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Old School Arizona



Awareness going on that and this new MPP & Safer proposed amendments (Regulate Marijuana)

It is a good chance I wont be around for the 2016 elections and I am fine with that,only regret I wont be able to vote against it.

Giving time to ponder the ramifications and the parameters of the proposal. I hope I don't boar you but I feel compelled emotionally attached LOL. I am going to give a few possibilities of things that could happen and might.

lets take the Right to grow 6 plants>
The rules that are going to be dawn could very easily state that all plants have to be of the gene pool sold by State Board Licensed Distributors distributors. Illegal to poses seeds, as clones and clones only will be available through distributors. If caught with out of Genetic pool of the distributors. Possession of a illegal substance again.
Also 6 plants of what state of growth in flower or total.
A license fee could be implemented to buy clones then there a report to the properties insurance company and increased premiums. Insurance Companies then can say we wont insure anything and are not responsible unless clarified in your policy.
If a license is required it can simply state no firearms in residence where a 6 plant grow happens you would give up those right if you agreed to a license and sign agreement to that.

Just getting to the FUCKED up Joe Arpio Idea of a Marijuana board followed by the Dispensaries.

We see clear and defined time lines, supply control authority, subpoena and confiscation rights. It has been clearly stated what markets they want to control like Hemp too. This "BOARD" want to set standards quality control, testing standards, Be immune from Standard open meeting rules, rules of conduct, rules of commerce, rules of taxation, rules of expenditures, rules of FDA pesticides.

I paid for college education for 5 kids every freaking year I had to buy new Spanish books. Books that were printed by the university publishing facility. These books were a compilation from professors. Wrought with typos miss spellings wrong definitions thrown together over the summer mandated by the professors and the semester text. For the students to proof read and then they hope to sell it as a text book. All of my children speak fluent Castilian so guess who the group leader was. A fucking waste of time education and professors using student not to teach but to get them into a market. This is my Opinion of Safer AZ. Trying to set up standards of Education & Training & Employment that he gathered and want to capitalize on charge royalties and make sure no one else come in the door. With that regard I wont trust a thing that come out of Safer AZ. I SIMPLY DONT TRUST THEM TO BE IN A USERS INTREST

All of this could be illegal no license, not of a state allowed strain, got my seed from a friend I CO Racketeering. Heavy fines incarnation confiscation of property. I just have this now because I am dying. So the new proposal take all that away in Medical.

If anyone thinks for a minute this will let you grow viable good plants your WRONG it's a Trojan horse.


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I'm partial to throwing knives. I own two Tru-Bal knives......both I purchased in the 1970's from Harry McEvoy.

Harry K. McEvoy

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Harry McEvoy, considered to be the Father of modern day knife throwing was a long time resident of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

He founded the Tru-Balance Knife Company in 1949 and was one of the primary suppliers of quality throwing knives to professional and sportsman throwers alike.

He had coached and demonstrated knife and tomahawk throwing for more than 40 years and was the founder of The American Knife Throwers Alliance which is still in operation today by knife thrower and knife maker Bobby Branton of Awendaw, South Carolina.

Mr. McEvoy was the author of many books on the subject of knife throwing and a few other topics.

He authored such books as Archery Today, Crusader in the Wilderness, Knife Throwing "A Practical Guide", Knife and Tomahawk Throwing, "The Art Of The Experts", For Knife Lovers Only, and Co Authored, Knife Throwing as a Modern Sport, with Charles Gruzanski.

McEvoy also authored numerous articles for Knife World Magazine, Blade Magazine, Muzzleloading Magazine, Fighting Knives Magazine and many more too numerous to name.

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Today's offerings:

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I Like the Kbar and the Cold Steel rods. I carry a Tanto for a pocket. In AZ switchblades are legal for citizens. I had a cop in Phx try and take it away said it was Illegal and I didn't need it. Somewhere along Hwy 60 Apache Trail in the 70's a Highway patrolman was found with his head rolled up in a window hand cuffed feet and hands and pants pulled down it took 45 minutes of traffic driving by before they came looking. I was not in a vehicle and stopped in a desert I was walking through no call in. Fucker tried to steal my knife with his authority no reason to stop me no reason to search

by the way leaf spring from cars are a high carbon steel that can make great throwing cheap and great machetes for clearing


Growing up AZ

Growing up AZ

Growing up in Arizona is an experience like the Chairman of the Board said ole Frank "You only live once and if you lived it like me once is enough" I feel that way about the wonders of the area he whole Southwest. I grew up along the southern with extensive family all around. Like any family there are fights and competition between cousins and relatives. Mine happen to be I will call him Eduardo but just ED. we were the same age had our first fight over his mother saying if any of you kids can go down your ear of corn and just bite and take one row I will give you a dollar. Since I was like 5 and had both my adult teeth coming in I had one tooth and did it. Then I had to fight both my cousins behind the tack room to keep it I lost. But gained awareness few years later same as to who was going to wipe down the horses after a ride I won the toss, but this time I walked around the tack room with a pipe. Broke both ED and les arms first fucking swing. I got the strap again but from then on I was first because I knew them.

