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Old School Arizona



Seems some lie the old stories kids get bored and wont come around if I start. Here goes

It was around 1967 68 I had cousins that would come down from Salt Lake & Denver. I had a step grand father that had a black smith shop in Black Hawk CO. Now it is the headquarters of he water company and on the National Registry. I spent some time with him when I was 4 &5 going Gold Panning with Archibald his mule lol (arch meant forward bald meant backwards) that was my first experience in the mountains with pack animals. My grandmother cooked in a woodstove and had a swing dutch oven at the fire place. She could make Cinnamon butter rolls in minutes I slept on the back side of the fire place in old WW2 wool blankets. My Grand Father Clark lost his left arm in the trenches of Verdun he's the best friend of my real grand father who was mustard gassed and they became friend in the VA hospital in Tucson. My Grand Father lost a lung got tuberculosis from the gas At that time the only known therapy was Alcohol. so it was prohibition and they allowed Soldiers with this ailment a license to have a still. So my Grand Father rather than go to one of the homes around he went to Black Hawk bought the Black Smith shop built a home above it. Grandma said he never Furrowed a horse or sharpened a tool but it was filled on change of shift from the mines. He died at 43 and then Clark married my Grandmother. Guess it runs in the family kind of a gene profile.

So I have cousins that come down from cities and my uncle would set them up with some of the vaqueros and load up the Micro Busses and pickups and head north. I could make SLC and didn't have to drive on anymore than about 100mi. of paved road. The Sheriff at the time was Weldon Burr an enterprising man of all sorts. My Uncle a Deputy ran short of promised seems a vaqueros mule went lame and had to drop half the load. So My one cousin from CO. Had to get back so my uncle makes a call and here comes a patrol cruiser with 65 kilos in the trunk. Quickly unload on the reservation little chance of detection. So my dumbass cousin takes the interstate and gets popped with 200 kilos in NM. I wouldn't doubt that that pot got sold again he was popped in TC and the locals said they burnt it LOL. Ya see that puts a strain on the family to take care of his while incarcerated but you don't mess with my family while in lock up just don't fuck up.

I have old photos along the Old Nogales Highway where there was a liquor and gambling joint right off the road. a good sized spread with wings one with working ladies the other to gamble the lobby to drink. The state police would raid it in an attempt to stop vice LMFAO. In the picture is a raid but the guest run in to the reservation which is 125 feet from the center of the road and facilities that accommodate travel nothing a state trooper could to Indian land. in the Picture is Devo DeConcini the Supreme court judge Paul Fannin the Federal Senator Tucson chief of police bunch of council men. Seems like shit never changes. And now this (REGULATE MARIJUANA RESPONSIBILY) what a fucking smoke screen


Active member
Im far from a Kid to most, but to You Sir. I may be. I was born in 66. so I guess I am a kid. You were doing all this when I was shitting green.
This kinda shit makes Me wish I was born sooner. I guess im getting away with shit too.
Just all the wild west shit 5-600miles of off pavement roads to SLC in the 60's,,,, whatta HOOT!!!


