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Old School Arizona


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(not that the folks posting in this thread need to hear that, that's for the folks who aren't posting)


Original Editor of ICMagazine
rbt you have an interesting perspective on all this history, and you do think out of the box... good survival skills.

Thank you all for the clarifications as to what the scene is next door in your wonderful state. I like AZ. Wish I could live there... but here is also good for now.

I am glad though that I don't have to buy ounces on the street in Tucson anymore... one night I bought a bag in a dark alley and was walking back to my car with the bag stuffed in my pants... which proceeded to fall out the leg just as a parked cop car turned on his headlights and caught me in the glare as I reached down and picked it back up...

Stuffed it in a pocket and kept walking... always pretend like nothing happened was my thinking of the moment...

And nothing happened, I just walked away...but that was in '99.

Apache Kush

Payaso, umm.. Blue dream, GDP, Girl scout cookies, Phantom Cookies, ak-48,
Afangani, Cheese, Purple urkel of the top my head what else....
Strawberry cough, Black domina, Blackberry kush, Green crack, Master Kush, Tahoe Og, OG, etc. etc.

we get legit strains out here now! If you did not notice lately were green as fuck AZ . . . bout time.

Any of the top strains out in medical states (CA, WA, OR, CO) are here now in AZ too selection is amazing! Medibles, shatter/bho

go on Leafy.com and it even tells you which dispo is closest to you, if it has the strain you want!
Just take a look at dispo menus now... example: https://www.leafly.com/dispensary-info/valley-high-healers/menu
AZ is so $ now with great selection for strains imo, things have CHANGED big changes
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rbt you have an interesting perspective on all this history, and you do think out of the box... good survival skills.

Thank you all for the clarifications as to what the scene is next door in your wonderful state. I like AZ. Wish I could live there... but here is also good for now.

I am glad though that I don't have to buy ounces on the street in Tucson anymore... one night I bought a bag in a dark alley and was walking back to my car with the bag stuffed in my pants... which proceeded to fall out the leg just as a parked cop car turned on his headlights and caught me in the glare as I reached down and picked it back up...

Stuffed it in a pocket and kept walking... always pretend like nothing happened was my thinking of the moment...

And nothing happened, I just walked away...but that was in '99.

I had the same thing happen to me at the Cadillac dealer. I had some service work done on the fly didn't want the tec to find stash and stuffed t down my shorts. When I went to get my keys out of my pocket to put the car key back on. The bag about 2+ ounces of some great Thai fell out my shorts right in front of him and all the people sitting in the service center. So Fuck it bomb has gone off I just picked it up and the Service manager followed me to my car asked you got any of that you can spare. It was the beginning a great friendship.

In truth the paraphrase to the dark alley was rhetorical of the business ethics of MPP and ADA is fronting legalizing if you pay otherwise your criminal. This is as immoral as it can get a travesty against humanity what a person can grow? Render unto Caesar what is Caeser's render God what is Gods. Whos plant is it?

I have done very well over the years with marijuana. I have lots of regrets in the business lots of heartfelt agony that to this day is still hard to live with but live with it as we all must do. My one only on passion now is to let life take it's course. Yes I have built many a buildings as I have used this industry as a safe haven for idle times.

I honestly feel I OWE the culture for the bounty it has given and the realities shown with Marijuana. I owe the people and the qualities and care they have given me. and let me give as well. BUT I DONT OWE THE MARIJUANA INDUSTRY SHIT and I wont protect till it follows the same business ethics.
(speaking about local Arizona Business)
I grab from the bags of of stash and roll 5/7 joints a day. Have done this for the last 40 some odd years. So I am guessing 1/8 >1/4 z daily for the average guy that's $40.00 a day that's $12,600 annually Really is this string them out then string them along? Fuck that



Well I guess the crux to the whole situation we both had stuff hiding in our pants that we were trying to hide now trying to make legal !

Well I guess from both situations the MARIJUANA has long been engrained in our culture. And all in our culture has a determination one way or the other in regard to Cannabis. My 5 children only 1 uses and not regular. I (strike that ) My wife deceased raised my children all graduated college some taking professional carriers 2 stay at home mom's that now have 13 grandchildren. My children grew up in what the media has called many times
"AMERICAS DRUG CORRIDOR TUCSON ARIZONA" Exposed to all the drugs in bargain basement prices. I have seen and watched law enforcement make billions off both sides of this market. I have been dealing with no less than 17 agencies as adversaries all with their hand out on both side of the written law. Get caught make a deal don't pay pass legislation take away. Is this the course we want?

IMHO truth be told in in 40 years you go to the Smithsonian look at Archie Bunkers chair and sitting in the chair will be MEAT HEADS tye dye and Birkenstocks, so my grandchildren will be reading this the caption will read. "Red Neck from the WW2 Era is the chair --Red Neck from the Vietnam era is the clothes" Both time in history those felt they carried the torch to freedoms and that should be respected.




