15 months is more realistic time frame for when that church is gone.if you had read my post and were any bit insightful you would have realized im calling out a flaw that is a doctrine in most christian religions,but alas, you immediatley associate me with the bible and christianity.its funny everyone knocks the bible but they will take many other books or writings from that long ago which are not as well preserved and believe it because they were taught to in school or where ever they received there education.any piece of writing that has survived that long and made it to our day printed in more languages than anything else on earth should at least deserve some consideration.its ignorance to pass it off as fairy tales,and this goes for the bible,the book of changes,koran,all the hindu sanscrit stuff any of it. it should all be pondered by open minds.i guess that wont happen because mankind has all the answers were at the apex of our game we have evolved beyond everyother life form so lets shove what we think we knbow down every new generations mouth.