Apache Kush

I was on the trail west fork of someplace on a butte looking our over the vast expanse of the Animas valley. Fantastic I even brought he Kids up and pulled Gila trout out of the stream while the kid played on the moss cover rocks that slid down to a pool. I would hike but tack was on a burro lots of trails in this region are not assessable with mules. At a time one meets people on the trail while it is a good people filter. I was preparing the evening meal Lipton instant Parmesan flavored noodles with fresh trout and biscuits. Tying a new mantle on a coleman peak one this guy pops into camp. From walking the bluff face I at once get nervous ready for an attack or challenge of some sort. So I invite him for a cup and a biscuits and noodles. I a cup of coffee I don't share my flasks of Old Putney with strangers. Beside I want him closer so I have control walking the bluff this late no camp around he has a light pack I get cautious. Then I see the govt. issued med kits and scaber. In making conversation we ask each other what and why what's above the trail and below. then he start to quarry on a little more what I would do at this location for so long??? What for so long just how long you think I have been here. Seems they put a temp Fire lookout on White Water Baldy with our my knowledge could be a big blunder. He said that it was told to him that my Lantern was visible at night but I was not at camp in the early mornings and fire watch alerted the Forest service. But this guy was not forest service groomed like a cop and inquisitive as one too. I had developed a cover story as working as a liaison and in conjunction with Western NM University. Studying for Geological formations that sustained a living for the Mimbres Indians and mapping and listing pottery shards if found. Then he asks if I am armed, I tell him no I am a pacifist, he asks what about bear attacks, ( I knew then a moron in the wilderness). The most dangerous animal I ever faced in the wild walked on 2 feet. Then he pulls out a Colt Python shows it to me tells me this protects him maybe I should think of getting one. The whole time this conversation took place I was sitting down next to my pack set up as my kitchen cabinet forks salt and such with my Hi Power concealed but at the ready. I always put a 6 round 22 auto 2" barrel in my left back pocket in a leather med kit. so this guy tell me about the security and safety of being armed I ask if he can show me what happens if you run out of ammo I ask. He show me his 2 quick change cylinders already loaded in his belt. Hollow points 140 gr jacketed ??? What you think your in a Street of San Francisco down town Detroit. So in a period of about 1/2 and hour This guy is defiantly cop lost getting late and wants to get back to his group. Which means I have fucked the pooch I am busted just a matter of time now. So I offer him a short cut on the USGS map not on the forest map he was carrying. I knew it had been washed out years earlier impassable. As soon as he left I was packed and gone n 15 minutes headed up the bluff face toward the Ben Lilly summit. Nobody would go that way to far and right towards where the groups would be. Hide in full view I watched this operation go for about 8 days. lost about 7 % of possibilities but the entertainment was worth it gets lonely out there. There was no conflict because I was aware of all my possibilities and his, my first line of defense is a smile and a welcoming handshake. Sets the tone if you will.
Very interesting read, I enjoyed this one. You had me at gila trout and the mysterious stranger, so he was a cop you think for sure...?

He said the ''fire watch'' spotted you lantern and he was on a patrol for somthing else or for that?
you mentioned maybe he was lost and part of a what group, did you see a group on quads or what?

do you think they were looking for growers and he was trying to get a read on you? you handled it well if so...

keep em coming rbt', this was a good one got my backcountry memerioes stired up ... been offline for a while now been working and blazing so I didn't read as much but just quit becuase the place was run like shit and the mangers weren't ever around sighhhhh...
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Apache Kush

Hey Jag, hey all here is my one and only good story from AZ...dug it up from ealry in this thread

I understand the car issue is important. Very helpful info Madjag an all important tip I will heed.

Reminds me of this ex-navy guy I met here once a few summers back. He appeared one day from thin air as I was casting and he kind of spooked me as I thought I was alone on the water until he showed up from up the lake, around a dogleg bend few seldom travel because its flanked on all sides by step rim canyons along the lake shore, walking would be futile at best. Also, very little boat pressure as nobody hikes their canoes the 3/4 -1 mile down steep rock trail to the water egdes and if they do they leave it there all season and carry it back up once the place closes down. Most fisherman kick around in belly boats and floatstubes and dont get to the interior of this rather large body of water. Anyways, he paddled his canoe up to me and after a minute of small talk we smoked a few bowls of my seedless sensi herb and then he offered to give me a ride in the canoe to the middle of the lake were the is less, no scratch that, no people or pressure and I could continue cast a line and check out his camp. I agree to go on the portage as I seldom see anyone here, let alone a full blown stoner friendly guy who was good conversation and liked to party. Plus on a side note I caught my first ever fish on the fly in his canoe that evening!

He shared some of his stash bag. It was seed riddled Flagstaff regular bud; ok stuff but he really enjoyed my chronic I brought along. Think that is why he fancied me. We had to sit out a 3 pm thunderstorm that is a regular event this time of year up there. You can literally set your watch to the daily sprinkles. His make shift base camp consisted of not a whole lot. Only a tarp pulled between a few trees, a few supplies, and a water filter. The camp was in a nice tucked away corner in the middle of the lake far from anything or anyone. Which impressed me and got my gears going..

