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Old School Arizona





you could never feed/improve arizona for free. someone is either making money off of what you're stopping or will try to make money off of stopping you. and their fat ass is probably just sitting around waiting for you or someone like you right now.

small gets it done. money can go fuck itself, unless i find it first, then i'll help.

You can say that again Lawyers on going family obligations payouts fronts operational costs took 75% of everything but if you not willing to go to the bottom of living standards and live with humility the size of the 25 that's left will grow and the respect of the good will from the other 75 is your security. I now want for nothing but can enjoying seeing the grand children and even the great grand children of those I have travel tis journey with. Moral of the story there is NO! partner that want to get paid up front. There is no Attorney that's has character of any kind the one that wants to help you. They are the first line of attack keep him close hand hobbled and attached. If youre not legally encumbered long term and forced into servitude to them to protect you from them. That is their quest their goal like asbestos they collected so much from that they cant give/spend the money away fast enough and the courts are telling them they have to much in their coffers and they have to limit the amount.
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Active member
the ma$ons already bombed me into the stone age. net last year was under $1k, reflecting a constant decline. easier to live like dirt than go through all the shit they will give me if i try and prosper.

you guys with money and houses and property have fun, y'hear, and kick their balls out the top of their heads for me when you get the chance, mmkay?


Active member
what i've got to look forward to is, unless i want to sleep in the cold, the witch showing up again like every full moon. they've been working me for a while, trying to make me ejaculate on the full moon. fuck knows why, i guess it's part of their ultimate soul degradation program.

i woke up to two trespassers, one saying to the other "too risky" then they took off. someone wakes me up every day.

this is why i say, wake the fuck up people, because these assholes are keeping the good people who would actually create positive change in shit. not like "hey it's a good idea" but like "quit fucking around and fix this fucking culture by being observant about their shit".


New member
possibly hitting up the medical farmer's market in phoenix on the 7th.

bringing my own herbs so I won't be disappointed :D


New member
wuddup sticky.

actually, i'm going with a local buddy of mine

he has gone once before….this'll be my 1st.

i'll be bringing my own personal herbs just in case the herbs there aren't worth a fuggg.

if ur gonna be there … hit me up.

always down for a sesh

Apache Kush

. One has to understand that dealing with the Mexicans guaranteed mutual assured destruction for trespassers and must be adhered too is essential otherwise what you think you have control over here in your grow is quickly taken over I have seen it happen time and time again in Payson In Strawberry in Chino Valley. Be careful and thoughts and prayers go to this season get them in the ground soon last hard freeze soon to be over.

what^ your saying people outdooors grows get found and taking over? crazy, you got some crazy stories holy shit snacks, you oldschool az guys dont fuck around lol your whole post blew my mind wow crazy fockers
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Sasabe, I still remember a good friend we grew up together brothers in kind. got out of the service in 71 spent a few seasons on a shrimp boat running Morgan City LA /Ft Meyers Beach FL. Had some buds one flying helos for the oil wells in the gulf wife was a Nurse. Came home when I had to convince a couple of Crackers that a Yankee is not from AZ and the proper way to say excuse me I was wrong. Morgan City LA. what a shit hole 4 bars 3 had floors of dirt. Marble mouthed talking mother fuckers slap them a few times they can talk right straight fucking with people right out of the jungle (and the swamp weed sucks too ) Well back to the Story I had to get home. Leaving in the expedited manner I felt necessary with my life long friend he settled in the Sasabe area. I helped him build a ram earth home in the winters completely off the grid Wind mill water to a tank Diesel Generator/welder taken care of you can get 40,000 hrs out of a welder as apposed to gas generator lucky 6000 hrs. I guess it was around 85 I came for the winter I had a few old friends over some of the Mountain Man club. My Bud puts on a new sound system he got with apocalypse now video right when Robert Duval has the 14th air calv tree top storming the beach. I swear I thought they were landing Hueys on the roof. LOL I pulled the 41 ran and jumped up to the window sill the mountain men one cleared out the fire pit crawled in, the other looking for the bathroom to start water incase of tear gas pulled his sawed off 10 ga. lever action looking out the windows looking for target when all the sudden his wife pulls up in the jeep with the kids walks in the door and turns down the stereo. Paranoia will destroy ya dam that was some good sens we had almost drove past Texas.

