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NFL 2019-2020

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
That sux that ur seedlings arent growing well, DB. So that means no harvest this year?

Ah yeah, i meant the flip, not the fold. The fold is that tablet sized phone when it's opened up. Would u like a phone like that? Personally it'd be too heavy for me. Holding that thing up all the time, you'd get carpal tunnel doing that.

Yeah im not sure how we would have financed the purchase of a mcdonalds, plus the company probably gives u a crappy location if ur a newbie. Thats another reason why it's probably for the best they rejected us outright lol. But like u said, there's something strangely relaxing about watching someone assemble all this food, it's like working a factory line, just thinking about the task in front of u and not worrying about much else. Only downside is u come home smelling like grease haha.

The egg on those frozen breakfast sandwiches never seemed right to me, it was a textural thing, let us know how they turn out for u, Pops. I think i would usually half nuke it in the microwave then finish it in a toaster oven or air fryer, made it crispier than normal but i preferred that to the softness.

We cant tell the horse that DB bet on, that part was blanked out. But he would have had to bet on one of the top 3 finishers to cash out i think:
  • Dornoch
  • Mindframe
  • Sierra Leone
  • Honor Marie
  • Antiquarian
  • Protective
  • Seize the Grey
  • Mystik Dan
  • The Wine Steward
  • Resilience

Im with Buzz, dont see the point of non alcoholic beer, if im going to spend money on non alcoholic drinks ill get soda or juice or something but it is impressive he's given up drinking years ago and never looked back.

It was Pops that asked the question but that's cool that ur hair still grows so much, still keeping the hippy vibe going. With the long hair do people automatically assume ur a hippie of some sort? That could be good or bad, depending...
The little number 10 means the 10 horse, Mindframe

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah the plants aren't doing that great they're still like on their they don't even have their first set of true leaves yet and they're already flowering they're going to put all their energy into flowering and they're not going to grow so I think it's a loss I got the seeds from Ringo doggy they were autos


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
says german Quality on the can. id bet its actually not bad
It even has a German flag on the can. I have to give @D. B. Doober some shit. It's payback from Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Good morning, @shithawk420 .

I almost forgot to answer @Bababooey . Yes my hair is still long and getting close to my waist. I cut it when it bugs me and donate it. So far 5' 4" of hair has been sent off over the years.
right! but what happened to the alcohol?!
its looks ok and i know the kids like fun drinks every now and then
every try that boba tea stuff or thos fruit smoothies?!
yow! thos things can cost as much as real food but they are good
i just dont like to drink sugar or fruit drinks
/water and vodka for me sir

yeah man, the jimmy deal breakfasy biscuit with bacon kind of sucked
i let it thaw in the fridge and then separated the biscuit from the meat part and cheese
i toasted the biscuit part and microwaved the bacon and egg, the cheese just gets to mellow for now
then i reassemble the whole thing
like you said the egg has this weird texture and while the bacon flavor is there it has substance to it
/i should have got the sausage ones
my mom is traveling overseas and being the good asian that she is she is going to bring a shit ton of food with her on the air plane
you know, things like hard boild eggs fruits and nuts
im going to give her the other three is she want them for travel food
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Maybe u should have placed a bet on Mindframe to finish top 3, then it would have paid out. It wouldnt have paid 7:1, maybe 2:1 but profit is profit.

The text to speech seems like it's working well enough, im a chump and have to type out my answers while ur just spamming comments to the thread, probably takes u like 10secs for each one.

That's strange that ur seedlings are trying to flower, u ever hear of autos doing that, Pops? Trying to flower a month after sprouting? Something got effed up, maybe it's the genetics or maybe it's DB's growing setup.

Yeah i think heating it in the toaster oven made everything crispy, which maybe isnt the correct texture for a breakfast sandwich but was better imo than just nuking it. Ur going to give ur mum the rest of the sandwiches for the plane ride? I guess a flight attendant could heat it up for her. The people sitting around her wont like it if she's breaking out the hard boiled eggs mid flight but what can u do, those long ass flights arent pleasant anyway.

Cuervo is some rot gut stuff but is decent enough in margaritas and such, i dont think i could drink it straight, plus ive heard from more than one person it makes them mean.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Woke up and couldn't find my keys. So met mom and we went to the hardware store to get a new key. Pain in the ass. Really no idea where the keys went. Looked everywhere - blankets, laundry, under bed, under chair, under soda, under other chair. Nowhere to be found.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Maybe u should have placed a bet on Mindframe to finish top 3, then it would have paid out. It wouldnt have paid 7:1, maybe 2:1 but profit is profit.

The text to speech seems like it's working well enough, im a chump and have to type out my answers while ur just spamming comments to the thread, probably takes u like 10secs for each one.

That's strange that ur seedlings are trying to flower, u ever hear of autos doing that, Pops? Trying to flower a month after sprouting? Something got effed up, maybe it's the genetics or maybe it's DB's growing setup.