He was retired Navy like I was saying. On a disability pension, so he didn't have to work the rest of his natural life. Apparently, he did a few tours in the jungles of some Central American shit hole. Fighting and tracking down well armed drug cartels coke ops or something like that maybe spraying Agent Orange I don’t know exactly. Pretty heavy shit, and this all explained his remote camp. This part of the Arizona back country was probably like Disney Land compared to Columbia or Nicaragua or where ever he was. He told me how he qoute, ''got fat all winter in Flagstaff and then would stay and live wild on the lake all summer''. All on the government dime no less PRETTY NICE GIG. At one point he showed me his surgery scar on his entire upper torso. Turns out he wasn't bullshiting on the well armed part! The scar was a foot or so long and had fragmentation burns from a rocket propelled grenade launcher or R.P.G.

Also, he explained he was ''droped off'' by a friend. Interesting eh Magjag?? So he had no vehicle. No way to resupply until a set rendevous; in two weeks he said. Maybe he planned to hitch in via stangers like me. Cause he did ask me to drive him into the nearest town to get some more food and shit. It was just a little weird not knowing the guy at all. Given his speacial forces background I didn't want to get carjacked lol. He did hike up and pay me a visit in my camp. Rather neighborly lol. I think he was still fishing for a ride into a town. I packed up at the end of the weekend and that was that. Hope to see him again sometime but I haven't had time or money to fish lately..

Anyways, after fishing a bit and joy riding the canoe on the way back to my trailhead to get back up the hill to my ''normal peolple'' campsite lol. I noticed and he pointed out some 3-5 inch youngling/premature cannabis seedlings in the rocks along the shore. Interesting… Not a good spot or a pro grow by any means, far from it. It was really a joke or amateur work as it was only around the corner from the end of the main trailhead ; where people do fish if they bothered to walk the shore half a day or so. More than likely it was some local kids who were partying, got lazy and just threw some bag seed in the hopes it might take off. So I asked him if that’s why he was camped out like this in the backwoods? Given his experience and background. I was actually just fishing for a comment, a good story or whatever he might say in his response. He said qoute, ''He did not know anything about that.'' Standard response but I wasn't buying it.

However, after all that I didn't believe he was just some random old hermit Ben Kenobi type. He sure as hell wasn't much of a fisherman as his gear was shitty and he offered to give me a lot of his poorly tied flys and some junky spinners. So that rules out outdoorsman lol. I was leaning more towards old Flagstaff hippie type or crazy veteran. I figured he had a purpose and was babysitting a grow nearby.

Let me know if what you think or any tips and tricks etc.
Maybe this all rings a bell and you know this old timer lol its a small world now a days.

Total Ben Kenobi vibe, just kind of wandered into my day out of the dunes like Old Ben!
Well, minus my fathers light saber and a jedi robe. ;0


Active member
Paranoid people, even old veterans, inside institutions or outside, are really, intensely concerned with EYES. I have known a few and they constantly are spinning their heads, grabbing short, quick glances of the eyes of everyone around them. So interesting, such as strange neurosis.

It's like they are scanning the world of people for anyone, anyone, that might have a scowl on their face or an angry look in their eyes, that might be staring at them. If they make direct eye contact for more than normal, they will run away or do something else weird to protect themselves. They take other people's looks personally. It's all about them. They think they know what everyone is thinking in order to know who is after them.....all based on the eyes of others.

Funny thing, most folks realize that you can see a person staring at you and realize that it has nothing to do with you. Upon closer examination, like talking to them, you may realize that the intense scowl or stare is based upon a bad day at work or an argument with a loved one. They are just staring into space in your direction. It's not about you.

Hey Wave, forgive me while I digress.......

One paranoid schizophenic that I dealt with came into my life at my first wedding where he had come as a date with an old lady friend of ours. He seemed like a quiet, decent guy and our old friend really liked him. His name was Bud.

I got a phone call one day about 5 years later and the voice on the other end said, "Hey, J, how are you doing? This is Eric." I answered back, "Who?" because I didn't know anyone named Eric at that time. He said, "I met you at your wedding." Still dumbfounded ( < weird word, eh?), I said, "I really don't know you."