Typical afternoon drove between Tucson and Phoenix.

Just looking at this is the fault of the dispensaries the judicial the enforcement
This video keeps the police going and promotes them with fear that they are the first line of defense from criminals.
1-if marijuana was legal there would not be high speed pursuits endangering the public.

2- the smuggling market would almost shrivel up for marijuana smuggling and the money support network to supports it would be gone.

3 the attorneys that are going to represent these 2 men are going to make as many motions and ultimately result in a plea.

4 The cost of prosecution court time and tying up dockets Ironic that the court can charge cost that's the people already own it's called the courts. Ridiculous

5- Prison time guard facilities average annual cost for a prisoner in AZ $$39,560.00

6- Parole/ Probation/ Counseling/ . Just another agencies that has categorized and clarified by a bureaucratic department to report to the court so the Judge can sit on his fat ass and use the report as to proceed. Very little validation or quantitative value give here just a report has to what they are attempting.

7- the loss of a family member and what ever they could have contribute in the family. The extra loss of a father it's better to have a loving father who ties to make a buck to feed the family than a boyfriend that resents the children for the guy in prison.

MY question with these high taxed dispensaries will keep all these agencies above in jobs for the future. Keep he public at risk. We want to stop the cartels. The abuse of the criminal justice system. and police. Raping the economic health of the already stricken medical and poverty stricken. The Dispensaries want exclusive exception to rape the public and use the monies to keep occurrence like the video above going. IS THIS LEGALIZATION?

Just ask oneself just what are we doing here with tax and pay. What did you do sinful here? pay the tax or protest it. What is right in your own mind


Active member
welcome to america

if other people have a different perspective of the american experience, i'm happy for you. all i've ever known is "believe this bullshit so we can predate on the hapless with your consent". i've lived in some different places and known some different truths, but nobody ever wants to know about that.

isn't being an american just a different kind of job security, put before a different kind of truth?

stupid me, *i* had to be the one to live in different countries, and different nations, and imagine some kind of humanity superceding any of these definitions. never make that mistake.. raise your kids to be happy robots, and kill strange, intelligent people before they spread and infect with their hideous perspective of knowing about different things.



Calm down buddy we are not always in class 5 rapids. What makes us strong is that nothing moves quickly so in that there is some security for the fearful. Who are those,
The ones that have to keep validating their worth. And they are politicians and bureaucrats and their enforcement. So now they have become if you pay us we will allow to do this and we can change the rules as we want to challenge means to fight yourself in court. So we will tax the fuck out of you to pay to prosecute you the MPP & ADA is not your friend

It is my opinion that if the prices were reduce by eliminating most of the tax burden. The strain understanding will be more understood by patients of the medical concerns thus promoting diversity of strains and local growers that can grow for their patients needs.

We cant lose focus here total legalization. or if it is going to be controlled, have it controlled by the patients of needs. Can we set a price on medical needs because we need to balance a fiscal budget wrought of years of vileness prosecution of cannabis users and bad management? And do this by calling the medically needs sin full.

If we follow Colorado when they went recreational the volume of total sold did not increase that much. Leaving them to believe that previously it was being obtained through the medical patients. This is what we want a grass root system from user to user to help and be the conduit of distribution don't give that up yet. Not until after the 2016 election and see what congress will do. Then it will be a whole another story new federal rules. One thing they are trying to do is cement their position before the election as to not lose in that foray.

I also write on other columns. I remember a sheriffs deputy being shot at a drug buy at the Tucson Airport. It seems the DEA was out offering to sell Pot and Coke looking for who was buying. They had an informant he was under pressure from a previous arrest and agreement to do arrests. So he knew another whom also was under the same kind of prosecutorial bargain but on a state level. The buy was set to go down the sheriff showed the money. DEA thinking it was a buy pulled iron to arrest. The sheriff thinking it was a rip-off pulled and fired. DEA informant had a auto shot and killed the Deputy one was hailed as a hero the other a villain and imprisoned. I have thousand of stories of illegal confiscation, Searches, killings, you name it and now we want to tax to pay them off?? That is not Government that is Tierney

In addition both of these undercover investigations began with marijuana arrest and threat of convictions. On the DEA side that informant was caught with a load in Agua Prieta. His deal with the DEA was 5 marijuana busts with trafficking convictions or 2 cocaine busts. or 10 to 25 for trafficking in federal prison. The Sheriffs informant was selling 8 balls and QP's in the gay bars for yeas finally someone talks him into scoring a few pounds of coke busted. I knew of both of these people the sad thing here is they used Marijuana as the vehicle for other avenues fair market will stop that. Then the DEA and the Sheriff wanting coke bust thus promoting the coke into the fray SICK is it not.

if you figure giving away Marijuana all the other smuggling routes would have to become a lot more profitable and the network would be curtailed as the associations with Marijuana and forced underground markets would shrivel. A lot less banking fraud money laundering bribery extortion. All of this would increase the bottom line of revenue for the state none of these savings have been extrapolated in a study that I have seen.
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Active member



Now that is made to order I LOVE IT. And the right color for me to start in my own breast research too. Plenty of room for a waiting & entertainment.


