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Orange Kush in veg....



one more thing jdog if you ever come to las vegas hit me with a pm love to talk toya and show ya around


Nspecta said:
Anyone else with me in thinkin' tha "Old World Paki Kush" = Bubba Kush...???


I'm 93% sure enough to post that Bubba= Old World Paki Kush x original OG. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I read that from JDog.

Looks good Jdog, can't wait to see it snow on that HO. Post a pic of your SFV while we're waitin. And like the post earlier, I've also learned more about Kush's from your posts then any others.

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Active member
steel savage said:
Good lookin' out Motarebel .

This shit just gets better and better . Crackin' tha case wide open .

JDog , as quoted "you get all your info from "breeder" and ppl you've known for yrs " , but then you knowingly try misrepresenting a plants genetics "sneaky" like . And though I'm not a "knowitallofKush" , false representation is pretty fuckin' weak .


Dude it's not like I'm doing it on purpose.
Relax and go smoke a jay.
It seems there is some bad bad things going on in the cannabis seed world.
And I"m just glad I ain't a part of it.
You sure about KK Motarebel.
Because he doesn't seem like that kind of guy to me.
BUt what do I know, nothing, thats why I'm here.
To read a little, learn a little,Laugh a little it's just part of this forum.
I'll know once I smoke this Orange Kush if it's the same one I smoked in the past.
It was only a couple years ago I was smoking alot of it.
No way of knowing which clone they came from though.
Everyone is entitled to there opinion but Kailua Kid has never done anything like that in front of me.
And he actually seems quite cool, like someone who wouldn't steal beans.
But thats just my opinion,( see how that works guys).lol
But hey I've been wrong about people before.
But lets just say,up to this point he has done nothing but hook me up fat!
With strains I couldn't get anywhere else.
So nothin but love for the guy coming from me.
I know all about the Brothel Brothers.
But KK is not one of them.
For the 1 millionth time, he was the web site grow guru, that was his only connection to them.
I'm not gonna try and defend him.
Or take sides. I'm friends with him(there is nothing he can gain from our friendship) But I'm friends with you guys too.
So we'll just leave it at that.
"Everybody's got there own opinion"
"Holdin it back, it hurt so bad"
"trippin out of my flesh and I said "Cash In"!
My ruff memory of the mountain song lyric's. lol
Anyway, I'm more interested in seeing how bomb this Orange Kush is then arguing about wether it's the real one or a fake one.
In my eyes it's a real one(maybe not THE real one). May not be that old one,but it's definately not a bad clone to add to the collection. You all can think what you'd like.
I'll let you all know the truth about this OK when it's done flowering.
And no Old world Paki Kush isn't Bubba guys.
I have some pic's of the old world Paki Kush in my gallery somewhere.
It doesn't look like Bubba.(it looks related though) It looks like old world paki Kush.
Besides BUbba looks more like original OG Kush not OWPaki.
I'm pretty sure the pic's are towards the end of my gallery from months ago when I first found out about it.By the way,every person I ever talked to who grows Kailua Kids seeds says they are better then most peoples seeds.
These are totally Bias people. So like I said it sounds like personal problems to me. But I don't know your relationship with him.
I just know mine.
And it has been nothing but pleseant.

Thanks for defending me Motarebel.
You've been a good friend. I hope everything between you and KK is OK.
I thought you guys where friends,or at least talked to eachother.
Anyway, the clone I have is the same one Kailua Kid posted pic's of.
And you guys all know you'd kill for that strain to be in your garden.
So why all the hate.Just kidding.
It's cool that were able to talkabout this stuff with out argueing and fighting.
Lets keep it up guys.
Hey jdog hope all is well. Just thought I would pop in and say mine came from sacramento
where it has been growing since 1989\1990 most likely goes back farther than that but the guy I got mine from has been working it that long. Not sure what the exact linage is
but he claims afgani and says it picked up its flavor from growing among the california oranges. There is only 2 things i'm sure of (1) the guy is a bee keeper and keeps his hives in orange groves and also does his deeds outdoors among the oranges (2) This shit taste/smells like oranges and kicks sum serious ass Peace Mental Earths


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
All i would like to know is how to get a cut. I have insomnia so bad its not funny.
someone give me some info please i dont care about original or knock off. i want good puffs. She is a bea UD ful plant Jd..peace..



