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Old School Arizona


New member
Nice outdoor crop Madjag…. I have yet to attempt an outdoor run since moving out here to the desert.

Maybe one day…..

Until then, I'll stick to indoor.

Especially since I'm knocking out a little over 2lbs per 1kw with only a month of veg. :dance013:


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Active member
note the absence of weed in my photos :) these canyons are corridors and see too much traffic in my experience. at least the ones i can get to easily. seen some old wire mesh out there, but i'm not trying that hard.


sedimate rock

sedimate rock

note the absence of weed in my photos :) these canyons are corridors and see too much traffic in my experience. at least the ones i can get to easily. seen some old wire mesh out there, but i'm not trying that hard.

Any time you get in areas like that that have 12 inched of rainfall of less like the Catalina or the Rincon's Gallero's, Where there is no upper water shed to yield to an aquifer. Very hard sediment rock and small areas where water might pool would be open to abundance of wildlife deer. Usually areas where plant life can happen is where thousand of years of soils have washed in some cracks and crevices to accommodate a quick growth fibrous plant but. A quick idea Seismic mountain's would be better than volcanic like the Tucson mtns. Good luck with it

I don't understand this gorilla farming is not easy. If your under the idea you go out find a spot pop some sees into ground come back every few days or week to see how they are doing. I started planning my areas under the cover of hunting took a mule and burro. I had 40>60 different sites n a 80 mile area. Each on no more then 6>10 on the up wind side of canyons close to a water supply. Some Water collection systems I build of material around. I would trailer the stock then hit each spot every month. I like to work at moon bright. I have excellent night vision and it is not easy to be discovered or followed. I always had discovery tells at each site it would tell me if something was there. I would scan and take note in the day and approach at night. I always had a partner whom assisted in logistics but never in tending or location of the sites.

But to get to this point it took a year of preparation I cant believe someone want to go out gorilla farming and drop seeds and tend or come back. Before it was called cloning is was known as rooting we would mothers to rooting in November under bad HPS lighting at the time. Mid march went out with tenders as we called them. didn't have the time to weed out males or take the time to grow them at site to cull them out.

I have seen people try the Dragoons but the bottom line is this it is the effort that goes into it that make it successful. When I first started in the 70's I have been burned out flooded out droughted out found out. I even remember a time I was dumb to have just one base camp and over stocked at that. ripped off shot at. destroyed I had to raid others people camp to steal dog food to eat. Sleep under sleet with upholstery I had ripped from a 52 Chevy pickup that was abandoned. Fell while trying to hoist up a ledge broke my arm only to have it resat seems my 2 weeks staying trying to finish a site to this day I have an issue.

Bottom line is figure what you did wrong and improve don't make a plan on what you can't do. That is no plan at all go micro go urban garden. alleys rooftops, dumpsters. Plant Plant Plant


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Love following this thread. My company is located in Scottsdale but I live in the midwest. Flying in on Monday to PHX to spend the week. Nice place to visit, much more tolerant of a state than mine.


New member
Is there even anything going on here in AZ on April 20th?

Last year at the fair the Kotton Mouth Kings performed which was cool.

But I haven't seen anything advertised for this year yet.


So now Mexico will be concentrating their harvest to oils and edibles. No shelf life to worry about no bulk packaging Heck since cannabinoids and terpines are colorless and odorless. Just how much plastic bladder of liquid down my gas tank ? Sniff this doggy

A point to ponder smoking restrictions, health issues, tax issues on Tobacco brought a new product. Pen/Portable Vaporizers. Now with new restrictive laws making market share tax revenues prosecuting home growers we have the Marijuana Industry. Both of these would be of no concern but the Government to collect revenue. While harming the populace with corruption, criminal, courts, incarceration, employment, health, all of these new product were because of restrictive laws and to thwart them. If I were a Mexican Cartel I would love there new profit lines and markets. A lot higher margins less product spoilage less product loss. And the stupid gringo made them for us LMFAO.

I was told some are working on establishing a product collection system for oil production. and there will be 4 rolling labs capable of processing 6 tons a day into oils.

it is rich is it not the group whom imprisons us culled our possessions rape our families of wealth is now going to ask us to help protect their revenue market. So we are now the RED HEADED STEP CHILD ALLOWED IN THE HOUSE BUT ONLY IN THE BACK DOOR AND NO FURTHER THAN THE STOOP. And some are calling this progress>>> take off your coat see how warm it is in here. Next thing your know is outside without a coat squealing like a pig stuck under a gate. Total legalization or keep it the way it is on Arizona

Vios Con Dios Dispensary and ADA self serving self interests always end up self destructing.
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Another point to ponder with MPP proposal I swear with the wolf is hungry and at the door don't let him propagate with MPP's no grow proposal.

"WSJ" article

According to a 2012 OIG audit, of all property seized by the DEA and other federal agencies from fiscal 2001 to 2011, only 14 percent of such seizures proceeded as criminal forfeiture cases. In other words, criminal convictions accompanied federal forfeiture cases about one-seventh of the time.

