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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
That yard doesnt look so bad, ive seen worse at least. And ur pics are immaculate, is this the Galaxy Fold 3 camera? The indoor shots arent great but these outdoor ones look professional.
And Pops is right, the pooch looks very nice, he's 13? Looks half his age, not an oz of extra fat on him.

Yknow, the woman back in the day wanted to own a mcdonalds, the thing is they make u work at a restaurant for free for like a year before u can buy one. So I was fully prepared to work at McD's, register, fries, grill, assembly. Ive had food service jobs in the past so while it's not glamorous work it's not terrible either. We didnt end up getting further in the application process so maybe it's for the better, i might be 400lbs if i owned a McD's.

Sometimes I watch this dude's videos and wonder what might have been:

Dang it Pops now u make me want a breakfast sandwich. I think wendys has a $3 sandwich and breakfast potatoes deal, only problem is lately their food has been giving me diarrhea. Should i be concerned about that or take it as a form of weight loss?

Yeah using a sweet batter to deep fry a burger wasnt a great idea, they should have went savory. Sometimes people will use glazed donuts (like krispy kreme) as the bun for a burger, u probably wouldnt like that either.

Unless u like making sandwiches with them or having them with lox and cream cheese and onion, those bagels might be better served as bird food.

Are u going to the san diego fair? I want to see pics of these dancers. Cant fap to pics of DB anymore. No offense DB.

I remember when you could get cheap beer for like 50c a can. I guess going up a couple notches in quality, $1/can is a good price too. I dont drink as much beer as i used to, i like wine or the hard stuff better, but theres nothing wrong with a cold brew on a hot day. It's like soda for adults.
Sounds like that evil clown needed a punch in the face, not a dunking, but i guess thats how he gets business. Still, ur forehead is alright, it's not a five head yet. More like 4.5, or 4.4 even. Peyton Manning has a 5 head, might even be a 6 head by now. .

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Yesterday's pizza (today's lunch ;D) was pepperoni and vidalia onion. I did not caramelize the onions; they are already sweet and it is their season to be lauded.

Anybody gives you shit about that sucks, @shithawk420 . You have nothing to be ashamed. Just for your sake and to protect your interests, get in touch with your insurance company if you have homeowner's insurance.

You can add your Life University PhD, Dr. Pops. I see it can be listed under OTHER. You are definitely other. Can I have fries with that?

Tell @Bababooey the best part. It is currently selling for $11.98 per 12 at the Sam Walton Boutique Store. Kona was introduced to the beer cooler several months ago at that low price. Yay Beer! Then one day Kona 12 packs were marked just over $20. They stayed in the cooler at that price. It was not long before the price changed back to $11.98. BLOWS AGAINST THE EMPIRE! I won.

My Let's Go to the Fair Story:
Ft. Myers, FL and MamaD loves fairs, but Buzz is not so enamored. Buzz is a decent human husband so he indulges his life partner with a trip to the fairgrounds. The air is full of the smell of hot grease, fried dough, and sweaty humans. We rode the rides and filled our faces with fair food stuffs. Our time to depart arrived and we headed for the exit gate. We had to walk past the loud mouthed clown in the dunking booth to escape. MamaD was a large sized woman at this point in our marriage and I gallantly moved between her and the sight line of the Evil Clown to protect her from an insult. As we walked past he yelled, "HEY!!! Forehead!" at me. LOL!! I'm not sure why.
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Nice picture Buzz hope you enjoyed the carnival man

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Thank you, @D. B. Doober , that was taken at Bristol Motor Speedway in Aug. 2009. The carnival is history now and that was probably in 1982 sometime.

I'm going to mow for a while. Going to be around 95F today.

How are the sunflowers?
The sunflowers need to be transplanted to a bigger container. They're in a party cup and about a foot tall


Well-known member
Its the Galaxy Flip 4 baba. The Folds are about $2000 with tax so thats too rich for my blood. The Flip doesnt have the best camera and i dont fuck around with the settings. if i did im sure most of my pics would be better

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Today is a fine day to transplant.
Soil is a factor. I have none. Used up 2 bags with the peppers. Could grab more. Peppers are going to be good. The store-raised Cherry Tomato is growing well out there on the concrete balcony. Weed plants are poop...they shot up white hairs, but they're like 2 inches tall


In my empire of dirt
ive seen that guys vids before @Bababooey
they are oddly soothing and give you a look at what goes on behind the counter
i hear mcdonald franchises are on the expensive side, growing up i had a gf whos parents owned a couple submarina shops
so i ended up going to vons this morning, my mom is stopping by this morning/ early afternoon with costo pizza so i went and got some soda for her and salad fixings
i also got a box of jimmy deal bacon egg biscuits!
we will see how they are, im waiting for pizza now
i dont know when they are performing but if she tells me i might go
otherwise its a hard no on the fair

kona is not $20/ 12pk beer, it is $12/ 12pk beer thoe!
that is a good price and its a good summer time beer
i had to look up life university! i dont think im qualified to be a bone cracker
i once wanted to become a massage therapist, the ex had this friend who was one and she made all the $$ freelance
she was also hot as f so that might have had something to do with it but it was a legit sports therapy thing
great discription of a fair, yeah basically the smell of greasy and fried foods plus lots of people
thats the thing about the fair, im old now and dont like crowds or spending all my money to win crap prizes
the rides are sketchy as f and i just cant handle the grease like i used to
if i knew someone who had never been or had some little ones it would be fun to go, just to experience it through their eyes, but for me...nawww
i might have to break out the chains for a measurement on this one , that might be a five head on buzzs head
/its just because you got it all pulled back in that sweet pony tail man! are you still growing your hair out man?
is that @Bababooey in the background?!