Yeah i think heating it in the toaster oven made everything crispy, which maybe isnt the correct texture for a breakfast sandwich but was better imo than just nuking it. Ur going to give ur mum the rest of the sandwiches for the plane ride? I guess a flight attendant could heat it up for her. The people sitting around her wont like it if she's breaking out the hard boiled eggs mid flight but what can u do, those long ass flights arent pleasant anyway.

Cuervo is some rot gut stuff but is decent enough in margaritas and such, i dont think i could drink it straight, plus ive heard from more than one person it makes them mean.
no, but they might not be flowering, jus showing sex; i would need to see pics
so the second regret i have with these breakfast sandwiches is not getting the same sandwich on an english muffin
/not to self sausage patty on english muffins
the biscuit is ok, its doughy and kind of heavy
i dont know if i will be getting these again, unless they are on some super sale
i can get carls jr, biscuit sandwiches for $3ea which would only be like a dollar more, but they are cooked and ready to eat plus a lot better
i saw wacarnolds had some breakfast sandwich deal, i like the egg mcmuffin
im dropping my mom off at the airport this week so i will be out and about ealry
i think she eats the eggs on her layover, she said they give her food on the plane
yeah if doob bet to place he might have won some money


Horse-toothed Jackass
How do u get a new key if you dont have one they can copy, DB?
Thankfully i havent lost my keys in a very long time, i did lose some storage unit keys like 7-8 yrs ago that was a mystery, might have fell out of my pocket while walking.
Have u tried looking IN the couch, not under it? There's always a bunch of stuff, food change etc, lost in my couch cushions.

Can u post picks of ur auto seedlings, DB? Im interested in what they look like.

Yeah Pops i love a good biscuit and sausage gravy but for breakfast sandwiches i prefer english muffins or maybe a bagel. If they have them in ur area and there's a deal, i'd try the mcdonald's steak egg n cheese bagel, i get them for buy 1 get a 2nd for $1 on the ap so it's like 2 for $7 and theyre pretty good for McD's, it comes with grilled onions and this breakfast sauce that's like a hollandaise sauce, im sure it has 1000 cals per half cup but it is tasty.
We dont have carl jr's/hardees anywhere near me although i think one or two hardee's opened up in chicago recently, i do hear they do biscuits well, do they serve them all day or just in the mornings?

So not much in the way of nfl news, just typical mini camp stuff. Mike tomlin the head coach of the steelers got a 3 yr contract extension so he'll be with the team till 2027. He's a good coach but some of the steelers fanbase still feel like he's underperforming, he took forever to fire his OC last year. They'll have chef Russ and former bear justin fields at QB this year so that's something, u think Fields takes over midway through the season? If he plays 51% of offensive snaps the bears get a 4th rd instead of a 6th rd pick.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Here @Bababooey and @pop_rocks


Well-known member
looks like they are just sexing and normal for autos but ive never grown them.id just transplant them and keep going from there. idk


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
looks like they are just sexing and normal for autos but ive never grown them.id just transplant them and keep going from there. idk
yeah doob, like hawk said they are just showing their sex
you need to get those into larger containers here soon
early growth is important and i think with autos is even more important so as not to stunt their growth

I am loving all of the Tamale Tuesday Talk, @pop_rocks ! You so high!

Damnit. Took a Big Wave right through the schnozzle.

sorry man, im just having a go at this clown and i owe you a beer or three!
/and when surfing big waves its not uncommon for water to get in places you dont want it to go

How do u get a new key if you dont have one they can copy, DB?
Thankfully i havent lost my keys in a very long time, i did lose some storage unit keys like 7-8 yrs ago that was a mystery, might have fell out of my pocket while walking.
Have u tried looking IN the couch, not under it? There's always a bunch of stuff, food change etc, lost in my couch cushions.

Can u post picks of ur auto seedlings, DB? Im interested in what they look like.

Yeah Pops i love a good biscuit and sausage gravy but for breakfast sandwiches i prefer english muffins or maybe a bagel. If they have them in ur area and there's a deal, i'd try the mcdonald's steak egg n cheese bagel, i get them for buy 1 get a 2nd for $1 on the ap so it's like 2 for $7 and theyre pretty good for McD's, it comes with grilled onions and this breakfast sauce that's like a hollandaise sauce, im sure it has 1000 cals per half cup but it is tasty.
We dont have carl jr's/hardees anywhere near me although i think one or two hardee's opened up in chicago recently, i do hear they do biscuits well, do they serve them all day or just in the mornings?

So not much in the way of nfl news, just typical mini camp stuff. Mike tomlin the head coach of the steelers got a 3 yr contract extension so he'll be with the team till 2027. He's a good coach but some of the steelers fanbase still feel like he's underperforming, he took forever to fire his OC last year. They'll have chef Russ and former bear justin fields at QB this year so that's something, u think Fields takes over midway through the season? If he plays 51% of offensive snaps the bears get a 4th rd instead of a 6th rd pick.
carls jr actually has great biscuits now that you mention it!
we used to get their biscuits and gravy, one biscuit and a small tub of gravy for like $2
then we would take it home and fry up an egg, top the biscuit and then smother the whole thing in gravy
i might have to get one of those when i drop mom off at the airport
yeah thats weird, how can you have a copy made of a key you dont have?
i know some locks are generic and they make master keys, but they dont sell those to most people
im sure pitt is hoping to get the majority of reps from russ, but if he gets hurt or burns the pop corn they have fields to fall back on
fields could be a good long term project for them, but for now i wold let russ cook

