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Orange Kush in veg....



right on jdog, you've got a real special plant there- all the ninjas here at the lake agree and we look foward to future pics,reports and info. :lurk:
And don't let the neg responses discourage you from posting bro

How is it a 20 yr strain when WW was developed by Shanti approx . 10-15 yrs ago
Actually,it was originally created by Ingemar.
maybe NOT posting is your best bet , as they do seem to contain alotta false info , or just speculation
STEEL SAVAGE- maybe you should take your own advice :pointlaug


Jdogg keep up the good work, wish I had some connects like you have.:wave: :wave: :yummy:

I have only had orange kush once and it was from a co-op in bakersfield. It was dank as hell, tasted like an orange cream bar with a kush flavor thrown in there. I actually acidently smoked a seed that was buried deep inside one of the buds :fsu:

Keep it green brother, hope you do a full grow report with this. :joint:


Nin , we're back to that fuckin' argument . There is a thread in MNS help desk discussing that very issue .

I don't beleive I have knowingly spread any false info or speculated on so much bullshit . Please direct me to a post showing me I have , Mr . all but 15 posts' . Go ahead an dick ride em . I'm just callin it as I see it .

Never said it didnt look good , just aint diggin tha bullshit .
JDOG , your Bubba looks great .


Well-known member
JDOG6000 said:
All inspired by people like you buddy.
By the way, I'll edit all I want.
Deal with it.
Usually it's just cause I hit the return button out of habit and then have to go back and fix my spelling from typing so fast. lol
Other times it's because I forget there are assholes on this forum and post something that is about to get flamed on.
So I delete it to try and avoid trouble from people like yourself. :wave:

So first you say people like me inspire you to put up your threads,...then possibly in the same breath you say you delete them to try and avoid trouble from people like me?! Are you Rick James Re-incarnate or something?!
I don't think any Hate could be found in my post,..but your response seems to be fueled by a bit of it perhaps.

your plants look very nice.....maybe some of that will rub off on you. peace DLB :joint:
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intresting thread on ww creator,steel savage- i didnt realize it was up for debate. but that's the false info i was refering to :chin: my bad.that debate is new to me- growing mj isnt however. but i didnt realize #of posts= experience? we better start posting more replys under this profile then,huh?.maybe post some sick pics perhaps some bros grimm x's or giant hazes and stuff. ya know, to get our weight up,get some credz lol! shiiit, we'd probally just get a bunch of trolls talking shit on our plants lol: that would suck. :badday:
And that's Captain Dickrider(s) to you mr.steely dan savage :friends:


Well-known member
JDOG6000 said:
The combo of WhiteWidow and the strain thats being backcrossed brought out the orange flavor.

Lets just say it is one of the most controversial strains on the planet and it starts with G. This was backcrossed to WW and then a male pollinated the old world Paki Kush.
And ya ,he sure does have that old world Paki Kush.
Shit he's the one who went to the Kush mountains and found it and then brought it back here.
BUt he won't give that shit to anyone.
And I don't blame him. He does linger around IC mag when he wants to laugh a little.

I was blown away when I found out he bred that strain too.

Anyone who knows whats up knows that White widow adds crazy flavors when hybridized. Not to mention there is probably about 7% WW in it anyway.

Also, this is a really old version.
It's like 15-20 years old at least.

shantibaba said:
...why did I win in 1995 with the GHSco this award and then the year later [ '96 ] make the [White Widow] seeds available when they were ready.

All the best SB

JDOG~ Please explain how Kailua Kid bred Orange Kush 15-20 years ago...with White Widow...when GreenHouse & Shantibaba didn't even release WW seeds for sale until '96...a mere 11 years ago.

I'm sure Kailua will have a terrific, completely believeable explanation for you to reiterate to tha masses.

On that note...I truly mean you no disrespect man...but...KK's not laughing at us (tha Truth Seekers)...he's laughing at you...because ya repeat all tha complete bullshit he tells ya.

Like I said, no disrespect intended...just keepin' it 'honest' up in here.

Peace, IGT :confused:

jaykush said:
your orange has ww in it? weak.....

Jay sums up this entire thread right here...^^^. :wave:


The Tri Guy
no, post count doesn't = experience, nor ability, nor contacts. A long history of good info, pics in your gallery, and a reputation for not looking for trouble, does = trustworthyness. Only a handfull of posts, wild claims, and already fighting, does make me question legitimatcy. But like I said, you enjoy 'Fred', or whatever you want to call your cutting. It doesn't affect me.


No doubt Captain DickRider , post count doesnt = experience , but I'm not seein to much from you . Your gallery is pretty shallow . And posts' non-stimulating . Maybe you dont have a cam. I dont know what yer deal is . But I'm not feedin' fables to tha masses in some get rich ploy .