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Most of the gummies i take are 10mg/piece, i thought u took 40mg at once and was thinking ur going to be asleep real soon, DB. But those are 5mg pieces so 20mg is manageable, that with a few hits of kief got u feeling good. So u didnt get sleepy at all? That's the thing that prevents me from getting too high, i just go right to nap time, kind of ruins the day for me honestly.

I so rarely have the hiccups that it's almost fun for me to get them, as they dont last long. But i could definitely see it could be tortuous if they dont go away or if theyre aggravating an injury.

LC pizza is like most fast food, good when it's fairly fresh, not great when u have to reheat.

Sucks about the neighbor's tree, but at least power was restored fairly quickly. But the internet is going to be down for longer than that? Maybe some of their wires got damaged. Are you on cable (coax) or phone lines (DSL)?
I kinda want to see ur yard, Hawk, it cant be that bad. I sometimes let my yard grow out too, it's actually healthier for the grass to be longer than short.

Those little traveling circuses are alright, i see them in the burbs every now and again. They got like junior versions of real amusement park rides and all the fair food which is mostly junk but tastes good. There's actually a show on food network thats about carnival foods, it's always some over the top creations like a funnel cake hot dog wrapped in bacon covered in cheeze whiz or some crap like that. Still it's nice to indulge once in a while, but like Buzz said you gotta burn off the calories later.
Dont take this the wrong way, DB, but u dont look like a guy who walks 6 miles a day. Your lightest was 245lbs recently? I guess that's a lot better than before, when u were on the one psych med that blew you up over 350? It's alright tho u just look like a typical american. At least ur moving ur body around on a regular basis, you'd be really bad off if u were overweight and never got off the couch.

Haha i forgot about the local eats, Buzz, yeah i bet u still dream about some of the food u had there. I guess friday pizza days u are trying to recreate as best u can some of the pizzas u had.
It's been a while since i had a peroni but those european lagers were always good, more flavor and alcohol than a typical american lager.
No the tobacco keeps me going...I don't nap during the day.

Belmont Stakes/horse racing on Fox. What's up everyone? Going with 10 horse

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


Well-known member
says german Quality on the can. id bet its actually not bad
It even has a German flag on the can. I have to give @D. B. Doober some shit. It's payback from Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Good morning, @shithawk420 .

I almost forgot to answer @Bababooey . Yes my hair is still long and getting close to my waist. I cut it when it bugs me and donate it. So far 5' 4" of hair has been sent off over the years.


Horse-toothed Jackass
That sux that ur seedlings arent growing well, DB. So that means no harvest this year?

Ah yeah, i meant the flip, not the fold. The fold is that tablet sized phone when it's opened up. Would u like a phone like that? Personally it'd be too heavy for me. Holding that thing up all the time, you'd get carpal tunnel doing that.

Yeah im not sure how we would have financed the purchase of a mcdonalds, plus the company probably gives u a crappy location if ur a newbie. Thats another reason why it's probably for the best they rejected us outright lol. But like u said, there's something strangely relaxing about watching someone assemble all this food, it's like working a factory line, just thinking about the task in front of u and not worrying about much else. Only downside is u come home smelling like grease haha.

The egg on those frozen breakfast sandwiches never seemed right to me, it was a textural thing, let us know how they turn out for u, Pops. I think i would usually half nuke it in the microwave then finish it in a toaster oven or air fryer, made it crispier than normal but i preferred that to the softness.

We cant tell the horse that DB bet on, that part was blanked out. But he would have had to bet on one of the top 3 finishers to cash out i think:
  • Dornoch
  • Mindframe
  • Sierra Leone
  • Honor Marie
  • Antiquarian
  • Protective
  • Seize the Grey
  • Mystik Dan
  • The Wine Steward
  • Resilience

Im with Buzz, dont see the point of non alcoholic beer, if im going to spend money on non alcoholic drinks ill get soda or juice or something but it is impressive he's given up drinking years ago and never looked back.

It was Pops that asked the question but that's cool that ur hair still grows so much, still keeping the hippy vibe going. With the long hair do people automatically assume ur a hippie of some sort? That could be good or bad, depending...
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The beer was really good I drank it at the Belmont Stakes when it was on TV yeah I lost $2 my horse was mind frame the 10 horse that came in second yeah the beer was really good not alcoholic beer I just bought one of them German beer. Good hops and water