He coughed and replied hurredly, "Oh yeah, you knew me as 'Bud'. I came to the wedding with Janet ". I sat for a minute and had to run through some thoughts and recall his face. Flash! "Oh, yeah, Bud. How are you doing? Have you seen Janet lately? We sort of lost touch with her over the years."

Well, long story made short, we talked and he dropped by....with a wife and a little 6 year-old girl as well as a baby boy. I could tell immediately I was in trouble. I had met this guy 5-6 years ago only once over the timeframe of a 2 hour wedding and reception. I had never even thought about him during the following years, mostly because Janet lost touch with us. Suddenly here he is, invited by me to my house, with demonic eyes and taking small handfuls of sugar from a big baggy every few minutes and tossing it into his mouth. Bad move, crank call, crank call !!!

His daughter had a big scab on her chest that showed above the top of her dress, just near the neckline. When I asked him how she came by the burn mark, he answered intensely, staring into my eyes and glancing around constantly:

"I don't allow the moth of knowledge into my house. I had to burn it so I threw coffee on her to stop it." He was twisting Carlos Castaneda teachings into some weird mumbo-jumbo.

Thus began my dealings with a violent, paranoid schizophrenic on my doorstep. I had two young daughters, 4 and 6 years-old, and was very concerned about their safety after assessing the overall situation. I knew only one thing and that was that I wanted him gone, never to come back or contact us in any way. It took 5 days or so to accomplish, but fortunately it succeeded.

Violence was out because Eric had shown that he was capable of inflicting serious damage to even a child. His wife had bruises and wasn't exactly happy. Eric treated the baby boy, his own, like it was an angel. The 6 year-old girl was not his blood daughter and he treated her terribly.

I got my wife to get his kids and lady into our house under the guise of getting some food. He was all buff and skinny and only wanted Kool-Aid, which it turned out was not mere sugar in his feed bag. He and I talked for hours on the porch, him wildly loud and constantly looking around for anyone watching and looking toward him. Finally he signalled that they were leaving and the whole strange bunch of them split.

My wife at that time wasn't going to let the evil deed that Eric had done go unpunished. She herself had been the subject of father-daughter abuse as a child and would have just capped Eric's ass on the spot if mildly provoked. In fact she even threw that out as an option we should consider, to provoke him into threatening our daughters and blam! Criminal courts pile up sympathy for the mother and children every time.

Being married to that woman brought me a lot of learning in the School of Compassion. She is the only woman I've known that actually shot a man with the intent to kill: she took aim and wounded at an escaped mental patient who had killed two guards, had run to her front door and tried to kick it in, then tried climbing through a side bedroom window while her big German Shepard chewed his hands. Crazy? Ya think? He finally quit that window, hands all bloody, and started running across the back yard into a neighboring field. She was pissed and grabbed the household protection Luger, took aim, and shot that fiend in the ass as he ran away. It took him down and the authorities nabbed him quickly after a phone call by a neighbor. She told me that she had aimed at his body, hoping to kill him, but missed and hit him in the butt......but I digress......again……

My ex-wife had talked to Eric's lady and got her to tell where they were staying so that my wife could go by at 10pm and meet her in order to take her to a secret Maricopa county halfway house for domestic violence situations. No one else gets the halfway house's address in order to keep it totally secure for victims and their children during their stay. I concurred reluctantly and let my lady meet the wife and rescue her. Eric's wife was hiding outside in the dark with her kids, waiting where she said she would be. I personally wanted to call the proper state department and find out if they could do the same, avoiding our direct involvement. I wasn't keen on letting my wife go into that situation, but I stayed home to protect my girls and let her go for it. She sneaked our .38 Police Special along anyway, she said, for backup safety. Ah, that woman......

The plan worked, they were safe in the halfway house, Eric went ballistic when he found out the next day, and revealed his return visit by kicking and banging on my front door, yelling that he would kill us if we were helping her. Drama! Such a waste of your precious time on earth, but sadly often unavoidable if you live a human life.

