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Old School Arizona



I remember my father negating with another company on share cropping some fields in Imperial CA. At that time they wanted to plant alfalfa & feed corn. Father came ill so Mom took over the dealing. This guy came to the house with a contract to a 1/3 section with water 200ac ft. There is a community aqueduct and he shared the adjacent property. That operation had surface right water which gave them rights to 150 depth. So this Guy super nice bearing gifts for dad endorsements from the church a real community philanthropist. His contract state that Mom will get the yield from every 8th row. Plus he threw in what he thought was a kicker that she had buy option right on yield for higher price. So Mom looked it over and penned in the option was for any of the 8 yield rows she picked. ( she know he ran small class II 3 point hitch and only tended 8 rows at a time ) and cut the water down to 175 ac ft saying she intended on 3 season corn next season. Guy got pissed raised his voice Son's come into the room we were listening and just belly rolling know this guy had to deal with MOM. All these years he thought he was dealing with Dad. Thought of him so tight he pinched a penny so tight Lincoln drew a tear. Well there he stood this pillar of the community trying to scoundrel MOM and he needed the water for his. the Family had deep well rights from the 1920's. Mom had him she knew his land lease was long term and binding to his assets. MOM got a seat on the board at the small bank with his community endorsement. She said she was there to follow the money Moms advice " BEWARE OF THOSE THAT WANT TO HELP YOU, THAT THEY DON'T HELP THEMSELVES TO YOU AS THAT IS HUMAN NATURE "

Apache Kush

I just watched the movie Sideways, and that ugly guy Jack Elam gets full frontal nude in it in a scene where he chases away the paul giamati character for fucking his troggy wife. now that some serious ugly to un see hah.
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New member
The Missus and I are going to be taking an extended road trip from AZ to (Lake of the Ozarks) MO and back again.

We will be leaving next week on or about the 3rd and won't be back until the 10th.

Today we begin harvesting our crops so everything should be dried and smokable by the time we hit the road. :)

Possible meet & greet if anyone's interested???


Active member
So there is another petition for the legalization this more responsible to the consumer


This is better than MPP's and Safer AZ's read the difference you will like it

I hope these folks get their petition out on the streets soon and get all the signatures needed. Any idea what happens when two drafts get all their signatures? Does it become a vote between the two?

It is a much better draft legislation for true legalization.


This new initiative is really good. You can tell that it was written by folks who use and grow and not by folks who want to control people in order to make as much profit as possible.

Less than 99 plants a misdemeanor, now that's what I am talking about Willis.


This new initiative is really good. You can tell that it was written by folks who use and grow and not by folks who want to control people in order to make as much profit as possible.

Less than 99 plants a misdemeanor, now that's what I am talking about Willis.

We need help collecting signatures I will hire 10 here in the southern part of the state to start collecting signatures.


I hope these folks get their petition out on the streets soon and get all the signatures needed. Any idea what happens when two drafts get all their signatures? Does it become a vote between the two?

It is a much better draft legislation for true legalization.

I have been emailed on class training for the canvassers target areas. Down here I am visualizing the retirement communities that I have extensive contact in. South Tucson Sierra Vista, Willcox, Nogales, GREEN VALLEY ,ORO VALLEY, I don't want to collect a bunch that will be thrown out. Just wait till I go into the VFW and the ELKS and state my view they lend an ear to fellows of the faith. I eve think I will post a guy at the City Justice Courts. That might get some involvement.


This new initiative is really good. You can tell that it was written by folks who use and grow and not by folks who want to control people in order to make as much profit as possible.

Less than 99 plants a misdemeanor, now that's what I am talking about Willis.

If this petition is on the ballot and doesn't win but stops MPP's then I believe we have won a victory with the status quo
staying intact. 2 very good reasons to get involved.


I hope these folks get their petition out on the streets soon and get all the signatures needed. Any idea what happens when two drafts get all their signatures? Does it become a vote between the two?

It is a much better draft legislation for true legalization.[/quote

Anyone can vote for both petitions it is not an either or choice to vote I wont vote MPP's under any reason but it's up to each voter. I recommend no on vote MPP's. that will cancel out a right wing nut voting for law enforcement wait till the media blitz of ex Law enforcement or prosecution jerk wads asking to vote for MPP's that will be the challenge as I see it.


Active member






I suppose that is a view in an urban setting. I see a profiling here though, I have 5 children. All have went to public schools in an urban situation for half their life. My Son now a VP for a fortune 500 is often told the same thing by the socially correct. I have a daughter that is a warden at a state prison. I have another than finished Med School at Vanderbilt. another a teacher and yet another a bum I thought till his third children's book was published. Lives out in the Baboquivari's and the Organ pipe seems he has animal friends and he writes down the adventures they have together in the desert to a children's books. Both my wife and I worked first died so for a large part I was a single father.