Now wind the clock ahead 20 years He became the head Game Warden in Thatcher Pima. His area was from Globe to the New Mexico from Alpine to the Border. I have always been a better tracker hiker hunter than him and that SOB has been after me since. All that seems gone now he Runs that Bison ranch for Ted Turner east of Elephant Butte. I remember a Wedding I attended at the compound 2000 acre game reserve that the Fish & Game used as a reintroduction of animals. They had a few homes that Game Wardens rented from the state. Well at the wedding Ralph Milstead the head of the DPS at that time was there. like 75 law enforcement Sheriffs of Graham & Greenlee counties, Police chiefs from Safford. The daughter of one of the people up the road from the Peyote church of Christ was getting married. so on one side the cops son was the groom. 12 kegs in the barn and all the cops getting plastered on the other side of the compound was the Peyote Church of Christ growers passing out there best. It was an experience Seems like the ministers wife reacquainted with an old love and split. Seems she didn't like the life of a ministers wife. The DPS Helicopters pilots wife was out screwing my other cousin. I sat on a rail of a fence for hours just watching smoking some of the best I ever had. telling me these guys are our first line of defense our protectorates still to this day fucking funny. There's lots more that happened but not worth the effort. That is why I stay out of his area he would be relentless. Just a thought what if I lead him to believe I was in his area? rip me off lol back at ya

Know who is promoting this "Regulate Marijuana Proposal"


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Wow you strapped that to your leg and walked around. How many years did you have that beast on?. It is strange anyone who's has been in a combat situation and lets hope. I quartered a elk with a Swiss army knife. Left the Saw at camp I have been in the wilds and never got that close to anyone where that beast would be effective. I carried a Seko modified 22-250 for close support and a shorter barrel. 4200 fps muzzle velocity with a handmade 72 grain with a jacketed lead core. With all my firearm experience and being a direct descendent of Moses John Browning. I will make this statement GUN CONTROL needs to happen. A police officer can carry only one and no more velocity than 1200fps and no more than 65 grain for a hand gun and nor more than 165 grain for a rifle IMHO.

99 percent of people think they can use a weapon for defense the best defense is awareness. sharpen that, load that, carry that, defend that, clean that, test that, shop for new, show off to others new awareness, Let me say this people who use weapons and feel they need them only increase them. NOBODY wants to become what the US government has trained me and live the reality of that world. Urban warfare??? a 22cal. is the best it is possible to carry 5000 rounds. And then the Moron that thinks his home is defensible in a urban warfare situation I would call it a supply depot being defended till I need it.

that was only one of the knives that I carried, another one was purely for sticking people. a stilletto not good for much beyond being inserted btwixt someones ribs... again, glad I never got to use it. The buckmaster was my survival knife and I wore it for about 3 yrs when I flew as a crew member in CentAm back in the glory days. 7 air medals. yee haw as they say. these days I'm a lover, guess thats my age showing. proud of my service tho.


I'm partial to throwing knives. I own two Tru-Bal knives......both I purchased in the 1970's from Harry McEvoy.

If I find myself in a situation where I think I might need a throwing knife, I bring this instead:


Stainless steel snub-nosed S&W 357 Magnum. Just about as reliable as a knife and just the ticket if you have to be up close and personal.

But it is admittedly nosier than a knife. Life is always about trade offs.
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Active member
As long as at the end of the day Your still alive,,, well I guess it just don't really matter how
You got there. None of those weapons are worth a shit if You don't have the basic instincts to use them effectively.
It been mentioned, but is VERY important,,,, AWARENRSS is crucial to give time to avoid, or deal effectively with any threat. Any conflict out in the middle of nowhere is Life threatening, so best to AVOID at all costs. imho.



Active member
People accidentally shoot, and usually kill others, particularly friends, neighbors, and relatives.

You don't hear about people cutting or stabbing someone accidentally because if you hear an intruder in the house, or room, or bushes near your camp, you have to wait until you see them clearly in order to use a knife, sword, or machete.

