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Old School Arizona


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Guess you guys thought this was a trading site, eh?


Get a grip, read the TOU... for your own safety.

Announcement Over...for now.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Yes, there were a few posts being quoted about how someone was offering cuts to basically anyone who asked...obviously for some $$$ in return, but who knows. It shows up, it's against the site rules, so it gets cleaned up... so it went. I am actually glad you didn't even notice trucker ! :)

Peace be unto you all...


Safer Arizona

Safer Arizona

No, no, no......it was just HAIRcuts for two-bits......hahahahaha....

I must apologize here on all my previous statement concerning the post you have don't with Safer Arizona. I was under they were part and parcel with MPP the lobby groups proposing the new legislative effort. I will be throwing full support behind Safer Arizona if they stay with the policy they press released

Well it looks like the MPP has sold out and wants to sell us all out. They have forgotten why we are legalizing cannabis in the first place. Safer Arizona and the Arizona Cannabis Activist Community does not support the Marijuana Policy Projects initiative and with this text.:tumbleweed: We insist that the Marijuana Policy Project terminate their interest in Arizonas marijuana laws and leave our state. The MPP Initiative is detrimental to the welfare of Arizona citizens and we do not want it. We will run a peoples initiative written by actual citizens of Arizona. We will stand for the right of our people.:tiphat:
Stand with us.
Tonight Wednesday March 4th the Arizona Cannabis Activist Community is meeting at The Fire House Gallery on Roosvelt and 1st street in Phoenix at 7pm to discuss our plan of action.

I wish I was able to attend distance and time will prevail. I believe it is time a grass roots fabric of the citizenry. This Fire House I was there years ago 1,2, 9 hell I can't remember . I would like to set up a data base where there is a good quality discussion about the effects on daily even repeats and have a grassroots go to any coffee shop, open up your lap top/tablet. Turn up your volume enough to be heard but not rude. Bridge Clubs, Kiwanis, Rotary, VFW, ELKS, Legion, This will be our foundation for medical it is working why do we need to change it whats wrong with it? Why do we need to change the rules. I don't care for all of this MMJ we have now but MPP proposal. I think I will write a book for the underground Desert Mountains urban grower. We can do a Johnny Apple Seed all over the freaking state and in the early they wont know of they are getting at Hemp or Marijuana 1 out of a thousand will survive you can count me in for 200 :dance013:


A large problem Arizona has is they broke or are trying by not allowing growing with in 25 miles of a dispensary. Then AZHDS come up with a judgment from a administrative procedural judge. the question to the judge was " I s AZDHS acting within their authority given to them to administer the Prop Amendment 203 as they see necessary" which is another question is it necessary? I would like to see any Justice or Superior court case where a Medical card holder has been prosecuted for possessing the 12 plant agreement by the prop 203. There is only one platform we have here and that is the medical. all others can be arbitrated and discussed but not Medical it is the Ultimate trump card dot wager on another hand. I am the Black sheep of the Family with cans tied to my legs and fires crackers to my tail. but can still lick the tar out of all my family that is or was in law enforcement . Well maybe not anymore with the young one but I won admit it to them. They all tell me they wont Prosecute o citation a medical with a 12 plant in flower but hey if you are making money you take the risk they can always go another way to get you. so is the proposed MPP idea any good for us?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Old School Arizona... has really changed since I experienced that state... I have never lived there but nearby...in New Mexico way back when there was a scarcity of pot for medical users. One would drive four hours or more to Tucson to get some thing from a street dealer... horrid situation indeed, but it was there.

Now my friend in Mesa raves about her dispensary and the variety of strains she has never experienced before. Now she's up to speed, and exploring the joys of vaping. Not imaginable just a few years ago, and good news indeed.

I believe a balance of home growers is definitely required to keep the dispensaries at bay. When they have too much power (i.e. restricted growing rights locally) they charge highest premium prices... but if they are competing with home growers the prices should get more realistic.

I'd like to hear more about what strains are popular over there.. and what is the exact deal for home growers now in Arizona?


Who didn't see this coming ??? I will bet on greed every time, we all have a hunger but not a feast at someone lost bounty. As we look at our Government in it's entirety it is obvious it is a growth business it has obligations long term that depend on growth. Really the only difference between Conservative/Liberal >Republican/Democrat is which one you want to see grow both depend on some having, some not.