Moreover, federal law has created a perverse incentive for law enforcement to pursue forfeiture aggressively. As the Institute for Justice revealed in its report, “Policing for Profit,” the DEA and other federal agencies can keep 100 percent of the proceeds from forfeited property. Local and state agencies can get a cut too if they participate in “equitable sharing.” Under this program, a local or state agency collaborates with a federal agency and then moves to forfeit the property under federal law. The agency can reap up to 80 percent of the proceeds of the forfeited property, while the feds take at least 20 percent. DEA interdiction task force groups have routinely participated in equitable sharing.


I just seen few bales of the current product being brought into this country by our un witting partners to the south. It is remarkable the quality of this years product. long buds slightly trimmed and hardly a seed in the bale I witnessed opened. There is affair amount of stems as the buds are big and dense leaving a 1/2 rebar for a stem.

Taking the time to sample a few wares of the product I was was looking for a coffee house to relax.

No matter what ridiculous laws get passed to get tax monies and throwing your neighbors under the bus by taking a life work. No matter how pitiful others might view their effort and accomplishments to take away is the public sentiment that started the revolution about TEA in Boston. It is going to be very ugly on the scraps left over after the GOV takes a bite leave a man and family homeless dependent on public support.

It is amazing on how people view themselves and their duties. It is actually a belief that a Dispensary pays taxes>>> what a fucking fucked up idea they have of themselves the consumer pays the taxes and you collect them in an effort to run a profitable business. It is no different when I had employees and in 84 Pres. Carter era. I had to layoff some went to the unemployment office and was told they didn't fill out the form correctly and they were denied. I being the employer went to the unemployment office as the company pays the majority of the unemployment ins when a claim is submitted.in AZ. Talking to this dimwit of a public employee I told him I was not contesting. Still the MORON said he was protecting the company against fraud and the company was liable. Fucking Idiot the company would only be liable for the efforts he employee made while under the employment it was agreed to upon hire and they are entitled to the monies dependent on hours worked.

I t will be these civil servants that control everything. That another Thing under MPP's proposal a MMJ dept. are they going to be considered "Civil Servants" where it would be impossible to dismiss anyone to be one sided without going to the Civil service commission dept. to ask permission first? the to say only they had control of the monies collected bypassing the state legislature.


Well will leaving for a week going to Hermosillo to visit family & friends will be back.


Active member
Nope, but I'm going to Cathedral Rock in Sedona for Full Moon Drumming tomorrow night, Saturday April 4th.

100-150 people attend: 25 making music, 25 dancing, and the rest hanging out.....starts at sunset and goes at least until 2am. This will be the first big night of 2015.

This will probably be about the 25th year that it has taken place there. I've been going for 17 years. The biggest gathering was right after the Rainbow Festival in 1998 took place in the White Mountains of northern AZ. Approximately 15,000-20,000 people atended and when it was over, 1,000 of them, especially the musicians, came to the Cathedral Rock full moon.

It's difficult to imagine what 1,000+ people looks like all gathered on red sandstone outcroppings, smooth and flat, at the base of a crazy red rock under the moonlight. The cars were backed up 2 miles all the way to Highway 89A where the turnoff road, Back-O-Beyond, winds its way down to Cathedral Rock parking lot. Sitar players, guitars, Dijeradoos, and at leaast 500 drummers were going all night til daybreak.

it was my first Full Moon event there and I have stuck with it ever since. Now I drive 250 miles one-way to attend.....it's that meaningful of an experience. I am a hand drummer, on the African Djembe, and sometimes play Congas if they are available.

Hope to see you there.....just ask for Madjag.....



New member
oh man…. wish I would have logged in sooner to see this.

Sorry I missed it….. hope a wonderful time was had by all.


Active member
Go next month, Sunday May 3rd....it will be even better because it will be warmer.

About 100 people were there with 20 drummers and 25 dancers. Lots of colored light kids, you know, the LED crowd with hula hoops, juggling, and even a fire breather lady.

Brownies made the round.....


New member
Go next month, Sunday May 3rd....it will be even better because it will be warmer.

About 100 people were there with 20 drummers and 25 dancers. Lots of colored light kids, you know, the LED crowd with hula hoops, juggling, and even a fire breather lady.

Brownies made the round.....

Wow, just looked on google maps and that's at least a 4 hour drive for us one way.

that's quite the trek……..

i'm sure it's worth it tho.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
that dope rider comic is awesome and hilarious... kukulkan kush is some ego death shit ey?

Go next month, Sunday May 3rd....it will be even better because it will be warmer.

About 100 people were there with 20 drummers and 25 dancers. Lots of colored light kids, you know, the LED crowd with hula hoops, juggling, and even a fire breather lady.

Brownies made the round.....

I wish I had more free time, sounds like a blast... I'm not much of a drum circle hippy type but I am sure it is a good time out under the desert sky.

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