I stayed overnight at my youngest daughter's house and pulled into her carport around 12 midnight after full moon drumming at Cathedral Rock in Sedona. I slept in the back in my truck camper shell on a nice futon mattress. At 5:15 am when I woke up, I was about to knock on her front door (she told me to do so when I woke up) when I noticed that it was cracked open a bit. I figured that she had left it partly open so I could use the bathroom.

I let myself in and was using the bathroom when I heard her voice saying, "Pop, is that you?" I answered yes and she came out of her room with her dog and a machete. Seems like an innocent tale, however if she had a gun and I didn't answer, she could ramp up her fear quite easily.

It's too easy to pull a trigger in the wrong situation.




People accidentally shoot, and usually kill others, particularly friends, neighbors, and relatives.

You don't hear about people cutting or stabbing someone accidentally because if you hear an intruder in the house, or room, or bushes near your camp, you have to wait until you see them clearly in order to use a knife, sword, or machete.

I stayed overnight at my youngest daughter's house and pulled into her carport around 12 midnight after full moon drumming at Cathedral Rock in Sedona. I slept in the back in my truck camper shell on a nice futon mattress. At 5:15 am when I woke up, I was about to knock on her front door (she told me to do so when I woke up) when I noticed that it was cracked open a bit. I figured that she had left it partly open so I could use the bathroom.

I let myself in and was using the bathroom when I heard her voice saying, "Pop, is that you?" I answered yes and she came out of her room with her dog and a machete. Seems like an innocent tale, however if she had a gun and I didn't answer, she could ramp up her fear quite easily.

It's too easy to pull a trigger in the wrong situation.

I agree :tiphat: Weapons of throwing force give a different mind set. With out realizing or understanding the transition. A person get a force weapon the reason is to get there first. In that view it is no longer a defense situation but an offensive advancement of conflict. A trained person that understand that concept controls when and where the conflict will happen. And what is a true conflict and a false one. What a stupid fucking game to play and teach the only reward is survival. I mean really I want people to smoke and party and play a healthy free safe.

But indenturing people to the point of relentless restrictions and tax's and policing for profit. These people feel they are just surviving have nothing to look forward to. Really taxing the shit out of people like AZ does we are just behind Rhoad Island what all taxes totaled. So this new Regulate Marijuana Responsible is nothing more than keeping an exorbitant taxes on a weed. And get rid of Medical Immoral as it gets.

Here is some news look at what Congress did. If Obama signs it this week

That officially removes Marijuana off the schedule 1 list again be aware


Just sitting trying to give a way to view situations a mind set. And man can only defend what he knows. So knowledge is first to gain better and stronger defense. Lots of defense weapons with little knowledge makes one a target. I remember a conflict there was a gorilla grow operation going on in the Winchesters back side of Upper Aravaipa. I will call him a " Hair.Farming.Galott " I will refer to them as HFG's seen a lot ain't no tough guy that wears a handle on his head. Well this HFG thought he could bobby trap and claim area as his domain A sight from 2000 meters away and 2 hours of observation his defense was perimeter like a castle. It was good to have a castle a show of power and strength and place to guard wealth and safe haven. Till the Catapult like the castle of your there was not escape route so the castle occupants became entrapped in their own defenses.

So this HFG tries to set up 3 grow areas and set tensions and leg maiming as well as trail destruction and phosphates in the water below. HFG came upon some other grows that families had been doing for years. He actually copper sulfated their site can you believe that. Some phoenix suburbanite with a few buck and a stack of High Times and Soldier of Fortune Survival mags. ( the playboys have good reading) That what in his camp. Well in all civility the families in that area suffered from this. As they cant go to law enforcement they have to go to other alliances. Now if the Fish and Game out of thatcher thought that illegal was going and knew without a doubt. They would go after the question when where and how much. Well just prime the pump get the HFG paranoid to rips offs close up his defense do a slight trespass tighten up defenses then call the troops. This stupid HFG had like 5 hand guns cross bow couple of rifles a 7mm mag all the popular shit on TV. Had some deer he took and that was it taking of Arizona property lets go home buddy oh by the way that is ours now as well as your cars banks accounts etc etc.