Here is the summation My son went to Yuma to take control of his first managerial to public contracts. He had 5 locations 3 in CA, 2 in AZ. the shops were a disaster broken trucks out on the street poor working conditions lazy Hispanic social conscious managers. He fired the head Mechanic and most managerial staff and brought in a program to maintain trucks. Sat down in the shops and talked to the mechanics once a week he cooked the barbecues gave dinners to resorts and Casinos. Ask if any wanted or were interested in promotion brought in computers and paid them 1/2 wages to study the area of advancement. All the while Corporate management balked as to you have to hire Hispanics to manage Hispanics. took it from 90 million a year to 135 million a year and promoted more from the ranks than any other division. My daughter has changed so much in prisons. Like a prison that out contracts it's food with heavy political contributions from that. MPP's looking for the same.

Point is this all of my kids can walk both side of the street so to speak they understand The also understand that all along the way there is a hand sticking out. They all laugh at the government programs they pay for and they just roll it into the cost of doing business and the rungs of the ladder get further apart.

Everybody needs a value and love let me say this. Being an employer should not be a right but a responsibility. The only thing Arizona test for to be an employers is how to do withholding and taxes collection that is it.

Funny He was asked if he might be interested in running for Mayor of Yuma brought to the Arizona economics council with Jerry Colangelo and Janet Brewer. Helped Amanda Aquari run for congress brought OBGYN to San Luis to the women's clinic. He couldn't wait to get out of this state for a simple reason . The people have the right to tell the government in referendum or proposition what it wants but no ability to say how it will be done leaving it up to the bureaucrats to establish rule and conduct. Welcome 112 million and where was the accounting of it ?


I drink Scotch only the stuff I like which is Old Putney or Blue label, I will sip Crown Royal if nothing else is available. This in my opinion is the cream what if all scotch. If it was priced the same as those and said if you want you have to buy only from these guys. An no difference in alcohol content would you feel good buying a shot of a well scotch and paying the price of old Putney justifying it as I am collecting tax for education. Old Putney is $400.00 & blue Label the cheaper is $150.00 buy one a week. Just how good would your cream of the crop grow be who would know? it has to be market driven or it is Tierney. Had to many shots already now time for a toke and off to bed hoping for a night of sleep



Nice Fairy Tale.

Demagogues have been using such tales to divide people and gain power since time immemorial. Read The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. It was started by fights between the people and the nobles of one city. Then the two factions got outside help and eventually it lead to the subjugation of the Greeks by the Macedonians.


"Causes of the War - The Affair of Epidamnus - The Affair of Potidaea

The city of Epidamnus stands on the right of the entrance of the Ionic Gulf. Its vicinity is inhabited by the Taulantians, an Illyrian people. The place is a colony from Corcyra, founded by Phalius, son of Eratocleides, of the family of the Heraclids, who had according to ancient usage been summoned for the purpose from Corinth, the mother country. The colonists were joined by some Corinthians, and others of the Dorian race. Now, as time went on, the city of Epidamnus became great and populous; but falling a prey to factions arising, it is said, from a war with her neighbours the barbarians, she became much enfeebled, and lost a considerable amount of her power. The last act before the war was the expulsion of the nobles by the people. The exiled party joined the barbarians, and proceeded to plunder those in the city by sea and land; and the Epidamnians, finding themselves hard pressed, sent ambassadors to Corcyra beseeching their mother country not to allow them to perish, but to make up matters between them and the exiles, and to rid them of the war with the barbarians. The ambassadors seated themselves in the temple of Hera as suppliants, and made the above requests to the Corcyraeans. But the Corcyraeans refused to accept their supplication, and they were dismissed without having effected anything."

It was also a continual source of friction in Ancient Rome


Optimates and Populares, (Latin: respectively, “Best Ones,” or “Aristocrats”, and “Demagogues,” or “Populists”), two principal patrician political groups during the later Roman Republic from about 133 to 27 bc. The members of both groups belonged to the wealthier classes.

The Optimates were the dominant group in the Senate. They blocked the wishes of the others, who were thus forced to seek tribunician support for their measures in the tribal assembly and hence were labeled Populares, “demagogues,” by their opponents. The two groups differed, therefore, chiefly in their methods: the Optimates tried to uphold the oligarchy; the Populares sought popular support against the dominant oligarchy, either in the interests of the people themselves or in furtherance of their own personal ambitions. Finally, it is well to remember that the Senate’s authority was based on custom and consent rather than upon law. It had no legal control over the people or magistrates: it gave, but could not enforce, advice. Until 133 bc any challenge to its authority was little more than a pinprick, but thereafter more deadly blows were struck, first by such Populares as Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, then by Gaius Marius, and finally by the army commanders from the provinces.

My Dad told me when I was five years old that life was not fair and I have not wasted a minute since then complaining or worrying about that fact.

In the real world, poor Vietnamese refugees came to this country with only the clothes on their back and did not speak the language. But somehow, probably because they work hard and value education, these people, who are not the wastrel scions of privilege, and who typically lived in poor areas and attended schools in these inner city areas managed to get good grades in high school and score well on standardized tests, allowing them to get into good colleges where they benefited from the many grant programs available to pay tuition for those who cannot afford it. And/or they took out student loans, which they paid back after getting good jobs in all walks of business and industry, even though no one at the firm knew their father, unless it was an uncle or aunt who had managed to scrape together enough money to start their own business.

These some good background information found here:

Another study about why Vietnamese suceed.


"Zhou and Lee studied Chinese American and Vietnamese American communities in Los Angeles without a lot of financial resources or parental higher education — factors that tend to skew other academic studies of success. They focused on two groups: the so-called “1.5 generation” — foreign-born immigrants who came to the United States prior to age 13 — and second-generation families. They conducted 82 face-to-face interviews to get a picture of why these communities are doing so well in advancing their children through high school and college.

Here’s what they found: Although their means are limited, Asian families in the study choose neighborhoods carefully to make sure schools offer honors and advanced-placement courses. To do this, parents use the “Chinese Yellow Pages,” which the researchers describe as “a two-inch thick, 1,500-page long telephone directory that is published annually and lists ethnic businesses in Southern California, as well as the rankings of the region’s public high schools and the nation’s best universities.” They also make sure their kids get plenty of supplementary help such as tutoring.

These families have incredibly high standards, according to the study. If kids come home with a 3.5 grade-point average, parents are disappointed that it’s not 4.0 — and they show it.

If a child gets into, say, Cal State, the question is why they didn’t make it into Stanford.

If a son or daughter comes home and settles for a bachelor’s degree, they’re made to feel less accomplished because they don’t have a PhD.

Both groups in the study, Zhou and Lee reported, adopt a similar “frame for what ‘doing well in school’ means: getting straight A’s, graduating as valedictorian or salutatorian, getting into one of the top UC (University of California) schools or an Ivy, and pursuing some type of graduate education in order [to] work in one of the ‘four professions’: doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, or engineer. So exacting is the frame for ‘doing well in school’ that our Asian respondents described the value of grades on an Asian scale as ‘A is for average, and B is an Asian fail.’’’

No one ever promised that it would be easy. It is not easy for most people, but if one works hard and lives a prudent life, one can achieve a great deal success in this country.


I suppose that is a view in an urban setting. I see a profiling here though, I have 5 children. All have went to public schools in an urban situation for half their life. My Son now a VP for a fortune 500 is often told the same thing by the socially correct. I have a daughter that is a warden at a state prison. I have another than finished Med School at Vanderbilt. another a teacher and yet another a bum I thought till his third children's book was published. Lives out in the Baboquivari's and the Organ pipe seems he has animal friends and he writes down the adventures they have together in the desert to a children's books. Both my wife and I worked first died so for a large part I was a single father."

I hear you rbt. Lord, it ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son. It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no fortunate one!

My dad was a high school drop out, but he always stressed the importance of school and getting an education. I was able to attend college on a Pell Grant and student loans, but it was a turbulent time in America in the late 1960's and I was taking LSD and dealing pot to my fraternity brothers and I ended up getting busted and I had to work in a steel mill to pay for my lawyer. But even without a degree, I was always able to make a decent living and I had a hell of a lot of fun trying to make a fortune the easy way. When I decided that I had used up 8 of my 9 lives and I needed to get a real job, I was able to work my way from an entry level to a managerial job in a few years. When I needed a degree to take the next step, the company I worked for paid for my tuition, but I had to go to college in the evenings and on weekends and do the work to get the degree.

I am doing fine at work now. My most recent boss did not have a college degree, but he was smart and he worked hard and he earned everything he got from the company. Another guy who has an office right next to the president now doesn't have a degree either. But I worked with him for years and he was one of the hardest workers and most dedicated employees that anyone could hope for. And he was rewarded for the results he produced for the company, not because of the college he attended or who his father was.

I only have one child, but my wife home-schooled her and she attended community college at the age of fifteen. Tuition was $300/semester. She transferred to Rice University and got a degree in Chemical Engineering. Rice gave her grants and what was not covered with grants she took out in student loans. All we did was provide her with a car and gasoline and room and board, so that she could commute in Houston traffic and avoid having to pay for room and board at the Rice dorms. It did not take her long after she started working to pay off her student loans.

She is doing well now, working for a German Chemical company. But she is the one who had to study for long hours to learn the math and science required to get her degree.


old school arizona... boy did the time fly by. I met Sara within a week of hitting town...Went to her 19th birthday party. Man what a girl, long blonde hair down to her waist, slender, had the phx. accent down to a cute little drawl. wore worn out cowgirl boots, sleeveless cotton button shirts, and she could shoot a rack of pool. She bar tended at the Palace when the Palace was a real western bar, thanks to the likes of Shell Dunbar owner. She had a mid 60's chevy truck that she liked to drive on full moon nights with the lights out...she smoked weed like it was her religion, and it was. Gonna have to get out the old Jerry Reopelle album and give it a listen, for her my friend. Her husband just called me. She didn't waste any time leaving us, quick heart attack and gone..
Thanks for being my old school buddy Sara. Hope to see ya when it's time.
Hold em close and don't waste anytime. It's going fast old school arizona


It rained today in the Sonoran that is a time and at night the smell of the creosote release the tannings the Desert it self. I think I will try and take a walk about 2 in the morning right before the quail start to run the Kangaroo mouse has just gone in Stink bugs come out about 2 hours after sunset and run for 3 hours that how you can tell what and when in the desert. The snakes are looking for a warm rock around a water the tarantulas are wet and out drying off can be dangerous for those little guys can hypo easily. The pygmy owls are getting restless as they only hunt first 3 hours of dawn. The Javelin start to wake they will wander to water at daybreak. For survivalist this is good food time chumming bluffs for quail & dove. Rattlesnake is good I have a fondness for them since the first one bite me I ate and ever since. Sun dried with prickly pear fruit kind of a sweet and salty. with a little crunch. I envy my son whom lives in the desert the most that's freedom but lonely I think I will go to the Organ Pipe and sit have a time. The TO villages have events I bet he is hooking up just not telling dad.


I agree with so many conclusions and the economic disparity we have today is embarrassing. This is why I am so adamant against Government being a earn your place by license or tax. This in itself put Government of the people in competition with the people. an example. Aid for dependent families takes 68% of every dollars congress allocates for administrative costs. So 32% gets to people. The employees that works for the federal governments make on the average with benefits 47% more than the comparable civilian worker. With retirement the feds don't have to keep a reserve for that as they do that. So a Worker retires for ADF retires after 20 years gets free medical and on the average gets a pension for 19 years and the age is living longer increasing the burden on the tax payer. I can put together a graph with cost of administration and long term employees cost. The monies going to families is getting to be worth less and making them more dependent.

So many young kids today will never know anything else but the own neighborhood never understand the wonders of the earth the vast expanse but getting smaller. The Democrats want these buzz words/ideas like pay their fair share or percentages by race/gender alone. But it is their appointed people they put in that write the tax code. My acquaints that have money I mean real MONEY and pay and make those wages that Obama talks about and laugh their asses off. There are so many tax write off investments that are made just to lose monies killing startups. The biggest NON-profits & Charities id you know every dollar taken out of taxable income really cost the economy a loss of $1.376 for the fact is those works get tax deferments for employment. Is this really what people vote for.

I have a brother in law that who is TO well half and had to leave the res. because of prejudice. Seems if he did well in school his peers thought he was adopting the white mans ways and also making his fellow group peers feel stupid. Beat up intimidated that kind of stuff so his mother moved him to the field work in Tabuco Canyon in Orange County in the late 50's. through all the stuff he achieved his doctorate in Accounting and sold municipal bonds starting for the city of San Francisco ending in Anaheim raising 12 children retiring at the age of 55 wealthy. Ask him about Indian gaming or what should happen to the res. he thinks it should be assimilated into society don't recognize tribes as independent governments. This is his view not mine and he wont help the tribe one bit but to now run a non-profit to help TO's apply for college to offset income from investments tis will pay for the BMW and the new place in Pismo Beach.

We are being separated by unrealistic parties and expectations. All forms of stocks and increase or loss should be figured annually no more options offered to employees 80% management at discounted rates. Have a limit term on copywrite just like patients 19 years then public property. I have read Richard Nixon's plan for national health care it would work and so the affordable health care if they didn't try to give exceptions and exclusions to it. It is an embarrassment to hear anyone say we have he worlds best care when we rank in the 30% bracket and pay the most of any nation. Simple there are no party platforms just a grab on what will be funded to a system that is not working so get them stoned and tax the fuck out of them?


It's all a matter of perception do we spend more time defending or scrutinizing? I raised my kids the simple idea try to teach how to be " Self critical without being self condemning " what does a person spend more time doing?