I forgot to say we were loaded and just through packing headed back east 3 cars 12 hrs apart 62 milers an hour planned routes. All cars rentals but changed the license plates to one front and rear Arizona don't have front License plates. several have been pulled for just that. A good yield that year 630 lbs. He had been raided earlier in the year and the I think it was called MANTIS ( Multi Agency Narcotics tactical Interdiction Squad ) they came in force helicopters & Armored vehicles the whole circus. They had to shut down the agency. Seems they were jetting around the world in confiscated Gulf Streams. money was not recorded properly prosecutorial misconduct Then DeConcini our DA in charge went to the Senate. His Father was judge and used to come to the reservation quite often to party and gamble local police didn't have jurisdiction on the res. So the Sherriff Weldon Burr back then would sell the Moon Shine on the res. Just south of the now airport then the sixties came along the POT market and you could by kilos out of the back of a Deputies car His undersheriff second in command was caught in Minnesota with a Cessna D18 loaded with pot. Dam those were fun days Had a second cousin on that squad, first cousin was the Fish & Game out of Safford that Hound Dog even wrote himself a ticket for shooting the wrong duck. I feared him I stayed out of his area and knew those that were. He was the bust on the Willcox Playa A DC-3 smudge pots night landing 3000+ pounds he pulled the cattle guards and they dropped the axle in the. pit till the troops arrived. I will tell a story later of upper Aravaipa and the Peyote church of Christ and the old Cowboy that grew for them in the Winchesters and the Grahams. Just some old school stories
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I am not saying that people grows get found and taken over but by hired help took them over. Just like hiring a crew for your boat to take you to foreign ports they will make it , you might not. Mexican Nationals come see your family your operation want in what you going to do go to JOE ARPAIO?


WTF? Where do you guys get your writing skills from? Maybe you mistake spice for herb? This ain't Clockwork Orange.
This thread was originally OLD SCHOOL ARIZONA. I have no problem watching it waver here and there, but maybe try a new thread... or facebook where you chronicle how large your morning turd was (is!).


Jamaica Finally Decriminalizes Small Amounts of Marijuana

Marijuana has been pervasive but illegal in Jamaica for decades, consumed as a medicinal herb, puffed as a sacrament by Rastafarians and sung about in the island's famed reggae music.
After many years of dialogue about the culturally entrenched drug, and emboldened by changes to drug laws in U.S. states, Jamaica's Parliament on Tuesday night gave final approval to an act decriminalizing small amounts of pot and establishing a licensing agency to regulate a lawful medical marijuana industry.
The historic amendments pave the way for a "cannabis licensing authority" to be established to deal with regulating the cultivation and distribution of marijuana for medical and scientific purposes. Both houses of Jamaica's legislature have approved the legislation.
And in a victory for religious freedom, adherents of the homegrown Rastafari spiritual movement can now freely use marijuana for sacramental purposes for the first time on the tropical island.
The law makes possession of up to 2 ounces of marijuana a petty offense that could result in a ticket but not in a criminal record. Cultivation of five or fewer plants on any premises would be permitted.
Tourists who are prescribed medical marijuana abroad will soon be able to apply for permits authorizing them to legally buy small amounts of Jamaican weed, or "ganja" as it is known locally.
Peter Bunting, the island's national security minister, said the legislation does not mean Jamaica plans to soften its stance on transnational drug trafficking or cultivation of illegal plots. Jamaica has long been considered the Caribbean's largest supplier of pot to the U.S. and regional islands.
"The passage of this legislation does not create a free-for-all in the growing, transporting, dealing or exporting of ganja. The security forces will continue to rigorously enforce Jamaican law consistent with our international treaty obligations," Bunting said in Parliament.
William Brownfield, the U.S. assistant secretary for counter-narcotics affairs, told The Associated Press days before the vote that "Jamaican law is of course Jamaica's own business, and Jamaica's sovereign decision." But he noted that the trafficking of marijuana into the U.S. remains against the law.
"We expect that Jamaica and all states party to the U.N. Drug Conventions will uphold their obligations, including a firm commitment to combating and dismantling criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking," he told AP in an email.
Debate has long raged in Jamaica over relaxing laws prohibiting ganja but previous calls to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana fizzled out because officials feared they would bring sanctions from Washington.
Jamaican officials now have high hopes that the island can become a player in the nascent medical marijuana industry, health tourism and the development of innovative pot-derived items. Local scientists already have a history of creating marijuana-derived products, such as "Canasol," which helps relieve pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients.
Commerce Minister Anthony Hylton said the cannabis industry holds "great potential" for Jamaica, where marijuana has long been grown illegally on mountainsides and marshes.
The move by Jamaican lawmakers adds to an international trend of easing restrictions on marijuana for medical or personal use. More than 20 U.S. states allow some form of medical marijuana and last year Colorado and Washington legalized personal use. On Tuesday, Alaska became the third U.S. state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults.
In the Americas, Uruguay last year became the first nation to create a legal marijuana market. In Argentina, personal possession of marijuana was decriminalized under a 2009 Supreme Court ruling that jail time for small amounts of drugs violates the country's constitution. A law in Chile permits use of medical marijuana.
Details of Jamaica's licensing authority and its hoped-for medical marijuana sector will need to be refined in coming months. But for now, Jamaican cannabis crusaders applauded the amendments.
"This is a big step in the right direction, but there's still a lot of work to do," said Delano Seiveright, director of the Cannabis Commercial and Medicinal Taskforce.


