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Listen my username is from 07 lol
Already cleaning out sucker branches in May? You're way ahead! They like to dry out a bit, going to be way ahead of things this year! Standard method for nurseries is to put the large container plants into a pot in the ground, that way roots won't grow through the bag and its easier to remove when its time to sell or move the plant for any reason. Roots shouldn't be able to grow through the bag, but I guess it depends on the type of fabric bag you have. Is it a root trapper type fabric?

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I watered an measured Friday iirc, so it's been 2 days an she's already grown 3". An to think the plat terples I grew inside more than doubled when they were flipped to flower. So about 2 more months of veg then double in stretch for flower! She could hit 15'! Tho a plant that size will complicate watering, half to trim low enough to water with a 5gal bucket. Also will be very top heavy, especially in any wind or thunder storm we get in late August/September. Well pray for 15' an 5lbs but plan on nothing because this weather is bipolar, fuck mold an fuck caterpillars


ICMag Donor
Root Trapper shouldn't grow through the bag from my experience. The bags are designed to trap the roots and prevent circling roots.

Thats pretty stealth Misharatu! Have to harvest the cannabis in the corn before the comines come though! What is your target date of harvest? Late Sept? I guess whatever you can to do trigger early flowering is good. Should start breeding out in the corn, just pollinating until early August, small flower stage. Harvesting early will promote seeds from those early finishing plants since the long flowering plants don't have time to grow seed.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest. Lots of room out in the fields, the possibilities are endless! Hope they don't get sprayed though! Worth a chance. Overgrow em! :smoke:


ICMag Donor
How do you inspect a 15' plant? Risky business growing tall plants in my opinion, but Schrews says the potency is great. May have to start foliar feeding! :smoke:



ICMag Donor
Will burying the pot make it get water logged more and possibly cause root disease from poor drainage. I wouldn't want to impede water drainage.

Stones or wood at the bottom would probably not stop root growth because of available moisture. Herb has natty roots!

I would just try to get early finishing varieties, how much earlier can you trigger a plant to flower? 1-2 days? A week? I guess you have experience with this?


ICMag Donor
This guy knows what he's doing! Every plot needs something a little different. Plant em up! :smoke:



Not ICMag Donor
how much earlier can you trigger a plant to flower? 1-2 days? A week? I guess you have experience with this?
If you're asking me, yes. That's what I did with the plants I have outdoors now. I prevented them from flowering with a lightbulb on a timer that would turn on at night, and when I was happy with their size I switched them to 12/12. They respond the same way they do indoors. Very quick to show the first pistils.
Hard to say exactly how many days you can shave off the flowering onset but about a week sounds right.


ICMag Donor
Cool thats great info and would be useful if its easy for you to do! Weather gets wet as the fall sets in so a week would be great, and you would notice that!

I was asking about rootbound plants being early, how does that work? Guess its a variable, and probably wouldn't be as effective as the photoperiod trigger since thats the actual mechanism which determines timing of flowering onset.


Not ICMag Donor
Cool thats great info and would be useful if its easy for you to do! Weather gets wet as the fall sets in so a week would be great, and you would notice that!

I was asking about rootbound plants being early, how does that work? Guess its a variable, and probably wouldn't be as effective as the photoperiod trigger since thats the actual mechanism which determines timing of flowering onset.
Ah ok, that's like a stress response I guess. I don't know how much sooner you can make them start to flower, but they will definitely show sex at least 10-15 days earlier.


Well-known member
I would just try to get early finishing varieties, how much earlier can you trigger a plant to flower? 1-2 days? A week? I guess you have experience with this?

For many years I've tried different tricks, trying to find a small advantage. I haven't tried the supplemental light trick, going from veg down to 12 on/off. I'm leery of it because stress induces sex reversal but I could see it working, sort of. At a certain point it's easier to either get earlier varieties, move south, or use light dep.

I've tried different regimes and combinations of high/low fertilizing, root bound plants, etc. You can sort of trick yourself but if I'm honest none of it worked. Can't trick mother nature. The only exception is with rootbound clones, especially older ones that have been re-vegged, that might flower a bit earlier and faster. Although the gain isn't necessarily worth the sacrifice in yield and potential for herms.

Will burying the pot make it get water logged more and possibly cause root disease from poor drainage. I wouldn't want to impede water drainage.

You might want to punch a few extra holes in the bottom, just to be certain. But if it drains well above ground it should be fine below unless the soil is extremely hard. Unless you're worried about emergency moving containers aren't really necessary. If the soil is super toxic/contaminated you could line the bed with something. For instance black plastic, or the stuff they use when they plant bamboo, to keep it from invading everywhere.

Sexed my first plant today! Moroccan Kush showed exactly 2 months after I planted her.

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We had a heat wave last week, temps into the high 80s, got everyone into their bigger pots just in time. Now I can stick them in the ground anytime I want, as soon as the roots hit the bottom of the containers. Here's a Tirah Valley landrace.

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Bodhi's Strange Brew.

View media item 18710315
And a "King's Bud" Balochi landrace. She's a bushy little monster.