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yeah I'll put them in larger containers or find a spot outside.
I saw something about the Motorola Razr being affordable today...didn't really see anything. When it's $200 I'll buy it. I really want that phone. Not the Plus, just the Razr.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
How do u get a new key if you dont have one they can copy, DB?
Thankfully i havent lost my keys in a very long time, i did lose some storage unit keys like 7-8 yrs ago that was a mystery, might have fell out of my pocket while walking.
Have u tried looking IN the couch, not under it? There's always a bunch of stuff, food change etc, lost in my couch cushions.

Can u post picks of ur auto seedlings, DB? Im interested in what they look like.

Yeah Pops i love a good biscuit and sausage gravy but for breakfast sandwiches i prefer english muffins or maybe a bagel. If they have them in ur area and there's a deal, i'd try the mcdonald's steak egg n cheese bagel, i get them for buy 1 get a 2nd for $1 on the ap so it's like 2 for $7 and theyre pretty good for McD's, it comes with grilled onions and this breakfast sauce that's like a hollandaise sauce, im sure it has 1000 cals per half cup but it is tasty.
We dont have carl jr's/hardees anywhere near me although i think one or two hardee's opened up in chicago recently, i do hear they do biscuits well, do they serve them all day or just in the mornings?

So not much in the way of nfl news, just typical mini camp stuff. Mike tomlin the head coach of the steelers got a 3 yr contract extension so he'll be with the team till 2027. He's a good coach but some of the steelers fanbase still feel like he's underperforming, he took forever to fire his OC last year. They'll have chef Russ and former bear justin fields at QB this year so that's something, u think Fields takes over midway through the season? If he plays 51% of offensive snaps the bears get a 4th rd instead of a 6th rd pick.
My mom had a copy of my key, I met her and we went to the hardware store. Gave up on looking for the lost keys. Old Russian dirtball treasure token I guess. Damn. Well I'll do that when they mess up. I'll be there. The one moved, did I tell you? The really bad 90 year old moved to another building but is seen in the parking lot and on the sidewalk daily still. She was opening and closing the door to the hallway like dozens of times a day and talking and going back and forth between the apartments. It was hell. And always calling the police or housing management on me. I turned the tide of that one. Now she's gone!!! The other 90 year old remains next door. Covers itself in personal body spray and perfume and makes the mail room stink. Asshole. Others call them the "dirt sisters." They trashed the new laundry room I guess. There's a big fat ugly Russian woman like 40 with a Mo from the 3 Stooges haircut whose named appears on some deliveries and is seen maybe 2-3 times a year living in the various Russian apartments. See what they do is get SSI since they're just immigrants, then they apply to state housing. There's mole man the non-verbal Russian 90 year old scumbag, another non-verbal old retard from Russia that never goes out and planted irises everywhere, a Russian couple where he works as a butcher, then there's the 2 Russian assholes nextdoor, or 1 now, and finally the village idiot 90 year old from Russia that helps the others as a handyman/mover. That's like 6 people taking up 6 apartments here, and each getting $1,000 a month from SSI. And they've all been here at the apartments for like 20 years. And they can't speak a word of English and are basically retarded. On the Jewish holidays they sometimes get smelly and rowdy...cooking nasty shit we laugh and make fun of them.


Well-known member
Yeah I'll put them in larger containers or find a spot outside.
I saw something about the Motorola Razr being affordable today...didn't really see anything. When it's $200 I'll buy it. I really want that phone. Not the Plus, just the Razr.
Dude the regular Razr is garbage and it wont be $200 anytime soon. and when you see the Razr+ external display your gonna want it. Theres a sale going on now for $650 unless its over. Just remember i told you so


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that was smart (smahhht) of you to give your mom a spare key
that is a crazy cast of characters living in doobahs world! sounds like some kind of tv sit com
/dirt sisters, stink bugs and the reclusive russian, its all there!
i as going to get a bahn mi sandwich today but my mom is going to costco and said she would bring back chicken bakes!
/they are ok, i think she is planning on taking one on her trip with her


Horse-toothed Jackass
Hardee's sells buckets of chicken, not just wings or tenders/nuggets? That's different for a burger joint. Jollibee, the filipino fast food joint, sells burgers, spaghetti, fried chicken. Kind of an eclectic menu, but it works. I guess fried chicken can go with everything.

So let me guess, DB doesnt like russians? Or are they russian jews?
Arent YOU on ssi too, DB? Why u ragging on the russians for being on it as well? Half the people on it are probably bogus.
Whatever, that's just like, my opinion, man...

I had the original razr flip phone, back when phones barely had internet. Did u ever have one, Hawk? It was sleek looking, at least. If they made a galaxy fold that looked like that i might get one. It's probably a little too thin to be feasible tho.

The costco chicken bakes are good but for some reason i only rarely get them. They are great on the go food, tho.

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