Daddy lol someone shit; and your the bad smell Thanks for the destructive Jab
Need to be reminded that this his morning breath stinks too!!!


Active member
Jamaica Finally Decriminalizes Small Amounts of Marijuana

Tourists who are prescribed medical marijuana abroad will soon be able to apply for permits authorizing them to legally buy small amounts of Jamaican weed, or "ganja" as it is known locally.

Okey dokey......here we go!!


Active member
shrug. every word clear as bell.

i've met the mountain set a few times.

out at walter bowart's place in the chiricahuas eating pine nuts, "sometimes i think the only real men left are out here".

course, people don't know what kind of shit bowart went through to be hiding out there, or they'd be hiding too.


I just got through reading What "Safer Arizona" Final draft of the proposed amendment to the MMJ in Arizona. All I can say what a pant load I would have to be an Idiot to sign that and will tell others the same. I will be at their civic events heckling from my wheelchair if I have too.

Limit of just 1 ounce at home this 6 plants stuff has to go as well I mean WTF. While is not reported police and prosecutors are not prosecuting those already growing with a medical card and that limit is 12 in flower PERIOD. They are going after those that advertise outwardly sell illegal growers and such and the high prices that the legal market wants will keep them around DUH.

The forming a new agency of MMJ Bull Shit on that too. Appointed by the Governor but qualified by the AZHDS that is running the program now. That Agency made up of the staff that run the ADHS/MMJ program.

This Licensing of cultivators is the dummest Idea too while you think this is a lot of money it is just enough to keep a local guy of the business. If you have a 20 million coffer to get your operation going that isn't shit compared to the legal, enforcement, judicial, that the big boys are going to throw at you. anyone should be able to take their product to a state testing agency they classify it and put it on the market just like any other consumable Prescription drugs and Alcohol & Tobacco included.

Deciding who can distribute or who cant I challenge anyone here go to a dispensary and ask an in-depth question on medical terms. Wither you realize it or not the medical holder is the conduit to distribution for legal as it is now it would be stupid to give that up.

it has been bogusly reported by "Safer Arizona" That Arizona now charges 15% tax + state + county+city sales tax which bring us to 40% Tax now much higher than Colorado's. Here is the Kicker "Safer Arizona" want to keep all these layed taxes and support police agencies because of the loss of funding since Marijuana will be legal What a pant load there too. Te illegal will thrive too keeping these outrages price in taxes AZ this year alone $112 million Colorado tax haul $75 million who are they bullshitting

You people are missing the boat here the power is the one holding the Medical card protected by the constitution with prop 203 & 206. the card holders are the purchasing power now increase them ok but keep them as it is


Active member
You people are missing the boat here the power is the one holding the Medical card protected by the constitution with prop 203 & 206. the card holders are the purchasing power now increase them ok but keep them as it is

It's the license to carry, possess, and transport up to 2.5 ounces.
Not bad.....

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