And it's just Steele Savage

Edit : CDR , this thread aint about us , it's a valitity issue
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Active member
Someone give me a reason why I would lie on here. I'm not a breeder, I grow only for my own smoke.I don't sell seeds.I have better things to do with my life then make shit up.I'm a grown man.
So you guys can keep bickering and I'll be smoking the real deal Orange Kush ,several OG's, Bubba, a few Purple Kush's and Chemdawg laughing my ass off at those who are dissing me because they can't get a clone they want so bad.Some of you people need professional help.
You guys got some deep seeded serious problems. To come on line and call people lyers dig up quotes and take them out of context.
Spending god knows how much time trying to prove someone wrong on a cannabis forum. lol
Sad sad people.
Dr longbottom.(More like Dr. thinks he knows it all) It's called sarcasm. WAKE UP!
But let this thread go people.
Nspecta I'm not sure exactly when Orange Kush was bred.
It was shortly after WW came out, obviously it wasn't before that.
Nspecta, I know your just looking for the truth. I ain't trippin on you.
But I laid thelineage out in front of everyone in a very sneaky way.
Those who know whats up if you read ever post.
You'll figure it out. I got a pm from only one preson so far that has figured it out.
Goes to show how people skim over shit and then think they know what they are talking about.lol
Anyway, have fun argueing on the internet. lol sad, sad,peeps.
I'll be growing and smoking all these bomb strains while you all argue about who has the biggest cock.

One more thing.
If I was making shit up and lying and stuff, do you really think the mods would not ban me like they ban or warn all the trolls and people like some of you.
Come on, I know in the past I've let people(trolls get to me).
BUt I know whats up now. The only info your going to get here is opinion. Get it threw your heads. Geez


well damn- some dude posts a pic of his plants, and you hammer him about it-so i defend him, and now i'm a fight starter? look dudes, if we were getting a clone,a bag or seeds, then yeah-let's drill him on the lineage-we have the right to know- but if it's not for public-who cares? he could say a ghost pirate gave it to him for all i care! and yeah, the WW aspect doesnt add up-you right-but we aint getting any so again-who cares.
lets see-what else- shallow photo album-yeah, i've neglected it. most pics from years past are on a seperate hd packed in storage and, well, it's not really priorty to me to post em for the world to see anymore- i lost alot when OG went down, and well,kinda spooked to post too many anymore. got a few over at ******** under same name,but just from the past 2-3 months-nothing too interesting. sorry about that. ok im over this conversation-sorry if i offended anyone-my bad-i wont defend anyone again.
and steelsavage- i love you -always have-but steelydansavage is cooler than steelsavage-it's way more 1980's WWF lol just fuckin around-no disrespect.truce?(waves white flag) cheers big ears- nl


hello Jdog :joint:
hey bro any chance we can get a couple more pics of that OK, there are some of us that liked what we saw back on page one....regardless of what how this killer was made/breed, i love me some good weed and that sounds pretty damn good....
pic's please :chin: :yoinks: :joint:


Active member
...agree with Jaws....whatever it is it looks/sounds good. I think we can all get along, especially if someone donates samples of finished product to the cause.


Well-known member
JDOG6000 said:
But I laid the lineage out in front of everyone in a very sneaky way.
Those who know whats up if you read ever post.
You'll figure it out. I got a pm from only one preson so far that has figured it out.
Goes to show how people skim over shit and then think they know what they are talking about.lol

JDOG~ Not to "sneaky" man...ya basicly described KK's description fer Orange Julius...he left tha OWPK out in that lineage though. :chin:

Kailua Kid said:
Orange Julius...This double G-13 X White Widow cross is a citrus lovers delight. Expect above average yields of dense sticky bud. Flower period aprox. 70 days. 15 Seeds per pack.

Nspecta I'm not sure exactly when Orange Kush was bred.
It was shortly after WW came out, obviously it wasn't before that.

My brother purchased his first Orange Kush sack at a concert in '93 and I first laid my hands on it Christmas of 1996... It has been around since before White Widow man.

It's like 15-20 years old at least.

But WW is only 11 years old... Even a WW hybrid wouldn't be available until several months after it's release. And the G and Widow backcrosses must have been a fairly time consuming project as well... however the hybrid went.

I genuinely am not attacking you... Trying to clear up some confusion... You must understand what some of us are getting at... Honestly trying to keep the negative vibes to a low.

The plant looked pretty good how bout some updated pics? Peace


Active member
Sorry guys, I think I was confusing the Purple Kush's age with the orange Kush.
Orange Kush9this one I have) was bred in 1998.
So more like a 10 year old strain.
My purple Kush is more like 15-20 years old.
And I think thats what I was thinking of.
But god job nspecta, you are very observant.
Good eye bro.

Just remember guys.
This threrad is not about 100 % accuracy in info and all that.I have alot of clones I'm testing right now and it can get a little confusing.
It's about looking at some plants grow and talking some shit with friends.
So if you can, keep it cool and just talk, then awesome.
There is nothing new to see guys.
It's still in veg.

So I take it there is more then one Orange Kush then guys.
How about some stories about them or descritions, pic;s would be best.
I only heard of this one Orange Kush.
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thats why they call him the 'Nspecta' .... if the truth is out there, he'll dig it out...