Either way I don't see much talk about the stewardship the state has to the Medical aspects. It seems some the Dispensaries have missed the boat as well as most here. The Vehicle that has taken us here is the Medical and the right to self determination. Safer Arizona today has called for a BOYCOTT of all ADA affiliated dispensaries. (Arizona dispensary association) for the support and backing they have thrown behind MPP for there current proposal they are planning boycott rallies go to their site.

I know so many Mexican restaurants started from pot monies also Drug, I was hoping in my later years I would see restaurant that served pot on the menu and drugs withered away but reality sinks in Greed. Once in awhile I will go to a dispensary to sample the strains most not really exciting strain linage not comprehensive Boric Acid Silica Moly grew quick cured quicker. I don't go shopping strains at dispensaries prison commissary waiting rooms 6 week old shit in a pop top glass jar WTF. had you some kind of a magnification tool to see trichomes WOW. You know the minerals have as much to do with terps as anything else and for good quality ammonization to occur it takes time. So in Arizona there is really no quality or strain control that will take another Decade till the populace become more discreet as to what they call quality.

Keep the medical forefront and foremost anything that changes that from the current is not good for Arizona


Old School Arizona... has really changed since I experienced that state... I have never lived there but nearby...in New Mexico way back when there was a scarcity of pot for medical users. One would drive four hours or more to Tucson to get some thing from a street dealer... horrid situation indeed, but it was there.

Now my friend in Mesa raves about her dispensary and the variety of strains she has never experienced before. Now she's up to speed, and exploring the joys of vaping. Not imaginable just a few years ago, and good news indeed.

I believe a balance of home growers is definitely required to keep the dispensaries at bay. When they have too much power (i.e. restricted growing rights locally) they charge highest premium prices... but if they are competing with home growers the prices should get more realistic.

I'd like to hear more about what strains are popular over there.. and what is the exact deal for home growers now in Arizona?

I could not tell you about popular strains as I don't frequent places or people that discuss them openly or endeavor to experiment with them. I still have my old seed's from the 60 70's have keep the stock from them for a long time. I would not be credible.

1996 and 1998. With my help those medical marijuana initiatives were passed by a majority of the voters but never enacted. The votes had been counted and we won. Why didn't we get our program along with California, that also passed a medical marijuana law?
Arizonans eventually tired of this sort of treatment and in the very next election passed The Voter Protection Act of 2000 (VPA) preventing this sort of government interference. After al,l if government does not follow the will of the people why even vote to begin with?
This Voter Protection Act made this seldom-used type of citizen driven legislation an extremely powerful tool to change the laws in Arizona. One Arizona law created via this process is the Medical Marijuana Act of 2010, which was sponsored by The Marijuana Policy Project MPP.

Getting this program going the AZDHS promised MPP they would help and Association the ADA "Arizona Dispensary Association" gather control of the MMJ market promise state agencies a cut of the pie so the AZDHS issued cards but rescinded grow rights if within 25 miles of a dispensary. Grow rights stated 12 plants in flower no number on plants in veg per card holder 2.5 ounces of dried flower in possession. The Police and courts are reluctant to prosecute for growing under these term as long as you are not selling. It clearly states in the Amendment 203 to the constitution od AZ that these grow rights are there with restrictions on enforcements.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thanks for the links Madjag!

I see the same thing has happened in AZ that happened in Cali... prices went up.

Having seen both sides the fence I understand why dispensaries charge more than dealers and co-ops/collectives. Do you have the co-operatives and collective grows there? That turned out to be the best solution for many in NorCal.

Basically it comes down to the cost of doing business, it has to be factored into the cost of what is being sold in order to pay the bills and keep operating.

Bud tenders have to get paid... traditionally a risky biz in that you could get raided and shuttered at any moment, even if you believe you are doing it legally. So where are you going to find one who doesn't get paid at least $20 an hour?

Rent. Landlords not usually non-profit, and unless you have invested in or own a retail outlet, you are going to pay rent at a much higher rate than any other establishment in the area...