I sent my wife and girls out the back door to stay at her mom's until further notice. Simultaneously I answered the front door by going out quickly with no regard for myself and slamming the locked door behind me. Eric chuckled, cackled in my face, shouting from, no shit, only 5-6 inches away. Like a bad movie, I was being accosted by a madman. He would spin away, fearfully looking all around, then spin back face-to-face, smiling demonically into my eyes and blabbering nonsense. Only the anger came through and I adopted a seated posture in front of him on my porch steps. He was on a lower step so when he leaned he was slightly off balance, leaning a bit over me. I had one hand cocked next to me in a fist, ready to whack him if he leaped at me. I did it very secretly, yet he stopped yelling suddenly, looked at my hand and arm posture, and said, "What, are you afraid of me?" Paranoid peeps are extremely aware, even if it is mostly hallucination in the form of assumptions.

I answered back, "Yes, I'm afraid of you. You are very angry". The truth took him by surprise. It made his observation of my protective posture absolutely correct. I had not lied like "so many others". I was disarming his paranoia.
Eric continued on for hours. I had to tell him that his wife had gone to a halfway house and was worried about the safety of her daughter and baby, all old news but now with fresh consequences. He had lost them. His anger slowly left over the hours and I think that his sugar motivation had crashed as well. You can only pump up your blood sugar level so far before the dive takes you down hard. Watch any 6 year-old kid on Halloween after they have eaten 10 candy bars and you'll remember what I mean.

He finally left and I sneaked away as well. I had decided to stay elsewhere for a few days. When we drove by to check on things a day later, we found a copy of the recent Rolling Stone magazine sitting on our front porch table. Scribbled in the margins, starting at the top and moving down the entire page, was Eric's angry goodbye message. I still have that issue today as a reminder of how messed up people can become and why I need to be more aware of every situation as I engage in it. Eric's wife, poor, bent thing that she was, caved in and called him. I guess getting any love for a woman like her who felt worthless, probably an abuse case herself, was better than no love. She escaped with Eric and hit the road, never to be seen again.

I have thought about those poor beings many, many times. I imagined them hitch-hiking their way across America, spreading upset and drama wherever they went until one day it all ended in perhaps even more drama and anger. Crazy people have a way of self-fulfilling their craziness.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about paranoid people. Avoid them, please……hahahaha…….


Some crazies get thru life just bouncing off the edges of full restraint. They knowingly play society and feed their need just enough to not get in too much trouble. They will suck the life out of everyone around them.
Other crazies don't relate to that level of luny. They will get the crap kicked out of them on a regular basis.
I don't have the tolerance to give one second of my time to these people. I think the swifter the punishment the quicker the lesson.
So in other words, I may not be Bruce Lee, but you crazy on me or mine you get the boot and a very happy doberman to escort you off the property.


Active member
the "civilised" world is full of "desperate creatures," which are of course, very useful ("creatures" is a traditional term for such persons).

NSW, australia. small villages, lots of millionaires. everything looks like britain - immaculately manicured.

even here, where there are no non-whites (and few "wogs" or greek/italians), they need some cretins to do the stuff beneath them. empires work good like that.

paranoia otoh is an exascerbated state of distrust. considering the exascerbated state of trust that allows eg. the revelations of the "occult masonic police officers connected with california DA office who think they have a 3000 year old jurisdiction" to not trouble the minds of americans.. i have as much if not more difficulty with americans who feel secure as i do with those who do not ;)

i'm not sure i can really appreciate the integrity of either as it has been stripped from one class and the other has given it up wilfully.

Apache Kush

^Interesting Madjag. Madjag fables are lke aesop fables, not sure the moral of the last one.
Maybe somthing like don't smoke meth or the white hype..

^I sure hope the didn't follow him here or were all in deep shit literally, can't forget that poop mustache story, that was fucked up

lots of rain in the valley this weekend and snow in the high country,
I think its going to be a wet el nino year
wtf is this weather not complaining heard it was 70 in south dakota today?? weird shit

Apache Kush

I wouldn't want that guy near my gorw my home or faimly.
Total red flag secruity risk, he could have cuase LEO issue with a domestic violence call or worse..