So with the heavy tax burden this so called Board want with impunity will keep this kind of reality going. I miss the 60"s and Mexico you could drive down buy your keys sleep party get drunk and feel comfortable and safe. Drive back that is where the danger began. More laws paraquat Columbians coming in War on Drugs more killing higher prices expand market and drugs. Anytime you have a government that set prices and controls supply. all of this stays. HFG was not aware


Since the war on Drugs which made the cartels. Remember Carlos Soto the produce hauler and broker. This Fuck would pull people apart with trucks chain them to each truck on an incline put the brakes on the up hill one and let the other go. The Sonoran mark was to put 3 bales of hay on the side of a remote area of the Interstate put the guy on top leg an arm bound striped naked with a knife doused with gas then they would cut off his dick and stick it in his mouth right before they lit him on fire. Then rip offs in the fields in the Madres catch a rip off filet his feet hands knee caps cut off his ears lips and tongue and leave him on a hot rocky desert. All of this kind of inhumanity so keep the price artificially up and control its amount and tax the shit out of it where does this lead? The Boston Tea party was about the tax on Tea really? It was herb and spices from the orient as taught in my history books. It was fucking junkies hooked on opium and opium laces teas that was being widely used in that time to ailments of all kinds. Then came a refined product Morphine and to get off Morphine they developed Heroin for that dependence they developed Methadone. ( which by the way is covered by most insurance at $95.00 a whack and out of the 29 dispensing locations in the state 3 are run by the state the rest are run by doctors.
then we look at Sigmund Freud and his writing as a young man in 1829 and discovery of cocaine and how everyman should use this the happy villages he came to the peaceful people that worked hard as they chewed the leaf. Two years later he wrote about addiction and the tribes he came upon now knew of different things and wanted that disrupting the whole.

So lets take a look at refining the oils by chemical extract manipulations with chemical enhancements that are not revealed. Taxes going to support the proliferation of Marijuana and the manipulation of this plant beyond natural conditions. establishing a market to profit off of as they extract every last penny of disposal income. Depriving families and children of opportunities. If their was not a tax law all the above would not have happened. Trying to set up as the purveyor of economic deprivation and widens the ladder of income disparity. This is what the free blunt preroll dispensary is giving for your vote.


Active member
went along for a trail ride a while back, cowboy's telling me how he turned his preacher father onto the tao te ching.

it's my destiny to use computers, engage society, and "get to" people who don't know any better than bullshit. i can rest when i've had my dick cut off and put in my mouth ("thanks guys, i never could reach on my own!")

but i wish i'd spent more of my life talking with people who said things like this >> "..ain't no tough guy that wears a handle on his head"


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Kentucky deputy accidentally shoots his own mom after bringing gun to wedding

Travis Gettys
05 May 2015 at 12:15 ET
Cory Golightly (WPSD)

A western Kentucky sheriff’s deputy was placed on paid leave after accidentally shooting his mother during a wedding ceremony.

Detective Cory Golightly, a McCracken County sheriff’s deputy, brought a personal weapon over the weekend to the wedding at Bardwell Baptist Church in nearby Carlisle County, reported WPSD-TV.

The weapon fell to the ground and fired – striking Golightly’s mother — as the deputy adjusted his jacket, investigators said.

A witness who was playing piano during the service said she heard the shot as she left the sanctuary, but she did not immediately realize what it was because it was so loud.

“My initial reaction was, ‘Oh my goodness. Could that possibly be a gun?'” said witness Jenine King. “Then my next thought was, ‘Gosh, who’s in the church with a gun?'”

King said she understood what happened after Golightly called out to his mother.

The deputy tended to his mother before medical crews arrived.

Golightly’s mother was listed in stable condition at a Nashville, Tennessee, hospital.

The sheriff’s office has declined requests for comment on the case.

Watch this video report posted online by WPSD-TV.


Active member
alone in the mountains with a big sword. that thing has tried to kill me so many times. i'd like to do a movie about this so people can visualise it.. you're on some rock ledge, tip, thing slides out, butt hits a rock and you're falling towards the point.. or rock comes out from under your feet, blade slides out of scabbard edge at your neck.. you tip over forwards, sword on your back slides out, or it catches on a branch as you turn around, and so on. back of your foot/shoe catches on the sheath as you're running or jumping.. "getting to know you...." an appreciation of how much your property owns you..