Taxes. I assume there are taxes in AZ... like Cali. Property tax, sales tax, special city taxes (ask the folks at Harborside in Oakland how much they pay).

Graft and corruption. How many dispensaries pay for protection from the local LEO?

Sorry for the rant, but these are just some of the issues involved with dispensary retail prices...

Hope folks have alternatives, as not everyone can afford those costs... for medicine.

Some have giveaways for qualified patients, I know one that donates several pounds a month locally. So they are not ALL evil...

Sorry for the rant, I don't work for a dispensary. Or grow. I just report and write.


To summarize there are no grow rights to anyone but licensed grow/dispensary PERIOD!!!~! In order to get a Medical Card you are asked to sign a form giving up your grow rights. the courts know this wont stand so now they are saying the first original wording needs to be changed they will list the who endorses it. I have been involved in business for years speaking to the choir on overhead. The issue is to be criminalized for not paying the government for what nature has given. I can see paying Cesar for his face on money and if you use natures bounty and don't pay his legions will take everything on tax.

You list $20.00 an hour is that with burden? Here I doubt many of them make much more then $12.00. and there is no training that I have seen rather than run a finger up and down a column match ailment to printed material on a card. Try and sell edibles and concentrates as that stabilizes product cuts overhead Flower will become premium.

Arizona has 2 land grant universities basically that means all intellectual properties belong to the University and the tax payer. University of Arizona has the foremost Agricultural school for Arid climates perfect for all types Cannabis and Hemp. these market grabs with oversight included for intellectual properties is outrages and basically WRONG.

Bottom line you want to have the government as your market protectorate then open up the books and get a market return 3 year capitol investment return not including retail facility overhead. That is a cost of business not an investment which is standard business accounting. Don't limit growers or retailers let it be market controlled pay a sales tax and that is it. Marijuana retailers and producers are not exclusive citizens they play no exclusive part of society. It is the user always has been always will be.

With all of this I would still rather buy off the guy hiding in the shadow in a dark alley.


This is a efficient operation collectively gained knowledge of this smart building estimated with solar running steam turbines generating 80% of the needed power requirements. Inside a very unique way to control the 12 hour cycle simple retractable curtain also suspended from structure with the misting and sub lighting. All water recycled and light spectrum and electro analysis. CO2 AC H2O constantly monitored. Diesel Back up generator capable of running with solar 2 weeks. 4 person operation includes trim & package labors annually with burden all medical & bonus $220,000 annual or the cost of 110 LBS


think you can compete with this and your HPS inside lighting warehouse zoning labor intensive permit required health & building inspection ?
For this the land is cheap the prebuilt package building and then the commissioning of the environmental aspects.

The only thing that keeps this from multiplying is market size estimated production of this building annual 2 tons flower, 289 gallon oil, 375 lb dry kief 1.6 ton consumable fiber later to be incinerated incorporated with the solar turbines with O2 precipitators for emissions. At today Wholesale prices this building was paid for in 18 months.

So now they want to stop others by market license huge supply to under sale startups. So what is to stop me from doing this very same thing in Mexico? I have contacts already can pay off the police like MPP & the ADA wants to happen here. Church and family member's would like the revenue keep people home. counterfeit Dispensary labels being printed.

The only way to control the market is through Medical yea that's right a filter a bottle neck but it regulates the market.

does anyone understand the economic up devastation this will have in Mexico's farming and the rural people this will kill their economy. while it will only hurt the Cartels bottom line by about 4>5 % Just what the American corporate chicken and egg producer through NAFTA displaced 250,000 rural producers pushed them off the farm into the cities and onto Illegal worker looking to work on a chicken farm in Iowa or Casa Grande which we now have prisoners from Florence doing the labor cheaper than illegal.

Carry on guys that say yea I know but mine is quality you will be rolled over to where your wont be given a chance.
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Active member
i believe you'll find that the common market response to that sentiment is "make me".

cretins are cretins because money serves to maintain heirarchal power. that is what it is there to do. no one is gaining any sympathy for "the disadvantaged" unless you engineer some life changing event. sure, feigning it is an elementary survival skill. you cannot "reason" with someone conditioned from birth to follow rules before common sense unless they confront their entrainment because acting otherwise poses serious challenges.

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