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Old School Arizona


New member
Seeing Nonna Lupo through these course of events (and seeing his grandfather have several affairs) also led Bob to see how his grandmother and two of her friends were able to immigrate to the USA all at the same time. By tricking three American G.I.'s into open, lavender marriages.




In the Summer of '96, Bob's grandmother had his grandfather drive him out to AR to try to get him to stay with his Great-Aunt and start his Junior year at Mount Holly High School, but Bob refused to stay and threatened to hitchhike or beg, borrow or steal the money for a bus ticket to get back to AZ. So Bob's grandmother put the house up for sale during his senior year and moved to FL less than 6 weeks after his graduation ceremony. There she would have another neighbor and owner of a datacom wiring company, The_Real_OGKush in the Pre-86 OG Crippy thread and several troll accounts as well as the OP in this thread, hack his email, ebay and bank accounts, hack his grandfathers email and credit card info, order a multi-thousand dollar camera from newegg on bobs grandfathers credit card to make it look like Bob did it, and stalk Bob all over the internet and at every place of employment, telling everyone who knew him online and IRL, his coworkers and bosses all about his juvenile drug arrests, birth defects and any other negative info, half-truths or whole lies he could dig up or out of his grandmother.

Moral of the story: The Big Bad Wolf can take many shapes, forms and diguises. Even that of a little old lady. Much like a fraudulent marriage, he won't be easily spotted. But if you look closely at what big eyes... what big ears... you just may see Il Lupo.



New member
New School Vs. Old School

New School Vs. Old School

New School Arizona: Parents are concerned about kids and dogs accidentally eating medical marijuana.

Old School Arizona: Parents were concerned with dogs "accidentally" eating marijuanos kids.




Professor Organic Psychology
Wow Yono really had me going.. well not really, but kinda, I mean at first maybe, but not for long, not for too long anyway, well long enough


Active member
Goodbye to a Dear Old Friend

Goodbye to a Dear Old Friend

Hi friends and family,

Our dear dog friend, Dharma the Desert Dog, departed to the eternal Mystery on Monday, 27.June.2016.

My wife and I buried her 13 year-old body in our garden, not far from her friend Deuce who went beyond 4 years ago. Dharma was a friend to every human, loved hiking so much that she always lead the trail ahead of all of us, and had a strong heart that wanted to stay around as long as possible. We went for a long walk on Saturday where she surprised us and ran and smiled and explored like a 6 year-old. 3-4 hours later, at home, she had a massive seizure that didn't kill her, but hurt her badly. She couldn't see well afterwards and walked in circles around the yard perimeter. She had to be guided everywhere and virtually never sat down, instead opting to just stand and stare into space. 3 more seizures over the next 24 hours made it clear that she was telling us it was time for her to go.

We didn't want to have to be the ones to do it, obviously, and had hoped she would die in her sleep painlessly or have a massive heart attack. Nature doesn't always comply with human demands and Dharma's heart just wouldn't let go. Like many of you, we have been through this before and reluctantly made the decision because Dharma shouldn't have to be in pain or suffer needlessly. She deserved all the love we could share with her. She certainly gave us all of hers.....

In spite of losing most of her hearing and a lot of her vision to a tumor/cyst in her head that had been getting larger over the last year, she continued on with her daily assignments and still had her frisky self available whenever we wanted to play a bit. We had to be more helpful and thoughtful about how we helped her into the truck, however I believe that she stuck around out of love and enjoyment for life. She ate like a horse and still insisted on leading the trail wherever we went.

Dharma's good friend Raji the Rottweiler spent 4 wonderful years with her and learned so many things about the desert and life in general under her excellent tutelage. He truly learned how to play from his many hours with Dharma. We made sure he got to see her dead body up close, smell her "goneness", before we buried her. This kind of closure lets another dog know why their companion isn't around any longer and lets them move on much like we have to as humans. Raji seems OK, however we are watching and ready just in case he needs special care.

Live long and prosper,



Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I'm so sorry to hear this, MJ. My dog is getting up there too and I am dreading the inevitable...it really is like losing a member of the family when we have to let go.

You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Sending positive vibes to you and yours MadJag! It is such an empty feeling, and the only remedy is to fill that emptiness with all the great memories! Hang in there, and happy 4th.



Professor Organic Psychology
I feel for you Mad.

My dogs are my best friend. I have one that is 10 years old, a pit. I remember our excitiing times just going for walks, where almost anything could happen. My dog trotted like a wind up toy, all animated. Then if he seen something his hackles would raise and if the threat was close he would let out a bark that was ever bit as scary as a lion roar. Now he is showing his age. He still acts a little bit tough, but nothing like he did about 6-7 years ago. He spends a lot of time sleeping now.

But every day, most times about twice, we walk about a mile and back. It is time consuming and the weather isn't always great, but walking with you is what dogs live for.

I am pretty high and typing too much. I know we love our dogs as our children and the sad fact is that animals, pets, don't live as long as people. Having a pet is knowing it is going to get old, change and one day die. It is like a huge setup for us, but we still do it.

Good luck coping with you loss, and remember a replacement dog may be cool, he will never be the friend you just lost.
Never a good thing having to put an old friend down. Good healing karma coming your way bro.

BTW good to see a fellow AZ brother here at the ICMAG peace out.


Active member
I feel for you Mad.

Having a pet is knowing it is going to get old, change and one day die. It is like a huge setup for us, but we still do it.

Isn't this an amazing thought. We take the set-up because it seems like it's worth it. When our dog friend is gone we wonder for awhile if it really was worth it.

Of course it was.

Thanks, to all of you friends. I can see that there are a lot of dog lovers in here.


Ancient Alien
Isn't this an amazing thought. We take the set-up because it seems like it's worth it. When our dog friend is gone we wonder for awhile if it really was worth it.

Of course it was.

Thanks, to all of you friends. I can see that there are a lot of dog lovers in here.

Don't forget us cat lovers my 14 yr old
Maine coone got munched in Payson.by cyotes in Feb
Still miss that 25 # cat something fierce


J., sorry for your loss. We just took our crew for a walk in the woods, mile high with monster alligators about. They live for that shit.

Apache Kush

good call on having the grave in the back yard MJ. I regret not keeping the remains of my last dog when we have a nice yard she loved . .


Kiss My Ring
condolences Mad to you and yours.
my spaniel is about spent...no better friend have i known.

bitter pill death.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Sorry for your loss MJ. Your story brought tears to my eyes. We just have to love them the best we can while they're here.


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ICMag Donor


Nothing worse than the loss of a good friend, whether human or otherwise.

Unfortunately death is part of life.

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