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NFL 2019-2020


I posted that at half time. Just comparing to the last couple of weeks. Bears looked pretty good in the second half. Their punter was kicking the crap out of that ball today

Exciting times ahead ???.......hmmmm :unsure:


Well-known member
I posted that at half time. Just comparing to the last couple of weeks. Bears looked pretty good in the second half. Their punter was kicking the crap out of that ball today

Exciting times ahead ???.......hmmmm :unsure:
So we got another bears fans huh?my condolences friend.just kidding.im a happy camper.and even the Falcons won by a hair with a 58 yard field goal.cant say I'm in a bad mood.mind if I ask if your IL?also Santos is one of the best in the league.and Korean kid on the Falcons looks like hot shit.he won the game


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Marbles and tops? Old school entertainment, but i dig it. At least it was done outdoors. Nowadays kids might never leave their home, theyre so addicted to their screens.

Ive done some cement work myself and it's hard work for sure. Love that cloud of grey dust that you have to avoid breathing in with every 60lb bag you empty into the mixing pan. What's that lung disease you get when u breathe too much of that stuff, silicosis?
Your 'white privilege' has 'entitled' you to a lifetime of back pain, knee pain and lung disease. Only in America!

Pops is right, that's a professionally done slab. And is that a camper van i see? Very nice.
I see u werent wearing ur knee pads while smoothing out the 'crete. They can be annoying to wear, i guess.

Is that u in all 3 pics, Bigsur? Very Normal Rockwell. That corn looks positively Jurassic in size. Is it supposed to get that big? Can you grow enough corn to make some moonshine at least?

Bears pulled out a win vs a tough Rams team. What made u say Caleb played better in the 1st half, Whip? At least the run game got back on track, both Swift and Roschon had TDs, and Swift had almost 100yds rushing...

I have probably rubbed and patched and ground as much concrete as I poured..

I had to grind the inside walls of an ammunition bunker out at the air National Guard base in Tulsa

Concrete ceiling walls, and only one door to get in and out

I had to grind the ceilings and the walls and then rub and patch them

We used pieces of gunny sack and a wheelbarrow full of cement and sand at about a 75 to 25 ratio

but it was the grinding that was awful with an offset grinder and Carborundum stone

Sometimes the seams were so bad that I had to use what they call a bush hammer to knock away the excess concrete and then the grinder after that

talk about dust and all we use back in those days was a bandanna pulled up over our face like a bunch of cowboys

i’m surprised my lungs are as healthy as they are

I give the credit to all the cannabis that I’ve smoked😂

Smoked my first joint in 1963🤓🎉

At first, when I was an apprentice, I thought I would be tough and not wear kneepads

After a few times of setting your knees down on a piece of half-inch gravel, I decided to buy some knee pads

But like you said, I wasn’t wearing any that day, but I knew I wasn’t gonna be crawling around for very long so I didn’t bother to put them on

Yes, I’m guilty. That is me standing by the corn.

I won a blue ribbon at the county fair that year

That corn variety is called bloody butcher and it is an heirloom corn that Indians grew

It is best used for making flour, but if you pick it early enough, you can roast it or boil it

The kernels are a beautiful deep dark red. I guess that’s why they called that strain bloody butcher.

I don’t recall what that lung disease is other than emphysema

My knees and back are in pretty good shape for being in my 70s after working construction for about 40 years

I also had some laborers pull some scaffolding out from underneath me when I was on the ninth floor and I fell through an elevator shaft to the sixth floor and broke my back , back in 1983

Probably the worst pain that I deal with nowadays is my neck which I broke in five places about eight years ago when I hit some black ice and rolled my little Toyota truck about 30 miles south of Limon, Colorado

I had to be life flighted into a hospital in Denver , that was one hell of a ride

Five fractures in C3 , 4 , and 5


I quit riding my scooter after that accident cause I couldn’t turn my head around fast enough to see if anybody was coming up behind me if I had to switch lanes real quick



So we got another bears fans huh?my condolences friend.just kidding.im a happy camper.and even the Falcons won by a hair with a 58 yard field goal.cant say I'm in a bad mood.mind if I ask if your IL?also Santos is one of the best in the league.and Korean kid on the Falcons looks like hot shit.he won the game
Yes I live in the messed up state of Illinois

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