Hay vigilante gitano respeta primo (1).jpg

-"...And this has been another hard day's work in my life as a farmer and gardener... come on, I'm going back inside to take a nap in the shade that the sun is stinging..."-
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ICMag Donor
-"Pssssshh... Is the annoying Andalusian winery rat out there? Is he not in sight?...well, then I'll go out and tell you..."-
View attachment 18849823

-"...Who says that I don't work? I work and I earn my food; here the one who doesn't work is that dwarf, unless he is constantly making noise and nuisance, and being the lapdog of the Titoguay's niece, be a remunerable job... Surely his feed is financed with aid from the European Union Cohesion Fund..."-
View attachment 18849824

-"...I work in the agricultural sector: I dedicate myself to agriculture, not just taking naps..."-
View attachment 18849825

-"...And to silence mouths and erase insulting accusations, here I leave you this graphic proof of May 14 where I am walking around and inspecting some small young bushes of wild asparagus that I am growing... Let's see, be careful not to step on none..."-
View attachment 18849826
View attachment 18849827

-"...Snifff, sniffff... Olfactorily checking the conditions of the crop and the substrate... Humidity, good; NPK level, correct; pH, within range; without detecting the presence of pests of 6 or 4 paws...-"
View attachment 18849832

-"...Checking, also, that the warning sign to warn and ward off pests with 2 legs and 2 arms, is still correctly hung and visible on the garden fence..."
View attachment 18849844

-"...And this has been another hard day's work in my life as a farmer and gardener... come on, I'm going back inside to take a nap in the shade that the sun is stinging..."-
View attachment 18849833


ICMag Donor
Knew they were going to need watering before 7 days since it had been a hair dryer weather week with temps in the mid to upper 80's and wind. Got out there yesterday evening as it was just cooling down.

Before watering, I weeded the plot again using leather gloves to wipe off the small seedlings. Works really well when weeds are young, but you have to be very careful not to break the stems on the herb plants. Thankfully they were pretty flexible still. As they mature, they get stronger stems and which makes it easier to weed. Once the canopy closes, weeds aren't really an issue, and you can sit under the shade and cool down when doing inspections. :smoke:

Everything looked like it was growing well! No critter damage except I have frogs. :smoke:

There was a frog that jumped out of the roots of one of the Sativa Candy Chunk Med. Indica plants! I saw one last weekend when was watering. I have never had frogs burrowing in my plot before. Must be the dry weather and they're looking for moisture. He was covered in growing media being a sticky frog, it was really funny. Tried to get a pic, but he ran off. Should have got out the spotlight. I saw him later last evening when I was done watering, so I have a buddy now! :smoke:

Going out to check the plot and make sure the plants are all still standing. I usually don't have to use stakes, only when necessary. Works well just to use some soil to support the base. The plants are able to stand themselves up somewhat when they see the sun.

Plants are starting to show a little bit of character now! Stick around for a few shots in the sun. See how they perked up after the water. Will be ready to fertilize again in a couple weeks! :smoke:

Paradaise Cheese x Lebanese in the front


Frog burrow-- no harm done. Frog is a beneficial if he eats pests! :smoke:



Fast growing Sativa Candy Chunk Medical Indica

Deep Chunk X Blueberry :smoke:


Frog burrow
Nothing getting past that guard dog!

Got to run to weed and water the veggies. Looks like the drought will be short lived, I hope.

Almost time to fertilize. When do you guys do your first round top dress feeding? I think I usually do mine mid to late June when plants are a little more mature. Going to top dress with the Chicken manure and feather meal based Healthy Grow and cottonseed meal.

I don't want them getting hungry like they did last year, but I also don't want overfertilized plants in late flower stage to sweeten the buds.

Got them watered yesterday evening. Resting today! :smoke: :smoke:


ICMag Donor
It's a party at the cemetery! Make them shake those skeletons 😃

I harvested these today (Maple leaf x Lebanese)
View attachment 18848390
View attachment 18848391
View attachment 18848393

I wanted to give them another week but they are very sensitive to botrytis and according to the news it will be raining most days for the next 2 weeks.
Thats awesome happy harvest! Looks like my Sativa Candy Chunk! A little different with those foxtails.

What are the terpenes like? Please let us know how it smokes. Any smoke test yet?


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