Active member

Calm down buddy we are not always in class 5 rapids.

that's what i'm saying. we're not. i am.

you just go on with your nice happy posting. take a moment to look around you at all the things you own which i will never be permitted to have, including piece of mind.

because if i owned resources, i'd use them to bitch about the masons more, so we can't let me have any success or enjoyment or peace in life. you're having a good old time, i'm going maybe 2 hours between assailants at best, any time of day or night.

class five rapids? bloody luxury.


Active member
i hiked around australia with a sack of carefully wrapped ceramic figurines in my backpack, because i wanted to keep something my grandparents used to own. not small ones.

that's misery. when i got back to the u.s., i still had a telescope i'd owned since i was a kid. but someone in my family aligned with the masons said "woops! he doesn't need that!" and that's one less thing i own.

there are people right now around the world using my software to make music. my computer is a netbook, about as big as a trade paperback. like 12 years old. i've got that, and a bicycle.

ten years ago, i had a house and a car. now, i deal with "hey, let's give this fucker some sperm in his food" because i don't have anywhere to keep my food that people can't get at it.

i'm perfectly capable of self-moderating the amount of my shit that makes it into this gthread and this board, until you start telling me to calm down.

you must have missed something bro, beecause no one ever calms down about this shit. james walbert, walter bowart, bill cooper, you know the names. this society, with it's "i don't see the masons!" bullshit is fucking evil. calm down, you don't know.

you try developing software with some ass fucker outside your window telling you he's going to eat you alive while you're trying to balance fucking calculus. that is a fucked up lifestyle.

what would you do, shoot him, beat him, and get the entire fucking squad of pro masonic police on you? no, you just live in misery until you die. that's what i've got. you calm down, i'm riled up.


Active member
story time, maybe..

the things i've been through, none of you can touch.

ever rolled over at 2am to find that someone has jacked off on your pillow? what do you do, call the police, and say, look, someone jacked off on my pillow?

stuff you're not going to believe, but i've got an extensive selection. woken up in a car outside LAX and realised that someone has just performed surgery on you? done it. six years ago.

shit wiped out the asshole and right onto your face? what kind of animal are we talking here? i got that. i have lived through it. the good stuff is just not worth my time to say, because it's all stories when it's on the internet. so understand my perspective of total, complete, eternal everlasting utter noncompliance -

i understand people are born into relationships and allegiances that might not be ideal, if someone is in a cartel or the masons or skull and bones or an intel family or whatever, life is complicated. i've been face to face with people who were supposed to nuke me for their familia, or cops, who said, i can't do this, this person is right, my organisation is wrong, and let me go. and the other way. and people can talk and they can't talk. and how people act is different from what they think.

my deal is that the public is dissuaded from integrating accounts like this into their trust of social institutions, which is how these parties stay in power, and injure more people with unconscious consent. it's important to me to mouth off you know, once in a while, because hardly anyone else is going to do it.

people who rile up against institutions are tactically and strategically ameliorated. it's part of how things operate. no one wants widespread awareness of their "necessary" incursions.

i have video, can't post it. things have got to change. it's really important because the technology being used is capable of dominating society and making free will essentially bygone. "voice to skull" (you can buy this yourself from lradx for a couple thou) can be automated. there are a lot of kids who have been programmed using this tech, you can meet them at indigosociety.com - except they think these are voices of angels. then at that site, they are indoctrinated into various occult organisations including the masons. when you put a voice in someone's head froma satellite, there's no rule that says it has to be loud enough for them to be conscious of it.

i don't want to whine every time someone talks about their material successes, or post every fucking week about this stupid crap, i don't like seeing my name on every page of this otherwise enjoyable thread. so forgive me. if i have a moment i'll try to find some nice scenic shots. but i have to say it, and heck, i've learned to live with a constantly fast heart rate, martial alert and sleep deprivation what with people fucking with me 24/7 wake sleep for almost ten years. i have no idea what the fuck calm is. pleasure? forget that. but i'm sure you've met people wigged out to that extent more than once :) going to do something else now.


Empty hollow ...hesitent knock

Empty hollow ...hesitent knock



Active member
haven't found the camera settings to take good outdoor shots that are both in light and shadow yet, so these look kind of processed.






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