You handled it well, that dude had problems




North Bend.jpg I went to Washington to see son's new place and the view from his back yard is fantastic. About 35mi outside Seattle. Going to draft him up some building plans for a pole barn. To wet and cold for me at this time but this is his back yard. Went into Seattle try out the quality of they had. It seems like most don't have a clue just want to get high. I just had a few hours waiting for prints to be done at a graphics place. I like the poster they had the more I meet people the more I like my dogs. He is in between a state park and a National Forest. You can see the mountain goat on the cliff face. Elk al over eating the Italian Cyprus. seen 5 doe laying in the grass. It is nice to see your kids doing this for his family. It is like living your life over again in some ways


I too understand the rational some develop in this world. I have dealt with some and on the east coast when doing business in a cannabis nature. I always made the acknowledgement. Of the identity they presented Macho Italian Jew Hispanic Black all showing their peers. That is why I don't like doing business there, this kind of thing and political acknowledgement only fosters like the guy looking for his group and the others are the enemy. I guess that why I hate democrats don't like republicans but they don't divide like democrats. [policing for profit only profiles people and profiles get funding can you say Ferguson


Active member
I know Cops are just simple minded puppets of a Power structure that benefits in its Citizenry being so split along Racial, and socio-economic lines.
For the record, I think buying into this shit, and using it to insite a given response is weak at best.



The point is simply policing for profit the DEA admits 35%+ of its funding comes from confiscation. DEA builds a budget and annual expenses on it. It is not the police that is the topic here it is the investigation apprehension prosecution probation incarceration. All of these government operations need facilities and personal support. That being Government civil service cost 62% more than private contracts. This is the point I am trying to state. These cost of government are long term so government needs to make a profit. so how do you do that? Everyone in Ferguson has warrants for trivial shit late probation payments piled on court costs. so the citizen cant call police for fear of being picked up on trivial shit living in a constant state of fear and no employment partly because the cost of government make it go over seas.

So now so many departments of government need to be profit generating. Let me ask this question for one to ponder Marijuana is legal this huge wind fall of tax revenue the size of government it will build is it sustainable and look at the huge enforcement bureau WOW talk about a police force it will be just another layer of state DEA

Ok sorry for the rant I am pissed yes this new proposition just throws all medical under the bus when it is helping so many here now. The rules haven't even been written nobody knows really what they are voting on but that rules will be written.The marketers that have the impression that their special grows and strains will prevail and they will cream their way to success if only the market was bigger buy building a bureaucracy to profit from it called the Marijuana board. All of the medical protection that are afforded now under medical to a patient will be gone. So a doctors order will be meaning less. Civil service employees can simply state no Cannabinol period. So the guy in the toll booth with an ailment cant smoke at night to go to sleep. Yes I see a GOLIATH of unnecessary government wants to steam roller by getting a simple citizen wanting some relief and that to me is very scary. Thanks for the opportunity to state my belief as it is.
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I would like an opinion what would you call the vap pen?

I look at it as the Hot Dog of the 60's meat and meat by products the lips hoofs beaks and rat shit all rolled into one FDA approved. Is it not a methodical cerebral moment the preparation of relief. The moment one finds himself looking deeper into what has always been there but never seen discovery. To be one with he environment to grow tender and praise is that faith ? Can that be lost to the next generations each generation loses something of its past. We make movies of moonshiners and try to live that experience the bootleggers the MOB. What came out of that NASCAR to Las Vegas to the Kennedy's to the very fabric that built the infrastructure of this nation Alcohol prohibition. Hell it even built a political Machine that put Truman in office and just happened when Roosevelt died and changed the face of the World War with reconstruction and the Marshall plan. See I just rolled one and having a sabbatical moment. I jut don't think I can get there with a vap pen.


Policing for profit

Today Tucson forgave 40,000 frivolous warrants some 7000 for simple marijuana possession in the City Court. This is good this city did not back bonds and borrow monies stating income on account receivables from community fines. Keeping it's bond & credit rating. Everybody needs to watch the accounting it's boring it sucks but like it or not those are the real crooks. FOLLOW THE MONEY
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