View media item 18710314


White Window
What I don't understand is why you can't just pick up the plastic at the same time you harvest though
Yeah but i extra bought the grow bags for that, i can't do anything with them indoor with 100w or at the window, they are just too big. And this is why i don't want to search for plastic bags. I could have used plastic bags in the first place but i didn't want that and bought the grow bags. Using both bags at the same time makes no sense too me, don't see a point...

Like i said i will now use one or two of them above the soil like normal pots and put something in it to prevent the roots to grow in the ground. It's no problem to go water in one cornfield, there are a lot here and i'm biking anyway as often as i can. :) You will see when it's time.

@Mitsuharu If you buy soil in a bag (panda film like plastic)... just bury the bag, :D
Nope, can't do that with a bike, have to be simple with backpack. Just did want to try out the rootbound idea. Normal corn grow is easy with the right strain, did that often years ago but they often grow and grow and grow because of the nitrogen heavy cornfield soil.

It's no drama, i do it half for fun and like to try things...

Thats pretty stealth Misharatu! Mitsuharu! Have to harvest the cannabis in the corn before the comines come though! What is your target date of harvest? Late Sept?
That's the problem here, i first have seen corn harvest at the end of august last year. Summer getting drier and drier every year. Some farmers watered their fields last year! I had my own strain Purple Cloud(Passion #1 x Orange Bud), the females always finished till mid september before the corn harvest. You can find some pictures in my gallery. Sadly i missed reproducing them and have only left a few seeds from 2014... i will do that some other time, great strain for outdoors and only purple phenos, no mold. :)

I now have some outdoor strains growing, Ultra Early Love x Pink Panties, Golden Heribei... and i will try my new strain Malawi Sun in the cornfield also for the first time... have to wait further for them to show sex.
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Well-known member

Otra matita de marihuanaaaaa jajajajja

Mia que le dije los primoh, "amoh, primoh, curriendo pal maizal del Melquiadeh, qui li acabo di ver llendo pa'lla in la cosichadora isa que tié, que paheze un carrocombate cruzaho con un autocar londinenshe di dosh pisosh ..."
...Piro son mah lentoh quil caballo dil malo, loh primoh...
Mala sangre tié tambié el payo Melquiah; qui li costaba ehquivah lah maticah dun volantasho, como ashe con los nidoh di avutarda..."

¿CLM que significa?; ¿Cosechando La Mota?...
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Listen my username is from 07 lol
My 12ft plant was up against my house, so I juat opened my window an trimmed 🤣. I hadnt thought about burying the pot so my solution was tie it up to my house to keep it from tipping over lol
How do you inspect a 15' plant? Risky business growing tall plants in my opinion, but Schrews says the potency is great. May have to start foliar feeding! :smoke:

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Well-known member
Fantastic Budstealth, smack bang in the dead centre of town 🤣🤣🤣
And what a crazy expression revegata666. Is that a common trait across the line 🤔🤔. I know photos can be a bit deceptive and as an example here’s the top view of a Blackdog, looking very Bubba like, with the dome top but doesn’t in any way, show how chunky the bud underneath really is.,

I got given some seeds years ago by a friend that ended up as an extremely lebanese, thin leafed, looking hash plant. He told me they were the ones to grow and how fantastic they are. About 50% of the population hermed and I realised I’m much better off sticking with my own seed and breeding projects.
And to finish off with, l know Pipeline’s keen for a few more bud shots so I’ll put a few randoms up for you all as l delete them off my phone 😉😉
This is another tester from Bradley Danks and is a Royal Jager. Stretched really hard and purpled right off.

P.S. Lovely to see so much interest back in the thread.
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Well-known member
Hey Thereverand,
I just saw your post about pushing a plant for a week or so early flowering. Something that seems to have worked for me is to starve a plant of nutrients and water then, when you see the nodes start to shorten up hit her with a double dose of potassium. I have only done this with clones and not seed plants, so that may skew results a bit……..maybe 🤷‍♂️
I did post up a bit of information in last year’s outdoors thread.


Not ICMag Donor
Fantastic Budstealth, smack bang in the dead centre of town 🤣🤣🤣
And what a crazy expression revegata666. Is that a common trait across the line 🤔🤔. I know photos can be a bit deceptive and as an example here’s the top view of a Blackdog, looking very Bubba like, with the dome top but doesn’t in any way, show how chunky the bud underneath really is., View attachment 18845439
I got given some seeds years ago by a friend that ended up as an extremely lebanese, thin leafed, looking hash plant. He told me they were the ones to grow and how fantastic they are. About 50% of the population hermed and I realised I’m much better off sticking with my own seed and breeding projects.
And to finish off with, l know Pipeline’s keen for a few more bud shots so I’ll put a few randoms up for you all as l delete them off my phone 😉😉
This is another tester from Bradley Danks and is a Royal Jager. Stretched really hard and purpled right off.
View attachment 18845440
P.S. Lovely to see so much interest back in the thread.
Yeah kind of crazy looking lol but it's just regular sativa style foxtails with bigger calyxes. The picture is quite accurate to how they look. As for the Lebanese line, this one is a heirloom and has been worked for 3 generations so I would assume the potential herm issues have been mostly taken care of. You can grow these lebanese indoors and they won't herm either unless you really mess up.