I was on the trail west fork of someplace on a butte looking our over the vast expanse of the Animas valley. Fantastic I even brought he Kids up and pulled Gila trout out of the stream while the kid played on the moss cover rocks that slid down to a pool. I would hike but tack was on a burro lots of trails in this region are not assessable with mules. At a time one meets people on the trail while it is a good people filter. I was preparing the evening meal Lipton instant Parmesan flavored noodles with fresh trout and biscuits. Tying a new mantle on a coleman peak one this guy pops into camp. From walking the bluff face I at once get nervous ready for an attack or challenge of some sort. So I invite him for a cup and a biscuits and noodles. I a cup of coffee I don't share my flasks of Old Putney with strangers. Beside I want him closer so I have control walking the bluff this late no camp around he has a light pack I get cautious. Then I see the govt. issued med kits and scaber. In making conversation we ask each other what and why what's above the trail and below. then he start to quarry on a little more what I would do at this location for so long??? What for so long just how long you think I have been here. Seems they put a temp Fire lookout on White Water Baldy with our my knowledge could be a big blunder. He said that it was told to him that my Lantern was visible at night but I was not at camp in the early mornings and fire watch alerted the Forest service. But this guy was not forest service groomed like a cop and inquisitive as one too. I had developed a cover story as working as a liaison and in conjunction with Western NM University. Studying for Geological formations that sustained a living for the Mimbres Indians and mapping and listing pottery shards if found. Then he asks if I am armed, I tell him no I am a pacifist, he asks what about bear attacks, ( I knew then a moron in the wilderness). The most dangerous animal I ever faced in the wild walked on 2 feet. Then he pulls out a Colt Python shows it to me tells me this protects him maybe I should think of getting one. The whole time this conversation took place I was sitting down next to my pack set up as my kitchen cabinet forks salt and such with my Hi Power concealed but at the ready. I always put a 6 round 22 auto 2" barrel in my left back pocket in a leather med kit. so this guy tell me about the security and safety of being armed I ask if he can show me what happens if you run out of ammo I ask. He show me his 2 quick change cylinders already loaded in his belt. Hollow points 140 gr jacketed ??? What you think your in a Street of San Francisco down town Detroit. So in a period of about 1/2 and hour This guy is defiantly cop lost getting late and wants to get back to his group. Which means I have fucked the pooch I am busted just a matter of time now. So I offer him a short cut on the USGS map not on the forest map he was carrying. I knew it had been washed out years earlier impassable. As soon as he left I was packed and gone n 15 minutes headed up the bluff face toward the Ben Lilly summit. Nobody would go that way to far and right towards where the groups would be. Hide in full view I watched this operation go for about 8 days. lost about 7 % of possibilities but the entertainment was worth it gets lonely out there. There was no conflict because I was aware of all my possibilities and his, my first line of defense is a smile and a welcoming handshake. Sets the tone if you will.


Those Federal Hunters that come in on depravation kills and rouge cat and bear are something though tough as blue steel. Trained hounds communication set ups and aerial support if needed. But they smell and bad too stink so bad it is almost a smoke screen to what else might be around. I caught a cab in San Diego on my way to see a cousin in Julian. In the cab a passenger had left one of those sable Russian Military hats with the USSR issued to and # in it. So I get to my cousins work to ride home with him have a good time. the few day later we go to the Chocolate mountains where the Seals do a lot of training. We came upon a transmitter temp set up I couldn't resist I took off my shoes ran about a half mile in the snow dropped the Russian hat by the transmitter bent the coil on it and ran like hell. You should of seen the activity they combed and set up detection device for a year after that subverting any other discoveries that might occur. Fun as hell talk about dragging a stick along a fence with a mean dog.


Active member
i got tired of that dog, i think anyone would. (like 9 years tired, not 9 seconds, understand that) ain't my fault the fuckers dumb enough to bite a blade. and people are all like, oh poor dog.

i hear the devil has got some dogs that prick up thei rears when i say their name.


If anyone eve gets the chance to go to Eastern Arizona, Western New Mexico. I took some classes in Western New Mexico State. I don't know it anyone here is really that interested but the Natural Earth science's College they have is full of stoners and a party group of fellow like hikers and outdoors people. When I was there they discovered Iridium found in the Animas Boot Leg. That has the same DNA as the samples on the moon. Which give a strong + charge to the soils increasing ammonization with increased trace minerals. Result larger plants bigger dense buds. I know and believe it was Devine providence that created that Super Nova and deposited those trace mineral's in my back yard for my future. I have been blessed


I have to ask what a person is to do when they are so ugly. That people back up grab and get between children lock doors gasps when walk around corners or turn around. The Elam's are from Tucson and one became an actor Jack and guy in Happy Gilmore and the Carbide toothed Bond villain . They are prom queens compared to some that have spent their life in the AZ sun. With all the police shooting going on lately I am afraid to drive because some cop might think I am to ugly to live like some insect.

Now enter guns I am sure some believe as much as a devout person of faith that their weapon is their defense. And like radical people of faith they look for validation for their beliefs in faith, and belief in their weapon. So if they cant find one they keep looking till they find one or make one which is usually the case. Either way for the ugly your first to be a handy excuse for radical faith he's been cursed or to ugly to live. either way meet you on the trail someday HAPPY HIKING :smokey: