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Old School Arizona

Apache Kush

Anyone one of you guys companys you work for hiring I'm on the job hunt right now
Long shot I know but worth a shot the universe needs to open window right about now..


Active member
I think, from the readings above, that we would mostly agree that business/monetary success is not the same as happiness.

It's nice when they go hand in hand. I know plenty of people who are truly rich in spirit and life and it has nothing to do with what social level they came from or whether they have had an easy road or a difficult road to get where they are.

The one attribute they all share is that they know that they have to make their own happiness no matter what, when, or why. It's the opposite of the victim mentality so many fall prey to. They also know that death stands over their left shoulder and can take them at any minute so happiness has to be in the now, not later when I have this or later when I finally get that raise or.......

On the other hand, I have known a billionaire, have several massively wealthy friends who do not work and never have had to (real work), and of course like all of us, know plenty of folks that never seem to have enough and keep pushing to get more.....perhaps to be happy? Not sure, but they never seem content.

All of these extremely well-off people get to do the same work as anyone on their visit to plant earth: they have a life and get to live it their way.

An autumn night...
Don't think your life
Didn't matter.

- Basho


What I am trying to articulate is to keep freedoms is to pay in advance not borrow on the future. In Welfare the cost to administer and long term obligations has the net result of 0 income and a loss borrowing money for those long term obligations. So what I am saying it would have been better to just give the money away, rather than build a big bloated government bureaucracy. One that cost more than all of the moneys allocated to it. Included the monies allocated for Aid resulting in a net loss and servitude for the youth and endless quagmire of despair and suffrage. And the call of acknowledgement finger pointing at assumptions some true most not. Studies of despair acknowledgement of cultures in this quantifying parameters building task forces and giving prosecutor another weapon in their arsenal to help the poor children and disadvantaged. Group profiling on all sides the ugliest of the modern human examples is these past elections. It is a sad day when a entertainer/satirist gets more credibility than news not because he is enlighten but because the populace is that stupid. and ask the Colbert to address congress. I didn't se Fanny Arbuckle or WC Fields doing endorsements in the 20 & 30's

This says it all in MPP's proposal of 5/11 the latest.
SEC;2, par;B, line 3 " Individuals will be allowed to produce a limited amount of marijuana for personal use " Really???? just what the fuck does that mean ? To me is says bluntly like a kick in the nut sack yea we will take it up later after it passes with the regulatory system we can take it away at any time we can tell you what you can grow we will sell you a license to grow you will have to buy plants registered in the state purchased from a dispensary. and yet another government agency to be a parasite on the economy.

Or like the People to administer the "Marijuana Board" by fucking political choice branding to the max how fucking stupid. How about no current previous or association with law enforcement can have a position on the board for the appearance of improprieties. You wont see that in the prop I vote no!


All of these extremely well-off people get to do the same work as anyone on their visit to plant earth: they have a life and get to live it their way.

An autumn night...
Don't think your life
Didn't matter.

- Basho


Isn't it strange how princesses and kings
In clown-ragged capers in, sawdust rings
Just while common people like you and me
We'll be builders for eternity
Each is given a bag of tools
A shapeless mass.. and the book of rules

Each must make his life as flowing in
Tumbling block on a stepping stone
Just while common people like you and me
We'll be builders for eternity
Each is given a bag of tools
A shapeless mass.. and the book of rules


Well have you seen Safer AZ is now boycotting MPP's proposal. They are going with the citizens Imitative Responsible legalization of Marijuana. It's about time it is good to stand back and watch it burn. Like the song said while the last of their possessions and home burnt. And they stood on the street watching knowing the sudden change in fate. They started singing "Is that all there is, If that's all their is my friend let's keep on dancing lets have a ball". So the dance is the proposition and remember don't engage in argument but ask for validation of the policies. Reasoning behind the medical & Study


Active member
validation of the policy of society is a big problem. i'd always like to see some more validation of autonomy/"independent thinking" :)

so next time(s) the odds are better than one against a million.

i think this whole "good law" thing.. it's like "fight for peace" or "jumbo shrimp" innit. trying to establish a reasonable society by imposing laws is like trying to establish an obedient society by imposing reasoning :p

personally, i've always fared much better alongside reasonable persons than obedient.


Active member
Arizona delivery truck circa late 1970's......coast-to-coast delivery guaranteed....



I wanted to following up with the climate of legalized marijuana. It will be a much discussed topic in the next national elections and some state elections. I will be helping to collect valid voter signatures in the proposal initiative's going forth.

I went to a few dispensaries in Tucson well 5 to be exact. just to buy a quarter or a blunt to have between shops. it took all day as I wanted to stop off at my favorite Mexican food restaurants that were started by associates and their families. Have to be careful with Mexican food and the freaking lard but fresh carnitas or a dry birra and still I have an addiction to one ladies green corn tamales and the marisco with fresh fish.

So on with the dispensaries first one had an unbelievable amount of concentrates 4 kinds of flower loose not premeasures stuff into a film container $60 quarters and a blunt of Kilimanjaro. the oils he was selling were on 250mg denotations up to 1000mg I ask what about terpenes dispensaries response "there in there" I ask about strain qualities resp; yea they have strains. So I asked what strains do you have are the terpenes specific? resp; What are you looking for? So now it is to play stupid like the average stoner that says hey man I need to get high got any! I say hey man this is cool no more by products no more old product sitting on the shelf. All product can be stored and no by product we bought a CO-2 machine. The state is watching inventory control on flower but not on by products. So this is where I tell the guy how smart they is for beating the man. He goes on to tell me more about the inventory control by the state and how it functions it has more holes then a Hillary explanation. This was the general consensus at all of them when asked about the 2 proposals. One responded MPP's will change the market to only concentrates and the rest will be found unhealthy for smoke. and it will be illegal by 2020 to smoke in AZ as there will be other methods to get marijuana. I ended up with 5 quarters gave them to the wife to pass out to her friends at bingo night at the casino. will be doing some signature gather someday.

Madjag thanks for the posting on terpenes it has helped hundred I think


here is the link to the AZ Sectary of State office where all the initiatives and the wording are filed to be posted on the ballot for election


If you take the time to read the submitted version by MPP no where does it say 6 plants it simply say's

"Individuals will be allowed to produce a limited of marijuana for personal use"

What that means it will be up to the new board to determine what a limited amount means what kinds you can have special strains only available through dispensaries with a heavy tax on a solo cup clone not even viable. So why grow we will make it cost prohibitive to grow. Can a person whom uses marijuana really vote for this with conscience

Apache Kush

I saw a bit on the local news, said you can't be fired or not hired
for being a legal mmj card holder in the state of AZ.

Because of the better written, more modern law/legal code. Thought of this thread anyone see that story

Apache Kush

The case that started this was in Co. the guest lawyer said...

And believe it or not out laws in AZ are more modern than what is still on th books in Co.

so thats not to shabby speaks to what you all agree to its well written so far..


Well can you imagine an airline pilot tokeing up before a flight. Or having it in his system well guess what the pilots union has fought hard against drug testing and they don't have to do it never have. Really just how are you going to get a billy club wielding cop to beat the fuck out of someone if he is stoned? What about the prison guard bringing a pack of Willies N's into the cell block all kind of inside economic ripples through out the cell block but will take care of it after dinner and a nap. Can you imagine the park ranger that pulls you over for going to slow in a national park says License registration insurance proof and boy that smell good in there and then says hey why don't you guys take a walk it great stoned out of the car. Or the Judge and bailiff in the court room saying to the prosecutor man you reek you need to air out son. These are horrible examples of thing that might occur it employers allow marijuana use by employees SCARY HUH ?


Active member
"Admit it. You aren’t like them. You’re not even close. You may occasionally dress yourself up as one of them, watch the same mindless television shows as they do, maybe even eat the same fast food sometimes. But it seems that the more you try to fit in, the more you feel like an outsider, watching the “normal people” as they go about their automatic existences. For every time you say club passwords like “Have a nice day” and “Weather’s awful today, eh?”, you yearn inside to say forbidden things like “Tell me something that makes you cry” or “What do you think deja vu is for?”. Face it, you even want to talk to that girl in the elevator. But what if that girl in the elevator (and the balding man who walks past your cubicle at work) are thinking the same thing? Who knows what you might learn from taking a chance on conversation with a stranger? Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others."

Timothy Leary (via purplebuddhaproject)

Apache Kush

Well its limited to safety jobs, like pilots or forklift operators, bus drivers etc.
are in a ''safety position''

Also, just cause it illegal doesn't mean conservative anti pot squares or
Mormon run businesses won't fire/not hire you, they just won't mention why yout not hired afgter your backround check!!!