Actually, I am nothing like them, and I don't need a weak, superstitious fairy tale to "fall back on". Glad you amused yourself and 3 other creationist morons. You're in good company. You should all form a circle now, and pray to your imaginary deities, sadistic fallacies that they are. Maybe they will reward you in the "afterlife", if their was an "afterlife", which term is an oxymoron. I understand that people are deeply afraid of death, and so they have a need to create a fantasy about life after death, where they will meet all their departed loved ones who are taking a dirt nap.
Apparently you have issues with the meaning of death.
yes, you are exactly like them, allowing your hatred of them to color your perceptions of others. no, dimwit, I am not a creationist. I also have no imaginary deities, nor sadistic fallacies. I am not afraid of death, and the way I have lived my life shows it clearly. I know EXACTLY how death works, having dealt out quite a bit of it in a lifetime spent in the woods, and seeing many friends /relatives die, as well as others in car wrecks etc. maybe you could use a viewing of the "DMT-The Spirit Molecule" on Netflix right now. you sure need SOMETHING, whatever it is that you profess to believe has left you one of the most bitter and unbalanced folks I have ever run across in my life. good luck...