Active member
an afghani grew among oranges and suddenly it's a kush with an orange flavor?

oh well...love the farm country out by saccy.


That pretty mama looks almost identical in leaf and meristem color as my Bubble Berry Kush.....Curious to see how she buds out???.....Looking good


Active member
G13 is an afghani.
Maybe thats what he was thinking.
Orange Kush is just a G13 Backcross ,crossed to the old world Paki Kush.
Anyway, I'm still yet to see another orange Kush.
But I'm sure there is some out there.
It's a big world out there.
Well the point I was trying to make is there is allways a story. And the better the shit is and the longer its around, the better the storys get.


Active member
I had orange kush before. The cut I had supposedly came from the mountains in Colorado. It was some really nice smooth tasting weed, tasted like you were smoking some orange peels. Hopefully 1 day i'll be able to get the cut back, dunno since the guy who had it moved :fsu:


Active member
Well the point I was trying to make is there is allways a story. And the better the shit is and the longer its around, the better the storys get.

Ain't that the truth.


Active member
I topped em so it's taking longer then if they were untopped.
But I think it should be flowered in about 2-3 weeks.
I had to root em up and let em grow, you know.
But be patient, I'll be showing this shit off alot, I'm sure.
It's mostly indica so it won't stretch a whole lot I don't think.
Probably double.
Like my Original OG. They smell similar in veg.
Must be the Kush. OG is kind of an earthy lemony skunk smell.
BUt instead of the lemon like OG the Orange Kush has an Orange earthy skunk smell.


dude when you flower and cure them the orange fizz pop flavour is really nice the smell is juicey ,and a strong nice bodywarming high with it :)

a keeper for anyones garden for sure :lurk: :yoinks:
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I can't wait bro.
Does it have that nice Kush aftertaste?
I imagine it does from looking at the plant in veg it looks like it's got at least as much kush in it as Original OG Kush. They look similar as well in veg.
As far as the plant structure goes.
Is it like an Orange fizz(spice) flavor with a Kush aftertaste? Thats what I'm kind of expecting in my mind.


JDOG6000 said:
I can't wait bro.
Does it have that nice Kush aftertaste?
I imagine it does from looking at the plant in veg it looks like it's got at least as much kush in it as Original OG Kush. They look similar as well in veg.
As far as the plant structure goes.
Is it like an Orange fizz(spice) flavor with a Kush aftertaste? Thats what I'm kind of expecting in my mind.

yes you are total correct . Orange fizz(spice) flavor with a Kush aftertaste,,,

imho wait ill have one more pipe :) just to see if im right :)

yeah a Orange fizz(spice) flavor with a Kush aftertaste :)

:lurk: :yoinks: :joint: :yummy:
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Active member
I can't wait now.
I was doing a stem rub inveg a minute ago and it is starting to smell more like a spicy orange with that lemony earthy Kush mixed together.
All I know is, this summer it's gonna be nothing but Original OG Kush,chemdawg 91 and Orange Kush! Until it cools off again, then I can grow more diesels and what not.
And the SFV OG, any shit that herms under stress.

Also that orange Kush your smoking hasn't even been curing that long.
So thats a good sign.
Bud that smokes well right after drying and a quick cure ,usually end up tasting way better with a good month or two long cure. Most my keepers are like that.
Bomb right off the vine.
But super bomb after at leasta month cure. My Bubba just keeps getting muskier and more coffee like. It's totally like this Musky sweet coffee Kush flavor.
I am taking a brake from the Bubba though because after smoking everyday for a month I got a little tolerance.
BUt after a few days with out it , it's like a new strain again.

One Orange Kush is just about ready to put intoflower.
So a couple months and I'll have my first OK harvest.
Then after that I'll be growing half original OG and half Orange Kush, with a few others thrown in.
Like the new Purple Kush I got and the chemdawg 91.


Can't wait for pics dog...

You need to invest in a A/C Jdog so you can grow the SFV, diesels, and what not. But I sure wouldn't be complaining with the strains you will be growing. Bubba is one of my all time fav's, maybe I need a break too,lol. It's been like a week or two of nonstop smokin.